View Full Version : June bassin at Eldo

06-14-2013, 08:17 PM
Guess what? The boy is out of school that means it"s bass fishing time. He didn't have to try to hard to convince me to go out for a short afternoon session at eldo. He bought a new jerkbait and was dying to try it out. After about an hour of slinging I hear him yell Dad I'm on he fight the fish for a couple of minutes he gets it to shore. A nice healthy 2 lb eldo bass. He was stoked to catch his jerkbait fish. About an hour or so later I get one on the dropshot tiny fluke a nice 2lber as well. On the way home he says were we going tomorrow that dude loves to fish. I am sure he'll be slinging that new bait again Saturday somewhere.

Good Fishing

06-18-2013, 10:59 AM
U r very lucky to have a son who really enjoys fishing with u! I lost my dad when i was close to 20 and some of my fondest memories are fishing with my dad.
U guys should put some braid on ur reels and start throwing in the reeds at Eldo. This time of year you'll be greatly rewarded!


06-18-2013, 06:05 PM
Yes he loves to fish he actually got me into bass fishing I am learning more every time we go out. He watches fishing on tv reads all the magazines he probably knows more about tackle then some of the adults that work in the stores. It has been really fun spring between him and I we have probably caught over 35 bass in the last four months. We are catching more and skunking less. We must be getting better at this I know he is been on fire lately. Catching them on jigs,jerkbaits,dropshots. My new bait I am working with is a chatterbait but no luck yet. We will definitely try the reeds our next trip there thanks Brian


06-18-2013, 07:45 PM
I agree with Brian. It's great you two have that hobby to share. Was obvious when I saw you two at Cerritos fishing you both were having a great time. Relationships like that seem so rare these days. Most kids are too busy in front of the television or playing their video games. Keep it up. :) I'm sure I will run into you guys again.

06-18-2013, 09:02 PM
U r very lucky to have a son who really enjoys fishing with u! I lost my dad when i was close to 20 and some of my fondest memories are fishing with my dad.
U guys should put some braid on ur reels and start throwing in the reeds at Eldo. This time of year you'll be greatly rewarded!


I know by experience that senkos work in the reeds at eldo but what else?

06-19-2013, 09:38 PM
Hit Eldo for the first time yesterday and the big lake was closed :(

06-19-2013, 10:55 PM
That's stinks the back lake is closed on Tuesdays. My son and I found that out the hard way once so we fished the middle lake or lake 2 they call it. There are bass in there as well. We have a pass and fish Eldo a bunch.

06-20-2013, 02:47 PM
Oh ok.....thanks for the info man!!