View Full Version : Preparing a fishing trip late february.

02-03-2014, 10:01 AM
Hello everyone,

I went in Irvine last September for business, found one day to go fishing (Irvine lake) and really enjoyed it.
Lucky me, I will be back in Irvine for Business in February and could manage to get one week on holidays there! (The last week of Feb)

I am actually preparing my tackle to bring with me from europe so I'm asking for a little help here.

I'll be fishing from the shore only (most likely Irvine Lake but if you know another place?), and have already prepared some rubber Jigs, some Jighead with 3 to 5 inches soft swimbaits and a minimal kit for drop shotting.
I also plan on buying some shallow and lipless crankbaits at the local BPS.

Do I miss something?
Is the topwater bite worth trying?
Are the bass starting to go shallow in this period?

Thank you in advance.