View Full Version : Orange County Park Lakes Suck.

03-12-2014, 09:27 AM
For a County that has a gross product approaching that of many Countries, the quality of our park lakes is abysmal. I have 52 years in this county and have seen the decline first hand. One by one the bodies of water in this county have been privatized, fenced off, or just allowed to eutrophicate. Eisenhower park lake is just one example of how the city of Orange just screws up a body of water. This One Hundred year old Duck pond used to be 20 feet deep in places. The fountain always ran into the creek so as to have a population of fish and Crawdads in the creek. There were several spots you could sit on the bank and catch Crappie till your arms would tire. The lake was victim to some abuse and all the water drained out. The city builds down into the sides of the already small pond and pours sidewalks and makes some rock decorations. Then refills the lake to a depth of 8 feet. Now weeds fill the lake every summer. They put Bluestone in to kill the weeds but it also kills the plankton. This kills the Threadfin Shad. No forage for the Bass that have dwindled in numbers. The Crappie never survived again.The fountain is often broken leading to some stagnant water further depressing the fishing. Sure the State drops a few Trout in and Catfish in the summer. Fishing can even be good for a day or two. But with little depth and no current his little body of water is almost dead. Now lets look at at Tri-City Park. I found this pond on my Bicycle in the early 70's. It was surrounded by reeds and the park had yet to be built. There were several other small ponds nearby, but they were small and also surrounded by reeds. We would ride our bikes into the pond to clear out the reeds. Then go dig worms in the nearby Orange groves. Fishing those holes we caught Bullheads, Bass, Green Sunfish, and giant Bullfrogs. Now this pond is 6 feet deep and so full of duck droppings it smells. I haven't pulled a Bass out of there in several years. There are few panfish and even the Carp are skinny. I know there are still fish alive in these ponds but are we so blinded by by the slow decline that we don't notice. Why isn't Peters Canyon open to fishing ? Woodbridge Homes says their lake is private, even on Public road access. What about the Katella Pit lakes? Why can't we fish there ? In every other State in the Nation, as long as you have a license, and the water is on public land, it gets fished. East Lake in Yorba Linda, Public roads, No fishing under threat of arrest. No access to ponds with some fish. Yet we are provided with Cement surrounded, mud bottom, featureless, bodies of water to fish. Garden Grove had a big pond over by the City shopping center. My Dad took me there and we caught Big Green Sunfish and small Bass on topwater poppers. I stopped by the other day. Not a place to get caught alone. Looks like a big Meth convention. If kids could have fishing like that now maybe our sport would grow and kids might have something to do besides stare at their phones all day....

03-12-2014, 09:34 AM
do you know about that one pond behind oc fair grounds you cant fish there but I still take the risk I caught a 8 lb out of there

03-12-2014, 09:36 AM
Tewinkle Park. No Fishing! Thornton park is close by but it is filling with Duck poo quick. Still has Bass, Bluegill, and Crappie.

03-12-2014, 10:00 AM
yeah have to take risk to catch fish in cali id rather risk getting a ticket while trying to catch a fish instead of causing mayhem and doing drugs on streets thorton is a pretty cool lake and yes to much ****

03-12-2014, 10:22 AM
Growing up there in the 70s and 80s I use to ride my bike all over that area for fishing. We use to use cheese or bread dough to catch bluegill at Tewinkle park. Also living near the back bay(newport bay) I use to fish this small pond there that was fed by drainage pipe and we use to catch bluegill and frogs all day long. I don't know if its there anymore, if you head toward Newport on Irvine ave it was past the church after you pass Monte vista.

03-12-2014, 10:30 AM
Growing up there in the 70s and 80s I use to ride my bike all over that area for fishing. We use to use cheese or bread dough to catch bluegill at Tewinkle park. Also living near the back bay(newport bay) I use to fish this small pond there that was fed by drainage pipe and we use to catch bluegill and frogs all day long. I don't know if its there anymore, if you head toward Newport on Irvine ave it was past the church after you pass Monte vista. your talking about cherry lake still there there some good bass in there

03-12-2014, 10:33 AM
your talking about cherry lake still there there some good bass in there

Not for long...

03-12-2014, 10:36 AM
yup there was a kill of 2 years ago biggest bass in there are 2 to 3 lbs I personally hate it people there are dicks yes its there right to kick people out but the way they hadel the situation is f up

Lady Quagga
03-12-2014, 10:56 AM
id rather risk getting a ticket while trying to catch a fish instead of causing mayhem and doing drugs on streets

Or stealing tackle from Walmart. Oh wait:


03-12-2014, 10:59 AM
**** lol it was ment as a joke but some people took it seriously lol

03-12-2014, 11:01 AM
lol I seen a couple of post you love to troll lol don't you

03-12-2014, 11:05 AM
I was born at St. Joseph's hospital in Orange in 1959. I grew up in Tustin and fished every pond, stream, mudhole and lake in the county, and yes even Peter's Canyon lake as a teenager(hehe). I left Orange County for college in 1979 and save for a year when I came back from the central coast after 13 years, I never looked back. Used to be our taxes and fees paid for the services they were intended for, now the costs of the services you pay for are too great for the intended purpose. City, county, and state costs have exploded in this state and it isn't going to get any better anytime soon unless the folks change course and rethink what the government was originally intended for in this state. Think about that...

Lady Quagga
03-12-2014, 11:17 AM
lol I seen a couple of post you love to troll lol don't you

Troll? You volunteer your stupidity, no trolling is necessary.

Now go catch me a fish on some bluegill bait.

03-12-2014, 11:17 AM
I was born at St. Joseph's hospital in Orange in 1959. I grew up in Tustin and fished every pond, stream, mudhole and lake in the county, and yes even Peter's Canyon lake as a teenager(hehe). I left Orange County for college in 1979 and save for a year when I came back from the central coast after 13 years, I never looked back. Used to be our taxes and fees paid for the services they were intended for, now the costs of the services you pay for are too great for the intended purpose. City, county, and state costs have exploded in this state and it isn't going to get any better anytime soon unless the folks change course and rethink what the government was originally intended for in this state. Think about that...
I had to think about that???????????? So what you're saying is, "State government expanded into areas it doesn't belong????"

03-12-2014, 11:21 AM
how the f uck was that being stupid lol I commented something that was a dam joke but I guess

03-12-2014, 11:25 AM
I don't fish for freshwater fish anymore I live right next to the Newport harbor why don't you make me a sammich(im going to regret saying that that's for shure)

03-12-2014, 11:25 AM
how the f uck was that being stupid lol I commented something that was a dam joke but I guess

Don't feel bad kid, even the older members say things they will never be able to live down. FNN makes you tough!!!!!!!!!!

03-12-2014, 11:27 AM
I had to think about that???????????? So what you're saying is, "State government expanded into areas it doesn't belong????"

Hey frenchy aka etucker here is a few of the over 500 California agencies that the lefties in Sacramento think we can't live without. I think more than just a few could be removed or consolidated and no one would notice.

This List of State of California agencies, departments, and commissions is a partial list of the more than 500[citation needed] California state government agencies, departments, and commissions as of 9-12-12.[1]
1.Access for Infants & Mothers (AIM)
2.Accountancy, California Board of (CBA)
3.Acupuncture Board (ACUPUNCTURE)
4.Administrative Hearings, Office of (OAH)
5.Administrative Law, Office of (OAL)
6.African American Museum, California (CAAM)
7.Aging, California Commission on (CCOA)
8.Aging, Department of (AGING)
9.Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB)
10.AIDS, Office of (OA)
11.Air Resources Board (ARB, CARB)
12.Alcohol & Drug Programs, Department of (ADP)
13.Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board (ABCAB)
14.Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of (ABC)
15.Apprenticeship Council (CAC)
16.Apprenticeship Standards, Division of (DAS)
17.Arbitration Certification Program (ACP)
18.Architect, Division of the State (DSA)
19.Architects Board, California (CAB)
20.Archives, California State (Secretary of State) (ARCHIVES)
21.Arts Council (CAC)
22.Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus (API)
23.Assembly Democratic Caucus (ASMDC)
24.Assembly Republican Caucus
25.Assembly, California State
26.Association of Bay Area Governments, Earthquake & Hazards Program, (ABAG)
27.Athletic Commission, California (CSAC)
28.Attorney General (Department of Justice) (AG)
29.Audits, Bureau of State (State Auditor) (BSA)
30.Automotive Repair, Bureau of (BAR)
31.Baldwin Hills Conservancy (BHC)
32.Bank on California
33.Bar of California, State (CALBAR)
34.Barbering and Cosmetology, Board of (BBC)
35.Behavioral Sciences, Board of (BBS)
36.Binational Border Health, California Office of (COBBH)
37.Biodiversity Council, California (CBC)
38.Blind, Office of Services to the (OSB)
39.Boating & Waterways, California Department of (DBW)
40.Boating and Waterways Commission, California
41.Building Standards Commission (BSC)
42.Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz)
43.Business, Transportation, & Housing Agency (BTH)
44.Business.ca.gov (Go-Biz)
45.CA.Gov (CA.gov)
46.Cal EMA (CAL EMA)
48.Cal-Atlas (Cal-Atlas)
51.CALFED Bay-Delta Program (CALFED)
52.CalFresh (CalFresh)
54.California Channel (CalChannel)
59.Caltrans (Headquarters) (DOT,CALTRANS)
60.Caltrans, District 1 (DOT, CALTRANS)
61.Caltrans, District 10 (DOT,CALTRANS)
62.Caltrans, District 11 (DOT,CALTRANS)
63.Caltrans, District 12 (DOT, CALTRANS)
64.Caltrans, District 2 (DOT,CALTRANS)
65.Caltrans, District 3 (DOT,CALTRANS)
66.Caltrans, District 4 (DOT, CALTRANS)
67.Caltrans, District 5 (DOT, CALTRANS)
68.Caltrans, District 6 (DOT, CALTRANS)
69.Caltrans, District 7 (DOT,CALTRANS)
70.Caltrans, District 8 (DOT,CALTRANS)
71.Caltrans, District 9 (DOT, CALTRANS)
72.CalVet (CALVET)
74.Career Resource Network (CALCRN)
75.Cemetery & Funeral Bureau (CFB)
76.Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB)
77.Child Abuse Prevention, Office of
78.Child Support Services, Department of (CDCSS)
79.Chiropractic Examiners, Board of (BCE)
80.Citizens Compensation Commission, California
81.Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC)
82.Climate Change Portal, California
83.Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy (CVMC)
84.Coastal Commission, California
85.Coastal Conservancy, State (SCC)
86.Colorado River Board of California (CRB)
87.Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, California (CCCCO)
88.Community Services & Development, Department of (CSD)
89.Compensation Insurance Fund, State (SCIF)
90.Conservation Corps, California (CCC)
91.Conservation, Department of (DOC)
92.Consumer Affairs, Department of (DCA)
93.Consumer Services Agency, State and (SCSA)
94.Contractors State License Board (CSLB)
95.Controller's Office, California State (SCO)
96.Cool California (CoolCal)
97.Corporations, Department of (CORP)
98.Correctional Health Care Services (CHCS)
99.Corrections & Rehabilitation, Department of (CDCR)
100.Corrections Standards Authority (CSA)
101.Counties, California State Association of (CSAC)
102.Court Reporters Board of California
103.Courts, California
104.Cyber Safety for Children
105.Deaf Access, Office of
106.Delta Conservancy
107.Delta Protection Commission
108.Delta Stewardship Council
109.Dental Board of California (DBC)
110.Dental Hygiene Committee of California (DHCC)
111.Denti-Cal (DENTI-CAL)
112.Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
113.Developmental Disabilities, State Council on (SCDD)
114.Developmental Services, Department of (DDS)
115.Disability Insurance, State (EDD)
116.Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Advisory Council (DVBE)
117.Earthquake Authority, California
118.Education, California State Board of
119.Education, Department of (CDE)
120.eHealth Initiative, California
121.Elections (Secretary of State) (SOS)
122.Electronic & Appliance Repair, Bureau of (BEAR)
123.Emergency Communications Office (911), California
124.Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP)
125.Emergency Management Agency, California (Cal EMA)
126.Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA)
127.Employment Development Department (EDD)
128.Employment of People with Disabilities, California Committee on (CCEPD)
129.Employment Training Panel (ETP)
130.Energy Commission, California (ENERGY)
131.Environment Resources Evaluation System, California (CERES)
132.Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of (OEHHA)
133.Environmental Protection Agency (CALEPA)
134.Equalization, Board of (BOE)
135.eServices Office (ESERVICES)
136.Experience Unlimited (EDD)
137.Exposition & State Fair, California (CAL EXPO)
138.Fair Employment & Housing Commission (FEHC)
139.Fair Employment & Housing, Department of (DFEH)
140.Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
141.Fair, California State (BIG FUN)
142.Film Commission, California (CFC)
143.Finance, Department of (DOF)
144.Financial Institutions, Department of (DFI)
145.Fire Marshal, Office of the State (OSFM)
146.Firearms, Bureau of (DOJ)
147.First 5 California (First 5)
148.Fish & Game Commission (FGC)
149.Fish & Game, Department of (DFG)
150.Fleet & Asset Management, Office of (OFAM)
151.Flex Alerts
152.Food & Agriculture, Department of (CDFA)
153.Forestry & Fire Protection, Board of (BOF)
154.Forestry & Fire Protection, California Department of (CAL FIRE)
155.Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
156.Gambling Control Commission (CGCC)
157.Gang & Youth Violence Policy, Governor's Office of (OGYVP)
158.General Services, Department of (DGS)
159.Geospatial Clearinghouse (CALATLAS)
160.GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Council, California (CGC)
161.Governor's Mentoring Partnership (GMP)
162.Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GoED)
163.Governor's Office of Planning & Research (OPR)
164.Governor, Office of the (GO)
165.Guide Dogs for the Blind, Board of (BGDB)
166.Habeas Corpus Resource Center (HCRC)
167.Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS)
168.Health and Safety & Workers' Compensation, Commission on (CHSWC)
169.Health Benefit Exchange, California (HBEX)
170.Health Care Reform, California
171.Health Care Services, Department of (DHCS)
172.Health Information Integrity, California Office of (CALOHI)
173.Health Planning and Development, Office of Statewide (OSHPD)
174.Healthy Families Program
175.Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau
176.High-Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA)
177.Highway Patrol, California (CHP)
178.Historic Preservation, Office of (OHP)
179.Historical and Cultural Endowment, California
180.Historical Resources Commission, State (SHRC)
181.Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Bureau of (BEARHFTI)
182.Homeless Youth Authority, California (HYP)
183.Horse Racing Board, California (CHRB)
184.Housing & Community Development, Department of (HCD)
185.Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA)
186.Human Resources, Department of (CalHR)
187.I Can Afford College
188.Independent Living Council, California State (CALSILC)
189.Industrial Relations, Department of (DIR)
190.Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC)
191.Information Security, Office of (OIS)
192.Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (I-Bank) (IBANK)
193.Inspector General, Office of the (OIG)
194.Insurance, Department of (CDI)
195.Judicial Council of California
196.Judicial Performance, Commission on (CJP)
197.Justice, Department of (Attorney General) (DOJ)
198.Juvenile Justice, Division of
199.Juvenile Parole Board (JPB)
200.Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA)
201.Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)
202.Labor Market Information Division (LMID)
203.Labor Standards Enforcement, Division of (DLSE)
204.Labor Statistics and Research, Division of (DLSR)
205.Lands Commission, California State (SLC)
206.Landscape Architects Technical Committee (LATC)
207.Latino Legislative Caucus (LLC)
208.Law Enforcement Agencies
209.Law Revision Committee (CLRC)
210.Learn California
211.Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO)
212.Legislative Black Caucus (ASM)
213.Legislative Environmental Caucus
214.Legislative Information (LEGINFO)
215.Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Caucus (LGBT)
216.Legislative Outdoor Sporting Caucus
217.Legislative Rural Caucus
218.Legislative Women's Caucus
219.Legislature, California State (LEGISLATURE)
220.Library, California State (CSL)
221.Lieutenant Governor, Office of (LTG)
222.Little Hoover Commission (LHC)
223.Lottery Commission (Lotto)
224.Lottery, State (LOTTERY)
225.Managed Health Care, Department of (DMHC)
226.Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB)
227.Medi-Cal (MEDI-CAL)
228.Mediation & Conciliation Service, State (CMCS)
229.Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC)
230.Medical Board of California (MBC)
231.Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)
232.Mental Health, Department of (DMH)
233.Mentally Ill Offenders, Council on (COMIO)
234.Military Museum, California State (CSMM)
235.Mine Reclamation, Office of
236.Mining & Geology Board (SMGB)
237.Missing & Unidentified Persons Unit (DOJ)
238.Motor Vehicles, Department of (DMV)
239.Museum for History, Women and the Arts, California
240.Museum, the California (Museum)
241.MyCali Youth Portal (MYCALI)
242.Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
243.Natural Resources Agency
244.Naturopathic Medicine Committee
245.New Motor Vehicle Board (NMVB)
246.Occupational Safety & Health, California Office of (DOSH)
247.Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board (DIR, OSHAB)
248.Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB)
249.Occupational Therapy, California Board of (BOT)
250.Ocean & Coastal Environmental Access Network, California (Cal OCEAN)
251.Ocean Protection Council (OPC)
252.Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR)
253.Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD)
254.Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources
255.Optometry, Board of
256.Osteopathic Medical Board of California (OMBC)
257.Paid Family Leave Insurance Program (PFL)
258.Parks and Recreation Commission
259.Parks, California State (PARKS)
260.Parole Hearings, Board of (CDCR, BOPH)
261.Patient Advocate, Office of the (OPA)
262.Peace Officer Standards & Training, Commission on (POST)
263.Personnel Board, State (SPB)
264.Pesticide Regulation, Department of (CDPR)
265.Pharmacy, Board of
266.Physical Fitness and Sports, California Governor's Council on
267.Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC)
268.Physician Assistant Committee (PAC)
269.Pilot Commissioners, Board of (BOPC)
270.Podiatric Medicine, Board of (BPM)
271.Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP)
272.Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA)
273.Privacy Protection, Office of (OPP)
274.Private Postsecondary Education, Bureau for (BPPE)
275.Procurement Division (PD)
276.Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, & Geologists, Board for
277.Professional Fiduciaries Bureau
278.Psychology, Board of
279.Public Employees Retirement System, California (CalPERS)
280.Public Employment Relations Board, California (PERB)
281.Public Health, California Department of (CDPH)
282.Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission (PIAC)
283.Public Safety Communications, Office of (PSCO)
284.Public School Construction, Office of (OPSC)
285.Public Utilities Commission, California (CPUC)
286.Publishing, Office of State (OSP)
287.Railroad Museum, California State (CSRMF)
288.Real Estate Appraisers, Office of (OREA)
289.Real Estate, Department of (DRE)
290.Regenerative Medicine, California Institute for (CIRM)
291.Registered Nursing, Board of (RN)
292.Registrar of Charitable Trusts (AG)
293.Rehabilitation, Department of (DOR)
294.Research Bureau, California (CRB)
295.Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB)
296.Risk and Insurance Management, Office of (ORIM)
297.Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
298.Safe at Home Program (Secretary of State)
299.San Diego River Conservancy (SDRC)
300.San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC)
301.San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers & Mountains Conservancy (RMC)
302.San Joaquin River Conservancy (SJRC)
303.Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC)
304.Save Our Water (SOW)
305.Science Center, California
306.Secretary of State (SOS)
307.Security and Investigative Services, Bureau of (BSIS)
308.Seismic Safety Commission (SSC)
309.Self Insurance Plans (DIR, SIP)
310.Senate Majority Caucus
311.Senate Office of Research (SOR)
312.Senate Republican Caucus
313.Senate, California State
314.Sierra Nevada Conservancy
315.Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification Program
316.Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
317.Social Services, Department of (CDSS)
318.Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board
319.State Mandates, Commission on (CSM)
320.Status of Women, Commission on (CCW)
321.Structural Pest Control Board
322.Student Aid Commission (CSAC)
323.Summer School for the Arts, California State (CSSSA)
324.Superintendent of Public Instruction, State (CDE)
325.Superior Courts, California (COURTS)
326.Supreme Court of California (COURTS)
327.Systems Integration, Office of (OSI)
328.Tahoe Conservancy, California
329.Tax Service Center (TAXES)
330.Teach California
331.Teacher Credentialing, Commission on (CTC)
332.Teachers' Retirement System, California (CalSTRS)
333.Technology Agency, California (Technology Agency)
334.Technology Services, Office of (OTECH)
335.Telephone Medical Advice Services Bureau (DCA, TMAS)
336.Tourism Industry, California (for Industry Professionals)
337.Toxic Substances Control, Department of (DTSC)
338.Traffic Safety, Office of (OTS)
339.Transportation Commission (CATC)
340.Transportation, Department of (DOT,CALTRANS)
341.Travel and Tourism Commission, California (VisitCalifornia)
342.Treasurer's Office, State (STO)
343.Trustees, Board of (California State University)
344.Unclaimed Property (SCO)
345.Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB)
346.Unemployment Insurance Program (EDD, UI)
347.Uniform Custom Cost Accounting Commission (SCO)
348.University of California
349.University, California State (CALSTATE, CSU)
350.Veterans Affairs, Department of (CalVet)
351.Veterans Board, The California
352.Veterinary Medical Board, California (VMB)
353.Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB)
354.Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, Board of (BVNPT)
355.Volunteers, California
356.Voter Registration - Secretary of State (SOS)
357.Water Quality Monitoring Council, California (Monitoring Council)
358.Water Resources Control Board (WRCB)
359.Water Resources, Department of (DWR)
360.Welcome Centers, California (CWC)
361.Welfare to Work Division (CDSS)
362.West Nile Virus
363.Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)
364.Women's Health, Office of (OWH)
365.Women, Infants, & Children Program (WIC)
366.Worker's Compensation Appeals Board (DIR, WCAB)
367.Worker's Occupational Safety & Health Training & Education Program (WOSHTEP)
368.Workers' Compensation, Division of (DIR, DWC)
369.Workforce Investment Board, California (CWIB)

