View Full Version : Catfishing 6/22 Report

06-24-2013, 01:42 PM
Hello All,

Just a quick report:

4th in line
on the water at 620am
Fishing for Trout and Catfish

Started trolling from the dock to the dam, did a couple turns with no luck, after about an hour of trolling i set out for the flats to start my catfishing session,

mind you I was skunked on 6-1 on my first time catfish fishing....used the shrimp and mack bought at the vine tackle shop with no luck..

Prowler had told me next time u go to use fresh Mack and Bonita, so the night before i went to the 99 Ranch Market in Anaheim with no luck, they had ran out, with no fresh fish i said, all good,

FKNchristoph had said the mac-bites work well too, so ended up getting the mac bites at the shop....

Had 2 poles going, went from the flats to by the dock back to the flats then to the dam and back to Trout Island and finally one more time by the dock as Don the guide had said peeps were landing them there......fished it out till almost 3 with no luck LOL, damn 0-2 :Skunk:, nex time its the fresh mack and bonita.......all good, day was awesome! oh and i asked a few other people if they had caught anythign and everyone said no luck but when i went back to the shop to get a drink one the staff guys said some guy had landed a 30lb blue cat

Hopefully this made sense...

I need to go with someone that knows how to catch-em so i can see what im doing wrong

Thanks for reading

Tony G

06-24-2013, 03:27 PM
Hello All,

Just a quick report:

4th in line
on the water at 620am
Fishing for Trout and Catfish

Started trolling from the dock to the dam, did a couple turns with no luck, after about an hour of trolling i set out for the flats to start my catfishing session,

mind you I was skunked on 6-1 on my first time catfish fishing....used the shrimp and mack bought at the vine tackle shop with no luck..

Prowler had told me next time u go to use fresh Mack and Bonita, so the night before i went to the 99 Ranch Market in Anaheim with no luck, they had ran out, with no fresh fish i said, all good,

FKNchristoph had said the mac-bites work well too, so ended up getting the mac bites at the shop....

Had 2 poles going, went from the flats to by the dock back to the flats then to the dam and back to Trout Island and finally one more time by the dock as Don the guide had said peeps were landing them there......fished it out till almost 3 with no luck LOL, damn 0-2 :Skunk:, nex time its the fresh mack and bonita.......all good, day was awesome! oh and i asked a few other people if they had caught anythign and everyone said no luck but when i went back to the shop to get a drink one the staff guys said some guy had landed a 30lb blue cat

Hopefully this made sense...

I need to go with someone that knows how to catch-em so i can see what im doing wrong

Thanks for reading

Tony G

My Dad and I have been 4 times recently, all on Thursdays. Used mack, used fresh mack, used shrimp, used crawlers. Moved all over the lake. So far the only thing caught were two small wipers. I agree Tony, we need to get out with some folks that know the lake. As good as it is to get out there, it's getting expensive!

Thanks for your post man!

06-24-2013, 04:12 PM
My Dad and I have been 4 times recently, all on Thursdays. Used mack, used fresh mack, used shrimp, used crawlers. Moved all over the lake. So far the only thing caught were two small wipers. I agree Tony, we need to get out with some folks that know the lake. As good as it is to get out there, it's getting expensive!

Thanks for your post man!

Hey BassinDas

I hear you on its getting a bit expensive.....i need to find someone that will split the cost wth me on a boat....so it doesnt hurt so much when i get skunked, it wouldnt hurt if one was caught but it seems everytime its none hahah

im headed back out there on Wednesday night, but not for catfish, hitting the bass this time, seems they like to bite more lol

Thanks for the reply BassinDas....good luck out there....

Tony G

06-24-2013, 07:02 PM
I think you guys just need to both go to another lake

06-26-2013, 09:45 PM
It's been to hot during the day, fish are lethargic and lazy like us during the day. So wait til the sun goes down and look for structure. The grass situation is pretty gnarly right now so finding a good spot is tough. Find someone who's on the bite. Any bait will work when you find them. Using scent always helps since whisker fish rely primarily on their barbels to locate food.

Good luck next time


06-27-2013, 11:17 AM
It's been to hot during the day, fish are lethargic and lazy like us during the day. So wait til the sun goes down and look for structure. The grass situation is pretty gnarly right now so finding a good spot is tough. Find someone who's on the bite. Any bait will work when you find them. Using scent always helps since whisker fish rely primarily on their barbels to locate food.

Good luck next time


Hey FKNChristoph,

For sure, i think ill be there for the tourney or the friday before in the evening to give it another shot....thanks for the reply

Tony G

06-28-2013, 03:08 AM
Not to mention the weeds at Irvine are pretty gnarly right now!!
