View Full Version : Fred Hall Show

02-02-2014, 07:07 PM
I am going to the Fred Hall Show here next month. I have never been. I am looking for a new spinning reel Shimano Symetre FL 1000 and was wondering if I should wait for the show. I am in no rush to get it. I was just hoping to get a better deal at the show. Any insight you guys can give me on your experience with show specials is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

02-02-2014, 07:40 PM
I am going to the Fred Hall Show here next month. I have never been. I am looking for a new spinning reel Shimano Symetre FL 1000 and was wondering if I should wait for the show. I am in no rush to get it. I was just hoping to get a better deal at the show. Any insight you guys can give me on your experience with show specials is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

The day's of getting "deals" at the show are pretty much gone, you can still find some but as for the reel your looking for? Last year as I walked around I noticed just about everyone that had it for sale, had it displayed "sale price" funny it was the same price in the store as it was at the show. You might get it filled with line for example like at Turners but other than that, you might as well get it now or just wait and see what you come across while your there.

02-03-2014, 09:08 AM
Also add about $45 to your cost for parking and admission,just saying.

Cya Tuna vic

02-03-2014, 09:28 AM
During the late 60s and early 70s my company was a regular exhibitor at Fred’s show. The show was held those days at the Pan Pacific Auditorium. The night before the first day opening Fred hosted an open bar and dinner get together for all of the exhibitors. It was unbelievable the spread that he put out for us. Smoked Salmon, BBQed Bison, Venison, Caribou and Giant Prawns that were four to the pound and they never ran out of food or booze. It was a great chance to meet other vendors and build business and leisure relationships.
The hours were long but very rewarding for our business, many of our best dealers helped man the booth and made the time fly by. The last day of the show most of the vendors traded or bartered with each other. Many of my guided hunting and fishing trips those days came from trades I made with them for our products. Those were the best of times and Fred was a real mover and shaker in the outdoor industry.

02-03-2014, 01:02 PM
If you add parking, admission and gas to get there assuming most people here drives truck or suv its cheaper to get it online. I got my symetre 1000 last year for $59 online with free shipping.

02-03-2014, 01:18 PM
If you add parking, admission and gas ....

Also, one must factor in the booze that's needed to make an average person want to stay in that place for more than 30 minutes.

02-03-2014, 08:38 PM
Also, one must factor in the booze that's needed to make an average person want to stay in that place for more than 30 minutes.

Heck we stopped buying food there YEARS ago, cooler stays in truck backpack usually has enough to get us through till lunch, go out tailgate then back into the show, not to mention unload backpack with stuff picked up and soda or whatever.

02-03-2014, 08:53 PM
The day's of getting "deals" at the show are pretty much gone

Going to have to agree with this. As much as I love the show, sad to say, it's lost some of its luster. Buy your reel on line and fish with it instead of going to the show.

02-03-2014, 10:18 PM
I've gotten some great deals (not enough to cover the expense of gas/entrance etc), but personally I still like hitting the show if for nothing else catching up with old friends. Great choice in reel btw.


02-04-2014, 09:24 AM
Heck we stopped buying food there YEARS ago, cooler stays in truck backpack usually has enough to get us through till lunch, go out tailgate then back into the show, not to mention unload backpack with stuff picked up and soda or whatever.

This is the way to go. We go back drop off free stuff, poor some rum in our cup that we bought at the show, eat lunch, and head back in, repeat etc...

It's like going to the pre-ski season shows, gets you all excited about the upcoming season. Not really about purchases, I usually buy from BPS during those weeks since they have their spring sale, do the rod and reel trade in deal and purchase an already on sale rod or reel if you want to save money.

02-04-2014, 09:47 AM
This is the way to go. We go back drop off free stuff, poor some rum in our cup that we bought at the show, eat lunch, and head back in, repeat etc...

I usually make an 80 ounce margarita in my hydration pack and tell them it's lemon lime Gatorade.

02-04-2014, 10:20 AM
I usually make an 80 ounce margarita in my hydration pack and tell them it's lemon lime Gatorade.

Pro! We normally end early afternoon and head to Silverwood and fish a few days so 80 oz. might be a little too much.

02-04-2014, 10:24 AM
Pro! We normally end early afternoon and head to Silverwood and fish a few days so 80 oz. might be a little too much.

I usually stumble out around 3 or 4 and then head to fish the surf.


This is me last year.

02-04-2014, 12:20 PM
Thank you for all your input so far. I think I am going to buy it online, but still want to go and check out the show. Never been. Taking my 10 year old son. Hopefully he can score some of the freebies!

02-04-2014, 12:49 PM
I personally love this show i went to it last year for the first time, i knew what i was getting into...so took a few hundred....wife came along, so it made it that much better for me....

your boy will have a blast, they have a fishing pond for kids ages 14 and under i believe....

they have the dog jumping the longest show....

some pretty cool stuff, lots of gear but yeah to save just order on line, i go their to just check out new gear then get it later....i cant wait...might be pricey but once a year im good with :Big Grin:


Tony G

02-05-2014, 07:02 PM
Thank you for all your input so far. I think I am going to buy it online, but still want to go and check out the show. Never been. Taking my 10 year old son. Hopefully he can score some of the freebies!

Oh I'm sure he'll have a blast, my kids have been there every year they've been alive, lots of free shooting (air soft and laser) games the trout pool, and well pretty much lots of stuff to see. Unless you have unlimited funds heed the advice and take your own stuff to eat drink, that is unless you like paying 5 bucks or more for a little soda and who knows how much for beer.

02-05-2014, 07:26 PM
Thank you for all your input so far. I think I am going to buy it online, but still want to go and check out the show. Never been. Taking my 10 year old son. Hopefully he can score some of the freebies!
I got a tip for you that my buddy turned me on to a few years back. It has become a tradition for us now.
Not many know of this and to me its fun and the best freebie at the show bar none!
Head to the lagoon & try out some sweet Avet reels and get a free embroidered Avet hat. :Thumbs Up::Secret:

02-05-2014, 08:43 PM
Go the last day. That's when the sellers will bargain so they don't have to lug the products home.
Definitely take the kid to the trout pond he'll have a blast catching those.

02-05-2014, 10:36 PM
I'll echo the last day theory, I got a quantum Cabo 20, and an 8ft. quantum PT swimbait rod for 50 bucks each 2 years ago. still throwing my swim baits with that reel. the rod lost a fight with the garage door and had to be replaced .. :'(

02-06-2014, 07:07 AM
I usually make an 80 ounce margarita in my hydration pack and tell them it's lemon lime Gatorade.

Nice DS, I usually pound 4 @ 24oz's in my car before stumbling in.

02-06-2014, 08:03 AM
I got a tip for you that my buddy turned me on to a few years back. It has become a tradition for us now.
Not many know of this and to me its fun and the best freebie at the show bar none!
Head to the lagoon & try out some sweet Avet reels and get a free embroidered Avet hat. :Thumbs Up::Secret:

I have about 5.

02-06-2014, 08:05 AM
Nice DS, I usually pound 4 @ 24oz's in my car before stumbling in.

Semi-pro. First stop the bathroom?

02-06-2014, 09:49 AM
Nice DS, I usually pound 4 @ 24oz's in my car before stumbling in.

Where on earth did you find the 4 packs?

I can only find the 3 packs at my local Whole Foods.


02-06-2014, 10:00 AM
Where on earth did you find the 4 packs?

I can only find the 3 packs at my local Whole Foods.


A frequent purchase at the Summit Valley store on the way to Silverwood, I prefer the silver cans myself.

one long cast
02-06-2014, 11:41 AM
Devoreflyer, The Pan Pacific Auditorium, boy that brings back decades of time. You must have as much gray hair as I do.

02-06-2014, 12:20 PM
Grey hair not so much, some at my temples and a little elsewhere. Now if I were to let my beard grow out it would look like Kenny Rodgers.:Shocked:

Aw yes the Pan Pacific Auditorium and don't forget the Olympic Auditorium and the Ambassador Hotel.

02-10-2014, 10:54 AM
bring cash and that changes the deal on alot of tackle,i always score on the big packs of owner hooks ,and big packs of swimbaits,,,i alwys take my camera for cool pics with people show,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

02-10-2014, 01:10 PM
TO my favorite person to talk shop with was Jeanne Branson with Branson's Lodge. Branson's Lodge was every fisherman's dream. World Record Lake Trout and Artic Char on Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territory and Jeanne was a hell-of-a looker in her younger days and tougher than nails.