View Full Version : Black Friday ponder

11-29-2013, 09:15 AM
Is it racist?

11-29-2013, 09:48 AM
I was talking to my wife about that same thing the other day. I'm surprised someone hasn't come out against the name "Black Friday".


11-29-2013, 11:10 AM
Have you seen the city council meeting where a guy was called racist for saying black hole?

11-29-2013, 12:05 PM
Let's hear what the crazy Liberal has to say. Thank you for asking. (Humor) It's just a play on words, Black Friday as, "in the Black" as being Profitable in business. The opposite of being Profitable is losing money or "in the Red". So Black Friday means, "business's will be very Profitable today because of all the Consumer spending."

When it comes to peoples interpretation of words, do people really have the right to complain, when they themselves make up a negative interruption of the words up in their own head?? When clearly the person who said the words, DIDN'T MEAN THAT AT ALL!!!!! You can think of many examples like that, as already demonstrated in other people's comments in this Thread. I've got my own pet peeve about this very thing here at FNN. I like to use the word TEA BAGGER as a insult or play on words of the Tea Party. You know Tea Party, Tea Bagger!!!!! Guess what kind of response I get on here?????? A sexual response is what I get!!! That couldn't be farther from the truth, but some people think it is!!!! See my point, who's really got the problem here, me or the people who just interpreted of what I just said?????????

11-29-2013, 12:22 PM
Let's hear what the crazy Liberal has to say. Thank you for asking. (Humor) It's just a play on words, Black Friday as, "in the Black" as being Profitable in business. The opposite of being Profitable is losing money or in the Red. So Black Friday means business's will be very Profitable today because of all the Consumer spending.

When it comes to peoples interpretation of words, do people really have the right to complain, when they themselves make up a negative interruption of the words, up in their own head. When clearly the person who said the words, DIDN'T MEAN THAT AT ALL!!!!! You can think of many examples like that as already demonstrated in other people's comments in this Thread. I've got my own pet peeve about this very thing here at FNN. I like to use the word TEA BAGGER as a insult or play on words of the Tea Party. You know Tea Party, Tea Bagger!!!!! Guess what kind of response I get on here?????? A sexual response is what I get!!! That couldn't be farther from the truth, but some people think it is!!!! See my point, who's really got the problem here, me or the people who interpret of what I just said?????????

See my point, who's really got the problem here, me or the people who interpret of what I just said??????????

Xanax and Prozac. Go take them now...

11-29-2013, 12:26 PM
Xanax and Prozac. Go take them now...

Ha Ha Ha Ha that didn't take long did it!!!!!! lol

11-29-2013, 06:17 PM

11-29-2013, 07:03 PM

He who as not sinned, shall cast thy first stone!!!!!! I sort of remember using the word Hick in here once in a general way and caught Hell for using that word!!!!!!!!!!!

City Dad
12-03-2013, 12:44 PM
I think that everyone who is offended by the term "black Friday" and everyone who is offended that someone is offended by the term "black Friday" belong on the same island.