03-12-2014, 11:28 AM
haha I guess

Lady Quagga
03-12-2014, 11:30 AM
I don't fish for freshwater fish anymore

Ah, so that explains the sudden rise in OC bluegill populations.

03-12-2014, 11:42 AM
Hey frenchy aka etucker here is a few of the over 500 California agencies that the lefties in Sacramento think we can't live without. I think more than just a few could be removed or consolidated and no one would notice.

This List of State of California agencies, departments, and commissions is a partial list of the more than 500[citation needed] California state government agencies, departments, and commissions as of 9-12-12.[1]
1.Access for Infants & Mothers (AIM)
2.Accountancy, California Board of (CBA)
3.Acupuncture Board (ACUPUNCTURE)
4.Administrative Hearings, Office of (OAH)
5.Administrative Law, Office of (OAL)
6.African American Museum, California (CAAM)
7.Aging, California Commission on (CCOA)
8.Aging, Department of (AGING)
9.Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB)
10.AIDS, Office of (OA)
11.Air Resources Board (ARB, CARB)
12.Alcohol & Drug Programs, Department of (ADP)
13.Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board (ABCAB)
14.Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of (ABC)
15.Apprenticeship Council (CAC)
16.Apprenticeship Standards, Division of (DAS)
17.Arbitration Certification Program (ACP)
18.Architect, Division of the State (DSA)
19.Architects Board, California (CAB)
20.Archives, California State (Secretary of State) (ARCHIVES)
21.Arts Council (CAC)
22.Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus (API)
23.Assembly Democratic Caucus (ASMDC)
24.Assembly Republican Caucus
25.Assembly, California State
26.Association of Bay Area Governments, Earthquake & Hazards Program, (ABAG)
27.Athletic Commission, California (CSAC)
28.Attorney General (Department of Justice) (AG)
29.Audits, Bureau of State (State Auditor) (BSA)
30.Automotive Repair, Bureau of (BAR)
31.Baldwin Hills Conservancy (BHC)
32.Bank on California
33.Bar of California, State (CALBAR)
34.Barbering and Cosmetology, Board of (BBC)
35.Behavioral Sciences, Board of (BBS)
36.Binational Border Health, California Office of (COBBH)
37.Biodiversity Council, California (CBC)
38.Blind, Office of Services to the (OSB)
39.Boating & Waterways, California Department of (DBW)
40.Boating and Waterways Commission, California
41.Building Standards Commission (BSC)
42.Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz)
43.Business, Transportation, & Housing Agency (BTH)
44.Business.ca.gov (Go-Biz)
45.CA.Gov (CA.gov)
46.Cal EMA (CAL EMA)
48.Cal-Atlas (Cal-Atlas)
51.CALFED Bay-Delta Program (CALFED)
52.CalFresh (CalFresh)
54.California Channel (CalChannel)
59.Caltrans (Headquarters) (DOT,CALTRANS)
60.Caltrans, District 1 (DOT, CALTRANS)
61.Caltrans, District 10 (DOT,CALTRANS)
62.Caltrans, District 11 (DOT,CALTRANS)
63.Caltrans, District 12 (DOT, CALTRANS)
64.Caltrans, District 2 (DOT,CALTRANS)
65.Caltrans, District 3 (DOT,CALTRANS)
66.Caltrans, District 4 (DOT, CALTRANS)
67.Caltrans, District 5 (DOT, CALTRANS)
68.Caltrans, District 6 (DOT, CALTRANS)
69.Caltrans, District 7 (DOT,CALTRANS)
70.Caltrans, District 8 (DOT,CALTRANS)
71.Caltrans, District 9 (DOT, CALTRANS)
72.CalVet (CALVET)
74.Career Resource Network (CALCRN)
75.Cemetery & Funeral Bureau (CFB)
76.Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB)
77.Child Abuse Prevention, Office of
78.Child Support Services, Department of (CDCSS)
79.Chiropractic Examiners, Board of (BCE)
80.Citizens Compensation Commission, California
81.Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC)
82.Climate Change Portal, California
83.Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy (CVMC)
84.Coastal Commission, California
85.Coastal Conservancy, State (SCC)
86.Colorado River Board of California (CRB)
87.Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, California (CCCCO)
88.Community Services & Development, Department of (CSD)
89.Compensation Insurance Fund, State (SCIF)
90.Conservation Corps, California (CCC)
91.Conservation, Department of (DOC)
92.Consumer Affairs, Department of (DCA)
93.Consumer Services Agency, State and (SCSA)
94.Contractors State License Board (CSLB)
95.Controller's Office, California State (SCO)
96.Cool California (CoolCal)
97.Corporations, Department of (CORP)
98.Correctional Health Care Services (CHCS)
99.Corrections & Rehabilitation, Department of (CDCR)
100.Corrections Standards Authority (CSA)
101.Counties, California State Association of (CSAC)
102.Court Reporters Board of California
103.Courts, California
104.Cyber Safety for Children
105.Deaf Access, Office of
106.Delta Conservancy
107.Delta Protection Commission
108.Delta Stewardship Council
109.Dental Board of California (DBC)
110.Dental Hygiene Committee of California (DHCC)
111.Denti-Cal (DENTI-CAL)
112.Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
113.Developmental Disabilities, State Council on (SCDD)
114.Developmental Services, Department of (DDS)
115.Disability Insurance, State (EDD)
116.Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Advisory Council (DVBE)
117.Earthquake Authority, California
118.Education, California State Board of
119.Education, Department of (CDE)
120.eHealth Initiative, California
121.Elections (Secretary of State) (SOS)
122.Electronic & Appliance Repair, Bureau of (BEAR)
123.Emergency Communications Office (911), California
124.Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP)
125.Emergency Management Agency, California (Cal EMA)
126.Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA)
127.Employment Development Department (EDD)
128.Employment of People with Disabilities, California Committee on (CCEPD)
129.Employment Training Panel (ETP)
130.Energy Commission, California (ENERGY)
131.Environment Resources Evaluation System, California (CERES)
132.Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of (OEHHA)
133.Environmental Protection Agency (CALEPA)
134.Equalization, Board of (BOE)
135.eServices Office (ESERVICES)
136.Experience Unlimited (EDD)
137.Exposition & State Fair, California (CAL EXPO)
138.Fair Employment & Housing Commission (FEHC)
139.Fair Employment & Housing, Department of (DFEH)
140.Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
141.Fair, California State (BIG FUN)
142.Film Commission, California (CFC)
143.Finance, Department of (DOF)
144.Financial Institutions, Department of (DFI)
145.Fire Marshal, Office of the State (OSFM)
146.Firearms, Bureau of (DOJ)
147.First 5 California (First 5)
148.Fish & Game Commission (FGC)
149.Fish & Game, Department of (DFG)
150.Fleet & Asset Management, Office of (OFAM)
151.Flex Alerts
152.Food & Agriculture, Department of (CDFA)
153.Forestry & Fire Protection, Board of (BOF)
154.Forestry & Fire Protection, California Department of (CAL FIRE)
155.Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
156.Gambling Control Commission (CGCC)
157.Gang & Youth Violence Policy, Governor's Office of (OGYVP)
158.General Services, Department of (DGS)
159.Geospatial Clearinghouse (CALATLAS)
160.GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Council, California (CGC)
161.Governor's Mentoring Partnership (GMP)
162.Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GoED)
163.Governor's Office of Planning & Research (OPR)
164.Governor, Office of the (GO)
165.Guide Dogs for the Blind, Board of (BGDB)
166.Habeas Corpus Resource Center (HCRC)
167.Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS)
168.Health and Safety & Workers' Compensation, Commission on (CHSWC)
169.Health Benefit Exchange, California (HBEX)
170.Health Care Reform, California
171.Health Care Services, Department of (DHCS)
172.Health Information Integrity, California Office of (CALOHI)
173.Health Planning and Development, Office of Statewide (OSHPD)
174.Healthy Families Program
175.Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau
176.High-Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA)
177.Highway Patrol, California (CHP)
178.Historic Preservation, Office of (OHP)
179.Historical and Cultural Endowment, California
180.Historical Resources Commission, State (SHRC)
181.Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Bureau of (BEARHFTI)
182.Homeless Youth Authority, California (HYP)
183.Horse Racing Board, California (CHRB)
184.Housing & Community Development, Department of (HCD)
185.Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA)
186.Human Resources, Department of (CalHR)
187.I Can Afford College
188.Independent Living Council, California State (CALSILC)
189.Industrial Relations, Department of (DIR)
190.Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC)
191.Information Security, Office of (OIS)
192.Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (I-Bank) (IBANK)
193.Inspector General, Office of the (OIG)
194.Insurance, Department of (CDI)
195.Judicial Council of California
196.Judicial Performance, Commission on (CJP)
197.Justice, Department of (Attorney General) (DOJ)
198.Juvenile Justice, Division of
199.Juvenile Parole Board (JPB)
200.Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA)
201.Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)
202.Labor Market Information Division (LMID)
203.Labor Standards Enforcement, Division of (DLSE)
204.Labor Statistics and Research, Division of (DLSR)
205.Lands Commission, California State (SLC)
206.Landscape Architects Technical Committee (LATC)
207.Latino Legislative Caucus (LLC)
208.Law Enforcement Agencies
209.Law Revision Committee (CLRC)
210.Learn California
211.Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO)
212.Legislative Black Caucus (ASM)
213.Legislative Environmental Caucus
214.Legislative Information (LEGINFO)
215.Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Caucus (LGBT)
216.Legislative Outdoor Sporting Caucus
217.Legislative Rural Caucus
218.Legislative Women's Caucus
219.Legislature, California State (LEGISLATURE)
220.Library, California State (CSL)
221.Lieutenant Governor, Office of (LTG)
222.Little Hoover Commission (LHC)
223.Lottery Commission (Lotto)
224.Lottery, State (LOTTERY)
225.Managed Health Care, Department of (DMHC)
226.Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB)
227.Medi-Cal (MEDI-CAL)
228.Mediation & Conciliation Service, State (CMCS)
229.Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC)
230.Medical Board of California (MBC)
231.Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)
232.Mental Health, Department of (DMH)
233.Mentally Ill Offenders, Council on (COMIO)
234.Military Museum, California State (CSMM)
235.Mine Reclamation, Office of
236.Mining & Geology Board (SMGB)
237.Missing & Unidentified Persons Unit (DOJ)
238.Motor Vehicles, Department of (DMV)
239.Museum for History, Women and the Arts, California
240.Museum, the California (Museum)
241.MyCali Youth Portal (MYCALI)
242.Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
243.Natural Resources Agency
244.Naturopathic Medicine Committee
245.New Motor Vehicle Board (NMVB)
246.Occupational Safety & Health, California Office of (DOSH)
247.Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board (DIR, OSHAB)
248.Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB)
249.Occupational Therapy, California Board of (BOT)
250.Ocean & Coastal Environmental Access Network, California (Cal OCEAN)
251.Ocean Protection Council (OPC)
252.Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR)
253.Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD)
254.Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources
255.Optometry, Board of
256.Osteopathic Medical Board of California (OMBC)
257.Paid Family Leave Insurance Program (PFL)
258.Parks and Recreation Commission
259.Parks, California State (PARKS)
260.Parole Hearings, Board of (CDCR, BOPH)
261.Patient Advocate, Office of the (OPA)
262.Peace Officer Standards & Training, Commission on (POST)
263.Personnel Board, State (SPB)
264.Pesticide Regulation, Department of (CDPR)
265.Pharmacy, Board of
266.Physical Fitness and Sports, California Governor's Council on
267.Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC)
268.Physician Assistant Committee (PAC)
269.Pilot Commissioners, Board of (BOPC)
270.Podiatric Medicine, Board of (BPM)
271.Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP)
272.Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA)
273.Privacy Protection, Office of (OPP)
274.Private Postsecondary Education, Bureau for (BPPE)
275.Procurement Division (PD)
276.Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, & Geologists, Board for
277.Professional Fiduciaries Bureau
278.Psychology, Board of
279.Public Employees Retirement System, California (CalPERS)
280.Public Employment Relations Board, California (PERB)
281.Public Health, California Department of (CDPH)
282.Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission (PIAC)
283.Public Safety Communications, Office of (PSCO)
284.Public School Construction, Office of (OPSC)
285.Public Utilities Commission, California (CPUC)
286.Publishing, Office of State (OSP)
287.Railroad Museum, California State (CSRMF)
288.Real Estate Appraisers, Office of (OREA)
289.Real Estate, Department of (DRE)
290.Regenerative Medicine, California Institute for (CIRM)
291.Registered Nursing, Board of (RN)
292.Registrar of Charitable Trusts (AG)
293.Rehabilitation, Department of (DOR)
294.Research Bureau, California (CRB)
295.Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB)
296.Risk and Insurance Management, Office of (ORIM)
297.Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
298.Safe at Home Program (Secretary of State)
299.San Diego River Conservancy (SDRC)
300.San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC)
301.San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers & Mountains Conservancy (RMC)
302.San Joaquin River Conservancy (SJRC)
303.Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC)
304.Save Our Water (SOW)
305.Science Center, California
306.Secretary of State (SOS)
307.Security and Investigative Services, Bureau of (BSIS)
308.Seismic Safety Commission (SSC)
309.Self Insurance Plans (DIR, SIP)
310.Senate Majority Caucus
311.Senate Office of Research (SOR)
312.Senate Republican Caucus
313.Senate, California State
314.Sierra Nevada Conservancy
315.Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification Program
316.Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
317.Social Services, Department of (CDSS)
318.Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board
319.State Mandates, Commission on (CSM)
320.Status of Women, Commission on (CCW)
321.Structural Pest Control Board
322.Student Aid Commission (CSAC)
323.Summer School for the Arts, California State (CSSSA)
324.Superintendent of Public Instruction, State (CDE)
325.Superior Courts, California (COURTS)
326.Supreme Court of California (COURTS)
327.Systems Integration, Office of (OSI)
328.Tahoe Conservancy, California
329.Tax Service Center (TAXES)
330.Teach California
331.Teacher Credentialing, Commission on (CTC)
332.Teachers' Retirement System, California (CalSTRS)
333.Technology Agency, California (Technology Agency)
334.Technology Services, Office of (OTECH)
335.Telephone Medical Advice Services Bureau (DCA, TMAS)
336.Tourism Industry, California (for Industry Professionals)
337.Toxic Substances Control, Department of (DTSC)
338.Traffic Safety, Office of (OTS)
339.Transportation Commission (CATC)
340.Transportation, Department of (DOT,CALTRANS)
341.Travel and Tourism Commission, California (VisitCalifornia)
342.Treasurer's Office, State (STO)
343.Trustees, Board of (California State University)
344.Unclaimed Property (SCO)
345.Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB)
346.Unemployment Insurance Program (EDD, UI)
347.Uniform Custom Cost Accounting Commission (SCO)
348.University of California
349.University, California State (CALSTATE, CSU)
350.Veterans Affairs, Department of (CalVet)
351.Veterans Board, The California
352.Veterinary Medical Board, California (VMB)
353.Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB)
354.Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, Board of (BVNPT)
355.Volunteers, California
356.Voter Registration - Secretary of State (SOS)
357.Water Quality Monitoring Council, California (Monitoring Council)
358.Water Resources Control Board (WRCB)
359.Water Resources, Department of (DWR)
360.Welcome Centers, California (CWC)
361.Welfare to Work Division (CDSS)
362.West Nile Virus
363.Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)
364.Women's Health, Office of (OWH)
365.Women, Infants, & Children Program (WIC)
366.Worker's Compensation Appeals Board (DIR, WCAB)
367.Worker's Occupational Safety & Health Training & Education Program (WOSHTEP)
368.Workers' Compensation, Division of (DIR, DWC)
369.Workforce Investment Board, California (CWIB)

Alright Alright I'll give 2 points to DEV. I shouldn't have left myself so wide open, I forgot I'm talking to the heavy weights again.

03-12-2014, 12:15 PM
yeah I got over eating bluegill everyday plus my ugly stik combo got stolen by some pier fisherman

03-12-2014, 12:16 PM
Alright Alright I'll give 2 points to DEV. I shouldn't have left myself so wide open, I forgot I'm talking to the heavy weights again.

When your a Flyweight and get knocked to the canvas ya should just stay down for the count. But no you just keep gettin' up only to be knocked down again. Dumb a-s-s!!!:Envious:

Lady Quagga
03-12-2014, 12:50 PM
Hey frenchy aka etucker here is a few of the over 500 California agencies that the lefties in Sacramento think we can't live without. I think more than just a few could be removed or consolidated and no one would notice.

A simple check of California agencies list brought up only 384 of them - a far cry from the "over 500" you claim. Using census statistics, that's one agency for every 90,000 legal residents - hardly an overwhelming ratio.

And here's a newsflash for you, Dev - many of them already are consolidated under 8 parent agencies. It's only the disingenuous who take advantage of the inconsistency in department/agency naming to suggest that the government is bigger than it should be.

Incidentally, was it so hard finding the link (http://patriotpost.us/pages/256) you used previously in this same spiel? Nevermind the fact their list has some redundant and misleading listings.

03-12-2014, 12:55 PM
For a County that has a gross product approaching that of many Countries, the quality of our park lakes is abysmal. I have 52 years in this county and have seen the decline first hand. One by one the bodies of water in this county have been privatized, fenced off, or just allowed to eutrophicate. Eisenhower park lake is just one example of how the city of Orange just screws up a body of water. This One Hundred year old Duck pond used to be 20 feet deep in places. The fountain always ran into the creek so as to have a population of fish and Crawdads in the creek. There were several spots you could sit on the bank and catch Crappie till your arms would tire. The lake was victim to some abuse and all the water drained out. The city builds down into the sides of the already small pond and pours sidewalks and makes some rock decorations. Then refills the lake to a depth of 8 feet. Now weeds fill the lake every summer. They put Bluestone in to kill the weeds but it also kills the plankton. This kills the Threadfin Shad. No forage for the Bass that have dwindled in numbers. The Crappie never survived again.The fountain is often broken leading to some stagnant water further depressing the fishing. Sure the State drops a few Trout in and Catfish in the summer. Fishing can even be good for a day or two. But with little depth and no current his little body of water is almost dead. Now lets look at at Tri-City Park. I found this pond on my Bicycle in the early 70's. It was surrounded by reeds and the park had yet to be built. There were several other small ponds nearby, but they were small and also surrounded by reeds. We would ride our bikes into the pond to clear out the reeds. Then go dig worms in the nearby Orange groves. Fishing those holes we caught Bullheads, Bass, Green Sunfish, and giant Bullfrogs. Now this pond is 6 feet deep and so full of duck droppings it smells. I haven't pulled a Bass out of there in several years. There are few panfish and even the Carp are skinny. I know there are still fish alive in these ponds but are we so blinded by by the slow decline that we don't notice. Why isn't Peters Canyon open to fishing ? Woodbridge Homes says their lake is private, even on Public road access. What about the Katella Pit lakes? Why can't we fish there ? In every other State in the Nation, as long as you have a license, and the water is on public land, it gets fished. East Lake in Yorba Linda, Public roads, No fishing under threat of arrest. No access to ponds with some fish. Yet we are provided with Cement surrounded, mud bottom, featureless, bodies of water to fish. Garden Grove had a big pond over by the City shopping center. My Dad took me there and we caught Big Green Sunfish and small Bass on topwater poppers. I stopped by the other day. Not a place to get caught alone. Looks like a big Meth convention. If kids could have fishing like that now maybe our sport would grow and kids might have something to do besides stare at their phones all day....

Hey dude, this is a great post. I agree with you 100%. I remember when El Dorado park would push out GIANT bass and HUGE crappies from every pond....even the one now marked NO FISHING on Studebaker right next to the golf course. I remember looking down into crystal clear water 25 feet deep with a few sunken trees. I would run a crankbait I bought from the the Bass Pro Catalog and watch 4-6lb bass come up and nail it. You could see tons of tadpoles and 2 inch catfish fry every early summer. It was a great time in 1985 to be 12 years old. All I wanted to do was practice what I saw Bill Dance and Jimmy Houston did on TV. What I see today is just plain sad. You bring back great memories man. Thanks for the walk down the lane.

03-12-2014, 01:03 PM
A simple check of California agencies list brought up only 384 of them - a far cry from the "over 500" you claim. Using census statistics, that's one agency for every 90,000 legal residents - hardly an overwhelming ratio.

And here's a newsflash for you, Dev - many of them already are consolidated under 8 parent agencies. It's only the disingenuous who take advantage of the inconsistency in department/agency naming to suggest that the government is bigger than it should be.

Incidentally, was it so hard finding the link (http://patriotpost.us/pages/256) you used previously in this same spiel? Nevermind the fact their list has some redundant and misleading listings.

Trollin', trollin' trollin' keep them fingers trollin', roll on!.

Lady Quagga
03-12-2014, 02:12 PM
Trollin', trollin' trollin' keep them fingers trollin', roll on!.

Ah yes, the fallback response of the intellectually inept.

03-12-2014, 02:37 PM
Great post! Agree 100000%. I have lived in orange county all my life and even from when I was a teenager in the mid 90's the lakes have all declined more than I could have ever feared.

03-12-2014, 03:00 PM
All I wanted to do was practice what I saw Bill Dance and Jimmy Houston did on TV. What I see today is just plain sad.

You mean like this?

http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f179/sealfishing/billdancebass_zps3addbc1b.jpg (http://s47.photobucket.com/user/sealfishing/media/billdancebass_zps3addbc1b.jpg.html)

03-12-2014, 03:16 PM
You mean like this?

http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f179/sealfishing/billdancebass_zps3addbc1b.jpg (http://s47.photobucket.com/user/sealfishing/media/billdancebass_zps3addbc1b.jpg.html)

Lol, ya think live-wells and 5 fish bags came along a little too late here in Cali?

03-12-2014, 03:18 PM
Great post! Agree 100000%. I have lived in orange county all my life and even from when I was a teenager in the mid 90's the lakes have all declined more than I could have ever feared.

You mean because dikheads like this take everything home that they catch?:


03-12-2014, 04:00 PM
A simple check of California agencies list brought up only 384 of them - a far cry from the "over 500" you claim. Using census statistics, that's one agency for every 90,000 legal residents - hardly an overwhelming ratio.

And here's a newsflash for you, Dev - many of them already are consolidated under 8 parent agencies. It's only the disingenuous who take advantage of the inconsistency in department/agency naming to suggest that the government is bigger than it should be.

Incidentally, was it so hard finding the link (http://patriotpost.us/pages/256) you used previously in this same spiel? Nevermind the fact their list has some redundant and misleading listings.

Suck it Quagga here was the link.

List of California state agencies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This List of State of California agencies, departments, and commissions is a
partial list of the more than 500 California state government agencies,
departments, ...

Lady Quagga
03-12-2014, 04:16 PM
Suck it Quagga here was the link.

List of California state agencies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This List of State of California agencies, departments, and commissions is a
partial list of the more than 500 California state government agencies,
departments, ...

Hey numbnuts! I know where you got your most recent list from. Funny how you omitted the [citation needed] portion, which means there is no reference provided to back up the "more than 500" claim in that entry. You also conveniently omitted the [1] reference - which, if your spraypaint-addled brain had bothered to investigate, would have pointed you to the CA.gov Agency Directory, which lists......wait for it......384 listings.

Huff it, Dev.

03-12-2014, 04:22 PM
Hey numbnuts! I know where you got your most recent list from. Funny how you omitted the [citation needed] portion, which means there is no reference provided to back up the "more than 500" claim in that entry. You also conveniently omitted the [1] reference - which, if your spraypaint-addled brain had bothered to investigate, would have pointed you to the CA.gov Agency Directory, which lists......wait for it......384 listings.

Huff it, Dev.

Everyone knows Wikipedia entries are truth.

Get with the program.

03-12-2014, 08:48 PM
dude you are so right. I remember when I use to ride my bike to Clark Park, but it use to be called Los Coyotes back then, awesome bass fishing and monster cats. Those were the days before Tri-city park got all built up and ya, Tri city was epic bass fishing. Way before the days of truck trout being brought in. If you ask me, the whole truck trout thing ruined all the park lakes. It brought the mongers.........by that I mean the bucket brigade and the cormorants and pelicans. I never saw them until the trout showed up. Gay if you ask me.

this is the park fishing I have out here, no people, no truck trout. Miles and miles of water. That is when there is no ice that is !!

reservoir dog
03-12-2014, 10:33 PM
You mean because dikheads like this take everything home that they catch?:


Or like this? Found this pic on the Sea Eagle website.


03-12-2014, 11:48 PM
^^^ is that good ol' Marlon Meade of Berkley Powerbait Irvine Lake fame?

03-13-2014, 05:50 PM
by that I mean the bucket brigade

Uh oh... He said the "B" word.

03-13-2014, 05:59 PM
I think Marlon was famous for his minijigs. Kind of taken out of context. I have been fishing in Louisiana every spring. It is a different world back there. They keep every Bass in the slot, cook them for lunch, and then bring a limit home for dinner. These stringers are still being caught every day back east. It was like that here in the sixties. We used to go hike in to Oso Reservoir and load stringers of bass out of there, jump back over the fence and take them to 3.5 for fish tacos on the beach. I learned to fly fish on the wild (at the time) Santa Ana river just above the Imperial Highway bridge.. Bass, big Green Sunfish, Channel Catfish, several different types of Carp. Tons of Crawdads. One spring night 500 of the critters crawled out of a metal trash can in my back yard at night and migrated all over my block. I can still here the screams as the ladies discovered the (Crabs!) feasting on their lawns in the morning. This is my point and several of you have voiced this opinion. We didn't have any stocking out here. You could fish everywhere. You caught fish everywhere. Frogs were everywhere. We just need to build these ponds correctly. Just like the ones Bill Dance builds in his yard and fishes on his shows. They have hard bottom area, they have structure for the fish to hide and spawn in. They have some depth for the fish to escape the heat. They have some current in the form of a creek that flows into the lake. They will produce tons of fish within a slot limit. These fish can be kept by any who will eat them. It is good for the lake to pull these fish out so as to make room for more that will quickly grow into slot size fish. These lakes produce lots of 12 to 15 inch Bass, and Channel Catfish by the bucket load. All by their selves with no stocking or Bluestoning needed. I would much rather pay the DFG to manage my lakes with a growth sustainable management system. If anything is stocked it should be native to the area so it can survive all four seasons. Around here there plenty of places to catch trout up to and over 20 pounds (SARL) or a fairly easy limit of tasty nice trout Irvine/Laguna Niguel Res. We don't need to be paying to stock Sardine size trout in our lakes only to feed the Cormorants and the Bass. These bass would grow fine on a diet of Bluegill and Shad like they would in a correctly managed system of Park lakes. We are paying top dollar for poor performance. Having the wrong fish shoved at us because thats how it has always been done. Not working anymore. They overhaul these lakes from time to time. Who will step up and complain ? Open our lakes to fishing and manage them correctly. Not much to ask of our DFG. Give the next generation something to do here at home because travel is getting more and more expensive. I want my Grandkids to ride their bikes down to the lake, find some line and a hook and yank some Bluegill out my local pond. I would love to see a row of fisherman catching Stripers and Largemouth and big Cannel Cats out of the upper Santa Ana river. Or a Crappie bite at Tri-city. I do have to give a nod to the city of Fullerton that tried hard with Laguna Lake. They took our only Lily Pad fishery out, but they gave us pond with depth and current. If only they would quit stocking it with little Trout and instead give us some Florida strain Bluegill and Crappie. How about they give us a truck and just let us pull some fish out of their stash spots( Anaheim Hills/Katella Pits) and put them in our parks where the public could have a chance? It just a waste to keep us from fishing and pay people to buy food. (Food Stamps) It is also a waste to watch our county spend millions studying the Great Park and not spend a little to create self sufficient ponds that could produce great fishing at a minimum of cost. Imagine...

03-15-2014, 12:45 PM
Troll? You volunteer your stupidity, no trolling is necessary.

Now go catch me a fish on some bluegill bait.

to "catch me a fish..." is the closest this supposed Girl has and most likely will ever come to posting a single real fishing report on FNN.

Can anyone disprove this?

Happy Trolling

Lady Quagga
03-15-2014, 10:57 PM
Oh hi!

And you are?

03-16-2014, 08:44 AM
HEY SPAINFISH YOURE RIGHT ,I DONT THINK SHES FISHED A DAY IN HER LIFE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HEY L/G THIS IS FOR YOU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp113/troutonly/DSCN0788xxxxxxxxxx-----------1111111111111111-------------5555555555555555.jpg (http://s403.photobucket.com/user/troutonly/media/DSCN0788xxxxxxxxxx-----------1111111111111111-------------5555555555555555.jpg.html)

03-16-2014, 09:16 AM
What does Fresno University have to do with the sad state of our Park lakes in Orange County? Please leave your mildly entertaining squabbles to Yahoo...

03-16-2014, 10:19 AM
What does Fresno University have to do with the sad state of our Park lakes in Orange County? Please leave your mildly entertaining squabbles to Yahoo...

Lol, well bendopolo2004, I don't think Bob had Fresno State on his mind. See, the reasons for those OC lakes, ponds and mudholes decline is overpopulation, overfishing and poaching by people who could care less about the health of said fisheries. And a lousy overpaid, under-performing and misguided government. And when one points that out, certain members of this community like to ridicule and assassinate the messengers. That's called Trolling. And some of those Trolls certainly earned their due scorn hence Bob's post...

03-16-2014, 11:39 AM
Lol, well bendopolo2004, I don't think Bob had Fresno State on his mind. See, the reasons for those OC lakes, ponds and mudholes decline is overpopulation, overfishing and poaching by people who could care less about the health of said fisheries. And a lousy overpaid, under-performing and misguided government. And when one points that out, certain members of this community like to ridicule and assassinate the messengers. That's called Trolling. And some of those Trolls certainly earned their due scorn hence Bob's post...
In showing respect to bendopolo2004, I'm going to ignore your overpaid, under-performing misguided government crack. However, if fishermen themselves take an interest in a particular lake things can be accomplished. I live very close to a C&R LMB lake. Those policies were not put in by the park, but were in acted on behalf of the fishermen who requested it.

03-16-2014, 11:45 AM
Hey frenchy aka etucker y'all might want to check out this link to see how your "Overpaid and Underperforming" guberment employees are being paid and the bennies they earn.


03-16-2014, 11:49 AM
Hey frenchy aka etucker y'all might want to check out this link to see how your "Overpaid and Underperforming" guberment employees are being paid and the bennies they earn.


Sorry Dev, I'm not going to play into another thread jack. I think I need to do a little image rebuilding around here.

03-16-2014, 12:56 PM
In showing respect to bendopolo2004, I'm going to ignore your overpaid, under-performing misguided government crack. However, if fishermen themselves take an interest in a particular lake things can be accomplished. I live very close to a C&R LMB lake. Those policies were not put in by the park, but were in acted on behalf of the fishermen who requested it.

You mean somebody took LEGAL methods to enact positive change to fishing regulations? Say it isn't so! I thought kicking over buckets and making threats (breaking laws) was the more productive method in the inner cities.

03-16-2014, 01:08 PM
I think Marlon was famous for his minijigs. Kind of taken out of context. I have been fishing in Louisiana every spring. It is a different world back there. They keep every Bass in the slot, cook them for lunch, and then bring a limit home for dinner. These stringers are still being caught every day back east. It was like that here in the sixties. We used to go hike in to Oso Reservoir and load stringers of bass out of there, jump back over the fence and take them to 3.5 for fish tacos on the beach. I learned to fly fish on the wild (at the time) Santa Ana river just above the Imperial Highway bridge.. Bass, big Green Sunfish, Channel Catfish, several different types of Carp. Tons of Crawdads. One spring night 500 of the critters crawled out of a metal trash can in my back yard at night and migrated all over my block. I can still here the screams as the ladies discovered the (Crabs!) feasting on their lawns in the morning. This is my point and several of you have voiced this opinion. We didn't have any stocking out here. You could fish everywhere. You caught fish everywhere. Frogs were everywhere. We just need to build these ponds correctly. Just like the ones Bill Dance builds in his yard and fishes on his shows. They have hard bottom area, they have structure for the fish to hide and spawn in. They have some depth for the fish to escape the heat. They have some current in the form of a creek that flows into the lake. They will produce tons of fish within a slot limit. These fish can be kept by any who will eat them. It is good for the lake to pull these fish out so as to make room for more that will quickly grow into slot size fish. These lakes produce lots of 12 to 15 inch Bass, and Channel Catfish by the bucket load. All by their selves with no stocking or Bluestoning needed. I would much rather pay the DFG to manage my lakes with a growth sustainable management system. If anything is stocked it should be native to the area so it can survive all four seasons. Around here there plenty of places to catch trout up to and over 20 pounds (SARL) or a fairly easy limit of tasty nice trout Irvine/Laguna Niguel Res. We don't need to be paying to stock Sardine size trout in our lakes only to feed the Cormorants and the Bass. These bass would grow fine on a diet of Bluegill and Shad like they would in a correctly managed system of Park lakes. We are paying top dollar for poor performance. Having the wrong fish shoved at us because thats how it has always been done. Not working anymore. They overhaul these lakes from time to time. Who will step up and complain ? Open our lakes to fishing and manage them correctly. Not much to ask of our DFG. Give the next generation something to do here at home because travel is getting more and more expensive. I want my Grandkids to ride their bikes down to the lake, find some line and a hook and yank some Bluegill out my local pond. I would love to see a row of fisherman catching Stripers and Largemouth and big Cannel Cats out of the upper Santa Ana river. Or a Crappie bite at Tri-city. I do have to give a nod to the city of Fullerton that tried hard with Laguna Lake. They took our only Lily Pad fishery out, but they gave us pond with depth and current. If only they would quit stocking it with little Trout and instead give us some Florida strain Bluegill and Crappie. How about they give us a truck and just let us pull some fish out of their stash spots( Anaheim Hills/Katella Pits) and put them in our parks where the public could have a chance? It just a waste to keep us from fishing and pay people to buy food. (Food Stamps) It is also a waste to watch our county spend millions studying the Great Park and not spend a little to create self sufficient ponds that could produce great fishing at a minimum of cost. Imagine...

This is a balanced and well thought out approach. Take has always been the primary reason historically for fishing and should always be allowed if possible but reasonable limits and slots would make for a healthy fishery in most bodies of water. Putting 6" trout in is a waste, but I really have nothing against trout plantings in the urban lakes because they allow for an easily caught fish that then can be brought home for a meal and helps keep the younger crowd interested, although I started out on the local OC lakes mostly fishing for panfish, LMB's and cats.. I think the "native" comments may be a little off base considering these are urban man made lakes and really there are no "native" fish to most. But focusing on a warm water fishery makes sense, more cats possibly and supplemental plants of other species when needed and if you are going to plant a few bows make it a size worth while.

03-16-2014, 01:38 PM
Different strokes for different folks. What kind of fishin' do you think make for a more pleasant and enjoyable experience? And which fishin' method takes real skill and is most healthy for the fishery?




03-16-2014, 01:38 PM
You mean somebody took LEGAL methods to enact positive change to fishing regulations? Say it isn't so! I thought kicking over buckets and making threats (breaking laws) was the more productive method in the inner cities.

Seal, they did it properly!!!!! Started with a petition, they then went to the proper meetings and made their case. Convinced the powers to be it was the right thing to do and even got a County Ordinance protecting the LMB.

03-16-2014, 01:42 PM
In showing respect to bendopolo2004, I'm going to ignore your overpaid, under-performing misguided government crack. However, if fishermen themselves take an interest in a particular lake things can be accomplished. I live very close to a C&R LMB lake. Those policies were not put in by the park, but were in acted on behalf of the fishermen who requested it.

That's not a crack, it's a fact. We taxpayers pay high fees and taxes just for those lakes, ponds and mudholes to be built and maintained for recreational use by the public. Due to the ever growing costs of the government itself services are cut. That's not threadjacking, that's reality. Indeed tucky, I know from your past comments that you think we Californians should pay more taxes and fees even though we are already in the top 3 states with the highest taxes. These days most government employees live far better than the private middle class who they supposedly work for...

03-16-2014, 01:43 PM
Seal, they did it properly!!!!! Started with a petition, they then went to the proper meetings and made their case. Convinced the powers to be it was the right thing to do and even got a County Ordinance protecting the LMB.

Which lake was this? And what rules did they successfully get put in place?

03-16-2014, 01:48 PM
Different strokes for different folks. What kind of fishin' do you think make for a more pleasant and enjoyable experience? And which fishin' method takes real skill and is most healthy for the fishery?




Come on Dev, you know the first picture was that of a FREE fishing derby for kids!!!!!! What do you think opening days look like on even Big lakes. I been to three opening opening days in my life. Castaic, Skinner and Hodges and guess what??????? It was as crowded as that kids derby.

