View Full Version : S.W.A.T. Team Geezer Weekend Mission Sat. 5/18 & Sun. 5/19

05-20-2013, 08:33 PM
All week long, I was telling the rest of the Veterans Crew that even though we have a big point lead, we can’t get too comfortable. I had a feeling that the Rookies & Young Guns were about to go on a big offensive to try and cut into our lead. As of Friday 5/17, at the start of the weekend, the score was Veterans 80 points – Rookies 40 points. As of today, Monday 5/20, the score is Veterans 85 points – Rookies 80 points. :EyePop:

As it turned out, the objective to my weekend mission went from trying to pad the lead for the Veterans & Old Fogy Stoggies to trying to fend off the furious rally by the Rookies & Young Whippersnappers. :Shocked:
I did my best… even suffered a not so nice battle wound in the surf Sunday morning to get a few points. :Neutral: But the last few days have been all Team Rookies. :Envious:

5/18 - Saturday
PB Checker for me!

I hit the surf with Binh (Badbeat) and Sokha (Troublehook) at grey light for a couple of hours before work. Swell were manageable but was building gradually. The weather was great with a moderate on-shore wind. Light salad condition, water temperature around 62 degrees, clear surf and a light presence of bait fish.
Sokha got his first ever Calico Bass and Binh couldn’t shake the Skunk. I got a couple of short Halibut, two Yellow Fin Croaker and three Calico Bass. One of the Calico was a 22” brute that weighs a little over 6 lbs on my Boga Grip. It earned a measly 5 points for contest. :LOL:

I forgot my measuring tape and the boys didn’t bring theirs because they figured that I had one. :Rolls Eyes:
So I just laid my rod down next to the fish and marked the length. Went home and put a tape to it and it tied my PB Calico from the surf at 22 inches. :Big Grin:

This fish must be at least 20 years old. Released to delight another day. :Cool:

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1017-15.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1017-15.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1-11.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1-11.jpg.html)

The big Calico was the highlight of the day. Little did I know, the 5 points weren't nearly enough to stem off the onslaught of points that would be put up by the Youngsters. :!!!:

Binh and Sokha, good fishing with you guys again.
Sokha, congrats on the nice 15” Calico. Bummer you got rolled by that wave, but nice job hanging on to your rig, lol.
Binh, bummer about Mr. Stinky but that’s fishing bro. You’ll kill them next time!
It was nice hanging out with you guys at Sean’s birthday party Saturday night. Sorry I couldn’t stay for the cash game… lucky for you guys, lol

5/19 - Sunday
It sucks coming up an inch short all morning. :Crying:

Decided to hit the same A.O. from the day before with SP Dan. Made the long hike to the beach and found similar conditions as the previous morning. The swells were a bit larger, but still fishable. We stepped on the sand and I said to Dan “After you sir…” Dan, shook his head and replied “No, after you.” :Cool: So be it, I will take the lead this morning… Two casts in the grey light and I hook up to a fat Yellow Fin Croaker. 15 inches, ONE inch shy of earning a couple of points for competition. :mad: The very next cast… landed a 21 inch Halibut, ONE inch shy of a legal… no points. :Angry:

The ONE inch short YFC.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1002-22.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1002-22.jpg.html)

The ONE inch short Halibut (photo from Dan’s camera).
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/Dan3.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/Dan3.jpg.html)

Nothing else from the surf for a long while so we decided to hop on the rocks.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1009-23.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1009-23.jpg.html)

Brother Dan is always smiling… :Big Grin:
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1010-22.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1010-22.jpg.html)

On a slow and steady retrieve off the rocks the LC gets hammered… thought for a moment that I had another trophy Calico but then saw a flash of silver… White Sea Bass baby! :Dancing Banana:

Bendo shot taken by Dan.
Having fun out there, that's what it's all about.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/Dan6.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/Dan6.jpg.html)

Had a comical time trying to land this fish from the rocks. Didn't want to bounce it on the rocks and cause damage, so just worked it slowly until I found a little pocket in between the rocks and guided the fish into it...
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1007-23.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1007-23.jpg.html)

ONE inch short of being legal and because I caught it off the rocks and not the sand… no points. :Sad:
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1005-23.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1005-23.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1004-22.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1004-22.jpg.html)

The release… come back to me when you're 38 inches! :Wink:
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1008-21.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1008-21.jpg.html)

This place is so fishy…
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1003-21.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1003-21.jpg.html)

We headed back to the beach to see if we can nab a legal Halibut…
It was starting to get a little rough (photo from Dan’s camera).
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/Dan2.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/Dan2.jpg.html)

Dan is still smiling…
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1012-21.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1012-21.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1013-18.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1013-18.jpg.html)

I took a little risk and decided to go boiler hopping in the surf to try and get into a better position to cast to the kelp line. Misjudged my jump by ONE inch and banged my shin against a boiler rock. Tore a hole in my waders and immediately felt cold water down my leg. :mad: In excruciating pain, I immediately started backing out of the surf… Then I felt something strange, I felt something warm running down my leg also… I know what you guys are thinking… NO, I didn’t pee in my waders. :Big Smile: It was blood running down my shin. :Shocked:
I sat on the sand and took a peak through the rip on the waders and saw I had a nice gash on my shin which was bleeding pretty good. I wasn’t sure if I needed stiches, but knew I had to get out of there ASAP. I motioned to Dan to come over and told him that I’m going to hike back out and he should keep fishing. Dan insisted on making the hike out with me. I keep telling Dan that I’ll be fine, but he wanted to follow me up the hill to make sure that I would be alright. Well, in that case… can you carry me Dan? :ROFL:
Thanks Brother Dan for your concern, but it’s only a flesh wound, lol
When I got back to the car, about ¾ of a mile away, I couldn’t feel the pain anymore. I took off my waders, turned it upside down and red hue saltwater came pouring out. :Bawling: I had a first aid kit in the car (always have one!) cleaned and patched up the gash on my shin. Decided that I wasn’t going to need stiches and drove home. Maybe I can use this minor injury to get out of some chores around the house today. :Wink: :Idea: :LOL:

Dan hiked back and continued fishing… go gettem' Dan!

Attention: Keep your eyes open for Rattle Snakes! They are out there right now. I saw a little one slither away into the bushes when I was on a dirt trail going back to the car. Dan saw a bigger one on a different trail a little while later. Never thought about it, but it's probably a good idea to carry a Snake bite kit in your pack. :!!!:

Dan, it was a pleasure fishing with you again my friend. Thank you for your concern for my well-being, I appreciate that very much. But I would have been much more grateful if you had carried me to the car. :Big Smile: I’m perfectly fine now, the wound closed up nicely. I wish I could say the same about my waders. :Explode: Time to send them back to Simms for repair/replacement. Fortunately, I do have a few back up pairs. :Big Grin:

Team Veterans, the gap has been closed, it’s now a REAL contest! The Rookies and Young Guns have finally stepped it up and giving us a run for the money. Let’s do this gentlemen! :Twisted:

Competition update as of Monday 5/20
Team Veterans – 85 Points
Team Rookies – 80 Points

Until the next hook-up, enjoy your week everybody. :Cool:

Arthur (Wingnut)

Sometimes we say “Life sucks”, but what really suck was our attitude.

Extra pics…

Brother Dan gearing up in the dark.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1001-21.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1001-21.jpg.html)

Hiking out with Dan right behind me, still smiling...
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1014-17.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1014-17.jpg.html)

Good advice. :Wink:
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1011-19.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1011-19.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1018-17.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1018-17.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1019-17.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1019-17.jpg.html)

Harmless hitchhiker.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1024-12.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1024-12.jpg.html)

Parting shots…

His Majesty “Romeo” is taking a nap.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1025-10.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1025-10.jpg.html)

I used my injury to get out of some household chores Sunday afternoon. :LOL:
Made a deal with the Iron Chef that I would cook dinner if she takes care of my other chores. She agreed! I can’t believe she fell for it… :Dancing Banana:
She had to give all three Pugs a bath, pick up all the dog poop in the yard, pull the weeds, plant some perennials and herbs and water the garden.
All I had to do is whip something up for dinner. :Razz:

Romeo gets his first bath.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1027-9.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1027-9.jpg.html)

Romeo doesn't look very happy, lol
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1031-9.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1031-9.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1032-8.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1032-8.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1033-8.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1033-8.jpg.html)

Lucky Dog. :Envious:
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1036-8.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1036-8.jpg.html)

Gardening is hard work... I can watch it all day. :LOL:
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1042-4.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1042-4.jpg.html)

With her part of the deal done, the Iron Chef relaxes while I cook dinner… :Big Grin:
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1048-3.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1048-3.jpg.html)

My part of the deal. Hey… I know how to cook too! :Wink:
Sunday night’s dinner, compliments of Wingnut. :Razz:
Pan Seared Halibut with Artichoke Hearts and Saffron Broth, topped with fresh Chives.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1-10.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/SWAT1-10.jpg.html)

05-20-2013, 08:39 PM
Well Commander, point wise, this wasn't your best showing. Catch wise, well that is another story! That calico is a BEAST! And by the way, 1 inch shy of a legal WSB is 27 inches bigger than most people's PB. :Sad:

The best part of your reports is the whole experience. I love the before, during and after pictures. It is just a complete story to a complete trip. By the way, when I was reading your report last night, my wife glanced at the screen and immediately got huffy and said, "who is that in the bikini?? WHY ARE YOU looking at pictures of other women!?" :Embarrassed: If I were you, I would take that as a HUGE compliment. After my wife calmed down, she says she now understands when people say that you have it all: Fishing juju, cooking juju, woman juju, you are just truly blessed.

