View Full Version : Not Even 3 "Baths" Could Remove the Skunk from this Session

02-12-2014, 11:30 PM
This is a fish report for Wednesday, February 12, 2014.

Nick and I have kind of become accustomed to hitting the beach together every other Wednesday. But today was a little different. Today was kind of a special day... Nick and I were meeting up with another fellow FFN'er, Bassmeister, coming all the way out from San Pedro.

We decided to meet up at a Malibu AO for first light. We were on the sand by 6:15am and conditions were wonderful. Super calm seas (with a few rogue waves and an insane undertow), decent temperatures and crystal clear waters. There were bait fish at our feet and at times I'd see them jumping. Today was the day... we were going to catch some halibut!


I started casting the LC immediately... then after about 5 minutes, one of those rogue waves I spoke of earlier caught my legs and dunked me completely underwater. What a way to start the morning. No matter, back to casting. I started casting the LC again... over and over again... nothing. I switched to another color LC... nothing still. Then I switched to a Kroc for some HUGE casts... nothing still. By this time, it's about 8:30 and not even a bite to show for my efforts. So, I switch to a Big Hammer and start casting near a small patch of kelp. I get a few nibbles, but nothing special. About 30 minutes later, I cast out right near the boilers... and then the rod loads up and BAM... fish on!! It gave a decent fight, but no running off with my line. I reel it in closer and I can see it's huge, gaping mouth! It's some sort of a rockfish or maybe even a cabezon. I get it right into the shallows and then it happens. A wave deepens the water and the fish unbuttons. Needless to say, I was quite mad as we have been fishing for several hours and this was the first chance of a catch for any of us.

Some mild language in this video. Turn your speakers off if it will offend you.


So, I start casting again... same place, same technique. I get a few nibbles again, but for some reason, I can't get anything to stick! So frustrating. Then I hear Scott and look down the beach. He lands a nice size fish and it turns out to be a gorgeous blue-mouth cabezon caught on a Gulp! penny crab. I tape it out at just a hair under 16", all the while explaining how good they are to eat. Scott thanks me for fishing with him and says that I can keep it. Score! Lunch for today! I take my lunch up to the damp sand, bury him deep and give him a fish gripper tombstone. I'll be seeing you in a few hours my friend!!!


I start casting again... still with no action. Another rogue wave rolls in and sweeps my legs... argggg! I didn't get rolled like last time, but it was enough to get into my jacket and waders, soaking my clothes (again). I get to the point where I'm like, forget this... I'm going to put on some crack and just try to catch a perch. I can't get skunked... I cast for about 10 minutes without even the slightest tap. This blows...

I switch back to the Big Hammer because that's the only thing I had any action on. I keep hitting the boilers and kelp. I get another hookup and another... all with the same result. A little wave comes in as I'm reeling him in that creates the slightest amount of slack and they're off the hook. CRAP!!! I start to get bold... I wade out deeper and deeper, hoping to hit further out boilers and kelp. Then it happens... again, for the 3rd time. The previous wave that came in starts going back out to sea in small waves. It meets up with an incoming wave and starts to make a super wave. I'm too far out to head back in so I brace myself. I never stood a chance. This one rolls me for a couple of seconds, and then my hat and GoPro go flying off my head. holy crap!!! Where is my camera? As I frantically search the waves for about 3 minutes (which I edited out the 3 minutes of swirling and blackness), I finally see my camera and headstrap. I grab it as Nick is walking past me (he's heading home) and explain how I just received my 3rd baptism of the day.


Whoa... time to pack up before something really terrible happens. I shake Nick's hand and thank him for coming out. Then I shake Scott's hand a little while later and head out myself. I have cabezon tacos to make!!!


It was great meeting you brutha... we will definitely be doing this again soon!


02-13-2014, 12:09 AM
Thanks Nick and Eric was a very beautiful morning. I couldn't believe not 45 mins after u left Eric one of those rogue in coming outgoing tidal surges babtised me as well as I was admiring my biggest perch of the morning. That water and sand up to my calves made that treck up and out of the area up those stairs a real workout LOL. We took it easy on.those fish today next.time.won't be so lenient.

02-13-2014, 05:03 AM
It was a pleasure fishing this morning with my friend Erik and my new friend Scott (Bassmeister). The catching was nonexistent except for Scott's cool cabby, Erik's lost cabby, and my fingerling BSP but the morning in Malibu was stunning.

I further enjoyed having a older beach house owner encouraging us to go somewhere else to fish next time so he and the other homeowners could let their pit bulls safely out in the morning without risk of biting (and I'm sure the possibility of a lawsuit). Yes, I was completely gracious, respectful and appreciative of his request. He went away satisfied (trying to do my part to build the reputation for us fisher folk:Shocked:)

I am PROUD to say that it was my friend Erik (and Scott too, for that matter) that got rolled by the surf this time and NOT ME :EyePop::LOL::Envious: This was a first for me and Erik. In fact, Erik kept looking at me every time a swell contacted me cuz he was expecting me to take a dive (sorry to disappoint you this time Erik but you and I know it's probably gunna happen next time so hang in there buddy:Rolls Eyes:

So Erik, excellent and fun post as always and I loved seeing the point of view perspective of your baptism!!!!

see you (and Scotty) on the sand soon.


02-13-2014, 08:32 AM
Loved that report! Actually made my morning,I'll be heading to the lake by my house as the LMBs are starting to stir and I will be thinking how it's a little safer on the bank than in the surf line :Smile:awesome videos too,you guys sure inspire one to try his hand again at S/F thanks for sharing that,enjoyed it very much.

Cya Tuna Vic

02-13-2014, 08:55 AM
I'm glad you enjoyed it... a little embarrassing, but funny none the less.

02-13-2014, 08:56 AM
Great report, thanks for posting. Nice work with the videos, not too long and your reactions to the unbuttoning fish and baptisms were comically familiar to my own. The vids are also nice for a newb surf guy like myself, to see how that wave built up right in front of you. That Cabezon was one pretty fish and tasty looking taco.



02-13-2014, 09:23 AM
Haha, oh man. Now I wish I coulda been there to witness the baptisms.
At least you got to tug on something... AND you got your camera back. Thanks for the POV dunking vid.

Conditions like those are when you need a float tube in your truck as a backup plan.

Nice surf cabbie Scott.

02-13-2014, 09:43 AM
You should've made it out with us... the fishing blew, but good times were had. As soon as I arrived, the first thing I thought was, "oh man, I wish I had my kayak right now".

02-13-2014, 02:11 PM
Haha, oh man. Now I wish I coulda been there to witness the baptisms.
At least you got to tug on something... AND you got your camera back. Thanks for the POV dunking vid.

Conditions like those are when you need a float tube in your truck as a backup plan.

Nice surf cabbie Scott.

Thank you MT it was a very beautiful fish. Now I can check off another awesome So. Cal fish.

02-13-2014, 02:12 PM
dang Erick I couldn't believe how fast you got that cabbie home to the taco blanket LOL. Sure looked good brotha.

02-13-2014, 03:03 PM
Nice videos and cabbie. Glad you weren't still attached to the camera while it was underwater for that long.:Wink: Good thing you found it...keeps us entertained.:LOL: Keep it up!


murrieta angler
02-13-2014, 06:06 PM
Thanks for the laugh Erik...:LOL:
It happens to everyone, that is willing to take that extra risk for a beautiful fish...:Envious:
You barely made the limit for that cabbie, I still have never eaten one..:Rolls Eyes:
Thanks for sharing,


02-13-2014, 08:12 PM
Hey Erik sorry I couldn't get out there yesterday full blown sick :/ looks like you had a blast come summer time that spot is gunna be popping with bait and nice fish

02-14-2014, 05:56 AM
Cool vids. I can never figure out why so many surf fishermen like to stand so deep ? Story after story of guys getting rolled. Maybe good at low tide but usually you can stand on the wet sand and catch fish. DR

02-14-2014, 07:22 AM
The wet sand is where I start... then if nothing is happening, I wade out further to be able to cast further. I was about 20 feet off the shore, but in only about 3 feet of water. That extra 20 feet allows me to cast to the next trench... whcih moght be holding fish.

02-14-2014, 01:36 PM
Yeah the kelp stringers where just that far out. it helped to get a little in the water to get to the zone. There were tons of baitfish and the birds and seals were working that zone. The small perch was definitely up close but we wanted to try and show each other up with the home run casts LOL

Cool vids. I can never figure out why so many surf fishermen like to stand so deep ? Story after story of guys getting rolled. Maybe good at low tide but usually you can stand on the wet sand and catch fish. DR

02-14-2014, 02:09 PM
Great report and thanks for the laugh. You still are in one piece, all your gear still there, and brought a fish for dinner sounds like a good day to me :LOL:.
