View Full Version : Poseidon Had A Few Surprises In Store For This SWAT Guy Today!

SP Dan
09-15-2013, 02:00 PM
Sun Rise: 0637 hrs, Sun Set: 1859 hrs. Note: This is the first day the sun has set before 1900 hrs!
Air: 63 - 82 deg, Water: 60 deg, warmed up 2 deg since yesterday's report. Sky: 0600 hrs I walked in under the bright star lite morning sky, by 0830 hrs the fog was starting to roll in and by 0850 hrs I was once again in bog fog!
Surf: 0 - 1 ft , Swell: 2 ft , Sec Intervals: 7 - 14
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous.
Conditions: Flat and flooded with a few over my head breakers, some areas were very clean and free of weed and about the middle third was brown dirty water and very heavily weeded and so I just fished around the dirty water. The fog settled in at 0850 hrs and the fog never lifted after that. Once again a constant fog horn sounded thru the soup. The beaches were so flooded with a 4.2 ft tide that it kept me at least 40 feet back from hitting my spots with the LC!
Tides: 0600 hrs ICT 3.6 ft, 0742 hrs HT 4.2 ft, 10900 hrs OGT 2.9 ft, 1300 hrs LT 1.8 ft.
Isolunar Forecast: Major Period: 0756 hrs to 1056 hrs. :BFish::BFish:
Bait Presence: A little bit breaking the surface. Bird Presence: Just a few sea birds diving on what little bait fish there was. Water Dogs: None spotted today.
Duration:0610 hrs to 1030 hrs.
Distance covered: 2.5 miles. Calories Burned: 1,178 calories per my RunKeeper app on my iPhone 5.
Assault Tactic: LC 110 MS Anchovy
Gear: Saint Croix Avid 9'-6" 8-17 lb MF, Van Staal VS-100G reel with 55 lb 8-carrier braided Diawa Samurai line.
AO (Area of Operation): Undisclosed, LA County

As I was hiking in I could hear the fog horn blaring in the distance and I was wondering why :EyePop:?? Because the sky was clear and full of stars! So I descended in on my first AO at 0610 hrs after a 0.95 mile hike and fished it hard for an hour with out even a bump! I tossed in the white flag and proceeded to ascend "Heart Attach Summit" to head to my next AO.

I fished my 2nd AO from 0720 hrs to 1030 hrs.

:Shocked: Surprise # 1 : I completed my lure retrieval (I normally stop about 3 - 4 ft short of my rod's eye-tip) and I began to lift it straight up to cast again (it's approx 10" - 12" above the water now) and this dark object raced straight at it .... leaped out of the water and grabbed onto it like Tarzan:EyePop:!! And it stayed buttoned to my surprise :EyePop:!! So at 0825 hrs I beached this 23" legal (skunk buster) and I had my shortest Hali fight ever in my life! Ha ha ha!:ROFL: The only thing it could do was to roll and boil on the water's surface :Big Grin:! He was all mine! :Cool:

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000039.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000039.jpg.html)

:Shocked: Surprise # 2: All of a sudden at 0830 hrs I'm noticing that the fog is getting thicker and closer, and by 0850 hrs I was once again back in a bog of fog .... to my surprise! Hence :Rolls Eyes: the reason for the constant fog horn sounding thru the earlier morning hours. There was fog some where at that time! The fog remained on the beach and I didn't see blue skies again until I hiked up out of it while heading back to my vehicle.

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000042.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000042.jpg.html)

I worked the entire beach from one end and back to the other and was ready to once again throw-in the towel due to lack of fish strikes but I decided to trust the Isolunar Forcast and tuff it out until 1030 hrs. I headed back to the exact same spot where I had beached the "Jumping Out Of The Water And Grabbing My Lure In The Air" legal.

:Shocked: Surprise # 3: At 1000 hrs I get hit hard again and I was hoping that it was another legal!
It fought heavy but ended up being this 17 1/2" short Hali! I was surprised that it wasn't a legal because it put up a grand fight!

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000043.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000043.jpg.html)

http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff467/dancorery/P1000044.jpg (http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/dancorery/media/P1000044.jpg.html)

(1) legal Hali and (1) short Hali for 11 more team points today! Thank you for your gifts Poseidon!
FYI: The hooks were removed 1st before anything else and the Hali's were CPR'd quickly!

Thanx for checking out my fish report! This report wraps up my efforts for the two day weekend!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at HG-5!

My gal Rhonda and I will see all of you there! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))>< "The Danimal"!

09-15-2013, 02:09 PM
Slow and steady wins the race but you aren't really going that slow now are you Dan?!? Consistently pulling in those legals! Great job my friend! A legal a week and you should be at the top of the leaderboards in most legal butts! Watch out Commander, here comes the DANIMAL! :EyePop:


09-15-2013, 02:20 PM
Exciting story! Way to hang in there. You've got someone watching over you.

