View Full Version : Short Hali, Two pigs on one LC and sea sick on the sand!

01-04-2014, 08:41 PM
Brett and I headed out this morning in search of some piggie perch, After giving up the hali hunt we geared up and headed to the best place I know for those PB perch.

Arrived around 7am giving ourselves plenty of time before high tide to scope out the situation. On my third or fourth cast of the morning I get hit about 15 yards out, and what do you know?!!? First fish of the day is a short hali. This was probably my smallest hali but one of the best fighters.
http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag19/Connor_Doyle/photo_zps6709a3e1.jpg (http://s1296.photobucket.com/user/Connor_Doyle/media/photo_zps6709a3e1.jpg.html)

Got a cool release video with Brett's new GoPro.
http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag19/Connor_Doyle/th_Video_zpsa1c177af.jpg (http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag19/Connor_Doyle/Video_zpsa1c177af.mp4)

After that we found ourselves up on a jetty casting into some monster Jack Smelt.
http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag19/Connor_Doyle/image_zps98c3eba3.jpeg (http://s1296.photobucket.com/user/Connor_Doyle/media/image_zps98c3eba3.jpeg.html)
Brett swears he hooked into a ghost on the jetty… We'll never know, but I was there to see his line peeling off and drag screaming.

Moved back to the beach and started really hooking into the pigs! Brett was the first one to bring in a 15+ incher.
http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag19/Connor_Doyle/2cf3ec60-c900-40ff-8b7e-2be2b2ecf677_zps6f59d44a.jpg (http://s1296.photobucket.com/user/Connor_Doyle/media/2cf3ec60-c900-40ff-8b7e-2be2b2ecf677_zps6f59d44a.jpg.html)

I managed a couple myself. But of course Brett always out fishes me!
http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag19/Connor_Doyle/IMG_2548_zps66063bd2.jpeg (http://s1296.photobucket.com/user/Connor_Doyle/media/IMG_2548_zps66063bd2.jpeg.html)

Things slowed down for a bit until we found another pig pocket, around this time I knew something was not doing good in my stomach. I decided to push forward and try to tough it out being that the bite was so on fire! Finally my body gives up and I find myself in the fetal position giving quite a show to all the passing joggers. Yikes! Of course as I start to unload my stomach contents the bite completely lit up for Brett. He's next to me catching pig after pig as I was completely letting a rip! Damn that sucked! Once I was on a off shore boat, I got sea sick and I soon as I made my deposit into the ocean the bite was wide open. The same exact thing happened today! Lucky Brett.

He even had two pigs on one LC!
http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag19/Connor_Doyle/IMG_0148_zps8b7f0527.jpg (http://s1296.photobucket.com/user/Connor_Doyle/media/IMG_0148_zps8b7f0527.jpg.html)

One of those TWO being a 15"er.
http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag19/Connor_Doyle/image_zpsa5165668.jpeg (http://s1296.photobucket.com/user/Connor_Doyle/media/image_zpsa5165668.jpeg.html)

After this I stumbled back to my car and had the most nightmare of a drive back home. I finally found the strength to hop online and share with you guys our eventful day. Really looking forward to the rest of the year!

(all fish safely released)

01-04-2014, 08:59 PM
Wowzers! That is a monster smelt and some toad perchies! Love that 2fer1 shot too! Great reporting sir!

Skunked4life, aka Corporal Croaker, aka Ken

01-05-2014, 08:24 AM
That sucks being sick during a good bite, but wtg on the giant perch...your buddy should thank you for chumming for him :Smile:

01-05-2014, 05:11 PM
http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk161/darali_starscream/B3%20Stuff/applause.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/darali_starscream/media/B3%20Stuff/applause.jpg.html)

01-05-2014, 08:11 PM
I think Brett may have found the key to getting bit...give you food poisoning and tell you that it's seasickness.:Shocked::LOL: Actually that musta been pretty damned miserable...to cap it off, it happens on a great bite.:Rolls Eyes: Not fun. Great report and picts as always Conner. Hope you're feeling better and that you get back to the slayage soon!


01-06-2014, 08:56 AM
That was a nice video,that hali took off like a bullet,first glance at that smelt it looked like a bonefish,nice BSFs too!wtg


murrieta angler
01-06-2014, 06:20 PM
Good job getting out and "Trying" to enjoy the day.
Thanks for sharing,