View Full Version : Father's Day Camping and Fishing at the Vine! Semi-S.W.A.T. style...

06-17-2013, 09:28 PM
Wait, what is this??? Why am I in the Freshwater section????

My kid's best friend wanted to go camping as he has never gone before. His dad, my friend, was a camping rookie as well. The deal: He pays for everything at the Vine and I bring and make the food and show him how to camp. Ok, maybe this can turn out to be a good father-son bonding experience.

Thursday night, stayed up all night prepping all of the camping food (I like to prep individual meals and vacuum pack everything to make things easier) and getting the gear ready. Went to work at 4am, took the Boss to the airport at 10am, worked until 4pm, picked up both kids and went to the older kid's Taekwondo test at 6pm. Got out to the Vine at 7:45pm. While I was cooking dinner and setting up the tents and such, I notice that alot of shore fisherman were taking home their limits of cats. What a great omen right? I had gathered intel from Pontoon (thank you Terry!) and at 5am, we were in the boat and off to the first AO. We baited up macks and waited inthe overcast morning hours. Nothing. Ok, next AO....this AO looked super bassy so I cast out the mack set up and start casting the FW LC 75. Nothing. HEad back to camp for breakfast.

(pics to be added later)

Went out at noon and hit up three AO's for nothing. In fact, no one was catching! Most of the people I spoke with were getting the stripe. Only catches I saw were three cats at the kiddie lagoon. I did see lots of decent sized trout (YES trout) cruising the shore lines while we were hiking. Also, lots of juvenile bass hitting (but not committing to) the frog, and spinnerbaits from shore.

Last boat outing of the evening, my prop gets mucked up on 40lb test line that was left behind by someone. I got stranded and the Vine Staff came to bail me out. I felt like a tool.

Long story short, you win some, you lose some. Looks like some others from the site caught some cats, but not us. The weekend was my chance to show humility in front of my kid and teach him and his friend the meaning of family, friends, fishing and fun. Everyone had a blast and was dead tired by the end.

Now, to the sad part of the story: Those pontoon boats have four, count em four brick anchors. So, each AO equates to 4 anchors dropping and 4 anchors lifting. Times that by about 15 different spots and what do you get? Dislocated shoulder and a sprain from resetting it. Left arm is out of commission and as I type this report, I am doped up on Tramadol and 800mg of Ibuprofen.

Anyways, for anyone reading this who has never been to the Vine, GOOOOO!!!! It is peaceful, relaxing, good fishing (most of the times) and lots of great people and staff! Had such a great Father's Day weekend despite the injuries and lack of fish!


06-18-2013, 10:03 AM
Glad to hear you had a great camping experience at the Vine regardless of the skunk and injury. It is a great lake and has awesome staff! You shouldn't feel like a tool for having to call the staff to help. The tool is the one that left the line behind! Sounds like a nice relaxing fathers day. Thanks for the report.