View Full Version : Fall Fishing Surprise! [Report, Photos, Video]

10-23-2013, 08:43 PM
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbATJdII2oY

Finally got to fish my favorite local bass lake this week. It's been several months since I've been back to this spot and wasn't sure what to expect. It was really dry and muddy, all my favorite shoreline treecover and brush was high and well out of the water. Had to look deep for the fish. Saw one boater, but no other anglers. Love this place. Weather was low 80s, clear blue skies.

http://i.imgur.com/qjYb7HU.jpg (http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/)
Looks blue, but was very stained. Visibility maybe 1-2 ft at very best. Low, low water and lots of exposed cover.

http://i.imgur.com/9AoUcyw.jpg (http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/)
These shells were everywhere! The shoreline was quite exposed and the dried up shells were scattered across it.

http://i.imgur.com/9mRl0ra.jpg (http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/)
My usual load out. One rod for bass, other ultralite for crappie and bluegill. Only had a few missed strikes with micro topwater lures for the sunfish at dusk. I think the super stained water through them off.

http://i.imgur.com/lvQMDXc.jpg (http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/)
Surprise! Didn't expect to catch this 23" toad while fishing for bass from the shore! Woohoo! That's my personal best cat, very happy with it. Took almost 5 minutes to land, he didn't want to give up!
No bass, but I left happy!

10-23-2013, 09:03 PM
Nice catch! I love surprises like that! That lake is great. I got my PB cat there too while fishing a crankbait for bass. Those Yama Shad-Shaped Worms are my favorite plastic. They're small, but i have caught all my largest bass on them. They work for saltwater bass too. Congrats.

10-24-2013, 12:44 AM
Nice!!!! The lake needs more agua!

10-24-2013, 08:53 AM
Very nice vid,that must of had your heart pumping when you got those first few cranks in,thinking man can this be a bass!?
I had the same feeling once,while fishing for bass with a chigger craw,hooked a fish and it took off like the biggest bass I ever hooked,turned out to be a 25lb Carp,oh well,as with you I'm sure you were still stoked at the surprise WTG!


10-24-2013, 08:32 PM
Very nice vid,that must of had your heart pumping when you got those first few cranks in,thinking man can this be a bass!?
I had the same feeling once,while fishing for bass with a chigger craw,hooked a fish and it took off like the biggest bass I ever hooked,turned out to be a 25lb Carp,oh well,as with you I'm sure you were still stoked at the surprise WTG!


Yep, absolutely awesome feeling. That first few seconds when it grabbed the lures and took off had me really hoping for a huge largemouth. Took forever to get him to the surface and get a look at him, pretty impressive how these cats pull!