View Full Version : My DNA Results Came Back and...

City Dad
12-05-2013, 01:41 PM
I'm only 1.9% Neanderthal... Gotta admit this is kind of disappointing - I was pretty confident I'd be closer to 10%... but we can’t change who our ancestors were I guess.

Officially, National Geographic says that my profile is "45% Northern European, 38% Mediterranean and 15% South-west Asian," which, in FNN General Discussion parlance would work out to something like 45% regular American, 38% Catholic and 15% terrorist

This profile falls somewhere between what is typical for a person of Danish descent and a person of Iberian (Spanish/Portuguese) descent. So, it would appear that somewhere in the last few centuries a Dane and Spaniard went out for a couple flagons of mead, discovered they liked the same stuff, (pottage and leeks, pitching quoits and occasional bull baiting, etc.) and both seeking to be betrothed, soon settled down to a life in serfdom, eking out a meager existence, narrowly surviving plague and believing that the menstrual cycle was closely linked to witchcraft.

And although this makes me one of maybe five or six members here who do not have native American blood, I still think it's cool.

12-05-2013, 02:16 PM
City Dad while I am aware of my ancestry due to relatives on both side of my family (Maternal & Paternal) doing extensive Genealogical research it would be interesting to have the DNA thing done. What service provider did you use for the DNA report? It think mine might not show up what I don't already know but there could always be a surprise. My Paternal side is exclusively Norwegian with a Dutchman thrown while my Maternal side is Irish and Native America. Seems them Irish guys sure liked them Indian Maidens and my grandson (third year at U of A) has been dating an Indian Princess the last two years.

12-05-2013, 02:44 PM
I'm only 1.9% Neanderthal... Gotta admit this is kind of disappointing - I was pretty confident I'd be closer to 10%... but we can’t change who our ancestors were I guess.

Officially, National Geographic says that my profile is "45% Northern European, 38% Mediterranean and 15% South-west Asian," which, in FNN General Discussion parlance would work out to something like 45% regular American, 38% Catholic and 15% terrorist

This profile falls somewhere between what is typical for a person of Danish descent and a person of Iberian (Spanish/Portuguese) descent. So, it would appear that somewhere in the last few centuries a Dane and Spaniard went out for a couple flagons of mead, discovered they liked the same stuff, (pottage and leeks, pitching quoits and occasional bull baiting, etc.) and both seeking to be betrothed, soon settled down to a life in serfdom, eking out a meager existence, narrowly surviving plague and believing that the menstrual cycle was closely linked to witchcraft.

And although this makes me one of maybe five or six members here who do not have native American blood, I still think it's cool.

Dude that is both super cool and funny as sh**!

Where did you go to have that done?

We Germans generally progressed from nomadic beginnings to a primitive, barbaric society to nearly conquering the world....twice....

So close....yet soooooo far. :-)

City Dad
12-05-2013, 03:30 PM
My in-laws have always given me ish because CG and her sister are both olive-skinned and beautiful - unlike me. My brother-in-law thought it'd be funny to send us National Geographic Geno 2.0 DNA kits to find what's what. I think they run somewhere between $150 and $200 a pop, so I guess the joke was on him! We just had to swab our cheeks (facial) and sent em in. It took a couple of months for the results to come back

Anyhow, they are used to study populations and their movements, development, etc. through history. The profiles are based only on DNA from recent ancestors - that is to say only a few thousand years back - so the genetic markers that every human has from our common African ancestors were not included in mine... but they are there.

Interestingly, native African populations do not share any DNA with Neanderthals - evidently, it was only we, the northern diaspora who threw on the beer goggles and got down with the chubbies in the next valley over. Good times.

Nat Geo hosts a site with info on the project and how to get kits, etc. Even if you don't get a test, it's pretty interesting.

12-05-2013, 03:57 PM
Thanks, I will have to check out Nat Geo as I had been given info that Ancesrty.com has DNA testing also.

12-06-2013, 07:10 AM
Pretty cool CD. Who do you think has more African DNA Charles Barkley or Snoop Dog ?


12-06-2013, 05:28 PM
My in-laws have always given me ish because CG and her sister are both olive-skinned and beautiful - unlike me. My brother-in-law thought it'd be funny to send us National Geographic Geno 2.0 DNA kits to find what's what. I think they run somewhere between $150 and $200 a pop, so I guess the joke was on him! We just had to swab our cheeks (facial) and sent em in. It took a couple of months for the results to come back

Anyhow, they are used to study populations and their movements, development, etc. through history. The profiles are based only on DNA from recent ancestors - that is to say only a few thousand years back - so the genetic markers that every human has from our common African ancestors were not included in mine... but they are there.

Interestingly, native African populations do not share any DNA with Neanderthals - evidently, it was only we, the northern diaspora who threw on the beer goggles and got down with the chubbies in the next valley over. Good times.

Nat Geo hosts a site with info on the project and how to get kits, etc. Even if you don't get a test, it's pretty interesting.How do you know the test was accurate?

I'd rather shell out an extra few hundred to work with professionals. I dont trust NG, because they blatantly screw information up left and right, in the process of sensationalism.

12-06-2013, 08:06 PM
How do you know the test was accurate?

I'd rather shell out an extra few hundred to work with professionals. I dont trust NG, because they blatantly screw information up left and right, in the process of sensationalism.

I would never have agreed with you, Smokehound, until I saw the NG TV special on the Chupacabra.

12-06-2013, 08:34 PM
Dude that is both super cool and funny as sh**!

Where did you go to have that done?

We Germans generally progressed from nomadic beginnings to a primitive, barbaric society to nearly conquering the world....twice....

So close....yet soooooo far. :-)
Its amazing what meth can do for people like almost conquering the world twice. And we all know that alcohol was created to keep the Irish from ruling the world.

12-06-2013, 09:02 PM
Youre lying c/d youre 100% bluebackdodgergorilla,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Lady Quagga
12-06-2013, 10:14 PM
Dammit! Who drank all the Jameson's?

12-07-2013, 04:32 PM
I did again us irish love to get drunk and talk smack,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

12-07-2013, 06:04 PM
I did again us irish love to get drunk and talk smack,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I'll drink to that.........

City Dad
12-09-2013, 10:02 AM
How do you know the test was accurate?

I'd rather shell out an extra few hundred to work with professionals. I dont trust NG, because they blatantly screw information up left and right, in the process of sensationalism.

Meh, at the end of the day, I'd rather shell out zero extra... which is what I did. Don't plan on making any life altering decisions based on the results so, I'm good.