View Full Version : Catfish slaughtering at "Irvine Lake"

Big Daddy
06-10-2013, 10:36 AM
First off no pictures myself "Sorry" but there are several on these boards as well as FB

As most of you know the catfish season has begun:

We have been catching alot of quality cats for the last 2 month's. I have had the best start that I have ever had with 5 blues over 10#s as well as my PB 17#plus Blue.

Irvine lake is going to need to change there motto from, the "Lake that wants you to cath fish" to "The Lake That Pay's You To Catch Fish"

because everytime you catch a big catfish in the 15 pound range they give you a Free admision pass for next time thats a [SIZE=4]$25.00 value just to catch a fish. How great is that.

Now for the Report:
I decided to get out there and do some pre catching on friday in anticipation for saturday since I have not been able to sleep for about a week due to the child like anticipation of catfishing and the game plan in my head for the weekend.

I got my boat all ready to go on thursday around 8pm layed down to get some rest for the upcoming weekend kept seeing the clock couldn't sleep finally 12:04am lights out 2:am alarm so up and at it shower,and start loading up the truck and boat, out the door 3:30 am after a few stops boat gas, Ice and a few things at the lake at 6 am pay for my pass go inside and pay for camping say hi to the boys and on my way to the ramp.

Now for the Report: Friday 6-7-10
Decided I had alot of time for catfishing I wanted to try fishing for some trout I know "its catfish time but I still like drifting for trout" and it was on I caught several on the drifted crawler and could have limited by 8am on "Trout" in "June" I know "Crazy" but they are there. I ried a couple places drifting for cat's no love, hum! I scouted a little and found "Diego and Uncle" in the flats killing some cats as well as "Phill and Marty" so I knew I was in the right place because all of these gu's are part fish anyways. I recieved a call from a good friend "Home Town" Team 57 brother" to come and launch his boat for him so back to the ramp I go.

Done so back to the trout drifting I go, I know I am supposed to be catfishing but I want a slug of a trout and I know there there. I get a call from "Hometown" he say's big daddy we are on them get over here. I said OK in awhile, 1/2 hour later "Hometown on the phone again. Big Daddy get over here I am limited out and have caught and released "10 fish already" all the fish are 8-10#s
so I am on my way. Set anchors when I get there and "Diego and Uncle" are down to using 1 Pole for the 2 of them "Uncles tired and Diego can't keep his line in the water long enough to fish 2 rods, the same with "Hometown 1 rod" not me 2 rods I can handle it Right fo the first 2 fish and then it was down to 1 rod for me. I set there for the next 4 hours catch and releasing as well as just set back and watch others with total amazement at the amout and the quality of fish.

I had to get a second pass to continue fishing the evening bite as all of this happened around 12pm to 5 pm Who would have Thunked

Area: Flats by the back ramp
Bait: mackeral (Bite on) as well as fresh and some secret bait that "Diego" had un frikken believable Bro.
I was using braid and 25#mono: didn't matter
Fish count:
Kept 2 trout
8 Cats
Released 1 Blue "for a free pass"
C&R 35-40 plus cats for the day " this seamed the norm for several people

Latter in the evening "Omar 2quik" and I went out there and continued the same routine. Off the water at 12am up to the camping spot for a quick BBQ its now 2:15 am:EyePop:off to sleep for a couple hours, what a long day

Saturday: 6-8-13
Up at 5am up to the tackle shop for the pass, derby, entry and some breakfast
Leave the dock at 6:am on our way back to the flats, same story as the day before fish on, and on, and on until we left around noon for some lunch at the tackle shop
We ended up going to the dam for the evening bite for nada, but we each had fish for the tourney from ealier for the weigh in but would they be big enough with all of the heavy hitters fishing the tourney? Back to the scales at 12:41 am

Yes Big Daddy got 4th place and another trip 2 the masters. This is 3 years in a row right on pressure off so now let;s just have fun $153.00
Yes "2 quick" got 8th place on to the master 2 years in a row and $51.00
not a bad day of fishing and a whole lot of fun and some Cash

Congrat to all who qualified and good luck "Team 57" in the next tourney qualifing
Bait mackeral

Load the boat "its 2am again" another long day for this Old Man, 4 hrs sleep and off to home to get ready for church, after church went to sleep for "13 hrs" woke up for 1/2 hr and back to bed and I would do it all over again.

I have to say that Irvine lakes stocking of these cat's has been absolutely unreal:EyePop:. I have never seen this size of fish stocked ever before anywhere at anytime. The size and quality is just overwhelming and I want to say thank you. I am so glad I got to be a part of it. If you have not been able to fish there or have not been able to get into the fish, then you need to"obviously".

Join "Team 57" get a shirt and wear it. Get a few peoples #'s at the lake so that you will have some insider info so that you can get on them fish, I promise you it will be worth it as we will share what we know and you want the info before and not after the fact.

So till next time be Safe and try to help someone sometime soom,

Big Daddy

06-10-2013, 10:51 AM
Big Daddy the kittie cat slayer! You have been on fire my friend. I gotta get myself out there. Congrats to all my Team 57 bros on a great showing. Thank you Big Daddy for a great report! The Vine is on fire!!!

06-10-2013, 11:17 AM
Best detailed report this season. Congrats Mark, You are a huge asset to the fishing community. I cant wait to get out there.. Hopefully I can pull on one of those quality cats.

06-10-2013, 01:15 PM
Congrats big daddy on qualifying I was out there Saturday night we got 10 between three of us not enuff to qualify but still had a blast. I'm a solo fisherman if Ur ever heading out and looking for someone to go with let me know. I met you I think at corona I was with Dave beaver on a pontoon lightning trout day hope to see you out there soon.

06-10-2013, 05:58 PM
Mark glad the bait worked for you, fresh from San Diego, Ill see you out there next time its goona be good Im bringing a sling shot for the idiots who move on top of my lines.

06-10-2013, 06:33 PM
Great Report Mark it sure was fun fishing with You Diego Phil and Marty Friday WFO

06-10-2013, 07:29 PM

First I have to say that this is an awesome post and I enjoyed reading every word! :Cool:

Congratulations to You, Omar and all of the Team 57 members who qualified for the King of Cats Tournament. I know that Dana would have been real proud to have seen all of you at the weigh in representing Family, Friends, Fun and Fishing.........Very Cool! I'm also sure that he would be very proud of the way You, Taper Steve and everyone of the Team 57 members continuing the Team 57 events and inviting Families and Friends to share the Good Times.......Great job all of you! :Thumbs Up:

Irvine Lake is definitely a great place to fish, camp and just get away and have a great time. As you said Irvine has been stocking some quality fish and I have always found the Lake Staff to be very helpful and they do want you to catch fish. :Wink:

Congratulations again Mark and all who qualified this weekend! :Thumbs Up:

06-10-2013, 09:30 PM
What an awesome weekend, big time congrats BD!

06-10-2013, 10:37 PM
"CatDaddy57" setting the bar high right from the start this catfish season, congrats! This is going to be a season to be remembered for years to come. Good seeing you out there, until next time!


Big Daddy
06-11-2013, 07:43 AM
Thanks every one It was sure nice being on the water again at night although we didn't get a single fish on saturday night it was like where we were they were not at home.

It was great seeing all of you at Irvine lake that is the only thing better than the fishing. It is truly going to be a great seson:Big Grin:

Till next time my friends, be safe.

Big Daddy

06-11-2013, 08:07 AM
DANG MARK you are killing them, wish i could catch a cat fish lol me and josh started off all smiles and pumped for catfish come 10pm we were both planning to spend the rest of our summers float tubing Danna Point and NPH lol stupid catfish