View Full Version : Irvine Lake, 3rd Shot at Kitties this SAT

08-19-2013, 03:52 PM
Hello All,

Pretty pumped for Saturday as this will be my 3rd shot at the kitties, skunked 2 other times last month....

1st time, bought in house tackle frozen full MAC for nothing doing, guy at the counter suggested this would be better, SKUNKED :Sad:

2nd time, was told by fellow FNNers to buy the MAC bites and shrimp with the sent, bought all of those for NADA again lol :Sad:

3rd time will be this weekend, if i remember correctly i was told by Prowler to go the 99 ranch store and pick up fresh bonita or mac, so this week ill be buying some. :Big Grin:

Im hoping we nail them, already rented my PONTOON, My bro his kid, couple cousins and there kids are coming along too, so a skunk would be bad LOL

If anyone can offer any inside on how to fish the mac or what i can do to nail, it would be much apprecaited.

Im hoping for a good report come monday.

Thanks in advance

Tony G

08-19-2013, 03:58 PM
good luck out there thats a lot of cash to blow for a skunk lol... ive been there twice and hesitant to go back as pontoon plus admission adds up to quick for my wallet. let us know how you did

08-19-2013, 06:39 PM
good luck out there thats a lot of cash to blow for a skunk lol... ive been there twice and hesitant to go back as pontoon plus admission adds up to quick for my wallet. let us know how you did

Hey Angelsfan51

Thanks for the reply, Yeah for sure it can get expensive and frustrating lol but at the end of the day its with the family so it makes up for it on its own.....FISH ON!!! good times

im also doing a twilight out of daveys locker tomorrow night....any suggestions on test line......anyone?


Tony G