View Full Version : S.W.A.T Three Day Report - Some Teasers and a New Species 9/24, 9/25, & 9/26

09-27-2013, 11:49 AM

After Tess’ epic session last Saturday, we decided to do an afternoon run. We read reports of the Northern SWAT crew getting on some nice legals late in the day, so that gave us some motivation to score a few of our own. However, Tess had another mission in mind: to land another legal WSB and get on the most legal caught WSB leaderboard. :Rolls Eyes:

Arrived at the spot to clear skies and warm weather. There were large pieces of kelp floating around, so we had to move in and out of holes to avoid getting snagged. I start the day off early with a dink of a hali and Tess follows up with a nice solid hookup.

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02646_zps037d8f56.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02646_zps037d8f56.jpg.html)

This hali coughed up his lunch. What is this? Sardine? Anchovy? No…It’s a squid

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02648_zpsa2d71b81.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02648_zpsa2d71b81.jpg.html)

Teaser #1 This hali measured 21.5”. This was Tess :mad:

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02649_zpsa7c48c85.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02649_zpsa7c48c85.jpg.html)

I follow up shortly with Teaser #2. Just a millimeter shy of legal. This was me :Angry: This was Tess:Idiot:

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02650_zps7d8ad7a3.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02650_zps7d8ad7a3.jpg.html)

We had a decent bite going, but it died down after that last teaser. More and more salad was starting to wash up as we continue to comb the beach. On the last hole, Tess gets a monster hookup reminiscent of last Saturday. The fight is on and line begins to peel off her spool. This time we are not making any assumptions.

This fish is not letting up and keeps itself hunkered into the trench. The suspense was killing us, but eventually Tess is able to work the fish in close as I swoop in for the tail grab.

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02652_zpsb2f8ee21.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02652_zpsb2f8ee21.jpg.html)

The Leo we expected to see last Saturday and Tess’ first ever Leo from the surf! :Applause:

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02653_zpsd6eb02a4.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02653_zpsd6eb02a4.jpg.html)

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02656_zps3e7c660d.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02656_zps3e7c660d.jpg.html)

Taped out at 34 inches.

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02657_zpse4ae3529.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02657_zpse4ae3529.jpg.html)

We worked our way back, but that would be the last fish of the day. Called it quits when it got too dark.

Total Fish Count-All fish released

1 Short Hali
1 Leo 34”

2 Short Hali


I was still intrigued about the Hali coughing up a squid that I had to do a follow up morning session. . I arrived at the spot at 0600 and notice that the air is a lot colder than it has been. This time I matched the hatch and armed myself with a Super Glow Sardine pattern LC hoping to entice a nice WSB. I start the morning off with a pancake and a few casts later I hit my target species.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!...okay not exactly a Tesserz sized WSB. :Neutral:

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02658_zpsbf3c3303.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02658_zpsbf3c3303.jpg.html)

I notice this pattern isn’t producing a whole lot of strikes, so I opt to change it out for the Legal Hali/WSB Slayer pattern LOL and the bite is on. After a landing a few shorts I get my first decent hookup!

Teaser #3 I could have probably passed this fish off as legal, but I like to be honest about my catches.:Cool: With the tape pulled out it was just a HAIR short of legal. ARRRRGHH!:mad:

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02659_zps1fc979b7.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02659_zps1fc979b7.jpg.html)

Haven’t seen this face in awhile.

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02660_zps5694cd7a.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02660_zps5694cd7a.jpg.html)

Later, I get another solid hookup and after yesterdays teasers and the previous teaser I’m just hoping that this one is legal. Pleeeaaseee let be! YEESSS! 23”:Dancing Banana:

http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss284/Jaysuuun/DSC02661_zps7336148c.jpg (http://s584.photobucket.com/user/Jaysuuun/media/DSC02661_zps7336148c.jpg.html)

I landed a couple more shorts before calling it a day. The wind picked up big time and it made casting extremely difficult.

Total Fish Count- All fish released

1 Short WSB
1 Croaker
5 Short Hali
1 Legal Hali 23”


Arrived at the spot and conditions were absolutely horrendous: ripping winds, huge swells and all you can eat salad. Our LCs were rendered useless. We gave it a try anyway since we were already there, but every cast just landed in the wash to be engulfed by clumps of seaweed. It was completely unfishable so we tucked our tails between our legs and headed home.:Sad:

See ya guys at HG5:Fishing Catch:

murrieta angler
09-27-2013, 12:18 PM
Holy Moly Guys!!
You are just tearing it up Jason.
Good thing, since the Northern crew is keeping things interesting...:Big Grin:
I look forward to seeing you both tomorrow, unless my Dr. appointment dictates otherwise...:Rolls Eyes:
Keep up the good work,

Dawn Treader
09-27-2013, 12:44 PM
Jason ...nice sessions. Rack'n up some more team points for us , WTG ! Congrats to Tess on her first surf Leo . I love seeing the little baby leo's in close sometimes . They look like fish tank pets :Smile:

See you tomorrow,


09-27-2013, 12:47 PM
Wow! Nice going out there guys! Sounds like there's a nice volume of fish out there at that A.O. I can just hear Tess now when she hooked that Leo, "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT CUTTING THIS ONE OFF!":ROFL: Think of it this way...shark, ray or WSB, they all put up a nice fight.:Wink: Great job you two...looking forward to seeing you both tomorrow!


PS - ROBERT, hope all is well and hope you don't get sidelined for tomorrow's event! Feel better bro!!!!

09-27-2013, 06:30 PM
The S.W.A.T. Rock Star Couple is on FIRE! :Big Grin:
Jason, I think you just sealed it for Team Fish Storm. :mad:
Tess, if that Leo was 2 inches longer, it would have been worth some points. :Envious:
See you two bright and early tomorrow! :Wink:

09-27-2013, 08:30 PM
Don't count us out yet commander. 30 days have september!!! Looking forward to rubbing elbows with my SWAT brethren tomorrow.

09-27-2013, 08:55 PM
Good 3 days of fishing...Great report...

09-27-2013, 09:44 PM
Don't count us out yet commander. 30 days have september!!! Looking forward to rubbing elbows with my SWAT brethren tomorrow.

Don't count you out??? You're on the WINNING team Yoda! :Envious:

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! I think we're gonna have LOTS of Tuna to smoke! :Big Grin: