View Full Version : Irvine lake question!!! Need answer asap

08-17-2013, 06:04 PM
Mom and little bro want to go back to kids lagoon tonight, just wanted to know if its open till 12 just like the big lake. Sorry if this question sounds dumb

08-17-2013, 06:20 PM
Any one ? about to leave and dont want to get there and it ends up being closed

08-18-2013, 01:30 AM
went to the lagoon, caught 3 from there , well i didnt catch them , 2 were caught by my little bro, 1 by my mom, they were around 3-4 pounds. Lost , a couple. and reeled in a bunch of times to find half my bait gone.
went to the flats after a while and caught 4 , then bite died down. were around a solid 4 pounds.
Went back to the lagoon and and caught 1 more and that was it for the night. All fish were released safely . And caught on Mac, and shrimp soaked in bite on
talked to lee, he works there, and he was very helpful since my mom and i are new to catfishing and offered to fillet the fish if we kept any.
Love the way catfish fight, different then what i am use to (trout) , been doing pretty good , only 2nd time going for cats
Sorry for the crappy report, im tired as hell

08-18-2013, 10:35 AM
Nice report! Congrats on a successful trip! Looks like everyone caught and y'all are hooked! Get out there again!

08-18-2013, 11:21 AM
thanks ! and yeah catching cats is really fun, love the way they fight. going to head out and rent a boat next weekend and ill post another report.