View Full Version : Mothers beach fishing Saturday

09-17-2013, 11:27 AM
Hi guys this is my first post! Yay!
Well some friends and I went down to mothers beach as one friend told us to go and fish for rays and shark since according to him there were plenty of rays and sharks to be caught. And it was true! Each of us hooked and landed easily 10-15+rays each. Only one leopard was hooked and it was a huge one for what you see in the marina. I managed to hook a big guitarfish but ended up losing him in the end. My friend hooked two bay rays and lost them both when the ray ran around a piling. In addition to that there were easily hundreds of small round rays in the shallow water both at low and high tide.

This is the link to my butterfly ray. Which took 10 minutes to land and weighed around 20 pounds approximately.

09-17-2013, 07:43 PM
Wow, that's a great ray. Congratulations.

09-19-2013, 06:48 PM
I hooked into a big Butterfly ray once... Thought I was on a 40 inch Halibut. :LOL: :Neutral: :mad:
Nice job landing it! :Big Grin:

10-07-2013, 12:54 AM
I was a bit relieved to finally land that ray too especially since i hooked it on a light spinning outfit. I thought it was gonna spool me as it just kept running and running!
Thanks guys!

10-07-2013, 02:23 AM
nice size fish man! thats awesome and welcome to the FNN world

10-07-2013, 09:33 AM
Just be careful out there. My wife and I launched our kayaks out of Mothers beach a while back, and some guy was paddleboarding through the shallows with his flyline out, trying to snag leopard sharks. There were lots of families swimming in the water at the time. The last thing someone needs to be doing is fighting a 4 foot leopard shark in between a bunch of swimming kids. The guy definitely got an earful from everyone after he snagged one and was fighting it from the beach. Doing the same thing with rays can be just as dangerous, if not more so.

10-07-2013, 01:22 PM
Thanks shift21 glad to be here!

Midgettosser1 yeah I have seen those guys a couple times when I've been at mothers beach too. I've seen kids walk right over areas where you can see rays swimming. Luckily every time I've been out there fishing for rays and leopards there haven't been any swimmers near us. The last thing we would want would be a ray running towards some swimmers, kayakers, or paddleboarders.

10-07-2013, 01:33 PM
Hi guys this is my first post! Yay!
Well some friends and I went down to mothers beach as one friend told us to go and fish for rays and shark since according to him there were plenty of rays and sharks to be caught. And it was true! Each of us hooked and landed easily 10-15+rays each. Only one leopard was hooked and it was a huge one for what you see in the marina. I managed to hook a big guitarfish but ended up losing him in the end. My friend hooked two bay rays and lost them both when the ray ran around a piling. In addition to that there were easily hundreds of small round rays in the shallow water both at low and high tide.

This is the link to my butterfly ray. Which took 10 minutes to land and weighed around 20 pounds approximately.

Where's Mother's Beach? Is this Marine Park in Long Beach?

10-07-2013, 04:11 PM
I have also heard of the long beach mothers beach but I went to the one in marina del rey.

10-07-2013, 04:38 PM
Caught this at the belmont shore beach left of the pier this gus at 42884

10-07-2013, 04:40 PM
I have also heard of the long beach mothers beach but I went to the one in marina del rey.

Where is the one in Marina Del Rey?

10-08-2013, 05:12 PM
Squid79 your pic is a bit small. It looks like a perch to me. Am I wrong?

10-08-2013, 05:15 PM
Pokerfish its over by mindanao way close to a ralphs and by Lincoln and Washington.

10-08-2013, 05:49 PM
It's illegal to fish on mothers beach in Marina Del Rey.......Just walk up the beach towards the top and look at the signs. There is a picture of a fish with a hook and a big red cross sign over it.
It's posted everywhere. I noticed the signs about five years ago and that's why you never see anybody fishing there. The water circulating contraption that is at that bridge to dock thing there used to be a favorite spot of mine to collect smelt but one day the harbor patrol rolled up on me and gave me a warning. If you have any doubts just ask the harbor patrol ...they will set you straight.
Be careful or you will get warned then cited.


10-08-2013, 06:16 PM
Just be careful out there. My wife and I launched our kayaks out of Mothers beach a while back, and some guy was paddleboarding through the shallows with his flyline out, trying to snag leopard sharks. There were lots of families swimming in the water at the time. The last thing someone needs to be doing is fighting a 4 foot leopard shark in between a bunch of swimming kids. The guy definitely got an earful from everyone after he snagged one and was fighting it from the beach. Doing the same thing with rays can be just as dangerous, if not more so.

Exactly Mike....Kids and fish hooks don't mix. That's why its called Mothers beach. Originally it was designed for only families and their kids but soon after that when kayaks and paddle boards became popular it also became a popular launch spot. During the leo breeding season the leos group up there by the hundreds because the warm water there speeds up their gestation and their live birth of little leos is protected by mothers beach lack of circulation.The water circulation contraption thing there at the end of the bridge also has a gate so the public can't go out on the dock. That thing also does something to the water itself back there because you will notice how almost nothing grows on the rocks back there. Somehow that contraption prevents the growth of algae in the beach area for sanitation purposes.

10-08-2013, 06:21 PM
Never saw a ray at LB Mothers, but did hear there is Halibut there , and did try it for the skunk though :LOL:

murrieta angler
10-08-2013, 07:29 PM
Good job catching some fish.
The "No Fishing" rule is probably why the guys fish from their yaks and paddle boards.

10-08-2013, 10:52 PM
To clear up the no fishing thing the harbor patrol threatned to call the police after one of my friends told him we are allowed to fish on the beach but not the dock. The police came and told us we can fish on the sand as long as we don't hurt anybody and he only asked us if we had licensed and we all did so harbor patrol calls the cops and we still fish as the cops let us stay. Even the lifeguards say its ok.
Around early September when I went with some friends to fish mothers beach there were so many rays just e everywhere! Every cast would yield a ray only one of us managed to hook a small leopard shark.

10-09-2013, 07:20 AM
Of all the rays, I would say that the butterfly ray is my favorite! They are just really pretty! And yes, I too have caught many butterfly rays thinking that they were huge halibut. :Sad:

10-10-2013, 07:03 AM
Agreed! And that first initial run they give is awesome! They just rip line off your reel.

10-13-2013, 09:09 PM
What a rush.. Rays are a kick to catch.. unless you think you're on a 'but. :)