View Full Version : The BAKO BOYS , a SICK topwater bite,3/4/14

trail blazer
03-04-2014, 09:57 PM
started alone abought 1 30 pm sandy creek siphon arm,d with a topwater rod and a fluke rod.

Was planning on fishing the fluke till early evening then switching to the T/W for some icing on the cake.

1st 30 minutes resulted in 2 chunky keepers on the fluke ,,,not bad but not off the hook either,,,so I decided to head downstream a ways,,,but before going id toss the t/w just for giggles,,,2pm is not the optimum time for T/W but so what,,,,,,1ST cast ,,,BLAM!!!!! B71 was blowd out of the water. cast again,,,HOOKUP,,,OOOOOOOOYAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,,Nice 3 lbr,,,,a few minutes later,,,,HOOKUP again on the T/W,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Spoke with cutbait,,,,,,,,,,,said they would be there in a bit,,,i new it was on,,,so did he.

So for the next cpl hrs it was keeper after keeper All on T/W,,,,Plus many many more blowups that didn't stick,,,,all c n rd having a blast to boot.

Abought 4 ish cbait shows up with his sons tyler and eddie,,,,,,cutbait staid with the gitzit,,,eddie the fluke and myself and tyler had the topwaters,,B71s,,,,,,,,,,
That spot was burn,d so off we go spot hopping.

By FAR the T/Ws out produced the other plastics bigtime,,,,,,,Myself and Tyler had 3,,,yes 3 double hookups on the t/w lures,,,one of his was absolutely tailwalking and cartwheeling out of the water right on top of the one I was fighting,,,,Tyler has become very very efficient with the T/W stuff and it showd BIGTIME!,,,,,

We had a blast,,,,,,,no one got skunk,d and the weather was frantastic,,,,,,,,il remember this trip for a great long time for sure,,

Just before we quit cutbait decided to keep a few for his buds at work so the last 6 were kept ,,,,The pics of these are abought typical of the days avg size,,,,only one was sub legal and he came earlier on a fluke,,,

Tailgate shot

That's my T W rod with the B71 in green chart,,,

HIRO, That lure ROCKS!,,,,You should have named it STRIPER CANDY!

Cutbait/tyler and eddie with the last 6


Probably 6 spots hit,,,,,,,,,,only one spot was skunk,d,,,,,,,,,better then 20 total!

After a trip like that I was ready for some desert,,,,,,,so off to home to celebrate ,,,,



Whatta day,,


03-04-2014, 10:26 PM
Best duct report of the year. Glad to see you out TB and catching fish. 2 in the pink. Lmao

03-04-2014, 10:32 PM
Awesome, awesome, awesome. It's on!!!!

03-05-2014, 06:04 AM
Nice! Wide open! What more can you ask for?

03-05-2014, 06:39 AM
Top ten duct trips ever. Glad the boys experienced it... was so wide open these guys were falling down left and right. Hurting themselves

Double A
03-05-2014, 09:06 PM
Great report guys.
I had to go out today and scavenge your sloppy 2nd's.
TB has got stinky pinky !!!

03-05-2014, 11:02 PM
Nice job. Always one in the stink!!

trail blazer
03-06-2014, 08:02 PM
Top ten duct trips ever. Glad the boys experienced it... was so wide open these guys were falling down left and right. Hurting themselves

BRO,,,,,,,,Now you know that falling down is just part of striper fever


03-08-2014, 09:10 PM
Great report! BAKO BOY STYLE!

03-09-2014, 10:51 AM
Good times! Awesome memories you guys made right there,WTG.

Cya Tuna Vic

03-09-2014, 01:45 PM
useless information