View Full Version : Outer Limit 9/22-23

09-25-2007, 05:03 PM
We left Seaforth Friday night into what was supposed to be rough seas. We called bull5hit on the weather and it paid off!! Limited load of 16 anglers on the 65' Outer Limit. I fished with a couple of the guys before and there was also one fellow FNN'er on board. That is Pineapple Express.

We started Saturday on the troll. The capt said they only had one jig strike in the past few days of fishing. Saturday followed suit for zero jig strikes and scratch fishing to say the least. We ended Saturday with a measly 5 fish on board. Jackpot went to Billy's 32# Albie. I was 1-1 on the day with the loss coming to a poor hook set or a poor hook???

We fished hard Saturday so lights out came pretty quick after a kick a55 steak dinner.

Sunday started with soaking some bait early to see if anyone was sleeping under the boat. After a quick soak capt called 1-4 to the rail and we began the troll.

We stopped shortly after for some sonar marks. I quickly cranked in my troll stick and tossed a big dine out on my 30# set up. Pineapple Express was next to me and quickly on a hot bite. The my reel starts screaming and I'm hooked up too.

The day stayed pretty much the same, taking a few fish on each stop. One thing about the troll is you never know whats gonna happen. About mid-day we started to move and there were only two troll rods out. I set out a bright green Zucker (sp?) and went in to get a cold water. No sooner did I get into the galley did I hear "HOOK UP!!!" as I came out it was the same rig I just sent out. Cool thing is the guy who manned it ended up landing his first Albie!! An I got one off that stop too. It pays to be one of the first baits in the water!!

All in all I was 5-7. All fish taken on big dines, 30# P-Line blue, 2/0 ringed flyliner. Owner Hooks are the best !!!!!

Enjoy the pics

09-25-2007, 05:10 PM
sweet report and picz 8)

09-25-2007, 05:16 PM
wow david and danny..looks like you guys had a great trip..some familiar faces..quang and danny's buddies....good to see you guys drawin some albie blood together..

09-25-2007, 05:23 PM
nice job out there!!!

09-25-2007, 05:35 PM
Awesome job on the albas!!


And then the jealousy sets in.... :evil:

Rich and Noah
09-25-2007, 05:40 PM
Nice job! I'm Jones-n to go out to hit up those BIG albies.

09-25-2007, 07:42 PM
dood David,
that boat is the sh*t, know what i mean?
nice pics and glad to hear it was a decent trip. you got plenty o albies for that rosemary butter of yours.

btw, u didnt fish gucci style did you? tell me you got some mustads

great job


09-25-2007, 09:00 PM
Hi DavidE,

Wow ... Awesome job on the fishys. WTG and thank you for the report on you and your buddies good fishing.

Great pics!!


09-25-2007, 09:32 PM

nice fishy's mang, where was the invite? hahahaha j/k .... with my 9-5 now, I can only hit up the weekends....

HAven't been fishing in over 3 weeks, ARGH !!!!!

09-25-2007, 11:01 PM
Ya Jimmy it was alot of the same faces. Next season we wanna put together something on the Sea Advent 80. You definetly need to hit it up with us!!

Thanks for the props guys. From what I've been hearing it was definetly the right time to be out there.

Nick I popped the first one on the Mustad bro :twisted: i was so tempted to take the box and chuck it in the water. But instead I cursed Mustad (and the guy who recommended them) then promptly tied on my Owner ringed flyliners. Only popped one more and that was a fatty!! Definetly jackpot fish. No really that one was the JP fish .... really!! (hearing IslandBoi calling BS)

Hopefully Pineapple Express will post some more pics and add his report too!!

Oh yea we ran into another FNN'er at the dock. He was just heading out. I think his name was Broom Fish? Hopefully they had some good luck too!!

09-25-2007, 11:18 PM
What are you talking about Jones'in RICH~?!?! You just got back from a killer trip from east cape~!!!!

09-26-2007, 11:15 AM
That is SO SWEET! Very nice! :thumb:

09-26-2007, 11:29 AM

Cool trip , looks like a killer trip..Keep up the good work..Don't forget to invite me out on the next one...

Lots of familiar face on this post, LOL :shock: :shock: ..

Good report.


09-26-2007, 09:48 PM
aw man, bummer my bad dood

well, find what works and chuck what dont

09-26-2007, 10:36 PM
Set it up bro, would love to get out and get my 1st tuna......

Going to try some of this trout fishing coming up this season....

09-28-2007, 02:12 AM
Nice report . Congrats to you on your catch of Tuna. :D

Thanks for the cool pics. also.


09-28-2007, 09:43 AM
DavidE, congratulations to you on the nice albies, and the nice report too.\
That's what I like to see, lots of smiling faces.


09-28-2007, 11:56 AM
Very cool DE!

Check your PM.

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