View Full Version : Why is America in trouble you ask?

11-21-2013, 08:12 AM
Because this type of thought process, or radical left if you will, has taken over our learning institutions;

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

Did you know that eating or even talking about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be considered racist?

That’s right.

Apparently, it’s because people in some cultures don’t eat sandwich bread. Verenice Gutierrez, principal of Harvey Scott K-8 School in Portland explained to the Portland Tribune:

“Take the peanut butter sandwich, a seemingly innocent example a teacher used in a lesson last school year,” the Tribune said.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

…The Tribune noted that the school started the new year with “intensive staff trainings, frequent staff meetings, classroom observations and other initiatives,” to help educators understand their own “white privilege,” in order to “change their teaching practices to boost minority students’ performance.”"Last Wednesday, the first day of the school year for staff, for example, the first item of business for teachers at Scott School was to have a Courageous Conversation — to examine a news article and discuss the ‘white privilege’ it conveys,” the Tribune added.

Gutierrez completed a week-long seminar called “Coaching for Educational Equity,” a program the Tribune says focuses “on race and how it affects life.” She also serves on an administrative committee that focuses on systematic racism.

“Our focus school and our Superintendent’s mandate that we improve education for students of color, particularly Black and Brown boys, will provide us with many opportunities to use the protocols of Courageous Conversations in data teams, team meetings, staff meetings, and conversations amongst one another,” she said in a letter to staff.

Next time you’re in the bread aisle at the grocery store, you may want to think twice. Sensitive liberal educators are now recommending the torta or the pita as a more culturally inclusive alternative.

Now that we’ve been made aware of the evil of PB&J, there’s only one question left to answer: Is white bread more racist than whole wheat?


WTF? The only way this country will be prosperous and free again is if we purge our education system of this type(radical left) of thinking and indoctrination...

11-21-2013, 08:39 AM
That's why I eat tortillas.

11-21-2013, 08:59 AM
That's why I eat tortillas.

I eat it all. You name it, I like it. Mexican, Asian, Cajun, Mediterranean, Southern, Northern, Eastern or Western, it's all good. So why does the left make it a point to insert any kind of "social justice" connotations behind any of it?

11-21-2013, 09:35 AM
That's why I eat tortillas.

I've seen you deepthroat a baguette at DVL. Which albeit was not racist, but frighteningly homoerotic.

But that's ok, you were g-a-y before g-a-y was cool.

11-21-2013, 09:52 AM

I've seen you deepthroat a baguette at DVL. Which albeit was not racist, but frighteningly homoerotic.

But that's ok, you were g-a-y before g-a-y was cool.

Holy crap, look what the cat dragged in!

Long time no talk to, Rich!

Wanna share a PB&J?

City Dad
11-21-2013, 09:53 AM

I've seen you deepthroat a baguette at DVL. Which albeit was not racist, but frighteningly homoerotic.

But that's ok, you were g-a-y before g-a-y was cool.

well, well, well... the prodigal son returns

11-21-2013, 10:14 AM
well, well, well... the prodigal son returns

Better let him know not to wander too far into the Gen Discussion area, considering how people are being dubbed "Frenchmen" as a term of non-endearment. ;-)

11-21-2013, 10:20 AM
Better let him know not to wander too far into the Gen Discussion area, considering how people are being dubbed "Frenchmen" as a term of non-endearment. ;-)

Nah, nobody here has been called a "Frenchman", only "Frenchy". Frenchmen would mean there's at least some manhood behind it. There is none with "Frenchy"...

Lady Quagga
11-21-2013, 10:42 AM

I've seen you deepthroat a baguette at DVL. Which albeit was not racist, but frighteningly homoerotic.

But that's ok, you were g-a-y before g-a-y was cool.

Good to see you again, Counselor.

And don't mind Hawgzy - we only keep him around for the tinfoil.

11-21-2013, 10:45 AM
Reid, Democrats trigger ‘nuclear’ option; eliminate most filibusters on nominees

By Paul Kane, Updated: Thursday, November 21, 10:11 AM

The partisan battles that have paralyzed Washington in recent years took a historic turn on Thursday, when Senate Democrats eliminated filibusters for most presidential nominations, severely curtailing the political leverage of the Republican minority in the Senate and assuring an escalation of partisan warfare.

The rule change means federal judge nominees and executive-office appointments can be confirmed by a simple majority of senators, rather than the 60-vote super majority that has been required for more than two centuries.

The change does not apply to Supreme Court nominations. But the vote, mostly along party lines, reverses nearly 225 years of precedent and dramatically alters the landscape for both Democratic and Republican presidents, especially if their own political party holds a majority of, but fewer than 60, Senate seats.

[See the latest updates.]

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) accused Democrats of a power grab and suggested that they will regret their decision if Republicans regain control of the chamber.

“We’re not interested in having a gun put to our head any longer,” McConnell said. “Some of us have been around here long enough to know that the shoe is sometimes on the other foot.” McConnell then addressed Democrats directly, saying: “You may regret this a lot sooner than you think.”

Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, warned Democrats against the rule change on Wednesday, saying that if the GOP reclaimed the Senate majority, Republicans would further alter the rules to include Supreme Court nominees, so that Democrats could not filibuster a Republican pick for the nation’s highest court.

The vote to change the rule passed 52-48. Three Democrats – Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) – joined with 45 Republicans in opposing the measure. Levin is a longtime senator who remembers well the years when Democratic filibusters blocked nominees of Republican presidents; Manchin and Pryor come from Republican-leaning states.

Infuriated by what he sees as a pattern of obstruction and delay over President Obama’s nominees, Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) triggered the so-called “nuclear option” by proposing a motion to reconsider the nomination of Patricia Millet, one of the judicial nominees whom Republicans recently blocked by a filibuster, to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The Senate voted 57-40, with three abstentions, to reconsider Millett’s nomination. Several procedural votes followed. The Senate Parliamentarian, speaking through Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), the chamber’s president pro temp, then ruled that 60 votes are needed to cut off a filibuster and move to a final confirmation vote. Reid appealed that ruling, asking senators to decide whether it should stand.

The Democratic victory paves the way for the rapid confirmation of Millett and two other nominee to the D.C. appeals court. All have recently been stymied by GOP filibusters, amid Republican assertions that the critical appellate court simply did not need any more judges.

But the impact of the move is be more far-reaching. The means for executing this rules change — a simple-majority vote, rather than the long-standing two-thirds majority required to change the chamber’s standing rules — is more controversial than the actual move itself.

[Read: What the Senate change means.]

Many Senate majorities have thought about using this technical maneuver to get around centuries of parliamentary precedent, but none has done so in a unilateral move on a major change of rules or precedents. This simple-majority vote has been executed in the past to change relatively minor precedents involving how to handle amendments; for example, one such change short-circuited the number of filibusters that the minority party could deploy on nominations.

Reid has rattled his saber on the filibuster rules at least three other times in the past three years, yielding each time to a bipartisan compromise brokered by the chamber’s elder statesmen. But this time, no deal emerged.

The main protagonists for the rules change have been junior Democrats elected in the last six or seven years, who have alleged that Republicans have used the arcane filibuster rules to create a procedural logjam that has left the Senate deadlocked. Upon arriving in 2009, Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) said, he found that “the Senate was a graveyard for good ideas.”

As he recounted in a speech this week, Udall said, “I am sorry to say that little has changed. The digging continues.”

[Read: The history of this fight]

Reid’s move is a reversal of his position in 2005, when he was minority leader and fought the GOP majority’s bid to change rules on a party-line vote. A bipartisan, rump caucus led by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) defused that effort.

At the time, McConnell was the No. 2 GOP leader and helped push the effort to eliminate filibusters on the George W. Bush White House’s judicial selections. Eight years later, McConnell, now the minority leader, has grown publicly furious over Reid’s threats to use the same maneuver.

Democrats contend that this GOP minority, with a handful of senators elected as tea party heroes, has overrun McConnell’s institutional inclinations and served as a procedural roadblock on most rudimentary things. According to the Congressional Research Service, from 1967 through 2012, majority leaders had to file motions to try to break a filibuster of a judicial nominee 67 times — and 31 of those, more than 46 percent — occurred in the last five years of an Obama White House and Democratic majority.

Republicans contend that their aggressive posture is merely a natural growth from a decades-long war over the federal judiciary, noting that what prompted the 2005 rules showdown were at least 10 filibusters of GOP judicial nominees. To date, only a handful of Obama’s judicial selections have gone to a vote and been filibustered by the minority.

However, many Republicans, weary from the third rules fight this year, seemed to have adopted a resigned indifference to this latest threat, as opposed to the heated rhetoric in mid-July when the issue last flared up.


Indeed, now they've started a war. What this means is now Obozo has the power to nominate and install any radical left wing nutjob he so chooses as long as Harry remains the senate majority leader. But alas, this can and will bite them in the very near future. Very bad move senator "Hairless" Reid...

11-21-2013, 10:47 AM
Good to see you again, Counselor.

And don't mind Hawgzy - we only keep him around for the tinfoil.

And is it up to you to decide who comes and who goes? Interesting...

Lady Quagga
11-21-2013, 10:55 AM
And is it up to you to decide who comes and who goes? Interesting...

Yes Hawgzy, I am omnipotent.

I have given you the illusion of free will so that you may continue to provide us with a steady supply of http://www.inorganicventures.com/sites/default/files/Sn.gif.

11-21-2013, 11:01 AM
Yes Hawgzy, I am omnipotent.

I have given you the illusion of free will so that you may continue to provide us with a steady supply of http://www.inorganicventures.com/sites/default/files/Sn.gif.

Oh geez, I'm impressed. Art Bell would be proud of you...

Lady Quagga
11-21-2013, 11:26 AM
Oh geez, I'm impressed. Art Bell would be proud of you...

Uh, yeah. Donut.

11-21-2013, 11:35 AM
http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag145/Hawgz_Wylde/original_zps84a587df.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/Hawgz_Wylde/media/original_zps84a587df.jpg.html)

Indeed, says it all doesn't it...

11-21-2013, 11:36 AM
Uh, yeah. Donut.

Care to discuss the topic, or are you just going to continue to threadjack?

11-21-2013, 11:41 AM
Care to discuss the topic, or are you just going to continue to threadjack?

Yeah Quagga, explain to us how this earth shattering dillema with PB&J sandwiches is a microcosm of what's wrong with America.

No Copy Paste allowed.

11-21-2013, 11:59 AM
Yeah Quagga, explain to us how this earth shattering dillema with PB&J sandwiches is a microcosm of what's wrong with America.

No Copy Paste allowed.

Nice try d**khead. It's the use of the PB&J to promote social justice, moron. The fact that food can be used as an example of racism is ridiculous, like most of the PC social justice bee ess the radical leftist, so called "educators" indoctrinate our young with. So why don't YOU comment on the topic of the thread instead of threadjacking it, d**khead...


Oh, and since it's my thread please feel free to copy and paste anything as long as it pertains to the threads topic and is factual regarding said topic...

City Dad
11-21-2013, 12:12 PM
the real problem is that there is a microphone for every idiot.

Lady Quagga
11-21-2013, 12:17 PM
So why don't YOU comment on the topic of the thread instead of threadjacking it, d**khead...


Oh, and since it's my thread please feel free to copy and paste anything as long as it pertains to the threads topic and is factual regarding said topic...

It's not "your" thread, you hypocritical egocentric nincompoop. All you did was start it. If it gets carried off on some wild tangent, well them's the breaks. Tighten up your Depends and deal with it.

City Dad
11-21-2013, 12:49 PM
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I get kinda turned on by the idea that heterosexual, white, Anglo-saxon, protestant males have become the most oppressed demographic in the land. I mean, how cool will it be when we start to see pro sports teams named things like The Boston Hedge-fund Managers or The Milwaukee Sky-divers? I cannot wait to protest that ish!

WHITE GUYS, RISE UP! It is time our voice is finally heard!!!!!

11-21-2013, 01:16 PM
Already done...google "Fighting Whities" :Big Grin:

11-21-2013, 01:53 PM
In typical media fashion the original article focuses on the example of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and claims that any mention of a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich is racist. However, the actual issue addressed by the administration of the school is white privilege.

White privilege- The term denotes both obvious and less obvious unspoken advantages that white individuals may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice.[1] These include cultural affirmations of one's own worth; presumed greater social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely.[2]

Lady Quagga
11-21-2013, 01:55 PM
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I get kinda turned on by the idea that heterosexual, white, Anglo-saxon, protestant males have become the most oppressed demographic in the land. I mean, how cool will it be when we start to see pro sports teams named things like The Boston Hedge-fund Managers or The Milwaukee Sky-divers? I cannot wait to protest that ish!

WHITE GUYS, RISE UP! It is time our voice is finally heard!!!!!

You're not fooling anyone, sir.

This is clearly a thinly-veiled attempt on your part to forward the crony-capitalist PBJ agenda and subject sandwich eaters with this abomination:


11-21-2013, 02:20 PM
Nice try d**khead. It's the use of the PB&J to promote social justice, moron.

The use of PB&J to promote social justice! Duly noted.

Another restroom material for my staff. PB&J to promote social justice. That's the best one yet.

Oh, and since it's my thread please feel free to copy and paste anything as long as it pertains to the threads topic

Wait. How do elections have anything to do with the PB&J topic at hand?

http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag145/Hawgz_Wylde/original_zps84a587df.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/Hawgz_Wylde/media/original_zps84a587df.jpg.html)

Indeed, says it all doesn't it...

Soooo......what does this have to do with PB&J?

Oh, and since it's my thread please feel free to copy and paste anything as long as it pertains to the threads topic and is factual regarding said topic...

Makes 16| Hands-On Time: 15m| Total Time: 3hr 00m

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature, plus more for the baking dish
1/2 cup raspberry jam
1/2 cup fresh raspberries, mashed (http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/ingredients-guide/raspberries-00000000039354/index.html)
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cup sugar
1 large egg (http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/ingredients-guide/eggs-00000000039308/index.html)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/ingredients-guide/vanilla-00000000039384/index.html)
1 cup creamy peanut butter (http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/ingredients-guide/peanut-butter-00000000039345/index.html)
1/2 cup chopped salted roasted peanuts (http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/ingredients-guide/nuts-00000000039334/index.html)


Heat oven to 350° F. Butter an 8-inch square baking dish. Line with parchment paper.
Combine the jam and raspberries in a small bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, and baking powder.
Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer on medium-high until light and fluffy, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the egg and vanilla and beat until combined. Add the peanut butter and beat until combined.
Gradually add the flour mixture, mixing on low until just combined. Press half the dough into the prepared dish. Top with the raspberry mixture. Fold the peanuts into the remaining half of the dough and drop in clumps over the jam. Bake until the top is golden brown, 35 to 40 minutes.
Cool in the dish for 30 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Cut into 16 squares.

City Dad
11-21-2013, 03:30 PM
In typical media fashion the original article focuses on the example of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and claims that any mention of a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich is racist. However, the actual issue addressed by the administration of the school is white privilege.

White privilege- The term denotes both obvious and less obvious unspoken advantages that white individuals may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice.[1] These include cultural affirmations of one's own worth; presumed greater social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely.[2]

I've been a white guy for pretty much my entire life and among the many advantages, my favorites are:

Freedom to give my dog a human name.

Freedom to engage in increasingly dangerous pastimes and be labeled an "adrenaline junky" instead of an idiot.

'Zepplin, man. 'Zepplin.

Tan lines.

Of course, like anything, there are some aspects of being white that suck. Among them:

Renaissance Faires

Jennifer Aniston movies


11-21-2013, 03:37 PM
I've been a white guy for pretty much my entire life and among the many advantages, my favorites are:

Freedom to give my dog a human name.

Freedom to engage in increasingly dangerous pastimes and be labeled an "adrenaline junky" instead of an idiot.

'Zepplin, man. 'Zepplin.

Tan lines.

Of course, like anything, there are some aspects of being white that suck. Among them:

Renaissance Faires

Jennifer Aniston movies


And I've learned as of yet:

Fly fishing

People see me and they think I'm there to steal their gear.

Damn you Obama!!!!!!!!!!

City Dad
11-21-2013, 03:50 PM
And I've learned as of yet:

Fly fishing

People see me and they think I'm there to steal their gear.

Damn you Obama!!!!!!!!!!

SHHHHHHH! You're the perfect distraction while I slip up behind 'em and swipe their hundred-dollar, collapsible aluminum wading staffs! (But seriously, don't those guys know that sticks are free???)

11-21-2013, 03:56 PM
SHHHHHHH! You're the perfect distraction while I slip up behind 'em and swipe their hundred-dollar, collapsible aluminum wading staffs! (But seriously, don't those guys know that sticks are free???)


What is this? Socialism?

You have to earn (buy) your wading staff in this country, sir. You can't just create one from a stick you found on the bank, because that doesn't contribute to Smith and Barney's bottom line.

11-22-2013, 01:42 AM
Ah yes, it's been 3 years...

...and I see the crinkly smell of tinfoil still runeth strong in the General Discussion area of FNN.

11-22-2013, 06:24 AM
http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll107/Twigica88o/jellypeanutbutterotherhalf2.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Twigica88o/media/jellypeanutbutterotherhalf2.jpg.html)
http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/BunkBuster/flapjack.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/BunkBuster/media/flapjack.jpg.html)


11-22-2013, 07:00 AM
Ah yes, it's been 3 years...

...and I see the crinkly smell of tinfoil still runeth strong in the General Discussion area of FNN.

Welcome back. Lol, indeed it does. Some here just can't seem to shake the effects that public edumacation wrought on them...

11-22-2013, 07:16 AM
More radical leftist collectivist thought regarding our children;

Critics slam MSNBC host’s claim that kids belong to community, not parents

Parents and media critics were aghast after a host for MSNBC called for collective care of a community's children instead of parents taking care of their kids themselves.

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry recorded a commercial for the network in which she stated that children do not belong to their parents, but are instead the responsibility of the members of their community.

“We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children,” she says in a spot for the network’s “Lean Forward” campaign. “So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”

Harris-Perry’s views ignited a firestorm of anger and disbelief.

“The notion that children belong to a state government rather than their own flesh and blood is the most disturbing statement made in recent political times. Melissa Harris-Perry is dead wrong. It’s unfathomable that any true American could make such a pretentious and naively ill statement,” media communications expert, and parent, Angie Olszewski told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “The government can’t properly run their own budgets schools and public systems. Why would anybody think they could rear children?”

The Media Research Center’s Director of Media Analysis, Tim Graham, called the MSNBC spot "frightening.”

“It's bad enough that ‘Lean Forward’ already sounds like an ad for Mao's Little Red Book, then to have your network's hosts talk about your children being part of the Collective is just spooky,” he said. “I think most parents disappoint MSNBC with their traditional beliefs that their children are theirs to love and raise as they feel is best. They don't want to surrender their parental rights to the ‘village.’ It's this same contempt for education beginning in the home that spurs many parents into home-schooling.”

Political pundit Glenn Beck condemned the clip during his radio show Monday, calling it an almost “parody of reality so far beyond what we have ever thought as a nation.” He also said there were plenty of people enamored by the MSNBC host’s theory, who would gladly “hand over” parenting responsibilities.

However, there are also those who argue that Harris-Perry’s comments are a step in the right direction when it comes to tackling the issue of improving education.

“I totally agree that ‘it takes a village.’ Although parents have the greatest influence on their children, society and its messages are powerful. It is up to us as educators and concerned community members to do what we can to make sure those messages are the ones we want our children to hear,” explained school administrator and founder of ParentingGirls.com, Dr. Janet R.Wojtalik. “Unfortunately not all of our families have the 'know how' or the resources to do what is best for their children. They need support.”

D.C.-based political lawyer Margaret Cone concurred, noting that her own family – like most at her own childhood school – actively participated in school activities.

“I was very close to the parents of my childhood friends. They watched out for me,” she continued. “It is society’s responsibility to ensure that the next generation is equipped to handle the ever-changing world. Educating our children is a responsibility that has been grossly ignored to our detriment.”

The clip has received almost half a million YouTube views since it was posted last week, and has drawn quite a mixed bag of responses.

“Excellent example of elitists who think they know how to raise your kids better than you,” commented one while another weighed in: “You nailed it.”



But hey "it takes a village" to raise our own children right? Seems the trolls here think so. Ah hell, "what difference does it make", Uncle Sam is gonna take care of us all right?

City Dad
11-22-2013, 08:48 AM
Ah yes, it's been 3 years...

...and I see the crinkly smell of tinfoil still runeth strong in the General Discussion area of FNN.

Three years? What'd you do to get banned for three years??? (One-too-many Garibaldi 'n chips pics?)

11-22-2013, 09:00 AM
Three years? What'd you do to get banned for three years??

They finally realized he was Hooked-a-Skate.

11-22-2013, 09:07 AM
More radical leftist collectivist thought regarding our children;

Critics slam MSNBC host’s claim that kids belong to community, not parents

Parents and media critics were aghast after a host for MSNBC called for collective care of a community's children instead of parents taking care of their kids themselves.

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry recorded a commercial for the network in which she stated that children do not belong to their parents, but are instead the responsibility of the members of their community.

“We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven't had a very collective notion of these are our children,” she says in a spot for the network’s “Lean Forward” campaign. “So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”

Harris-Perry’s views ignited a firestorm of anger and disbelief.

“The notion that children belong to a state government rather than their own flesh and blood is the most disturbing statement made in recent political times. Melissa Harris-Perry is dead wrong. It’s unfathomable that any true American could make such a pretentious and naively ill statement,” media communications expert, and parent, Angie Olszewski told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “The government can’t properly run their own budgets schools and public systems. Why would anybody think they could rear children?”

The Media Research Center’s Director of Media Analysis, Tim Graham, called the MSNBC spot "frightening.”

“It's bad enough that ‘Lean Forward’ already sounds like an ad for Mao's Little Red Book, then to have your network's hosts talk about your children being part of the Collective is just spooky,” he said. “I think most parents disappoint MSNBC with their traditional beliefs that their children are theirs to love and raise as they feel is best. They don't want to surrender their parental rights to the ‘village.’ It's this same contempt for education beginning in the home that spurs many parents into home-schooling.”

Political pundit Glenn Beck condemned the clip during his radio show Monday, calling it an almost “parody of reality so far beyond what we have ever thought as a nation.” He also said there were plenty of people enamored by the MSNBC host’s theory, who would gladly “hand over” parenting responsibilities.

However, there are also those who argue that Harris-Perry’s comments are a step in the right direction when it comes to tackling the issue of improving education.

“I totally agree that ‘it takes a village.’ Although parents have the greatest influence on their children, society and its messages are powerful. It is up to us as educators and concerned community members to do what we can to make sure those messages are the ones we want our children to hear,” explained school administrator and founder of ParentingGirls.com, Dr. Janet R.Wojtalik. “Unfortunately not all of our families have the 'know how' or the resources to do what is best for their children. They need support.”

D.C.-based political lawyer Margaret Cone concurred, noting that her own family – like most at her own childhood school – actively participated in school activities.

“I was very close to the parents of my childhood friends. They watched out for me,” she continued. “It is society’s responsibility to ensure that the next generation is equipped to handle the ever-changing world. Educating our children is a responsibility that has been grossly ignored to our detriment.”

The clip has received almost half a million YouTube views since it was posted last week, and has drawn quite a mixed bag of responses.

“Excellent example of elitists who think they know how to raise your kids better than you,” commented one while another weighed in: “You nailed it.”



But hey "it takes a village" to raise our own children right? Seems the trolls here think so. Ah hell, "what difference does it make", Uncle Sam is gonna take care of us all right?
According to Madame Hillary it does!!!!!

11-22-2013, 09:29 AM
According to Madame Hillary it does!!!!!

You have no children according to what you've posted here before. So you and your sicko leftist collectivists need to stay far from children...

"Madame Hillarious"? So she's pimp'n now too? Doesn't surprise me...

11-22-2013, 09:33 AM
You have no children according to what you've posted here before. So you and your sicko leftist collectivists need to stay far from children...

"Madame Hillarious"? So she's pimp'n now too? Doesn't surprise me...

I'll be in my office at 1:00 pm today, so I'll have some time for a very nice rebut all.

11-22-2013, 09:59 AM
Three years? What'd you do to get banned for three years??? (One-too-many Garibaldi 'n chips pics?)

At first I was gonna try logging in under Dana's Admin account....but that wouldn't have been sufficiently in bad taste for my style. Then there was the thought of creating a Hook-a-Skate account and posting on here to rattle some cages, but let's face it, I am no where as witty and abrasive/funny as that cat. (FYI, I'm not HaS, and you know this Miguel!!) Last, I thought maybe creating a real Big Foot account to freak you out, but the poor guy is already pestered enough in those beef jerky commercials, so I didn't feel good about that.

CD, wish I could tell you I was up to something serious, like I was holed up in my basement concocting the ultimate paylake powerbait, but the truth of the matter this angling dilettante decided to wh0re my favorite pastime by commercially fishing (lobster for a couple seasons at SCI/Cortez, line caught cod/tuna on general permit locally, and now running a sportfishing rig). That left little time for my measly contribution to the political septic think tank we call Gen Discussion.

But I am glad to see you all still in fine spirits, ever debating topics such as Obamacare to whether or not fried LMB is best accompanied with a side of Freedom Fries...

Threadjack over Hawgz. (and welcome to FNN)

11-22-2013, 10:25 AM
At first I was gonna try logging in under Dana's Admin account....but that wouldn't have been sufficiently in bad taste for my style. Then there was the thought of creating a Hook-a-Skate account and posting on here to rattle some cages, but let's face it, I am no where as witty and abrasive/funny as that cat. (FYI, I'm not HaS, and you know this Miguel!!) Last, I thought maybe creating a real Big Foot account to freak you out, but the poor guy is already pestered enough in those beef jerky commercials, so I didn't feel good about that.

CD, wish I could tell you I was up to something serious, like I was holed up in my basement concocting the ultimate paylake powerbait, but the truth of the matter this angling dilettante decided to wh0re my favorite pastime by commercially fishing (lobster for a couple seasons at SCI/Cortez, line caught cod/tuna on general permit locally, and now running a sportfishing rig). That left little time for my measly contribution to the political septic think tank we call Gen Discussion.

But I am glad to see you all still in fine spirits, ever debating topics such as Obamacare to whether or not fried LMB is best accompanied with a side of Freedom Fries...

Threadjack over Hawgz. (and welcome to FNN)

I don't know you but welcome back!!!!! I'm the flaming liberal on here and if you disagree with 90% of what I write like everybody else does. Take your best shot at proving me wrong!!!! I'm a big boy and I can take it, just no name calling please. That's totally unprofessional in my opinion in a debate.

11-22-2013, 10:35 AM
You have no children according to what you've posted here before. So you and your sicko leftist collectivists need to stay far from children...

"Madame Hillarious"? So she's pimp'n now too? Doesn't surprise me...

Well it couldn't wait till 1:00 pm. It is true that I have no children of my own, but I do have a tiny bit of experience in people raising other people children. In over 20 years of my life I owned and operated my own Preschool and Day care center. Our enrollment was between 100-150 children at any one time and their ages were between 2-14 years old. So you can say, "I influenced 1000's of children lives in my career." It's no wonder here in California, your brand of Conservatisms Mr. HawgYZ doesn't have very many supporters in the State Legislature.

On to Hillary's book, for those of you people who don't know Hillary wrote a book.

It was called, "it takes a village to raise our children." She came up with the title based on early Mankind's practice of raising children. In Early mankind's existence they didn't have our traditional roles of a men and a women paring off to have and raise children. They in effect shared everything including their women. With that kind of a system the women were pregnant all the time. When it came to who was the father of these children, it didn't matter. Why didn't it matter??? It didn't matter because the children belonged to everyone!!!! Everyone in the village that is, so all the raising and caring of the children was done by everyone. So in effect the village raised the children. This is known as Collectivism and Hawggy just feel off of his chair!!!! lol

Collectivism to Hawggy is one of the dirtiest words in the English language. He believes in Individualism, where it's every man for himself. Screw your neighbors and countrymen is what they believe in!!!!! If you can't make it yourself, you don't deserve to live is an extreme example of Individualism. Now take this to a political level, Hawggy claims which he is probably right our country is going back towards more of a Collective mentality then a Individual one.

Well which way is better????? In my opinion, I believe in more of a collective attitude is best. Why might you ask???? I could write pages on the subject, but let's just keep it simple. The two most used programs by everyone that could be called collective is Social Security and Medicare. Isn't it just amazing that the Conservative's are always talking about cutting entitlements, which the two biggest programs just happen to be SS and Medicare. Just a little fact check, in the near future 50% of the population when they retire are going to be living on SS and Medicare only. Take that away from them and they have nothing in retirement to live on!!!!!! Do you see why America is now heading in the direction of Collectivism????? The Poor Hawggys of the world, they are going to keep shouting LOUDER AND LOUDER but the majority of the people won't be listening!!!!!!!!!!

City Dad
11-22-2013, 01:40 PM
OMFG!!!! Did you guys here about Jack Kennedy???

11-23-2013, 07:31 AM
Well it couldn't wait till 1:00 pm. It is true that I have no children of my own, but I do have a tiny bit of experience in people raising other people children. In over 20 years of my life I owned and operated my own Preschool and Day care center. Our enrollment was between 100-150 children at any one time and their ages were between 2-14 years old. So you can say, "I influenced 1000's of children lives in my career." It's no wonder here in California, your brand of Conservatisms Mr. HawgYZ doesn't have very many supporters in the State Legislature.

On to Hillary's book, for those of you people who don't know Hillary wrote a book.

It was called, "it takes a village to raise our children." She came up with the title based on early Mankind's practice of raising children. In Early mankind's existence they didn't have our traditional roles of a men and a women paring off to have and raise children. They in effect shared everything including their women. With that kind of a system the women were pregnant all the time. When it came to who was the father of these children, it didn't matter. Why didn't it matter??? It didn't matter because the children belonged to everyone!!!! Everyone in the village that is, so all the raising and caring of the children was done by everyone. So in effect the village raised the children. This is known as Collectivism and Hawggy just feel off of his chair!!!! lol

Collectivism to Hawggy is one of the dirtiest words in the English language. He believes in Individualism, where it's every man for himself. Screw your neighbors and countrymen is what they believe in!!!!! If you can't make it yourself, you don't deserve to live is an extreme example of Individualism. Now take this to a political level, Hawggy claims which he is probably right our country is going back towards more of a Collective mentality then a Individual one.

Well which way is better????? In my opinion, I believe in more of a collective attitude is best. Why might you ask???? I could write pages on the subject, but let's just keep it simple. The two most used programs by everyone that could be called collective is Social Security and Medicare. Isn't it just amazing that the Conservative's are always talking about cutting entitlements, which the two biggest programs just happen to be SS and Medicare. Just a little fact check, in the near future 50% of the population when they retire are going to be living on SS and Medicare only. Take that away from them and they have nothing in retirement to live on!!!!!! Do you see why America is now heading in the direction of Collectivism????? The Poor Hawggys of the world, they are going to keep shouting LOUDER AND LOUDER but the majority of the people won't be listening!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, you are so frigging clueless. I'm just going to let your post stand as it really says it all. Now I'm going to do what Dev did and put you on the ignore list...

11-23-2013, 07:36 AM
OMFG!!!! Did you guys here about Jack Kennedy???

Hey in this situation as far as tucky is concerned, Quayle was a genius. And at least he did become the V.P. where as Bensten went home...