Thank you for the report my friend and for being you!


P.S. Hope your knee is okay. That will turn out to be a great battle scar.

05-20-2013, 08:54 PM
Love your posts/reports Arthur. You guys have some amazing areas and structure to fish up there, much different than our San Diego surf line. I would love to make the trek up your way one of these days and fish with you guys one of these days. You can blind fold me if needed!

SP Dan
05-20-2013, 09:17 PM
Hi ya Arthur!

Man ... were you on fire right-out-of-the-gate on the get!!
Seriously .... I had a blast watching you pick that beach apart like you were performing fine, detailed dental work in Poseidon's realm! :UDaMan:

I can't figure out which you are more of .... "Blessed to be Lucky" or "Lucky to be Blessed"!
Which ever one you are .... it was a pleasure to have fished with you one more time!

If I'm going to be taken to school ..... I'd prefer it be from the best ........ :Not Worthy: "The GrassHopper"!

Glad that you were not hurt too seriously and yes the waders can be replaced!
But most importantly Arthur .... we shared some fun times and had a few good laughs together!

Thanx Brotha for the good times! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><


Everyone ... Please ... exercise more caution while hiking to your AO's!
Arthur and I text each other after we had gone our separate ways to find out that we had both ran into sun bathing Rattle Snakes on two different trails!
My Rattler was approx 3-ft in length and didn't rattle a sound! Thank God that it was sun bathing and moving slow because I stepped within 18-inches of it's head!

So .... try to look further ahead of your next step and watch out for the wildlife! :Cool:

Thank you Arthur for allowing this piggy-back on your report.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/Dan2-2.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/Dan2-2.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/Dan1-2.png (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/Dan1-2.png.html)

05-20-2013, 09:20 PM
Impressive, that is a big Calico, Congrats to that fat toad.
Haha...what a bummer to have an inch short day, but still very amazing to get that butt and wsb.
Wow, just within a week the score gets so close, it really is a battle now. Good luck to all of you.
Hope your leg gets better. Thanks for the report and bonus pictures.

05-20-2013, 09:31 PM
That's One Toad Checker :Applause:
That spot looks familiar :Secret:

05-20-2013, 09:58 PM
If there was an award for miles traveled to surf fish, you would win it hands down! I'm going to continue monitoring my AO's for opportunities, but it's not looking good for us up here for a while. So the rookies know, I've made 5 trips for 1 fish now, figured I've hiked over 18 miles last week looking. So count your blessings, as to having some conditions to fish in, and intel to go on, cause that can make a world of difference. Our turns will come, and when our beaches are happening, it will be game on! A great moon phase this week to fish, make it count on those big tide swing days.

Which Way Out
05-20-2013, 10:02 PM
Oh Romeo oh Romeo you lucky dog.............:Wink:

Looks like you guys had an interesting outing to say the least. Lots of fish and only a little blood lost. Fair trade if you ask me.

Heal up quickly and hit it again soon, were gonna need the points. Lord only knows I haven't been any help.


Seeing how I have caught no fish yet. I will add that to what Mikey said plus. Sunday morning 5 AM that is, we hit the beach. Packed up the Skunk and headed home by 9 AM. I recouped and headed back out about 11 AM and hit the water in a Yak till my tummy said its Pizza and Beer 30!!!! 5 PM.
So let it be known that the Skunk is still sitting on my shoulder and won't leave.:Rain:

05-20-2013, 11:24 PM
Nice calico from the beach Arthur. Each report is like a new adventure. The places this sport takes us are just amazing. I would have loved to have joined you guys on Sunday but duty called.. We got to get back out there soon... We have a trophy to win..


05-20-2013, 11:26 PM
That checkers really is a brute! Nice catch and too bad about being 1 inch short on all the fish..:Twisted: Poseidon is letting the rookies make a comeback and make this competition down to the last day :Big Grin:. Like you said, "The Rabbit has caught the Turtle." :ROFL:

This is a cool picture of Dan. Looks like he's fishing in an oasis!

When you told me you had a hole in your waders, I didn't expect you to get banged up so bad.. Good thing everything turned out okay and you didn't have to deal with any stitches. Thanks for the intel and keeping the young bucks in the loop.

I don't think this thing is that harmless... wait until they fart in your face... :Explode::LOL:

Great report and love reading them. Good to see you all smiles Dan. Didn't realize you had a gold Van Staal.. Nice reel!! And thanks for watching over the Commander.. he can get adventurous sometimes and forget he's getting old...:ROFL::Big Smile::Neener Neener:

A W Root Beer
05-21-2013, 06:54 AM
Nice fat calico and long wsb.

