View Full Version : Last chance qualifier , Irvine Lake results

09-15-2013, 02:57 AM
My mom and i arrived at around 3 , and anchored up between the boat dock in the flats and rocky cliffs (i think thats the name) and my mom got 2 fish in the first 10 mins on pike mackerel . Then bite stopped and we moved all around the flats to pick up 8 for the rest of the night. Was on the slower side for us tonight, didnt place but got one fish at 5.12 and another at 4.9 , the rest were around 3 . Not as good as me and my grandpa did a couple weeks ago but its okay, only our second time going for cats on a boat. We were right next to the people that caught the 32 pounder , in fact, we were in the EXACT spot as them before we decided to move since we stopped getting bit . :Sad: Oh well though , had fun
Mom - 5
Esteban - 3

Bait- fresh Pike mackerel , Bite on shrimp, Fresh mackerel

http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad152/ballinsb420/irvinelkcat12.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/user/ballinsb420/media/irvinelkcat12.jpg.html)

http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad152/ballinsb420/irvinelkcat13.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/user/ballinsb420/media/irvinelkcat13.jpg.html)

http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad152/ballinsb420/crazycat.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/user/ballinsb420/media/crazycat.jpg.html)

http://i931.photobucket.com/albums/ad152/ballinsb420/smallcat.jpg (http://s931.photobucket.com/user/ballinsb420/media/smallcat.jpg.html)

09-15-2013, 08:40 AM
Great report and pics. You been doing well out there. Hope to see ya out there when trout season starts up.

09-15-2013, 10:34 AM
you will definitely see me during trout season :Fishing Catch: