View Full Version : this breaks my heart.

10-22-2013, 04:44 PM

this ruined my day. it's happening here too.

10-22-2013, 04:53 PM
Everyone knows it's just a cycle.

10-23-2013, 08:23 AM
Japan should be forced to clean up most of the mess. I'm surprised more big ships aren't reporting prop damage/fouling. Global overpopulation needs to be addressed.

Boycott Chinese Products. Worlds biggest polluter.

1: China is the largest producer of emissions in the world, according to the latest ranking from risk management consultancy Maplecroft. China emits about 6,018 million tons of greenhouse gases per year.


http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd86/ninjaskills247/Dude.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/ninjaskills247/media/Dude.jpg.html)

10-23-2013, 09:24 AM
Everyone knows it's just a cycle.

Finally the voice of reason!

The ocean is big she can take it.

Tongue and cheek please don't take offense greenies!

10-23-2013, 10:28 AM
greenie? me? lol
i was just in ensanada last week. i went to the fish market and bought a steak of black sea bass. i then took it to one of the restaurants there and ther fried it up and served it with tortillas ,rice and a salad. it is the first time i tried it. it is better than white sea bass. imho. i practice catch and fillet. i miss the twilight trips from 22nd st. on the monte carlo when we would get nearly 1000 sand bass a night. i have been fishing ventura/channel islands area for 1 1/2 years and have not seen a mackeral.
i have a rock cod rig with 9/0 and 80# dacron,long handle and rail plate. it may never be used again.
cycle my *****

10-23-2013, 11:16 AM
cycle my *****

Al Gore is that you?!

City Dad
10-23-2013, 02:20 PM
that's why it is so important that we continue to throw cigaret butts into the water and all over the grounds of our watersheds - to absorb all that Japanese poison!

Right, guys?

10-23-2013, 02:23 PM
Right, guys?

I prefer the Stick Your Head in the Sand and Pretend It's Not Really Happening technique.

Because it's not happening. It's just a cycle. Wait 2 million years, Mother Nature's ship will right itself back up.

Cycles, ladies and gentlemen.

City Dad
10-23-2013, 02:27 PM
I prefer the Stick Your Head in the Sand and Pretend It's Not Really Happening technique.

Because it's not happening. It's just a cycle. Wait 2 million years, Mother Nature's ship will right itself back up.

Cycles, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm more of "It's not happening if cramps my style" bloke.

10-23-2013, 02:27 PM
I prefer the Stick Your Head in the Sand and Pretend It's Not Really Happening technique.

Because it's not happening. It's just a cycle. Wait 2 million years, Mother Nature's ship will right itself back up.

Cycles, ladies and gentlemen.

I just like the fact that meteorologists are the ones everybody's using to forecast the future of our weather. Yup those guys are always right huh?

trail blazer
10-23-2013, 02:34 PM
this breaks my heart also


Here u go l/q and your 2 degenerate freak co hoarts,


City Dad
10-23-2013, 02:35 PM
I just like the fact that meteorologists are the ones everybody's using to forecast the future of our weather. Yup those guys are always right huh?

no kidding! everyone knows that the bloody most brilliant predictors of future weather patterns are the executive board of British Petroleum!

trail blazer
10-23-2013, 02:36 PM
Japan should be forced to clean up most of the mess. I'm surprised more big ships aren't reporting prop damage/fouling. Global overpopulation needs to be addressed.

Boycott Chinese Products. Worlds biggest polluter.

1: China is the largest producer of emissions in the world, according to the latest ranking from risk management consultancy Maplecroft. China emits about 6,018 million tons of greenhouse gases per year.


http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd86/ninjaskills247/Dude.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/ninjaskills247/media/Dude.jpg.html)

You GO D/R,,,,,Im with you here,,,,,,,,China SUCKS!

10-23-2013, 02:51 PM
no kidding! everyone knows that the bloody most brilliant predictors of future weather patterns are the executive board of British Petroleum!

Screw oil solar cars is where it's at!

10-23-2013, 03:05 PM
I just like the fact that meteorologists are the ones everybody's using to forecast the future of our weather. Yup those guys are always right huh?

Precisely. Cycles.

How are you gonna predict something you can't predict?

As you were, gentleman! Nothing to see here.

City Dad
10-23-2013, 03:11 PM
Screw oil solar cars is where it's at!

NO WAY! Even the discussion of ways to adapt, conserve and survive should be a jailable offense!

10-23-2013, 03:12 PM
NO WAY! Even the discussion of ways to adapt, conserve and survive should be a jailable offense!

Amen brother!

10-23-2013, 03:41 PM
Al Gore?
Dude, i dont even like polar bears.

10-23-2013, 06:41 PM
Al Gore?
Dude, i dont even like polar bears.

How do you feel about Seal's?

10-23-2013, 07:09 PM
Seal's good, Quagga Bad!! It's really that simple. :Envious:

10-23-2013, 11:02 PM
OK, regarding climate change.

My personal political views aside,

One, maybe two ice ages, (can't remember from school years)

The Earth was once a molten lava rock.

The moon collided into the planet and fundamentally changes it regarding size, timing, gravitational pulls, tides

We have 7 continents, used to be one and California then was a rainforest on Pangea.

No water has ever disappeared, been lost, destroyed. The same amount of water on the planet has been a constant.
We are drinking the same water the dinosaurs drank.

Tectonic plates have shifted deserts intro lakes. Oceans into mountains

Asteroids have completely decimated life

Famine, droughts, floods, disease has destroyed this planet.

Now I'm not arguing we are not polluting the atmosphere. But on some level one has to assume carbon monoxide is not a pollutant. Hell just some practices of farming is destroying the planet if one is to truly sincere about being eco friendly.

Matter cannot be made, matter cannot be destroyed. Who is to say our environment is ideal? In 1 million years when the lizards civilization reign dominates, what will they call our climate? The Luke warm age.

The sun is growing and will burn out one day.

Climate change nuts have a case about pollution, however their over reaching control and amplified, eronious claims of destruction cancel out any valid points they have. As well as ignoring the facts that the earths climate never was and never will be stable

10-24-2013, 08:32 AM
OK, regarding climate change.

My personal political views aside,

One, maybe two ice ages, (can't remember from school years)

The Earth was once a molten lava rock.

The moon collided into the planet and fundamentally changes it regarding size, timing, gravitational pulls, tides

We have 7 continents, used to be one and California then was a rainforest on Pangea.

No water has ever disappeared, been lost, destroyed. The same amount of water on the planet has been a constant.
We are drinking the same water the dinosaurs drank.

Tectonic plates have shifted deserts intro lakes. Oceans into mountains

Asteroids have completely decimated life

Famine, droughts, floods, disease has destroyed this planet.

Now I'm not arguing we are not polluting the atmosphere. But on some level one has to assume carbon monoxide is not a pollutant. Hell just some practices of farming is destroying the planet if one is to truly sincere about being eco friendly.

Matter cannot be made, matter cannot be destroyed. Who is to say our environment is ideal? In 1 million years when the lizards civilization reign dominates, what will they call our climate? The Luke warm age.

The sun is growing and will burn out one day.

Climate change nuts have a case about pollution, however their over reaching control and amplified, eronious claims of destruction cancel out any valid points they have. As well as ignoring the facts that the earths climate never was and never will be stable

Very well put! With many it's all or nothing there can't be a middle ground. We can't say yes we should be concerned about pollution and it's potential effects on our environment but at the same time believe that the ocean level probably is not going to rise by several feet in the next 50 years and if it does that the only reason for it would be pollutants. You either have to believe the end is near or it's total BS, no room for a middle ground. Humans I think are very arrogant these days, think they know it all, yet they get beotch slapped all the time when they find out they were wrong.

I love weather and study it daily, it was probably my calling in life but I foolishly didn't follow it, I'd do a fine job of GUESSING what was going to happen tomorrow let alone GUESSING what was going to happen 50 years from now. Would be a great gig can't be fired for being wrong there would be no weatherman left.

I love that the word "cycles" is made fun of, unfortunately I won't be around when I can say "Told ya so!".

10-24-2013, 11:19 AM
Very well put! With many it's all or nothing there can't be a middle ground. We can't say yes we should be concerned about pollution and it's potential effects on our environment but at the same time believe that the ocean level probably is not going to rise by several feet in the next 50 years and if it does that the only reason for it would be pollutants. You either have to believe the end is near or it's total BS, no room for a middle ground. Humans I think are very arrogant these days, think they know it all, yet they get beotch slapped all the time when they find out they were wrong.

I love weather and study it daily, it was probably my calling in life but I foolishly didn't follow it, I'd do a fine job of GUESSING what was going to happen tomorrow let alone GUESSING what was going to happen 50 years from now. Would be a great gig can't be fired for being wrong there would be no weatherman left.

I love that the word "cycles" is made fun of, unfortunately I won't be around when I can say "Told ya so!".

You going full tree hugger now Seal? :-\ I thought I had a comrade in the fight against clean air.



10-24-2013, 11:38 AM
You going full tree hugger now Seal? :-\ I thought I had a comrade in the fight against clean air.



I do my best to contribute to dirty air, Del Taco macho burritos is my current method for contribution.

10-24-2013, 01:13 PM
I do my best to contribute to dirty air, Del Taco macho burritos is my current method for contribution.


That's what i'm talking about.

10-24-2013, 08:50 PM
I do my best to contribute to dirty air, Del Taco macho burritos is my current method for contribution.
Burritos = Pollution.
How correct you are. This has been a concern to me the last couple decades. All the Lard they use is helping to destroy the ocean. These burritos get eaten, then digested. Hours later they are deposited in a porcelain bowl. Next they get flushed to the treatment plant, processed then sent into the Pacific Ocean.

With the current population dumping burritos into the Santa Monica Bay the SMB is in trouble. Currently we have 2 discharge pipes at El Segundo, one 5 mile pipe and a 7 mile pipe, this old 1950's design is running at full throttle. End result has been a lack of many fish in the SMB.

How much Crap can the ocean take. Us beach people have to live with this end of the burrito cycle. If you would go Vegan to lessen your discharge it would really help the ocean. Boycott Burritos ! Help save our Mother Ocean.

http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o236/emillnina/thumbnailCAKKXT2N.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/emillnina/media/thumbnailCAKKXT2N.jpg.html)
http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr263/cash98362/lard.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/cash98362/media/lard.jpg.html)
http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg63/Bendman_photos/lard.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Bendman_photos/media/lard.jpg.html)