09-15-2013, 06:29 PM
Good job Danimal. That heart attack hill in keeping you in shape. Some residents in LB complained and made a big deal over the fog horn not being shut off right away when the fog lifts. If the horn sounds for about 15 - 30 minutes or more after the the fog lifts they call the Harbor Dept and complain. LOL

Reminds me of people that buy a home near LAX and complain about jet noise :LOL:

09-15-2013, 08:30 PM
Good going on ur legal butt and the very nice short one. Just in case u ever keep one don't forget to measure it with their mouth closed. Either way, good going on a good session. I'm very envious of u swat guys!


09-15-2013, 08:46 PM
Way to go again Danimal! When Nate told me you got a legal this morning I'm standing there looking at my phone like, "dang, he didnt text me about that." Then I remembered that Nate was our fearless leader for the month and you were giving him a progress report.:Wink: Well, not sure out leader wants to fish with me anymore. Seems like anytime we're out there together, he's getting slammed by waves.:LOL: He got rolled good this morning...fortunately nothing injured but pride. He's now convinced that there must be a buffer zone he must stay clear of when I'm in the vicinity. :Twisted: Thanks for the invite to drop in that AO for a late morning run! Wish I coulda made it but had to get my youngin to swim lessons. Great job out there getting us some much needed points. Hopefully we can hook up one more time before the big event!


09-16-2013, 06:17 AM
I just realized that you and I are not on the same team this month!!! Boo! Anyways, I am still rooting for you Dan! MVP, MVP, MVP!!!!

murrieta angler
09-16-2013, 07:12 AM
2 days, 2 legals, 2 big...:Big Grin:
Nice job again,

09-16-2013, 07:38 AM
Dan The Man putting halibut on the sand and points on the board.. Well done Dan..


09-16-2013, 11:36 AM
Looks like you are teaching your pet Hali's to leap out of the water now on your command and bite the lure.:EyePop:Lol
That would have shocked me for sure. Thanks for the great post and pics Dan.

09-16-2013, 12:51 PM
Wow i would have loved to see that olympic halibut!,,man i wish i had your energy and persistence,i present to you the never before mentioned"petrified skunk"yes a skunk i consider worse than the commanders hard skunk,this skunk consists of me staying at home and watching other people fish on fishing tv shows!,,,,well thank god i can always read your reports of a true fishing warrior,,congrats jice going buddy,,lotsofbites

SP Dan
09-16-2013, 01:24 PM
Slow and steady wins the race but you aren't really going that slow now are you Dan?!? Consistently pulling in those legals! Great job my friend! A legal a week and you should be at the top of the leaderboards in most legal butts! Watch out Commander, here comes the DANIMAL! :EyePop:


Hey Ken .... we've got to stop meeting :LOL: this way!
I'm sorta hoping for 2 legals per week from now on .... I guess that I'm just spoiled! :LOL: Poseidon has ruined me!

Exciting story! Way to hang in there. You've got someone watching over you.

I don't like throwing in the towel ... ever! But it happens to all of us now and then ... eh!?!?
The turn around of luck was a great :LOL: surprise to me!

Good job Danimal. That heart attack hill in keeping you in shape. Some residents in LB complained and made a big deal over the fog horn not being shut off right away when the fog lifts. If the horn sounds for about 15 - 30 minutes or more after the the fog lifts they call the Harbor Dept and complain. LOL

Reminds me of people that buy a home near LAX and complain about jet noise :LOL:

Hi ya Martin,

I hear ya!
It was clear skies for the first 2 1/2 hours while the horns bellowed before I finally got socked-in at 0850 hrs!
And those horns are not only loud but they are meant to be heard at a long distance! I can see :EyePop: why people complain!

Will we be seeing you at HG-5?? I hope so!

Good going on ur legal butt and the very nice short one. Just in case u ever keep one don't forget to measure it with their mouth closed. Either way, good going on a good session. I'm very envious of u swat guys!

Hi ya Brian,

Thanks for the heads up Sir!
I had it's mouth closed but it opened it just as I took the picture. Please check out the pic one more time .... you'll see it's lower jaw out in front of the tape. And besides .... it was a short .... and who really cares ......and so I didn't want to waste any more time taking pictures of the pancake but to get it back in the water ASAP! If I have a legal .... I like to turn them with the white belly up for a straight measure and not over the curve of their front side. Like my 1st photo.

Don't envy us brother, just do what we do and get out there as often as possible! Have:Big Grin: fun!

Way to go again Danimal! When Nate told me you got a legal this morning I'm standing there looking at my phone like, "dang, he didnt text me about that." Then I remembered that Nate was our fearless leader for the month and you were giving him a progress report.:Wink: Well, not sure out leader wants to fish with me anymore. Seems like anytime we're out there together, he's getting slammed by waves.:LOL: He got rolled good this morning...fortunately nothing injured but pride. He's now convinced that there must be a buffer zone he must stay clear of when I'm in the vicinity. :Twisted: Thanks for the invite to drop in that AO for a late morning run! Wish I coulda made it but had to get my youngin to swim lessons. Great job out there getting us some much needed points. Hopefully we can hook up one more time before the big event!


Don the Dude!

I'd be more than Honored :Cool: to hook up with you one more time before the BIG :Smile: HG-5 Event!
Do to present circumstances ...... I'll be needing to stay close to home for my sessions....... it's my back yard :EyePop: for me!

I'll see you at the HG-5 Brotha! :Cool:

I just realized that you and I are not on the same team this month!!! Boo! Anyways, I am still rooting for you Dan! MVP, MVP, MVP!!!!

Ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :LOL: ha :ROFL:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok .... who let you in on it!!!!!! :LOL:

2 days, 2 legals, 2 big...:Big Grin:
Nice job again,

Thanx Robert,
I'll be seeing you soon Brotha! :Cool:

Dan The Man putting halibut on the sand and points on the board.. Well done Dan..


Thanx Jerry ...... I couldn't begin to tally up the :EyePop: hours; nor the :EyePop: expenses, just for a few legals!
All that I can say for myself in my defense is that ...... I must be :Big Grin: hooked!

I'll see you soon at HG-5! :Cool:

Looks like you are teaching your pet Hali's to leap out of the water now on your command and bite the lure. :EyePop: Lol
That would have shocked me for sure. Thanks for the great post and pics Dan.

Hi ya 5150fishn,
Actually it :EyePop: startled :Shocked: me!
I didn't know whether I'd been grenade fragged or snake bite when it just flew out of the water and began jerking and fighting right there on the very end of my rod!
This wasn't in my "How To Prepare For A Halibut Strike" :LOL: hand-booklet! That was a 1st for me and a HUGE surprise! :LOL:
Thank goodness that I was a BoyScout! :Cool:

I hope to see you at the HG-5 Event! :Cool:

09-16-2013, 05:06 PM
Back to back session legals! :Dancing Banana: We're closing the points gap Dan! :Razz:
I did okay on my session yesterday too... report coming up soon. :Wink:
Really looking forward to seeing yours and Rhonda's smiling faces at HG5. :Big Grin:

Which Way Out
09-16-2013, 06:05 PM

09-16-2013, 07:23 PM
Dan, nice work on scoring another legal! I still have yet to see a leaping halibut. I did however see a leaping BSP on my last outing. LOL I must've startled it as my feet were shuffling around in the surf. I think Poseidon is rewarding you for all the miles you've been putting in at Heart Attack Summit. That reminds me of another fishing hole far north that some fisherman have named "Cardiac Hill". LOL

SP Dan
09-17-2013, 04:28 AM
Back to back session legals! :Dancing Banana: We're closing the points gap Dan! :Razz:
I did okay on my session yesterday too... report coming up soon. :Wink:
Really looking forward to seeing yours and Rhonda's smiling faces at HG5. :Big Grin:

Hey Arty,

Thanks ... I was just in the right place at the right time! I have to admit ... It did feel good :Smile: to get back to back session legals!

Your ..... "I did okay on my session yesterday too" ... was an under statement Arthur! You did great! :Thumbs Up:

We'll see you at HG-5. :Cool:


Thanks Bill,

I'll see you at HG-5 Brotha! :Big Grin:

Dan, nice work on scoring another legal! I still have yet to see a leaping halibut. I did however see a leaping BSP on my last outing. LOL I must've startled it as my feet were shuffling around in the surf. I think Poseidon is rewarding you for all the miles you've been putting in at Heart Attack Summit. That reminds me of another fishing hole far north that some fisherman have named "Cardiac Hill". LOL

Hi ya Jason,

I've never had this; nor seen this, happen before neither! This was a 1st! I have to admit this... it did :EyePop: startle me!
Another weekend like this and we may close the gap between our teams!

I'll see you at HG-5 Brotha! :Cool:

09-17-2013, 08:46 PM
You've been working good at that area lately.. hahah...Great catch again.
Tight lines.

09-17-2013, 09:39 PM
Thats crazy that your halibut jumped clear out of the water :Shocked: I've had a halibut hook up right at the tip of my rod before but this is something else. You are one lucky guy to get to witness this. Unusual fishing stories are the best. I would love to hear some more of yours at HG5 and I'll tell you mine :LOL: Thanks for the reports Dan... or what do the guys call you? DANIMAL! lol

Wish you and your family the best.


SP Dan
09-19-2013, 03:49 AM
You've been working good at that area lately.. hahah...Great catch again.
Tight lines.

Thanks Albert,

It's close to home and it produces on a good day!

See ya at HG-5!

Thats crazy that your halibut jumped clear out of the water :Shocked: I've had a halibut hook up right at the tip of my rod before but this is something else. You are one lucky guy to get to witness this. Unusual fishing stories are the best. I would love to hear some more of yours at HG5 and I'll tell you mine :LOL: Thanks for the reports Dan... or what do the guys call you? DANIMAL! lol

Wish you and your family the best.


Hi ya Thien,

It was a first for me ..... and I :Big Grin: liked it!

See ya at HG-5.