View Full Version : Trolled Irvine yesterday

Big Willy
11-13-2013, 10:40 AM
Not sure if the lake was off or I was off as I had one of those days………
I got to the lake around 8am(2hr late) because my 2 year old daughter puked all over me at 5am that started a snowball effect of delays. Seems she ate something that didn't agree with her. Wife put her in bed with us while I was sleeping. I guess she stood up between us and let one rip all over dad. Not a fun way to wake up. I was able to laugh it off, reminds me of the girls from my 20's. But I figured I would hang out for a bit to make sure daughter was OK. She is fine, I go to the lake and realize it is a different lake from last trout season. I don't mess with the kitties so I haven't seen it for a while.
Trolled the west shore and the mid lake for a while totally different shore line. Metered tons of fish around the bubbles at the dam and the middle of that back area. I caught one on a flickershad. I got took by something big for a few seconds but it came undone and I didn't get a look at it. Felt big but who knows. Then I went back to the flats and boy has that area took a hit. I could see it being a pain to troll back there with any kind of traffic on the lake. Shallow spot all over. Saw allot of fish on the FF but only landed one. I did see a few trolling lanes and bait dunking holes that are going to be good when the water cools a little bit. I like to see the lake this low because you can really get a good look at the shoreline and get some intel for when the lake is back to normal water levels. Well I have the intel I was looking for so lets hope for rain or some pipes to open to bring in some cooler water and fill it up now. It was great to be at the Vine as it's the only pay lake that I go to. The feel of the lake and the staff make it. The fishing was off for myself and the water was really low but it was still a great day at the lake. The food also helps. My hamburger for lunch was awesome!!! All in all good day at the vine, left with a smile at about 3:30 with two trout. Daughter puked on me again before going to be at 8:30. Wife wonders why men want to fish so much?