03-18-2014, 11:06 AM
Hit three small ponds this morning. All fished with six-pound a number eight circle hook above the smallest weight I can get away with, drop shot style. I have been useing three inch rainbow trout Sluggos all winter. Today they loved the four inch bronze flake. Shaka shake wiggle ...weight. Mostly feels like a snag that starts to give a little. No pop or jerk just there. I pulled a couple out of the first two lakes and fished the third just because I haven't been there in a long time. The pond is so small I tied a hook on the bottom, replacing the weight. So it was a wacky double flutter rig. Two quick doubles and a nice two pound fish came real fast. Camera "disappeared" while I was surf fishing last month so no pics this time. This was a nice little outing but could have been so much better. There is a huge skill factor in this type of urban fishing. The rewards are small Bass that fight their heart out. All released nose hooked with those circle hooks. (I get mine thru Bass Pro) Out of Duck filled mud bowls, in the heart of Orange County. If these lakes were ten feet deep with areas to twenty. If they had gravel and hard bottom/ rocky places to hide. If they had big Channel cats that are tough to land. We used to call them Whisker Bass because you could catch them in the spring on Spinnerbaits. Bonus fish that would scare you for a minute. If the local lakes had huge Florida style Bluegill that are big enough to fillet. We have the weather and the water temperature. We have the water sitting there. Give me fish that will live in the lakes they are put into. There are plenty of private pay lakes that do a way better job of raising and stocking trout/catfish than the DFG. But they are fully responsible for our local fishing areas. Yet they just seem to keep feeding the Cormorants. Take a quick look at what Arizona is doing. Urban fishing areas. Well managed and with angler support. Nicely constructed urban ponds that produce prodigious amounts of Bass, Panfish, Catfish, and yes, in the winter good sized Trout.

03-18-2014, 01:42 PM
You guys are something else, oh and girls, can't leave L/G out. I agree that things aren't what they used to be but I am thankful to have somewhere to fish at all. It is frustrating when we see the potential of some of these places but the fact of the matter is the gov. isn't the most efficient organisation with money on any level, local, county, state or fed. what little money they do put to good use has far more important uses than allowing you to catch 5+lb bass or monster trout and cats without having to go "too far" to do it. If you want to improve the urban fishing in so-cal do it the right way and i'll be the first to sign the petition to get it on the table for discussion. fact is urban fisheries are there for people to get into fishing and give people something better to do with their time. if you want to catch a bunch of big fish go to a lake, or even a pay to fish lake, where your money goes directly to the fishery. I wish there was great fishing in all the little ponds around so-cal but i also wish i had my own private 100 acre lake in my backyard. we need be thankful for what we have, work together to make it better and respect the rights and opinoins of others..

except poachers, 1 888 334 CALTIP(2258)

not our place to go all vigalante trying to enforce the laws.

anyway there is alot of work that needs to be done but the right way, not complaining and arguing with each other. remember why you love to fish, share that with as many people as you can and maybe one day we will have enough of a voice to do some good.

Brian aka Twin22s - out

03-18-2014, 01:45 PM
Which lake was this? And what rules did they successfully get put in place?

All LMB have to be C&R no exception!!!!!! What's the quality of the Bass in the lake?????? One word phenomenal!!!!! Which lake is it, YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!! I mention one word on here I lose my man parts!!!!!! lol

03-18-2014, 01:55 PM
I thought kicking over buckets and making threats (breaking laws) was the more productive method in the inner cities.

Please don't mention Bucket Brigade (BB) tactics.


03-21-2014, 04:22 PM
That's not a crack, it's a fact. We taxpayers pay high fees and taxes just for those lakes, ponds and mudholes to be built and maintained for recreational use by the public. Due to the ever growing costs of the government itself services are cut. That's not threadjacking, that's reality. Indeed tucky, I know from your past comments that you think we Californians should pay more taxes and fees even though we are already in the top 3 states with the highest taxes. These days most government employees live far better than the private middle class who they supposedly work for...
I see a fault in your logic. You say most governmental employees live better then private middle class. I disagree, I think you're comparing true middle class to the working poor. Which brings up the bigger topic of wealth disparity. You know that topic the Prez is going to address this year, but was laugh off the court by Dev in an earlier thread.

03-21-2014, 07:40 PM
Please don't mention Bucket Brigade (BB) tactics.


Damn DS I thought the mere mention of the BB was call for a timeout! Long live the BB!!!!

03-29-2014, 02:00 AM
Orange county has plenty of good park lakes.

Eisenhower, Mile Square, Laguna, and tri-city are all good park lakes, and i've caught nice bass and panfish from all of them.

Each lake is different, and finding the right presentation is crucial to angling success. Try this- Take a zoom fluke, and hook it through the belly with a dropshot hook.

If you hook it right, the fluke will sink horizontally. When it reaches the bottom, GENTLY GENTLY pull up smooth and slow, it will perfectly mimic a fish with an injured swim bladder. First time i did this, i got slammed by a fat bass.

03-30-2014, 10:10 PM
There is no doubt that Bass are alive and well in Orange County. If they can survive in the cow waste we call the Santa Ana River they can make it most anywhere. There are some that make it thru the year in Carbon Canyon park. I don't know about Tri-City anymore but seems to be almost belly up. I did have some good Carp fishing there and also caught an absolutely giant Crawdad on corn last year. Smokehound gave us a good list of waters where you can catch local Bass.
While we still go out an catch fish, take notice of the abysmal water quality. Numerous dead ducks floating for days and the endless trash that blows along until it hits the lake and sticks. Caught some good Bass at Laguna Lake under the trash stacked up in the corner. It is cover, just not so nice. Most of the ponds choke out on weeds during the summer ( Lets throw frogs!) yet are barren and almost structure free in the winter. Cormorant heaven. We can all say we have been catching Bass with big bites on them. The Cormies are there and we can't really fight this invasive species. We could provide some depth and cover so maybe our fish would have a better chance to make it thru the winter. It's tough enough when two dozen large birds fly in with the DFG stocking truck and consume everything they can. then they are gone, the Trout are gone the small Bass/Crappie/Bluegill are severely impacted. And yet we still catch Bass. I think it speaks more to the resiliency of the species and not the quality of the Public Parks Lakes we are allowed to fish. Open up Anaheim Hills Lake, The Katella Pits, Peters Canyon. How about Anaheim Coves, soon to be teeming with Bass again. Open it up. Get a few bucks from the county and buy out Siphon and Rattlesnake reservoirs. We could pull in after work, fish some real lakes and be home by dinner. All are or were on Public Land, paid for by our taxes. Even Irvine Lake and Laguna Niguel should not charge for Entry as these are Public waters. If they charge to keep the fish they stock that would be OK with me. The Bass, Bluegill, and Crappie are naturally occuring fish that survive in the lakes un-managed and totally separate of the massive stockings of big Trout and Catfish. Give us another shot at Lake Mathews they opened it for a bit and then just quit the program. I know its not the OC but close and big. Sure would take the pressure off the other lakes. I'm going to Elsinore, the water stinks but the Bass are getting after it as well as the Crappie and Wipers. I got nothing better to do than get right in there and Float Tube it...

04-15-2014, 07:34 PM
Agree. Have seen Tri-City Park Lake degrade from a once good trout fishery (late 1960's when it was know as Placentia Lake) to a duck poop filled, algae ridden mudhole. It's OK in the cold weather for practice. Some bass, catfish and carp.

04-17-2014, 04:16 AM
Agree. Have seen Tri-City Park Lake degrade from a once good trout fishery (late 1960's when it was know as Placentia Lake) to a duck poop filled, algae ridden mudhole. It's OK in the cold weather for practice. Some bass, catfish and carp.Man, you're trolling, lol.

I've caught 6-7 lb'ers at tri-city. There are also a few 2-3 lb crappie there. It's a good lake, you just gotta know what you're doing. Shad patterns in the evening are effective. Excellent topwater lake at night, thanks to the lights.

There are three forage species there- Fathead minnows, threadfin shad, and of course, bluegill. This is a lake where craws really shine.

05-27-2014, 01:16 AM
No kidding. When I was a kid I fished Sully Miller's crusher pit in Huntington Beach and slayed the bass. One day a park ranger showed up and kicked me out. "this isn't a park", I said. He told me it was on the HB General Plan to eventually become part of Central Park, and thus was being monitored by city park staff. So I asked if I could fish there and give them reports on the fishing for their own data resource. I was told "no thanks, too much liability having you in there". So to this day, 35 years later, there sits a perfectly fishable body of water in the middle of suburbia, surrounded by a chain link fence and fish growing old and dying having never been caught. Oh and its not part of Central Park either - its just off-limits to everyone. Now I'm 50 years old and there are great ponds behind my office complex in Laguna Hills. Guess What? "No trespassing". These are simply street run-off catch basins, but they're lined with reeds and ospreys and cormorants live here eating fish. WTH? We fisherman have become the scourge of the cities, not good for their image I guess.


05-27-2014, 12:38 PM
Yes- the man hates us. Nothing more disappointing that seeing fenced-off bodies of fishy water and "No Fishing" signs. I feel your pain.