11-23-2013, 08:10 AM
Dude, you are so frigging clueless. I'm just going to let your post stand as it really says it all. Now I'm going to do what Dev did and put you on the ignore list...
Cmon Hawgz, Why would you ever want to ignore Tucker ? Put your white flag away and do what you do best. All the other libs have gone into the basement and avoid the GD board, probably to avoid embarrassment :LOL: But Etucker brings some great entertainment. He has earned some respect for staying on ship till the last breath. He could have been like a Italian cruise ship captain and jumped off. I hope Stormcrow doesn't read about the day care center :LOL:

11-23-2013, 08:35 AM
Cmon Hawgz, Why would you ever want to ignore Tucker ? Put your white flag away and do what you do best. All the other libs have gone into the basement and avoid the GD board, probably to avoid embarrassment :LOL: But Etucker brings some great entertainment. He has earned some respect for staying on ship till the last breath. He could have been like a Italian cruise ship captain and jumped off. I hope Stormcrow doesn't read about the day care center :LOL:

Thanks DockRat!!!!!! I didn't care for fishingarteest much, probably had something to do with me getting sent to the FNN Jail. Well one day he called me amusing and I took that as a great big compliment!!!!!! I'm sorry the Conservatives don't want to play with me anymore. I guess that's the difference with some people, I would never run away from a fight!!!!!!!

11-23-2013, 09:19 AM
Because this type of thought process, or radical left if you will, has taken over our learning institutions;

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

Did you know that eating or even talking about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be considered racist?

That’s right.

Apparently, it’s because people in some cultures don’t eat sandwich bread. Verenice Gutierrez, principal of Harvey Scott K-8 School in Portland explained to the Portland Tribune:

“Take the peanut butter sandwich, a seemingly innocent example a teacher used in a lesson last school year,” the Tribune said.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

…The Tribune noted that the school started the new year with “intensive staff trainings, frequent staff meetings, classroom observations and other initiatives,” to help educators understand their own “white privilege,” in order to “change their teaching practices to boost minority students’ performance.”"Last Wednesday, the first day of the school year for staff, for example, the first item of business for teachers at Scott School was to have a Courageous Conversation — to examine a news article and discuss the ‘white privilege’ it conveys,” the Tribune added.

Gutierrez completed a week-long seminar called “Coaching for Educational Equity,” a program the Tribune says focuses “on race and how it affects life.” She also serves on an administrative committee that focuses on systematic racism.

“Our focus school and our Superintendent’s mandate that we improve education for students of color, particularly Black and Brown boys, will provide us with many opportunities to use the protocols of Courageous Conversations in data teams, team meetings, staff meetings, and conversations amongst one another,” she said in a letter to staff.

Next time you’re in the bread aisle at the grocery store, you may want to think twice. Sensitive liberal educators are now recommending the torta or the pita as a more culturally inclusive alternative.

Now that we’ve been made aware of the evil of PB&J, there’s only one question left to answer: Is white bread more racist than whole wheat?


WTF? The only way this country will be prosperous and free again is if we purge our education system of this type(radical left) of thinking and indoctrination...

this case it pretty bad i can admit it. but you cant pretend like its only the left... look at what the right is trying to do with evolution in texas schools... so lets talk about what this country is in trouble and have a serious debate rather than saying its only you on the left HAHAHA

11-23-2013, 11:41 AM
And I've learned as of yet:

Fly fishing

People see me and they think I'm there to steal their gear.

Damn you Obama!!!!!!!!!!

HaHa!! You too huh?

11-23-2013, 11:43 AM
I personally like almond butter and fig jam sandwiches so that clears me of any racism....I suppose? hehe

11-24-2013, 10:00 AM
I personally like almond butter and fig jam sandwiches so that clears me of any racism....I suppose? hehe

No, it does not because it's the bread they are calling racist. Ever had PB&J on a tortilla?

11-24-2013, 12:40 PM
this case it pretty bad i can admit it. but you cant pretend like its only the left... look at what the right is trying to do with evolution in texas schools... so lets talk about what this country is in trouble and have a serious debate rather than saying its only you on the left HAHAHA

In a political sense, what does evolution vs creationism have to do with it? Public schools are indoctrinating our children with leftist political ideology. I say eliminate social studies/revised history and bring back civics/econ and teach history as it actually happened per event as opposed to what a person in history's gender, race, or sexual preference was per event.

so lets talk about what this country is in trouble and have a serious debate rather than saying its only you on the left HAHAHA

Ok, you go first...

11-24-2013, 06:58 PM
Public schools are indoctrinating our children with leftist political ideology.

They should BAN GUNS NATIONWIDE to protect our future Hawgz.....


Gun Control Solution That Makes Sense

In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States .

In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States who later died from the wound.

In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States .

In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States .

In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States .

In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.

In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.

In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.

In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's cafeteria.

In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.

In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.

In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US .

In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Ma rtin plant.

In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung - Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.

In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.

In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.

In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis .

In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school.

As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard.

One could go on, but you get the point, even if the media does not. Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats, NOT guns.
No NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservatives were involved.

SOLUTION: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.

11-24-2013, 07:08 PM
Lol, whew, until I started scrolling down, and down, you had me worried there for a minute. And you're damn right DR. Well, the saying is progressive liberalism is a mental illness...

11-24-2013, 08:08 PM
Lol, whew, until I started scrolling down, and down, you had me worried there for a minute.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Neatgrl/Gifs/muppets.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Neatgrl/media/Gifs/muppets.gif.html)

11-24-2013, 08:29 PM
Why is America in trouble ? Didn't Obama say he would have transparency ?
OMG this guy has lied so much, unbelievable !


11-26-2013, 08:35 AM
why is america in trouble you ask?
first of all, nobody asked. second you could say "the radical left" because of some pb and J sandwhich or i could say "the religious right" by trying to ban science books in schools. maybe its the "religious right" way of thinking thats the problem, but since nobody asked, who cares. Its funny like i said before you constantly want to point to the left ans say its the "radical Left" or "progressive socialists" without examining the right, at all... go ahead and try to tell me that the religious nuts that want to stop teaching evolution and want to teach creationism are majority "radical left" or "progressive socialists"

11-26-2013, 12:15 PM
why is america in trouble?

maybe its because of right wing indoctrination...

like making people think republicans are fiscal conservatives yet the last republican president to balance the budget was Eisenhower in the 50's.
like president Reagon was a fiscal conservative ye our national debt during his eight years in the white house rose over 300%.
like socialized healthcare is so awful yet every country that leads the world in life expectancy have socialized healthcare.
like trying to keep science out o schools as in evolution and creationism.
like trickle down economics
like mission accomplished.
like obamacare is the worst thing since the south lost the war HAHA

City Dad
11-26-2013, 01:37 PM
like obamacare is the worst thing since the south lost the war HAHA

sometimes people just need a bogeyman or imaginary cataclysm to focus on (remember how Y2K was gonna take down civilization?) It's a coping mechanizm for changes that are troubling. What I find most fascinating about this thread is, well, nothing really - it's kinda like watching a dog gnawing at a hot spot and growling at anyone who tries to interrupt him.

11-26-2013, 01:37 PM
why is america in trouble?

maybe its because of right wing indoctrination...

like making people think republicans are fiscal conservatives yet the last republican president to balance the budget was Eisenhower in the 50's.
like president Reagon was a fiscal conservative ye our national debt during his eight years in the white house rose over 300%.
like socialized healthcare is so awful yet every country that leads the world in life expectancy have socialized healthcare.
like trying to keep science out o schools as in evolution and creationism.
like trickle down economics
like mission accomplished.
like obamacare is the worst thing since the south lost the war HAHA

Those sounds like some fighting words to me, let's see who or if anyones comes out to do battle. lol I promise to stay out of this one. ( I don't want to get the reputation as being an attention whore)

11-26-2013, 02:31 PM
I don't want to get the reputation as an attention whore

Dude you left yourself open like a tree'd mountain lion, too damn easy!

11-26-2013, 08:03 PM
Frenchy we all know what you are we just don't know your going rate.

And as a side note Sarah Palin's Moose was much bigger than yours and she has shot more Moose than you ever will.:LOL:

11-26-2013, 08:47 PM
Frenchy we all know what you are we just don't know your going rate.

And as a side note Sarah Palin's Moose was much bigger than yours and she has shot more Moose than you ever will.:LOL:

Sarah Palin's Moose was an Alaskan Moose, mine were Eastern Canadian Meese. Different sub species, mine is very pretty though. It has a lot of amber coloring to the antlers. You know that old saying, "Size doesn't matter" but I'm sure you do, your wife has probably been telling you that for over 40 years to make you feel better. lol Besides I've caught a lot more Tuna and Catfish that Sara could only dream about!!!!

11-26-2013, 09:43 PM
Besides I've caught a lot more Tuna and Catfish that Sara could only dream about!!!!

Funny comparing stocker catfish at a local pond to some gal from Alaska that has hunted and fished salmon, cod, moose, elk, deer ect all her life. :LOL:

Comparing spending about past presidents spending when the current administration has spent more then ALL of them combined is silly.

11-26-2013, 09:51 PM
DR that's what libs do!!!! They got nothing else!!! Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-26-2013, 10:24 PM
DR that's what libs do!!!! They got nothing else!!! Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, great historians. When it comes to 2008 to 2013 they have nothing but excuses and want to point fingers back in history. Lol
Seems that most of us are more worried about our future than talk about mistakes made during the Roman Empire.
Why are they not concerned about current times ?
http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k575/brucep37/headinthesand.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/brucep37/media/headinthesand.jpg.html)

11-26-2013, 10:29 PM
Funny comparing stocker catfish at a local pond to some gal from Alaska that has hunted and fished salmon, cod, moose, elk, deer ect all her life. :LOL:

Comparing spending about past presidents spending when the current administration has spent more then ALL of them combined is silly.

I wonder DockRat, if Sara ever caught a Halibut over 200 lbs in her own home state?????? I know I did!!!!!!! Mine taped out at over 220 lbs. You know in my younger day's I use to have a motto, "If the mountain won't come to Eric, Eric most go to the mountain to fish." I caught my first King Salmon on the half day boat, City of Redondo in 1977. After that I caught a crap load of them off of Monterrey Calif for years. I don't know how many Salmon Sara ever caught in Alaska, but I know Eric caught his fair share of them in his home state of California and in Alaska too!!!!!!

When it comes to Barry spending all that money. It was only suppose to be temporary, to avoid a depression and stimulate the Economy. Now that both of those things have been accomplished, it time to BACK OFF ON THE DRAG when it comes to spending. If he doesn't, I'm voting Republican in 2016!!!!!!

11-27-2013, 01:41 AM
DR that's what libs do!!!! They got nothing else!!! Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain calm Dev, we don't want you do have a stroke or anything like that!!!!!!

11-27-2013, 04:46 AM
Frenchy don't vote Republican I want to cancel your vote.

11-27-2013, 10:58 AM
Frenchy don't vote Republican I want to cancel your vote.

Don't worry Dev, you probably will any way!!! I am a Registered Republican, have been all my life. So when it comes time to vote for the President in California's Primary. I'll be voting for more of a moderate Republican Candidate, you know the ones the kind that are "HOUSE BROKEN!!!!" You my friend will probably be attracted to one of the Bat Shite crazy candidates. Hence you WILL be cancelling out my vote!!!!!!!!

11-27-2013, 11:05 AM
If you want to want watermelons fine....good for you
if you want tortillas Fine good for you
if you eat the neighbors kitty cat fine...GOOD for you

but don't tell me i cannot have my peanut butter and jelly sandwich
This is a bad as the Argument over freedom of religon.....
Do NOT tell me i do NOT have a right to be Christain

The problem with this country is the People Plain and simple the people are getting what they ask for...FREE FREE FREE and more Free
so we tax the hard working to give the Lazy socialist ...OOPS I mean the POOR

People Look in your Own bathroom mirror and slap the person you see in it

11-27-2013, 11:31 AM
If you want to want watermelons fine....good for you
if you want tortillas Fine good for you
if you eat the neighbors kitty cat fine...GOOD for you

but don't tell me i cannot have my peanut butter and jelly sandwich
This is a bad as the Argument over freedom of religon.....
Do NOT tell me i do NOT have a right to be Christain

The problem with this country is the People Plain and simple the people are getting what they ask for...FREE FREE FREE and more Free
so we tax the hard working to give the Lazy socialist ...OOPS I mean the POOR

People Look in your Own bathroom mirror and slap the person you see in it

Hi Tom,

If you think about it for a minute. The USA doesn't tax it's own people enough to pay for everything they want. What are some of the things the people want, a big Military, Social Security and Medicare to name a few. We can only get away with not paying for the things we want up front, because we are the Reserve currency of the world. So we Deficit spend year after year after year and get away with it!!!! We as a people are only willing to pay just the interest on this huge debt. While accumulating more debt every year, eventually this is all going to blow up in our faces and nobody will get paid. So in effect ALL OF US WANT THINGS THAT ARE FREE FREE FREE not just the poor people!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-27-2013, 01:09 PM
Don't worry Dev, you probably will any way!!! I am a Registered Republican, have been all my life. So when it comes time to vote for the President in California's Primary. I'll be voting for more of a moderate Republican Candidate, you know the ones the kind that are "HOUSE BROKEN!!!!" You my friend will probably be attracted to one of the Bat Shite crazy candidates. Hence you WILL be cancelling out my vote!!!!!!!!

Had to save this for the record.
:EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::E yePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::Eye Pop::EyePop::EyePop:

11-28-2013, 09:04 AM
Had to save this for the record.
:EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::E yePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::EyePop::Eye Pop::EyePop::EyePop:

He's no repub DR. I think everyone here knows that. Demorats are desperate and know they are probably going to get schlockered in the 2014 & 2016 elections. Chris Christie, who is a charlatan, is the man they want the repubs to run and will do anything to get him in. Cali now has an open primary and dems will vote en mass for who "they" want to represent the repubs since it's a foregone conclusion that Her Hillariousness Clinton is pretty much locked in for their candidate. They are dirty players, they lie, and will do anything to attempt to influence the opposition choices in the up coming elections...

11-28-2013, 09:30 AM
You know DR, I voted Republican every time till little Bush ran for President. Even in State Politics I voted Republican, I loved Pete Wilson when he was the Governor. Then in 2008 a terrible thing happened, THE TEA PARTY SHOWED UP!!!!!!!! OMG, where did these people come from and why did they invade my party!!!!!!!!!! I know where came from, they are white racist southerners who up until the 1960's were all Demorats. Now I had to make a choice, support some real nut bags in the Republican party, or check out what the Demorats are offering. I choose the Demorats because THEY ARE AT LEAST NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-28-2013, 10:55 AM
You know DR, I voted Republican every time till little Bush ran for President. Even in State Politics I voted Republican, I loved Pete Wilson when he was the Governor. Then in 2008 a terrible thing happened, THE TEA PARTY SHOWED UP!!!!!!!! OMG, where did these people come from and why did they invade my party!!!!!!!!!! I know where came from, they are white racist southerners who up until the 1960's were all Demorats. Now I had to make a choice, support some real nut bags in the Republican party, or check out what the Demorats are offering. I choose the Demorats because THEY ARE AT LEAST NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:ROFL::ROFL: Tell me this is satire tucky. Oooh those big bad bogeymen the TEA Party are gonna get ya man...:Rolls Eyes:

11-28-2013, 10:56 AM
This means then that you were a Regan supporter. Now, compare Obama to him. And that doesn't look crazy? Well, totally misguided and inept at least.

11-28-2013, 11:01 AM
You know, I try to respect peoples wishes when they ask me NOT to make comments on what they write. However, I don't think they should abuse my respectful nature, by writing pure unadulterated LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A person who will remain nameless, said," Cali has an open primary system and because of that, the Demorats in California will cross over in the Primary and vote the Republican candidate they want their person to run against." "THIS COULDN'T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!!!!!" The open Primary system we have in California is, "FOR CALIFORNIA STATE CANDIDATES ONLY!!!!!!!!" The President is a "FEDERAL CANDIDATE" which California's open Primary system doesn't apply. Well how do I know this?? when I voted for President in Cali primary in June 2012, they asked me if I was a registered Republican or Deomorat. I asked why????? "We now have an open primary don't we??" She told me that was only for State candidates, for Federal Candidates you still get a Republican only ballot. So based upon my experience, "the above scenario could never happen!!!!!!!" Sorry no link available, that's not how I roll!!!!! lol

11-28-2013, 11:13 AM
This means then that you were a Regan supporter. Now, compare Obama to him. And that doesn't look crazy? Well, totally misguided and inept at least.

Well what's the Big DIFFERENCE????????? I could name a WHOLE BUNCH of SIMILARITIES!!!!!!! Reagan was a lot of talk, but look at his actions!!!!!!!! He still was a Pragmatist when you get down to it!!!!!!

11-28-2013, 11:17 AM
You should go Independent Tucker. Both parties suck at times but the last 5 years have really been a joke.
Check the DVL post today, Guess Who is POed ? :LOL:

11-28-2013, 11:39 AM
You know, I try to respect peoples wishes when they ask me NOT to make comments on what they write. However, I don't think they should abuse my respectful nature, by writing pure unadulterated LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A person who will remain nameless, said," Cali has an open primary system and because of that, the Demorats in California will cross over in the Primary and vote the Republican candidate they want their person to run against." "THIS COULDN'T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!!!!!" The open Primary system we have in California is, "FOR CALIFORNIA STATE CANDIDATES ONLY!!!!!!!!" The President is a "FEDERAL CANDIDATE" which California open Primary system doesn't apply. Well how do I know this, when I voted for President in Cali primary in June 2012, they asked me if I was a registered Republican or Deomorat. I asked why????? "We know have an open primary don't we." She told me that was only for State candidates, for Federal Candidates you still get a Republican only ballot. So based upon my experience, "the above scenario could never happen!!!!!!!" Sorry no link available, that's not how I roll!!!!! lol

"You know, I try to respect peoples wishes when they ask me NOT to make comments on what they write"

There you go lying again, I never, ever told you not to respond to my posts, I said I wasn't going to respond to yours because you never addressed the topic of anything most of us posted, you only deflected, and at times, you simply say some pretty outrageous stuff. I stand corrected, I misunderstood the type of open primary Cali voted in. Everything else I stand by...

11-28-2013, 01:31 PM
You should go Independent Tucker. Both parties suck at times but the last 5 years have really been a joke.
Check the DVL post today, Guess Who is POed ? :LOL:

DockRat, you have exposed my secret!!!!!!! I know both parties suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why a lot of my beliefs are truly my own, and don't adhere to either parties philosophy's.

11-28-2013, 03:49 PM
:ROFL::ROFL: Tell me this is satire tucky. Oooh those big bad bogeymen the TEA Party are gonna get ya man...:Rolls Eyes:

They may not get me, but they do seem to be after women and their reproduction systems!!!!!!!!!