View Full Version : Two day report: New A.O. and Huck Finn derby

08-18-2013, 04:26 AM
Day one 8/16
New A.O.
This is was my second outing with my new set up. The first one was not a successful one due to the fact that is my first baitcaster, and I didn’t get off one cast.:Sad:
I went home and did my home work. I watched some informative youtube videos now feeling ready for take two.
Made it a short work day and had my feet wet at noon.
Water was very visible with minimal salad, I was the only angler in sight.
I tide on a lure and cast out, woot woot I did it!!!:Big Grin: I threw it out for a while got a couple of birds nests here and there but I’m happy with my progress and satisfied with my gear.
Then I spot a bean!!:EyePop: I had never spotted them before. Tossed the lure in front of it for nothing. So I change from lure to SC to try and entice one.
I keep seeing them crash the beds and even almost getting stuck on the sand. Time was running out for me and they were still all over the place.
Finally I get hit and after a couple of minutes I beach it and tape it to 19”. Made a couple of more casts but that was all. Kind of frustrating seeing all these fish and not getting bit.
That was all, I had to go home and get ready for the following day.

Day two 8/17
Huntington Beach Pier Huck Finn Derby
Marissa and I made it to the pier at 8. We get her registered and find our spot.( near the surf )
We got her line in set up in c-rig with 2oz. pyramid, within a couple of minutes she lands a little Leopard, her first ever. But sharks don’t count in this derby so line goes back in.
She keeps checking off fish species off her list faster than me.
Next I set her up with a Carolina rig as I’m messing around with another pole when I here line peeling!!
I turn around to see her rod has a big bend :Shocked:as she’s fighting it and she is all excited.
I knew what that was and ran to get the hoop net I picked up the night before just for exactly this, this is why I picked this spot..
She is still going nuts by the way its fighting and still peeling drag, I finally mange to get the hoop down with some help and we bring in her first ever Corbina.
This fish was huge it weighed 3Lbs. 14 oz. As we walked to the scale people were amazed and I was one proud dad.
When we get to scale and we are informed that we were not in the fishing zone!!??
So the fish will not count. It was not stated anywhere and I was not told there was a specific fishing area, so I was bummed for her and I even felt guilty.
Later they made up for it and gave her a rod and reel and Dana Warf fishing passes.
We moved and she picks up some BSP’s and gets those measured. One of which won her second place in her age group.
She got a trophy another rod and reel, a filled tackle box and the trophy.
She was super happy, as was I. We had a blast and she can’t wait to get back out.
Thanks for reading, and see you out there….

08-18-2013, 08:59 AM
Great job Marissa and Dad. If you want to target Corbina then C rig with sand crabs, worms, ghost shrimp. To catch them on a lure is pretty rare. The mouths and eating habits is built for crabs and worms and they are bottom feeders usually not chasing bait fish. Congrats on the rare catch.

08-18-2013, 11:39 AM
I like to compare spinning and baitcasting reels with automatic and manual cars. Sure manual can be a little difficult and tricky when you first start driving it, but with practice, it could be really fun and fast. And you have a lot more control. I just started using nearly zero brakes on my caster, and now, with a flick of my wrist, I can cast it super far.

One advice that I can give you is to work on your form. You start to realize that its not about how fast or hard you whip your rod, but how smooth you whip it. Look up videos or tips on how to cast irons. They do a good job on teach form. These guys use like zero brakes when casting these things.

Anywho, congratulations on having an awesome daughter :LOL: She handled the derby like a champ.


08-19-2013, 01:35 PM
What a great dad! you are leading the charge for the other fathers out there.

BTW - is that the new Chronarch you have on your rod?

08-19-2013, 05:13 PM
Nice job on the beans. The contest's rules sound a little strange. You're not in the zone when you catch a bean, but the BSPs were caught in the zone? Kinda sounds like pretty much the same zone.:Wink: Glad they gave her something for the catch. It would've been incredibly callous to penalize your daughter for those confused rules...kudos to them for giving her prizes and acknowledging her achievement. She must've been pretty thrilled.

Great going out there dad!!!

08-20-2013, 12:45 PM
Nice Corbina Marissa! :Big Grin: If she caught that fish next month at HG5, she will probably win the Junior Derby. :Wink:
Nice job to the the Father & Daughter Fishing Team... see you next month! :Cool:

08-21-2013, 03:42 PM
Great job Marissa and Dad. If you want to target Corbina then C rig with sand crabs, worms, ghost shrimp. To catch them on a lure is pretty rare. The mouths and eating habits is built for crabs and worms and they are bottom feeders usually not chasing bait fish. Congrats on the rare catch.

Thanks DR, I was really surprised to catch it from the pier.

08-21-2013, 03:44 PM
I like to compare spinning and baitcasting reels with automatic and manual cars. Sure manual can be a little difficult and tricky when you first start driving it, but with practice, it could be really fun and fast. And you have a lot more control. I just started using nearly zero brakes on my caster, and now, with a flick of my wrist, I can cast it super far.

One advice that I can give you is to work on your form. You start to realize that its not about how fast or hard you whip your rod, but how smooth you whip it. Look up videos or tips on how to cast irons. They do a good job on teach form. These guys use like zero brakes when casting these things.

Anywho, congratulations on having an awesome daughter :LOL: She handled the derby like a champ.


Thanks for your tips Thien. I will watch some videos this week and head out on the weekend.

08-21-2013, 03:46 PM
What a great dad! you are leading the charge for the other fathers out there.

BTW - is that the new Chronarch you have on your rod?

Thanks for the praise i really appreciate it as your intel on the reel. And yes it is, i paired it up with an M1.

08-21-2013, 03:49 PM
Nice job on the beans. The contest's rules sound a little strange. You're not in the zone when you catch a bean, but the BSPs were caught in the zone? Kinda sounds like pretty much the same zone.:Wink: Glad they gave her something for the catch. It would've been incredibly callous to penalize your daughter for those confused rules...kudos to them for giving her prizes and acknowledging her achievement. She must've been pretty thrilled.

Great going out there dad!!!

Thanks Don, and yes she is thrilled about the catch. Lucky they were kind enough to acknowledge the beast she brought in.

08-21-2013, 03:52 PM
Nice Corbina Marissa! :Big Grin: If she caught that fish next month at HG5, she will probably win the Junior Derby. :Wink:
Nice job to the the Father & Daughter Fishing Team... see you next month! :Cool:

Thanks Arthur, Marissa has been working on her cast and its coming along pretty good. We are really having a blast thanks to you. See you next month.

08-22-2013, 12:25 PM
I've caught tons of beans but never as big as that. Really impressive!