View Full Version : Late report for Saturday, Labor Day Weekend

09-03-2013, 02:07 PM
Wanted to post earlier but still getting the hang of the photobucket picture transfer and used up too much time messing with that to write up a report. So here is the late report for Saturday.
Got there very early but not early enough to beat DMS! Another super long line to get in behind me. Waiting in line for the open had plenty of time to catch up with DMS, fishinone, and TO.
There were a few individual fish surfacing in scattered locations all over the lake for the first hour or so and I started with casting a lure just 100 yards from the launch.
First 3 casts landed 3 aggressive striper dinks. Fun but the small size was a bit unsatisfying. Threw a few more times and got one more dink before heading out the ski arm. Saw a couple fish surface on the way and stopped to throw the lure for a couple more small but better fish. Went back farther and picked up 2 more at another spot for a total of 8 in the first hour. Only one was worth keeping.
Didn’t feel like trolling so I wanted to bait fish for the rest of the morning. I looked around and the usual spots were pretty full and even though fishinone invited me to park in the zone near him and DMS, I wanted some open space so I took off looking around for a promising spot. Settled for an area that is frequently bait fished and had the whole area to myself. Anchored in about 55 -70 ft. depending on the wind and wakes moving me over the drop-offs and went to work.
The fish seemed very hungry right from the first line dropped close to the bottom. I knew they were mostly smaller size fish but even some of the small ones from a month or two ago were growing up fast to be worth a meal.
It was a fish landed or a swing and a miss every couple minutes. After a while other boats drove by looking for a spot to fish and they saw me with one rod bent over big time with the bigger fish in the picture and at the same time my second rod was bent in the holder with another of the decent fish from the picture having his way with my line until I could land the first one. Next thing I know there is a boat pulling in to anchor in front of me and one or two behind me. That was the end of having a spot to myself but for the first hour they weren’t catching much and had to watch me be “That Guy” that makes it painful to watch hooking up fish after fish while you wait for a bite. I’ve been on the other side of that situation (DMS!) and I know how it feels.
I brought a nice sandwich but all morning every time I tried to take a bite, the fish beat me to it. I thought I’d slow them down by just putting a gutless tail section of sardine on the hook but the rod just went bendo anyway! So by the time it slowed down enough to eat, the bread had gone stale and I picked up 3 more fish using tails.
Final count was somewhere in the 20’s but it too hard to keep track after a certain point. Threw so many back hoping to fill my limit with bigger fish. When I ran out of bait there were 8 in the cooler including one big pig and the rest decent. That was the kind of day that keeps you wanting more.
It was almost nonstop action for hours until I ran out of bait around noon and decided to get out before it got any worse trying to get in at the dock with all the crazies. People were steadily streaming in with big cabin cruisers and huge racing boats that I did not want to be anywhere near.


09-03-2013, 02:40 PM
You got a nice one.

I'm jealous, I haven't caught a nice one on bait in a while.

It seams to be much more fair, when I'm the guy catching the big fish.

09-03-2013, 02:47 PM
You got a nice one.

I'm jealous, I haven't caught a nice one on bait in a while.

It seams to be much more fair, when I'm the guy catching the big fish.

I couldn't have done it without your expert teaching so in a way its your victory. lol :Smile:
After all, its your lake!
I was just lucky the dinks sent big brother in to eat that piece of bait.

09-03-2013, 02:47 PM
great report! seems like the bite is going strong on troll and b&W. i haven't been out for a few weeks, but will try to go this week.

09-03-2013, 03:28 PM
WTG Bassfan. That guy anchored in the Bayrunner in front of you watched me catch fish for most of the morning and then moved over to watch you. Its always good to find voracious biters! Good seeing you and catching up and even better for good fishing and good times.

09-03-2013, 10:28 PM
I couldn't have done it without your expert teaching so in a way its your victory. lol :Smile:
After all, its your lake!
I was just lucky the dinks sent big brother in to eat that piece of bait.

Thank you, I feel much better now.