View Full Version : 8/4 Mid day local waters

08-05-2013, 12:18 PM
Finally something to report about.
Go off work at 10 and rush home to pick up the gear and family.
I decide to hit the local water in search of BSP and hopefully a bean or a SFC.
I also brought along some bait that was made at the Belmont Pier fishing rodeo that I took Marissa to on the past Friday.
We get there to a receding tide, set up the wife with live bloodworms and I start to look for crabs.
After multiple trips out I finally got success on my last trip out with the crabs, so was bummed that I didn’t find any. This part of the beach was muddy.
There were a couple of long rod guys next to us , I saw they got a solid hit but it came off in the skinny.
So I go to plan B and throw out some bait. This is the first time I try this so I was kind of nervous.
On the first try my bait got brought back fast so I add more weight, cast and it stays put.
After about 10 min I feel something, I set the hook and the fight is on. The prize was my very first shovelnose guitarfish, I was stoked.
We CPR and I cast back out just past the barkers. I was ready to bring it in and again fish on, but this one I hand over to Marissa.
She fought it like a champ she was super exited as people around gave her high fives. This was I believe a Grey Smoothhound.
After the CPR we tried once more but that was it. Ended the day helping Marissa with her casting.

Thanks for the read and we will see you out there…….




08-05-2013, 12:48 PM
Nice fish! Way to go on the new species. I have a son who's 2.5 and I can't wait until he can reel in some fish. I think it's awesome that you let her land that smoothhound. Nice report :Big Grin:


one long cast
08-05-2013, 01:14 PM
I told you dad I'm not afraid of sharks

Bobber Boy
08-05-2013, 02:14 PM
Nice pics and report. Thx!

murrieta angler
08-05-2013, 03:44 PM
Nice job Pops.......:Big Grin:

08-07-2013, 06:10 PM
Nice fish! Way to go on the new species. I have a son who's 2.5 and I can't wait until he can reel in some fish. I think it's awesome that you let her land that smoothhound. Nice report :Big Grin:


So much more fun when the family is involved, your almost there.
She is now hooked on the sharks, lucky it was just the right size for her to bring in.

08-07-2013, 06:13 PM
Nice job Pops.......:Big Grin:

First time I'm called Pops. Now I'm feeling old, but i guess that's reality.
thanks for the read, and your informative reports.

SP Dan
08-08-2013, 03:37 AM
Hi ya manuel149,

WTG on your new species Manuel!
And "Congratulations" to Marrisa on landing the Smoothhound shark! It looked :EyePop: like it was at least 3/4 of her body length!

Youngins' out with their Pops catching some fantastic memories in the salt! :Thumbs Up: WTG!!

Nice report!
I hope to see you and your family at this years HG-5! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><

08-09-2013, 03:40 PM
Manny, I see that you're prepping Marissa for the Junior Derby at HG5. :Envious:
Looking forward to seeing you and the family on September 28th. :Big Grin: