View Full Version : Fine sat morning at perris lake

09-14-2013, 12:49 PM
Well as you know I never post about what I catch at the lake but today I will make an exception. I caught two not one not two one one hook but two Large Mouth Bass, one was eleven inches , the other was about nine inches, both were very good fighters,
I was just working the botton and some time troling, I was so excited with the first one I looked him right in the eyes and gave him a big sloppy FRENCH KISS and you know he tasted like ANCHOBY JUICE so I think someone caught it before me, the other fish was taged with a medal tag that said Fishmounter was here.

Any way it was a fun day .


09-14-2013, 02:37 PM
Ha-ha! Be careful what you say on here Ted! Hey that's great that you finally started to catch some fish! You broke the ice. Got the skunk off your back. Now you can go back and use the knowledge that you learned while catching those bass, and get a few more.

09-15-2013, 09:09 PM
Hey now your telling my secret.
Great job
soon we will all be coming to you for advice!!
really your doing a Good Job out there and with time you are only going to get better.
and your right the fish are moving in to shallower water.
Friday i did not meter one bass below 50 ft.
You did a Great JOB!
