View Full Version : Epic Event- HG5

09-29-2013, 08:37 AM
First of all I would like to thank Arthur and the rest of SWAT for putting on such a special event. I know how much time and work goes into putting on a event of this magnitude and you all did a spectacular job!:UDaMan: After finally getting some sleep since I couldn't sleep much before the event due to excitement I was able to reflect on this incredible event.

Rooster and I showed up early to be greeted by Arthur and SP Dan. Roosters son couldn't make it do to work but we brought his son's best friend Tootie with us and the goal for today was to get this surf fishing newbie on some fish. Mission accomplished with grin :Big Grin:as he landed his first perch ever! WooHoo.
Today was not about fishing, trophys, or prizes but about the comraderie of being around a large group of truly special people. It was about the memory of Team 57's godfather Dana and the continued legacy that he started. Family, Friends, Fun, and Fishing.

The day was rough for us fishing because I seemed to have bought a ticket to the all you can eat Salad Bar! Lol Everycast with the LC was a cleaning job. I guess I was just doing my part to clean the ocean. Lol

We all caught fish but I really didn't care because the fun and friendships trumped anything else.
Hanging with Trolly and Pontoon the Legends of Catfish folklore was a blast as usual.

This event was everything that we could have dreamed of and more.

Thank you to all of the sponsors which allowed everyone go home with some cool swag. :Thumbs Up:Also to the DFG officers who came out and supported the event. :Applause: I would also like to thank everyone who came out for this epic turnout! This event was so special because of everyone who came out and made this the best surf fishing event ever.

Thank you to all the cooks and people who brought food to keep us all well fed.:Worship:

Thank you all!

5150fishn- Dan

09-29-2013, 10:35 PM
Hey Dan,

Thanks for coming out and helping make this such a success! Thanks also for trying to keep Trolly in check...not an easy task!:LOL: You guys were workin' it hard out there but that salad bar was well stocked yesterday. Everyone had so much fun and that makes all of us involved feel awesome cuz that was our goal. Your support and kind words make a world of difference and it just keeps us primed for next year. Looking forward to seeing you then...if not sooner!:Wink:


09-30-2013, 10:27 AM
Great report Dan, Always have the best times fishing with ya buddy. Im still shocked on how it just keeps getting better every year. The smiles on every ones faces makes the event. Although I did want that phenix rod.... Hahaha Just kiddin... Now you got 2d trying to take your spot on the boat! :Envious:

SP Dan
09-30-2013, 12:40 PM
Hey there 5150fishn!

It was my honor to meet up with you once again Dan ... the Man!

You, Rooster and Tootie were eagerly the third car :EyePop: in line (right behind me! Arthur was the only car in front of me :EyePop:) in a long line of cars!
Oh the anticipation :Shocked: of HG-5! I think that we were all really excited to make this a special day in memory of Dana 57!

This years Event started at 0545 hrs when the Park Ranger announced ... "Gentlemen ..... start your engines"! ... at the front gate!

Once we had all finally parked our vehicles ..... I saw nothing else for the next hour but back-sides and elbow grease erecting tents, tables and banners .... were nothing else but the oasis sands of the Leo Carrillo State Beach once stood. Everyone pitched in where they could!
The BBQ's started bellowing their sweet flavored smoke at first gray light all up and down the beach, making everyone's taste buds anxious! Fishing lines were already being cast into the surf .... and anyone could tell .... that this day of fellowship and camaraderie had begun! What a feast we all shared ... on this day!

I want to personally thank both you and Rooster ... for not only your attendance but for all of your constant support and your contributions to this family! You really do get what Dana had in-visioned for all of us .... Family, Friends, Fun and Fishing.

It makes my heart really happy that you were able to get Tootie not only on the bite .... but his first of anything from the surf! ....A life time of memories for Tootie..... PRICELESS!

By the end of the day ..... our family had grown and I had so much fun meeting my old friends and my new! PRICELESS! :LOL:

Thanx Dan ... for the fantastic write up ...
When I read your fun report ... I felt that you had truly re-captured the spirit of what occurred at the HG-5 Event! :Thumbs Up: "Family, Friends, Fun and Fishing"!

SP Dan <"))>< "The Danimal"!

09-30-2013, 05:58 PM

I am so glad that you and Rob made it out to HG-5. I thougtht that was way too cool! :Cool:

I knew you guys were looking forward to the event when Trolly called me on the phone live from the tackle shop. That was hilarious! I'll be seeing you both out at the Vine in the near future and I'm looking forward to it My Friend! :Thumbs Up:

10-01-2013, 10:19 AM
Sorry I couldn't make it April had her first marching band performance of the school year and I didn't find out about it till Thursday night. Glad to see some of the Team 57 guys where able to make it and show support for an amazing event! Thanks for posting!


10-02-2013, 10:26 AM

Sorry I did not get a chance to talk to you on Saturday. I told Trollmeister that if you guys ever invite me catfishing, I may cook for you guys too! Thanks you the supportive report!

Skunked4life, aka Corporal Croaker, aka Ken

murrieta angler
10-02-2013, 01:31 PM
Hey Dan,
Thanks for making it out again this year.
Although we still haven't introduced ourselves, you guys are part of the Team 57 family and that's good enough for me...:Wink:
Take Care,

10-03-2013, 10:08 AM
Dan, thanks for coming out and supporting the event. You got a newbie on some fish and that's what it's all about. :Thumbs Up: Im glad you and your crew enjoyed yourselves and we hope to see you again next year.

Tight Lines

10-05-2013, 03:31 PM
Dan, it was nice chatting with you and Rob while waiting for the gates to open. I couldn't sleep and got out there way early, but Dan was already there, lol :Shocked:
It's evident that you guys get what Dana's philosophy is all about and I want to thank you for helping me to honor him. :Big Grin:
See you at HG6, but I'm sure a few times way before that... :Wink:
Thank again for your friendship and support. :Cool: