View Full Version : What's that horrible smell?

09-07-2013, 04:42 PM

That's what it is... a big, fat skunk.

I fished Thornhill-Broome all day today, from 10:30am to 4:00pm. I arrived minutes before high tide, figured I'd setup the poles at bait rigs instead of throwing lures. The water was SOOOO clear, I sat and watched shovelnose guitarfish and leopard sharks patrol the shallows in less than a foot of water. I saw dolphins and sea lions cruising the breakers in what was probably 4-5 feet of water (TB is REALLY flat). I tried mackeral, squid, anchovie, sardine and sand crabs. I fished all the way through high tide to low tide. Nada.





Then when the tide went out and I could walk freely on the sand without worrying about hooking up on rocks, I tried some lures on my Shimano rod, while keeping bait on the heavy rod. I tried all 4 LC's as well as the Killer Kroc... nada. I hooked up a C-Rig and slow rolled sand crabs...nada.



It was getting late, and windy. I was sunburnt all to hell from fishing without a shirt for 6 hours the day before (forgot the sunscreen) and I was just plain defeated. I packed up the gear and my pride and headed back to the truck, head hung low. Even with the skunk, it was a beautiful day out on the sand... but it sure would've been nice to catch something. Maybe I'll have a surprise waiting for me in the mail back at home?

09-07-2013, 10:55 PM
Well, it wasn't for the lack of trying, that's for sure. Sounds like you threw it all out there including the kitchen sink. :Wink: Sometimes it just isn't in the cards. Time to break out the aloe for the burn. Gotta be careful out there in this heat. Keep it up, it'll all pay off soon!


09-08-2013, 07:30 PM
Yeah that's kind of interesting about the sea lions in the surf,I just came back from the San Simeon area,where I saw more than a few seals working the surf line,and I mean in close,maybe 2-5ft of water,some may say big deal that's not unusual,not so!
I go up and down this coast very often and haven't noticed this particular action as much as I have recently,I just thought they must have figured out a new food resource,any thoughts?

Cya TunaVic