View Full Version : Camping&fishing@Isabella..5/25-5/27

05-28-2013, 05:51 PM
Went out to Isabella for memorial weekend for some camping and fishing fun with the family. Got to the campsite around noon and set up camp. It was real windy so decided to stay at camp and hang out with the family and sip on a few cold one until the win calmed down a bit. After a few of drinks ended up taking a nap then woke up to calmer conditions in the evening. Head out to the lake and found a nice wind protected cove and set up our fishing gear for the night. We were going for crappies with assorted tube jigs and minnow imitation jigs on a bobber. Fished till midnight and ended up catching 50 crappie between the four of us. Kept 25 and released the others because they were too small to keep. Thee ones we kept were 3/4-1.3 lbs.
The next day was windy also so we headed up to the river and do some swimming. Also messed around with the trout but got no love in the middle of the day with a lot of swimmers around. Spent most of the day at the river and went back to tb campsite at 4pm cooked and drink some more cold ones until dark and headed back out to the lake. Fished the same area as the previous night and had the same amount of success. This time we ended up keeping 30 fish about the same size as the previous night. It seems like the bite has slowed down considerably compared to last month. Maybe because of the windy conditions or the spawn winding down. Most of the fish we caught were out deeper this time around so if u are going for crappie make sure u use a longer leader on bobbers. Or u can just cast out and let it sink to the bottom and slowly swim your jig back. Hope this helps the next person.

05-28-2013, 07:31 PM
we were there saturday, and couldn't muster up one crappie from shore. Didn't see any-one else catching any either. Heard they were 10-30' deep. I hate that lake. should have went to pyramid for stripers.