View Full Version : Help Pleaseee

Mr T-rex
12-11-2013, 12:19 PM
Buying a gift for Xmas and i dont know what to get

Apple Mac Book Air 13.3 inch display or
Microsoft Surface 2 magnesium 10.6 inch ????

Also which one would be better for posting videos on youtube. Since im getting a Go Pro in return


reservoir dog
12-11-2013, 01:26 PM
I would go with the Apple if you plan to edit or post videos. Difference is it's harder to get bootleg software for Apple computers. I have a MacBook Pro and haven't had any problems but then again I'm also a long time Mac user. It basically comes down to preference in Mac vs. PC and budget of course. I'm sure either one would work fine.

Mr T-rex
12-11-2013, 03:04 PM
Im kind of leaning towards the surface because of the price lol
but can i upload videos onto youtube from the surface ?

12-11-2013, 03:31 PM
I would go with the Apple if you plan to edit or post videos. Difference is it's harder to get bootleg software for Apple computers. I have a MacBook Pro and haven't had any problems but then again I'm also a long time Mac user. It basically comes down to preference in Mac vs. PC and budget of course. I'm sure either one would work fine.

x2 on the Apple if you are going to edit videos. I'm sure (not 100%) that you will be able to post videos from the surface, but if you wanna edit you videos (music, wiping, etc.) then I would def go with the apple. Then again I am an Apple guy so there may be some bias.

12-11-2013, 05:47 PM
x3 on the apple, don't short change ur self sometimes u buy cheap stuff and then end up buying the better later and spending double the money.