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12-06-2013, 07:19 PM
Obama: Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden would both be 'Outstanding Presidents'

President Obama wouldn’t even dare discuss the qualities that would differentiate Vice President Joe Biden from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were they both to run for president in 2016, but does think they’d both be “outstanding” at the job.

“Not a chance I’m goin’ there,” he told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews when asked to “compare and contrast” the two in an interview conducted Thursday afternoon, before Nelson Mandela’s death was announced.

“Both Hillary and Joe would make outstanding presidents and possess the qualities that are needed to be outstanding presidents,” Obama said.

(PHOTOS: Who’s talking about Hillary 2016?)

But he did weigh in on some of their strengths.

“I think Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the best vice presidents ever. And he has been with me, at my side, in every tough decision that I've made from going after Bin Laden to dealing with the health care issues to, you name it, he's been there.”

Clinton, meanwhile, “will go down in history as one of the finest secretaries of state we've ever had,” the president said. She “helped to transition us away from a deep hole that we were in when I first came into office around the world. And to rebuild confidence and trust in the United States.”

http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/epicdude1/obamabarack-1.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/epicdude1/media/obamabarack-1.jpg.html)

12-07-2013, 09:26 AM
Obama: Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden would both be 'Outstanding Presidents'

President Obama wouldn’t even dare discuss the qualities that would differentiate Vice President Joe Biden from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were they both to run for president in 2016, but does think they’d both be “outstanding” at the job.

“Not a chance I’m goin’ there,” he told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews when asked to “compare and contrast” the two in an interview conducted Thursday afternoon, before Nelson Mandela’s death was announced.

“Both Hillary and Joe would make outstanding presidents and possess the qualities that are needed to be outstanding presidents,” Obama said.

(PHOTOS: Who’s talking about Hillary 2016?)

But he did weigh in on some of their strengths.

“I think Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the best vice presidents ever. And he has been with me, at my side, in every tough decision that I've made from going after Bin Laden to dealing with the health care issues to, you name it, he's been there.”

Clinton, meanwhile, “will go down in history as one of the finest secretaries of state we've ever had,” the president said. She “helped to transition us away from a deep hole that we were in when I first came into office around the world. And to rebuild confidence and trust in the United States.”

http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/epicdude1/obamabarack-1.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/epicdude1/media/obamabarack-1.jpg.html)

You know DR to be fair, to call the VP or Hillary the worst two possible choices for the job. You do have to compare them to who the Republicans pick as their nominee. For the low information voters out there, (sorry I stole that line from someone else) let me make this comparison to better help them understand the process. Think of the worst food in the world and you were forced to have to eat it. We are fisherman here so I'll pick a Blue Shark to eat. (people say it has an iodine taste to it) Now you would never really have to eat that shark because we are Americans, people in America don't starve. (Thank you welfare state for that) However, if your only choice was that Blue Shark or a plate of feces!!!!!!! I think you would pick that Blue Shark to eat. So DR, before we start laughing our arse's off at the possibility of Joe or Hillary as being our next President. Let's see who the Republicans nominate as their guy. For I myself, would too rather eat that Blue Shark any day of the week over a plate of feces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-07-2013, 09:32 AM
You already ate the plate of feces, twice. Next, you're going to eat the plate of cold leftover feces. But to you lefties, what difference does it make...

12-07-2013, 09:43 AM
You already ate the plate of feces, twice. Next, you're going to eat the plate of cold leftover feces. But to you lefties, what difference does it make...

You know HawgZWylde, it would not hurt my feelings if your guy won the Presidency. You want to know why??????? To prove that the Conservatives don't have the magic wand either to fix what ails our country. Only then we can unite, in really trying to fix our Nations problems.

12-07-2013, 09:50 AM
I would be willing to bet the economy would vastly improve rather quickly. But a lot of damage has already been dome by Obozo and his merry band of Marx/Mao lovers and will take time to fix, if it can be fixed...

12-29-2013, 01:39 PM
One thing is for sure, this country is doomed as long as the same people, that got us into this mess, keep getting re-elected . It's time to stop the free giveaways to those who are fully capable of working, and stop rewarding those who knowingly enter this country illegally. It's time we go back to the basic principles this country was founded on. Government by the people and for the people. Let's rid Washington D.C. of all the career politicians!

12-29-2013, 01:49 PM
One thing is for sure, this country is doomed as long as the same people, that got us into this mess, keep getting re-elected . It's time to stop the free giveaways to those who are fully capable of working, and stop rewarding those who knowingly enter this country illegally. It's time we go back to the basic principles this country was founded on. Government by the people and for the people. Let's rid Washington D.C. of all the career politicians!


America needs to manufacture again. Stop the China train.

Of course the China train was brought to you by the American Unions.

12-29-2013, 02:15 PM

America needs to manufacture again. Stop the China train.

Of course the China train was brought to you by the American Unions.

A 39% corporate tax rate didn't help either. Lower corporate taxes to 25-28% among other things and you would see manufacturing begin to return...

12-29-2013, 02:33 PM
Which party believes in Lazier-afire Capitalism more then the other??????? Didn't President Bush give tax breaks any way he could???? How did that work out for us??????

12-30-2013, 08:56 AM
Which party believes in Lazier-afire Capitalism more then the other??????? Didn't President Bush give tax breaks any way he could???? How did that work out for us??????

Hey Tucker, YOU REALLY NEED TO GET OVER BUSH. Do your research. Google is your friend. " Type in What caused the recession " or use youtube or use any non bias reference.
The recession was caused mostly by Dems that made it easy with new regs that made easy for irresponsible people to buy a house.

If you don't want to watch it then jump to the 6:45 mark, pretty funny..DR


http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr75/starrman60/FingerBush.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/starrman60/media/FingerBush.gif.html)

12-30-2013, 09:15 AM

12-30-2013, 09:23 AM

DR, that's a good one!!!!!!!!! He got caught with his mouth in the cookie JAR!!!!!

12-30-2013, 09:27 AM
Hey Tucker, YOU REALLY NEED TO GET OVER BUSH. Do your research. Google is your friend. " Type in What caused the recession " or use youtube or use any non bias reference.
The recession was caused mostly by Dems that made it easy with new regs that made easy for irresponsible people to buy a house.

If you don't want to watch it then jump to the 6:45 mark, pretty funny..DR


http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr75/starrman60/FingerBush.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/starrman60/media/FingerBush.gif.html)

DR, I am not blaming Bush!!!!! I'm merely pointing out that lowering Tax's is not the magic Bullet for our economic wows!!!!!! You can even prove that point if you want to research it thoroughly.

12-30-2013, 09:29 AM
Tucker you still think Bush is the reason ? :LOL:
Fannie and Freddie FAILED ! The EASY LOW INTEREST LOANS where the reason.

IF you watch this, YOU will learn something. It wasn't the Iraq war Tucker and Not Bush.
Educate yourself on the reason why the bankers failed.


12-30-2013, 09:36 AM
DR, I am not blaming Bush!!!!! I'm merely pointing out that lowering Tax's is not the magic Bullet for our economic wows!!!!!! You can even prove that point if you want to research it thoroughly.

So you must think raising Taxes is the answer ?
WE live in the highest Taxed state. Also the worst run state in the USA.
Raise taxes and people with money leave. Why would someone wealthy want to give up there hard earned money to a state ?
They move there business's and investments to a lower taxed state. Then we (Ca) loose more.
Do you get it yet ?

12-30-2013, 09:38 AM
Tucker you still think Bush is the reason ? :LOL:
Fannie and Freddie FAILED ! The EASY LOW INTEREST LOANS where the reason.

IF you watch this, YOU will learn something. It wasn't the Iraq war Tucker and Not Bush.
Educate yourself on the reason why the bankers failed.


It wasn't low interest rates as much as STATED INCOME LOANS and gimmicks like 2 year teaser rates. For people who don't know what STATED INCOME MEANS. In the business we called them LIARS LOANS. In effect you could put down any amount of Income that you allegedly made to qualify for a loan. ( You didn't have to show proof that you really made that amount of money) So we nick named them liar loans, because you were lying your arse off to get the loan!!!!

12-30-2013, 12:13 PM
So you must think raising Taxes is the answer ?
WE live in the highest Taxed state. Also the worst run state in the USA.
Raise taxes and people with money leave. Why would someone wealthy want to give up there hard earned money to a state ?
They move there business's and investments to a lower taxed state. Then we (Ca) loose more.
Do you get it yet ?

DocRat DocRat DocRat, I am an out of the box thinker, the problem here on FNN that some of the more Conservative members can't comprehend what I'm talking about!!!!! I believe tax's are a necessary evil, but if there is a way to make them go down without losing services, I am all in favor of that. The problem is we tried lower tax's to grow the Economy and it didn't work. Instead of just keeping the same bad ideas, let's try something different. I believe our Country should start using some types of Mercantilism. Just don't let those cheap Chinese goods flood the American Market place unchecked. Give American companies a chance to re industrialize the USA, without worrying about Cheap Chinese labor they can never compete against. Get the Economy rolling again and you don't have to raise any ones tax's or cut services. Sounds pretty good doesn't it??????

12-30-2013, 02:38 PM