Re: sign about contaminated fish. I think i would eat a barracuda if i caught it off a clean beach.

05-21-2013, 09:24 AM
That's what I'm talking about!!! That's a trophy calico and especially from the surf too!!!
A fat calico, an almost legal sea bass.....can't ask for anything more, well maybe a legal butt but an amazing outing by all means. I'm so pumped I almost called in sick at work today, lol!!! Thanks for the write up and pictures!!!


05-21-2013, 10:16 AM

I thought the "Old Geezers" had a more than comfortable lead for this month but it looks like I was underestimating the "Rookies" unwillingness to be taken down! :Confused:

Great job out there guys and thanks for keeping the lead...........for now anyway.:Cool:

05-21-2013, 02:01 PM
Arthur, congrats on the PB calico! When I first received the text, my jaw dropped :OMG!:
22" is a hog! And from the surf too. Way to go! That must of been a fun 5 points. :LOL: That hefty lead for the "old geezers" was intimidating, but this furious rookies comeback is going to make this very close.
The WSB was also a nice catch. Have yet to catch one yet, but surf or rocks, WSB is almost in a class of its own. :Big Grin:

Thanks for the pics and report as always. Hope to fish with you again soon!


05-21-2013, 02:21 PM
Damn, that's a beast of Calico Art and coming from the surf is even more impressive. :Shocked:
Sorry about the injury, but unless you lose a leg, I know you'll be back out there again soon. :Big Grin:
The Youngsters are really coming on strong. Will the Old Fogies have enough energy down the stretch to put these pesky youngin's away???
I won't be able to chip in, but watching the drama unfold is exciting as hell. lol :LOL:

The Iron Chef is looking great, you are one lucky man. :Envious:
But not very lucky last weekend at the poker tournament. I WON, I WON, I WON!!! I took Wingnut down!!! :Neener Neener:

05-21-2013, 02:57 PM
Nice getz Commander!!! And 5 points or not, that Cali is a PIG!!! :Not Worthy::Applause: What a beaut!! Sorry about your ouchie, as well. I think I'm gonna keep some first-aid parts in the ol' back pack. You know, fishing with Bachiboy n' all. SOMEone's bound to get hurt. :LOL: Anyway, I was on my way down to my local-yocal fishing spot when I got the text on Sunday, so I re-routed the GPS to give brother Dan some back-up. He and I fished the other spot for a couple of hours, Dan attacking the South side, while I explored the north. I ended up with one legal sized turd-roller, but it wasn't worth any points, so I didn't bother with it. Just a quick CPR.

So, its down to the fourth quarter with time running out. You're the team captain. Which play do you think we should run??


05-21-2013, 05:58 PM
Awesome report Arthur! The PB calico is seriously a toad and you didn't even have to hop on the rocks to get it :Not Worthy:
I have to say, I was a little relieved after finding out that the wsb was from the rocks :LOL: but nonetheless, it is a great catch and so close to being legal!
I love how they start to darken and look more beastly as they mature. Glad to hear that your injury wasn't too serious. Those rocks can be treacherous. Thien and I almost got stranded out there while not paying close attention to the rising tide :Razz:
Sokha, congrats on the calico! You'll get that legal hali soon!
Thanks for the report and the intel :Wink: I know we're in a competition, but I love how we still look out for each other first and want each other to succeed in catching fish! :Beer Toast:
Dan, that was a close call with that rattlesnake, and i'm glad to hear that you were safe :Smile: I'll definitely be on the lookout!


murrieta angler
05-22-2013, 04:28 PM
You just have to love those days;
Great looking fish,
Great friend to fish with,
Great looking pup,
Great looking lady...who can cook her *** off :Big Grin:
You are truly Blessed Brotha.
I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself to bad.
9 more days to go and the weather is going to clear up some..:Cool:
Great report as always,

05-22-2013, 04:46 PM
Way to go sir!!! That is a PIG of a checker. Great job following it up with the ghost, even if it didn't score any points for us "old guys". Sorry to hear about the war wound and hope you can get those waders fixed, much less your leg. Sounds like my kinda luck out there. When I text you the night before, I was just about to go to that A.O. but figured you were heading there and decided to split our forces and head in the opposite direction to fan out the assault. I struck out, but fortunately, you didn't. Hopefully I'll be able to help on the points before month's end. I've seemed to have hit a major dry spell but this weekend might produce...gotta love it when the wife wants to vacation near some prime hunting grounds!:Wink::whistle:

Funny how we were just mentioning the rattlers in the area, and sure enough with a little warm weather, there they were. Glad you and Dan didn't have TOO close of an encounter.

Good luck this weekend if you get out there! We need to put a little extra heat on the "youngin's"!

I think I'm gonna keep some first-aid parts in the ol' back pack. You know, fishing with Bachiboy n' all. SOMEone's bound to get hurt.
If you're fishing with me, A) I keep two first-aid kits handy, one in the car and one on me, B) What are you worried about? You KNOW it's gonna be me that gets hurt! :ROFL:

05-22-2013, 08:57 PM

Very Very nice report what can I say? You are truly bless my friend.
Congrats on your hook ups.


05-23-2013, 11:56 AM
That is the biggest Calico I've ever seen! The photos just doesn't do it, you have to see it there live laying on the sand. :EyePop:
Damn bro, when you told me that you ripped your waders I had no idea that it was that bad. :Crying:
Heal up quick and get back on the sand, the Veterans need you out there.
Thanks for coming to Sean's birthday party and thanks for the special gift. :Secret:

05-25-2013, 12:57 PM
I couldn't believe how big that Calico was. :EyePop: I thought my 15 incher was big, hahahaha
Thanks for coming out with us Commander. Always a pleasure fishing with the SWAT kingpin. :Big Grin:

05-25-2013, 04:25 PM
Competition Points Update as of Saturday 5/25/13
Team Veterans – 120 Points
Team Rookies – 90 Points

6 days left in the contest!

05-26-2013, 08:36 AM
Another awesome day of fishing for the commander eh? :UDaMan:
Just yesterday, Jason, Ken and I were talking about your fishing technique and what you do so differently that gets you on so many trophy fish. Is it your retrieve? Do you work the tip of your rod differently? Or do you just simply whisper to the big fishies :EyePop:???? We ended up concluding the conversation without an answer lol.. All I can say is, "errr, he's the commander... DUH!" :LOL:

Congrats on that beastly Calico! Even though it was a bit short of yours and Jinbows PB, catching that a calico of that size from the surf is still an amazing feat. Hopefully one day I get to land one around that size. Cant wait!

Great report.


BTW, I think you should invest in some shin gaurds lol. Be careful out there. I am glad you didn't get too badly injured during our outing yesterday

05-26-2013, 02:22 PM
Another awesome day of fishing for the commander eh? :UDaMan:
Just yesterday, Jason, Ken and I were talking about your fishing technique and what you do so differently that gets you on so many trophy fish. Is it your retrieve? Do you work the tip of your rod differently? Or do you just simply whisper to the big fishies :EyePop:???? We ended up concluding the conversation without an answer lol.. All I can say is, "errr, he's the commander... DUH!" :LOL:

Congrats on that beastly Calico! Even though it was a bit short of yours and Jinbows PB, catching that a calico of that size from the surf is still an amazing feat. Hopefully one day I get to land one around that size. Cant wait!

Great report.


BTW, I think you should invest in some shin gaurds lol. Be careful out there. I am glad you didn't get too badly injured during our outing yesterday

Ditto! I think that the commander needs to wear full body armor out there! After seeing the kind of shenanigans he pulled yesterday, i know why he's catching these legendary fish! Keep it up commander, you only have a few more years beofre your body is too frail for these types of sessions! :LOL:

06-01-2013, 03:45 PM
Competition Final Update! May Final Points Tally.
Team Veterans – 179 Points
Team Rookies – 95 Points

Better luck in June Youngsters!
After June's contest, I will change things up a bit. I will elect two team captains to pick teams. This way the Veterans and Rookies can fish together on the same team. :Cool:

Well Commander, point wise, this wasn't your best showing. Catch wise, well that is another story! That calico is a BEAST! And by the way, 1 inch shy of a legal WSB is 27 inches bigger than most people's PB. :Sad:

The best part of your reports is the whole experience. I love the before, during and after pictures. It is just a complete story to a complete trip. By the way, when I was reading your report last night, my wife glanced at the screen and immediately got huffy and said, "who is that in the bikini?? WHY ARE YOU looking at pictures of other women!?" :Embarrassed: If I were you, I would take that as a HUGE compliment. After my wife calmed down, she says she now understands when people say that you have it all: Fishing juju, cooking juju, woman juju, you are just truly blessed.

Thank you for the report my friend and for being you!


P.S. Hope your knee is okay. That will turn out to be a great battle scar.
The Calico is big, but the biggest Calico I've ever seen caught in the surf was by Albert (Jinbow). I think it was 24" and was massive. :EyePop:
As for the White Sea Bass, I'm still trying to get my first legal of the year. If i was a betting man, and I am... I would put my money on Robert to get the first legal WSB of the year. :Wink:
I enjoy writing the reports and glad that you enjoy them... successful reports are a lot more fun to write than Skunked ones. :LOL:
See you tomorrow... :Wink: Let's see if we can get you that "induction" fish. :Big Grin:

Love your posts/reports Arthur. You guys have some amazing areas and structure to fish up there, much different than our San Diego surf line. I would love to make the trek up your way one of these days and fish with you guys one of these days. You can blind fold me if needed!
Thanks Bob... no blind folds needed, we can trade spots anytime. :Big Grin: I don't mind networking with responsible anglers that CONTRIBUTES to this site. :Cool:
We should share the sand one of these days... :Wink:

Hi ya Arthur!

Man ... were you on fire right-out-of-the-gate on the get!!
Seriously .... I had a blast watching you pick that beach apart like you were performing fine, detailed dental work in Poseidon's realm! :UDaMan:

I can't figure out which you are more of .... "Blessed to be Lucky" or "Lucky to be Blessed"!
Which ever one you are .... it was a pleasure to have fished with you one more time!

If I'm going to be taken to school ..... I'd prefer it be from the best ........ :Not Worthy: "The GrassHopper"!

Glad that you were not hurt too seriously and yes the waders can be replaced!
But most importantly Arthur .... we shared some fun times and had a few good laughs together!

Thanx Brotha for the good times! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><


Everyone ... Please ... exercise more caution while hiking to your AO's!
Arthur and I text each other after we had gone our separate ways to find out that we had both ran into sun bathing Rattle Snakes on two different trails!
My Rattler was approx 3-ft in length and didn't rattle a sound! Thank God that it was sun bathing and moving slow because I stepped within 18-inches of it's head!

So .... try to look further ahead of your next step and watch out for the wildlife!

Thank you Arthur for allowing this piggy-back on your report.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/Dan2-2.jpg (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/Dan2-2.jpg.html)

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r135/Wingnut32566/Wingnut%2012/Dan1-2.png (http://s143.photobucket.com/user/Wingnut32566/media/Wingnut%2012/Dan1-2.png.html)

You are one of the most fun individual to be around and fish with Brother Dan. Your smile energizes me all day. Skunk or no Skunk, your positive attitude never change... don't YOU ever change! :Big Grin:
Thank you for the Rattle Snake warning... no doubt, we will come across many more of them this Summer.
Hope to fish with you again soon my friend. :Cool:

Impressive, that is a big Calico, Congrats to that fat toad.
Haha...what a bummer to have an inch short day, but still very amazing to get that butt and wsb.
Wow, just within a week the score gets so close, it really is a battle now. Good luck to all of you.
Hope your leg gets better. Thanks for the report and bonus pictures.
Albert, you caught the biggest Calico I've ever seen from the surf, that thing was an absolute Beast. :Shocked:
I hope you've been able to get out and fish. Let me know when you want to hit the surf together my friend. :Wink:

That's One Toad Checker :Applause:
That spot looks familiar :Secret:

If there was an award for miles traveled to surf fish, you would win it hands down! I'm going to continue monitoring my AO's for opportunities, but it's not looking good for us up here for a while. So the rookies know, I've made 5 trips for 1 fish now, figured I've hiked over 18 miles last week looking. So count your blessings, as to having some conditions to fish in, and intel to go on, cause that can make a world of difference. Our turns will come, and when our beaches are happening, it will be game on! A great moon phase this week to fish, make it count on those big tide swing days.
I know you've hard on the recon trail up there Mikey and we appreciate your intel gathering efforts. :Cool:
You say the word and I'll be there Yoda. :Wink:

Oh Romeo oh Romeo you lucky dog.............:Wink:

Looks like you guys had an interesting outing to say the least. Lots of fish and only a little blood lost. Fair trade if you ask me.

Heal up quickly and hit it again soon, were gonna need the points. Lord only knows I haven't been any help.


Seeing how I have caught no fish yet. I will add that to what Mikey said plus. Sunday morning 5 AM that is, we hit the beach. Packed up the Skunk and headed home by 9 AM. I recouped and headed back out about 11 AM and hit the water in a Yak till my tummy said its Pizza and Beer 30!!!! 5 PM.
So let it be known that the Skunk is still sitting on my shoulder and won't leave.:Rain:
You kill that Skunk yet Bill??? :Razz: You know you're always welcome to drive South and join us anytime you want. :Wink:

Nice calico from the beach Arthur. Each report is like a new adventure. The places this sport takes us are just amazing. I would have loved to have joined you guys on Sunday but duty called.. We got to get back out there soon... We have a trophy to win..

Yes, surf fishing is an adventure. :Big Grin:
We got your back last month my friend, but we're gonna need you this month, the Rookies and Young Guns will be out to redeem themselves. :Envious:

That checkers really is a brute! Nice catch and too bad about being 1 inch short on all the fish..:Twisted: Poseidon is letting the rookies make a comeback and make this competition down to the last day :Big Grin:. Like you said, "The Rabbit has caught the Turtle." :ROFL:

This is a cool picture of Dan. Looks like he's fishing in an oasis!

When you told me you had a hole in your waders, I didn't expect you to get banged up so bad.. Good thing everything turned out okay and you didn't have to deal with any stitches. Thanks for the intel and keeping the young bucks in the loop.

I don't think this thing is that harmless... wait until they fart in your face... :Explode::LOL:

Great report and love reading them. Good to see you all smiles Dan. Didn't realize you had a gold Van Staal.. Nice reel!! And thanks for watching over the Commander.. he can get adventurous sometimes and forget he's getting old...:ROFL::Big Smile::Neener Neener:
This Old man can still hold his own buddy. :Twisted:
You Youngsters came up short last month, but this is a new month, clean slate... let's see whatcha got?!? :Twisted:
A farting Beetle??? :Shocked:

Nice fat calico and long wsb.

Re: sign about contaminated fish. I think i would eat a barracuda if i caught it off a clean beach.
Eat whatever you want... to each his own. :Cool:
But catching a Barracuda from the surf is pretty rare... I did it one time a few years back. :Wink:

That's what I'm talking about!!! That's a trophy calico and especially from the surf too!!!
A fat calico, an almost legal sea bass.....can't ask for anything more, well maybe a legal butt but an amazing outing by all means. I'm so pumped I almost called in sick at work today, lol!!! Thanks for the write up and pictures!!!

Thanks Alex... you keep at it, you'll see... we'll be reading a spectacular report from you soon. :Wink:


I thought the "Old Geezers" had a more than comfortable lead for this month but it looks like I was underestimating the "Rookies" unwillingness to be taken down! :Confused:

Great job out there guys and thanks for keeping the lead...........for now anyway.:Cool:
The trophy is ours Terry! :Dancing Banana: But this is a new month, new contest... the Youngster will be hungry for revenge, we have to be ready. :Wink:
Be well my friend and hope we can get together soon. :Big Grin:

Arthur, congrats on the PB calico! When I first received the text, my jaw dropped.
22" is a hog! And from the surf too. Way to go! That must of been a fun 5 points. :LOL: That hefty lead for the "old geezers" was intimidating, but this furious rookies comeback is going to make this very close.
The WSB was also a nice catch. Have yet to catch one yet, but surf or rocks, WSB is almost in a class of its own.

Thanks for the pics and report as always. Hope to fish with you again soon!

Thanks Danny, you kids gave it a good effort last month, but the Golden Oldies prevailed... June is a new month, go gettem' and good luck chasing that "induction" fish. :Wink:

Damn, that's a beast of Calico Art and coming from the surf is even more impressive. :Shocked:
Sorry about the injury, but unless you lose a leg, I know you'll be back out there again soon. :Big Grin:
The Youngsters are really coming on strong. Will the Old Fogies have enough energy down the stretch to put these pesky youngin's away???
I won't be able to chip in, but watching the drama unfold is exciting as hell. lol

The Iron Chef is looking great, you are one lucky man. :Envious:
But not very lucky last weekend at the poker tournament. I WON, I WON, I WON!!! I took Wingnut down!!! :Neener Neener:
Okay, so you won the tournament, but I bet I took home more money than you at the cash table, lol :Razz:
Get your butt out there this month and help get us some points bro!

Nice getz Commander!!! And 5 points or not, that Cali is a PIG!!! :Not Worthy::Applause: What a beaut!! Sorry about your ouchie, as well. I think I'm gonna keep some first-aid parts in the ol' back pack. You know, fishing with Bachiboy n' all. SOMEone's bound to get hurt. :LOL: Anyway, I was on my way down to my local-yocal fishing spot when I got the text on Sunday, so I re-routed the GPS to give brother Dan some back-up. He and I fished the other spot for a couple of hours, Dan attacking the South side, while I explored the north. I ended up with one legal sized turd-roller, but it wasn't worth any points, so I didn't bother with it. Just a quick CPR.

So, its down to the fourth quarter with time running out. You're the team captain. Which play do you think we should run??

Thanks Nate... accidents will always happen in the surf, it's just a matter of time if you fish long enough. You just have to be prepared when it does happen. :Wink:
It was nice running into you last week in the surf. Good luck out there this month, lets get some points!

Awesome report Arthur! The PB calico is seriously a toad and you didn't even have to hop on the rocks to get it :Not Worthy:
I have to say, I was a little relieved after finding out that the wsb was from the rocks :LOL: but nonetheless, it is a great catch and so close to being legal!
I love how they start to darken and look more beastly as they mature. Glad to hear that your injury wasn't too serious. Those rocks can be treacherous. Thien and I almost got stranded out there while not paying close attention to the rising tide :Razz:
Sokha, congrats on the calico! You'll get that legal hali soon!
Thanks for the report and the intel :Wink: I know we're in a competition, but I love how we still look out for each other first and want each other to succeed in catching fish! :Beer Toast:
Dan, that was a close call with that rattlesnake, and i'm glad to hear that you were safe :Smile: I'll definitely be on the lookout!

No worries about the intel Daniel, we look out for each other. :Cool:
I was actually pulling for your guys to keep it close, it makes for a more fun challenge. :Big Grin:
Hope you're enjoying New York, you got some work to do here in the surf when you get back!

You just have to love those days;
Great looking fish,
Great friend to fish with,
Great looking pup,
Great looking lady...who can cook her *** off :Big Grin:
You are truly Blessed Brotha.
I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself to bad.
9 more days to go and the weather is going to clear up some..:Cool:
Great report as always,
Thanks Roberto... you did great for Team Veterans last month and earned MVP honors for the Team. :Thumbs Up:
I know I can count on you again this month. :Big Grin:
Good luck if you're out there this weekend bro... it's my turn tomorrow. :Wink:

Way to go sir!!! That is a PIG of a checker. Great job following it up with the ghost, even if it didn't score any points for us "old guys". Sorry to hear about the war wound and hope you can get those waders fixed, much less your leg. Sounds like my kinda luck out there. When I text you the night before, I was just about to go to that A.O. but figured you were heading there and decided to split our forces and head in the opposite direction to fan out the assault. I struck out, but fortunately, you didn't. Hopefully I'll be able to help on the points before month's end. I've seemed to have hit a major dry spell but this weekend might produce...gotta love it when the wife wants to vacation near some prime hunting grounds!:Wink::whistle:

Funny how we were just mentioning the rattlers in the area, and sure enough with a little warm weather, there they were. Glad you and Dan didn't have TOO close of an encounter.

Good luck this weekend if you get out there! We need to put a little extra heat on the "youngin's"!

If you're fishing with me, A) I keep two first-aid kits handy, one in the car and one on me, B) What are you worried about? You KNOW it's gonna be me that gets hurt! :ROFL:
Hey Don, come down off Cloud 9 yet?!? :LOL:
Thanks again for keeping Team Veterans ahead in the competition. Somehow, I don't think this month's contest will be as easy, the Rookies are out for revenge. :Twisted:
See you tomorrow bright and early! :Wink:


Very Very nice report what can I say? You are truly bless my friend.
Congrats on your hook ups.

Thank Ramiro, hope you've been catching a few nice fish yourself buddy. :Big Grin:

That is the biggest Calico I've ever seen! The photos just doesn't do it, you have to see it there live laying on the sand. :EyePop:
Damn bro, when you told me that you ripped your waders I had no idea that it was that bad. :Crying:
Heal up quick and get back on the sand, the Veterans need you out there.
Thanks for coming to Sean's birthday party and thanks for the special gift. :Secret:
No worries Binh, the wounds that I suffered for the past couple of weeks are already healed. I still have a few pairs of back up waders ready to go. :Wink:
Sean's birthday party was quite nice and the BBQ was great!
See you soon my friend. :Cool:

I couldn't believe how big that Calico was. :EyePop: I thought my 15 incher was big, hahahaha
Thanks for coming out with us Commander. Always a pleasure fishing with the SWAT kingpin. :Big Grin:
Congrats on your first Calico Sokha, very nice. Also, for your big Striper on the Lunker Plunker yesterday, awesome! I know you and Binh have been fishing it hard lately and I'm glad that it paid off for one of your guys. :Big Grin:

Another awesome day of fishing for the commander eh? :UDaMan:
Just yesterday, Jason, Ken and I were talking about your fishing technique and what you do so differently that gets you on so many trophy fish. Is it your retrieve? Do you work the tip of your rod differently? Or do you just simply whisper to the big fishies :EyePop:???? We ended up concluding the conversation without an answer lol.. All I can say is, "errr, he's the commander... DUH!" :LOL:

Congrats on that beastly Calico! Even though it was a bit short of yours and Jinbows PB, catching that a calico of that size from the surf is still an amazing feat. Hopefully one day I get to land one around that size. Cant wait!

Great report.


BTW, I think you should invest in some shin gaurds lol. Be careful out there. I am glad you didn't get too badly injured during our outing yesterday
Hey Thien, what I do is not a secret... I've been told that my retrieve a kinda unique. I dunno know, just doing what feels comfortable to me, that's all... it works, I can't complain. :LOL:
Time for the Rookies and Young Whippersnappers to regroup, lick your wounds and make a run to take back the trophy this month, good luck! :Big Grin:
Your session yesterday was a nice warm up, keep it up! :Wink:

Ditto! I think that the commander needs to wear full body armor out there! After seeing the kind of shenanigans he pulled yesterday, i know why he's catching these legendary fish! Keep it up commander, you only have a few more years before your body is too frail for these types of sessions! :LOL:
Lol, some knee pads, elbow pads, and butt pads would have been nice to have last Saturday morning, hahaha
Don't worry, these old bones still have many more years of durability in them. :LOL:
See you bright and early tomorrow... let's get you on that "induction" fish! :Big Grin: