View Full Version : Warning: Known carrier of fish fever - Alice in Wonderland!...):):}+{:(:(...

The Fishing Queen
04-28-2013, 08:13 PM
Warning: Known carrier of fish fever:

Everyone who has met or fished with me knows that I carry 'fish fever'. I am addicted to fly fishing. Last summer I lived in my mountain home and fished often in the all nearby lakes, rivers and creeks. I had the best time ever catching trout on my Tenkara gear. Whenever I had a tough day and my spirits were down, my husband was always generous to lend me a shoulder to cry on. To help lighten me up, he would tell me: "maybe you should go to the mountains and stay there to fish". He knows that it would release the stress and I feel much better when I am fishing. He would rearrange his work schedule to take care of the kid's needs so I could get away for a couple of days. He knows my passion and understands my needs - when I hear the fish call, I'll be fidgeting to get out and fish. Each time, I will be a much happier wife and better mom after my return......


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Alice in Wonderland

4/26, Friday. I told my husband that I'd like to explore a new fishing area in the wild woods. We had no clue what this area was like. Scott took half day off from work so that he could come with me for my safety. He drove the SUV and we arrived in the woods around 3:30 pm. It was a bright sunny day with warm temperatures. We saw a couple of snakes as we were hiking through the woods. Scott found a long stick for me and told me to use it to check the bushes and stones to scare the snakes away before I stepped forward.



We walked over 2 miles. We stopped at many spots to check on the water and fish. There were a lot of overhanging branches and tall bushes along both sides of the water. At 5:45, I discovered a few deep pools with fast moving water. Scott didn't plan to fish, but he enjoyed relaxing by the water and watching me fish. I set up the 13' Tenkara rod and tested the water with a dry fly.



No sign of fish at first, but after a few casts I saw a trout came out from under the pile of logs to check on the fly. I stayed in that location and fished along the shore. I focused on the underwater structures like boulders and logs. I cast upstream and let the fly flow down in front of the logs. I twitched the rod tip and let the fly dance just blow the water surface. The trout went crazy with my teasing. They were coming out of the cover, jumping up to reach and chase after the fly. Within an hour and a half I had a blast with catching a total of 10 fish - 4 nice trout were caught on a size 16 tan colored elk hair caddis; 5 trout on a size 16, dark brown nymph fly; and 1 trout on a sized 18, light gray revised hackle fly with tail (my own pattern). Called the day off about 7:30 and headed back to the car before dark.







****All trout were safely released after the photos****

The only gray cloud over my head that day was that my rod tip got broken as I was trying to get a fly loose that got caught in a tree. Good thing was that we always bring two extra rods with us just in case of an accident. This 13' Tenkara rod with 7:3 action was made in Japan and I don't know if I can buy a replacement tip for it.....


But over all, it was a good outing. I was so happy to see all of those trout living in good health up there and secure under the cover. The nice hike and a short session of fishing helped to comfort me and eased my fish fever. I was satisfied with the catch, Scott cheered for me as he likes to watch me have fun. It was great to relax and to spend some quality time together in the woods! I'm planning and looking forward to our return to this spot in the near future.


04-29-2013, 10:04 AM
looks great at that spot. nice fish!

Good Hunting

04-29-2013, 10:24 AM
Alice the key word in your post is not addiction it is “PASSION”, yip you got it girl. Passion is what makes life worth living, a passion for life, family, work and recreation. Without passion life is dull, empty and unfulfilling. It is easy for a reader of your posts to see that you have passion in your life. Passion causes success and good things to happen to people that have it. Oh, can I add that passion can be contagious to others around you. Great post as usual and your broken rod should be an easy fix if not broken too far from the tip.

The Fishing Queen
04-29-2013, 02:52 PM
looks great at that spot. nice fish!

Good Hunting

Thanks for being the first to give feedback! After 150 viewers and 0 replies, I thought this report either is a bad one, or people just don't get it because of my complicated, artsy title, lol...

The Fishing Queen
04-29-2013, 02:58 PM
Alice the key word in your post is not addiction it is “PASSION”, yip you got it girl. Passion is what makes life worth living, a passion for life, family, work and recreation. Without passion life is dull, empty and unfulfilling. It is easy for a reader of your posts to see that you have passion in your life. Passion causes success and good things to happen to people that have it. Oh, can I add that passion can be contagious to others around you. Great post as usual and your broken rod should be an easy fix if not broken too far from the tip.

Devoreflyer, I never met you in real life, but I started to know you by reading your replies. Your words earned my respect, and they are the wise meaningful words that I haven't heard for a long time on this forum.

Yes, passion is a motivating energy. This positive energy is key to success and happiness, and success and happiness will become a companion to life. Good spirits will also bring positive energy and motivate others around you..... Life is a cycle and passion is the motor of this cycle.

Thank you for sharing that, and for your support of my post! Some people get it.... I was going to edit my report, and make a joke like this one:

The Fishing Queen
04-29-2013, 03:00 PM
Edited Special Edition Report as FNN's classic

4/26, Friday. Sunny day, warm temperature. Arrived in the backcountry woods around 3:30. Hiked 2 miles, stopped and checked on some spots. From 5:45 - 7:30, fished for 1hr and half, landed 10 on 3 flies (all released) Had a blast!!!!!!!!!!

Tight lines, fish on!


City Dad
04-29-2013, 03:25 PM
Thanks for being the first to give feedback! After 150 viewers and 0 replies, I thought this report either is a bad one, or people just don't get it because of my complicated, artsy title, lol...

I think it's prolly 'kuz most folks around here can only fish eightkara at best. ;)

Great pics, beautiful trout.

The Fishing Queen
04-29-2013, 03:53 PM
I think it's prolly 'kuz most folks around here can only fish eightkara at best. ;)

Great pics, beautiful trout.

City Dad, I love eightkara. Ha, ha..... Very clever indeed.*Thanks for the good laugh!*

trail blazer
04-29-2013, 04:57 PM
WOW!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Even a no spelling,pot belly,d , bald headed striper junkie can be impressed by your post ,THANK,s for the great read. TRAIL BLAZER

04-29-2013, 05:57 PM
Nice fish there Alice. First I thought that was your Chinese rod. but few pics lower I see not. I was lazy with my camera on my outings to LC on sunday ... The action there was awesome ... all on ONE FLY ..." SEKASA KEBARI" i use some of the belly feathers from the ducks at the PUDD I gather from time to time.


The Fishing Queen
04-29-2013, 09:02 PM
WOW!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Even a no spelling,pot belly,d , bald headed striper junkie can be impressed by your post ,THANK,s for the great read. TRAIL BLAZER

Trail Blazer, it's pretty cool to see a member of the 'striper gang' chiming in. Thanks for the positive words. And about your pot belly, is that why you've been catching so many stripers...by rubbing your tummy for good luck? Here is a T-shirt that I saw and thought was funny:


The Fishing Queen
04-29-2013, 09:09 PM
Nice fish there Alice. *First I thought that was your Chinese rod. *but few pics lower I see not. *I was lazy with my camera on my outings to LC *on sunday ... *The action there was awesome ... all on ONE FLY *..." SEKASA KEBARI" *i use some of the belly feathers from the ducks at the PUDD I gather from time to time.


Chuck, it's sad that I broke the rod tip. I searched a lot of websites to find a rod with 7:3 fast action so I can catch bigger fish, like a 5 pound bass. I found this rod that is made in Japan. I only used it about 5 times, so it is pretty new. I misjudged the flexibility and thought the tip was really flexible like my Amago rod. That's how the accident happened. I tried the Amago tip (top three sections) and on this rod, it fits and seems going to work just fine. Now I just have to order the tip from Tenkara USA for the replacement.

I'm glad that I didn't try to fish with my precious Tenkara bamboo rod that day. I had it in my trunk, I thought about it, but decided not to. I would have been very heartbroken if it was that rod..... I have the 'natural bamboo' fever lately, and also bought myself another 8' western style (split bamboo) fly rod. Another rod with beautiful craftsmanship. (I have to show you both someday.) I showed Robert my tenkara bamboo rod, and he loved it. He said that it was light and had good balance.

Remember those deadly Hare's Ear nymph flies that I gave you and you liked so much? I used duck feathers for the back instead of the flash back. Now the secret is out, ha ha.....