View Full Version : S.W.A.T. Special Operation - Launch "Team Rocking Chair"

04-28-2013, 03:48 PM
After having to fish vicariously through reading some pretty awesome surf reports the past few weeks I decided that it was time for this "Older Member' :Rolls Eyes: of SWAT to get off the rocking chair and hit the surf. After taking a look at the calendar and a quick telephone conversation with the other member of Team Trolltoon I was going to get up early, drive south to the specified A.O., fish for a few hours and then drive back to Irvine to jump in Trollmiesters boat to see what we might be able to bring to the scales at the Team 57 "Farm Fest" and Rib Cook-Off in Honor of Mark "Bluewagon" Kraft. Yeah, Iknow, some of you younger SWAT Members are thinking no way, that's too much for the Old Guy!...........Wrong! :LOL:

Thursday afternoon I had been discussing the weekend plans with Nipple Twister (John) and I told him I was thinking about heading south Saturday for a few hours and he told me that after doing a little research of his own he was going to make the trek south Friday and he would give me a read-out on the conditions.
for any of you who haven't met John I'll tell you right now that he's the kind of guy that when he sets his mind to doing something he's going to find a way to get it done rather than find an excuse for not doing it. He's amazed me several times with what he can accomplish on the job and he is no different when it comes to hitting the surf. The man is relentless! :Cool:
As the morning wore on Friday I got my first intel report from John. The conditions looked good. He hadn't got anything yet but he was going to continue working the beach. Then later the report came in that the conditions had deteriorated and he was going to cut his losses and call it a day.:Confused:
I knew that John had worked the beach as hard as anyone could and I was going to have to make a decision to hit the surf down south or maybe stay close to home in the Huntington area. But, I was going to hit the surf somewhere someplace.

I spoke with John later that evening and told him that it might not be the best decision but I was going to keep my plans to go south. I wasn't suprized at all when Johns return text said...... Dude, I'll see you there! It was on........SWAT Special Operation - Code Name Launch "Team Rocking Chair" was in full swing!:Cool:

I met up with John at the specified Rendezvous point, said our hellos and hit the beach working our way south throwing the Lucky Crafts as quick as we could. The conditions were perfect. No real noticeable wind, the surf was manageable but..........the grass and salad was a little more to my liking.:Confused: Neither one of us was going to let this get the best of us so we kept working the beach. The tide was coming in and the area was looking real fishy........

I looked at my watch a few times throughout the morning knowing that I was going to have to call it at some point to make the drive back to the Vine and as time wore on without any fish I started to think that we were going to get shut out but John and I kept working............ Then we ran across an area that looked promising. I showed John the lure I modified with some fingernail polish I found at home and gave it the name "Mayhem" in honor of my Catfishing Buddy Trollmiester. :LOL: I knew it had to work and just a few casts later.......... Fish-On! "Mayhem" did his job! :Wink:
Just a short time later I brought my first legal halibut to the beach that taped out to be a solid 23" fish. John came over to help out with the pictures and I sent my gift from Poseiden back to the water. :Thumbs Up:

Needless to say John and I felt pretty good and the confidence level was at a new high so we carried on with the mission. I was able to bring in a nice perch but as we both worked quite a bit more of the beach we saw that the salad condition was getting worse and the door seemed to be closing on us. We decide that we would start making our way back to the trucks in hopes of maybe finding a clear area to work but it wasn't looking good. :Confused:
But as fate would have it, just about the time my mind was telling me it was over I hooked up and it felt like a good fish! After a short while I had another halibut on the sand and it was definitely a legal size fish that was maybe a littl bigger that the first. I say this confident of having my second legal of the day however, I made an "Old Guy" Rookie mistake..............Just as I had the fish at the point I could pick it up to get a measurement and picture, I neglected to see that a wave was coming up quick!:Shocked: Did you know halibut can haul - tail in two inches of water?...........Gone! :Embarrassed:
I don't know but I just can't call it a completed catch. But hey, it made for a good laugh and fun fish story! That's what it's all about isn't it? :Wink:

John, I know you did a lot of scouting Friday and I know you fished it hard. I also appreciate you making the trek back out to fish with me Saturday! :Cool:
I've fished with you several times now and although Poseiden decided to let me be the lucky one this day I'm confident that your persistence, your intensity, and your dedication to SWAT will be rewarded in a big way this year! :Thumbs Up:


04-28-2013, 04:11 PM
Terry....When Arthur shot me a text about your day I was driving back from the beach with a big old stripe down my back....LOL
The news about your successful mission put a warm feeling in my heart and a smile on my face for sure as I said out loud " Good for HIM !! "
I liked the way how you refered to your lost halibut blunder as a "Old Guy" mistake.....Been there ....Done that!.....LOL

BTW....I've already had at least 30 legals slip away from me this year at my feet also....I gotta stop using barbless hooks :ROFL:

The only thing I didn't like was the "Rookie" comment...... You sir are NOT a rookie in any way my friend. You have been putting fear in all fish species for decades brotha!

Keep up the great work and hope to wet a line with you down south soon.......psssst....shhhhh...I've been doing secret recon in Trolly's back yard......wait....that didn't sound right:ROFL:

murrieta angler
04-28-2013, 05:00 PM
Well done Terry! :Wink:
As you were relaying the info to the commander, he was passing it on...:Smile:
It's good to see a salt report from you, especially with double legals for the session.
I know all about the 2" water, high-tailing halibut, down here in the South...:Envious:
They are relentless and I feel that is one of the reasons that they are much thicker than the bay halibut.:Smile:
It's also always a good thing to fish with a buddy, who can share the experiance with you...:High Five:
Thanks for sharing your day with us and putting a smile on my face...:Big Smile:
Take Care Brotha,

Nipple Twister
04-28-2013, 05:07 PM
Always a good time my friend..........I had a score to settle at that AO so when you said that was your choice what could have been better, a morning session of immersion therapy with the boss! As it turned out I was takin to school as well, the ol' dog hasn't forgotten a thing, nice job Kemo, thx for the ride.........say when and I'm there......great report, fantastic read...........
http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w64/nippletwister_photos/Fishing/f653ae90-989a-4795-bb22-e1094d1c3fe6_zps39160949.jpg (http://s173.photobucket.com/user/nippletwister_photos/media/Fishing/f653ae90-989a-4795-bb22-e1094d1c3fe6_zps39160949.jpg.html)

04-28-2013, 05:43 PM
Congrats on the legal, Terry! Even with the intel from John of unfavorable conditions, you toughed it out and managed to hooked two legals:Big Grin:
Those hali's can have some surprising spurts of power. My recent legal made a last chance run for it too in a couple inches of water lol luckily it didn't get away:Razz:
I'm always impressed at how hard the "older dudes" of SWAT can fish:Cool: Thanks for the report!


Which Way Out
04-28-2013, 06:21 PM
Team Rocking Chair, that's a good one.

This old Lazy Boy got off his duff and tried my best to match you, but only did as well as John. Great to see you have some Mojo going into the upcoming battle next month.


SOFR= Stinky Old Fishermen Rule! :Envious:

04-28-2013, 06:43 PM
Great write-up Terry! I'm happy to see you could catch some fish when it evaded John and I the day before. Congrats on the two legal butts. :Smile: I was with Robert when his butt high-tailed in the skinny water..:LOL: Pretty amazing how fast they can haul out in barely any water. You caught some fish and got company from John. Always a pleasure fishing with him and he is relentless! Thanks for the report and pictures.:Cool:


04-28-2013, 08:23 PM

Glad to see you out in the surf looking for Mr. Halibut some of us old guys need to do the same!
Thanks for your pictures and report.

04-28-2013, 10:41 PM
Way to go Terry!!! Now that's how to get it done bud. Arthur was telling me about your outing with John. You guys did the old timers proud out there.:Wink: No worries about the early release...you got 'em beached and that's the main thing.:Wink:

Congrats on the first of many legals for you this year!

04-28-2013, 11:36 PM
Good job Team Rocking Chair. Remember old fishermen never die, they just smell like they did!:LOL:

04-29-2013, 07:29 AM
Congrats! As I got the text, I was regretting not having gone down there but alas, I was up north instead where the teeny perch were biting. Nice to see the old-timers emerging from hibernation. :LOL:

04-29-2013, 12:40 PM
Thank you for the report and read. It's good to know that everyone is catching legals but me :LOL::Embarrassed: :Envious:
Jokes aside, the conditions in the pics look pretty good. It's always great to just be able to get out onto the surf and see what Poseiden grants you.


SP Dan
04-29-2013, 02:05 PM
Hi ya Brotha PONTOON,

I had that exact event happen with a stripe Bass that I had on the sand! OUCH :Embarrassed:

First of all .... "CONGRATULATIONS" for getting off your duff and beaching a legal Hali Sir! :Big Smile::Applause:
I hope that the young'ns are paying attention to your stealth yet deadly style of trench warfare!
Earned thru only experience and time spent deep in the enemy trenches!

By your text .... I knew that your report was going to be extraordinary! I was not disappointed Sir.... not at the least bit! :Thumbs Up:

Thanx Brotha Ol' Guy Terry for another great read with pictures! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><

04-29-2013, 03:35 PM
Man brother two legal halibut from the surf-wowwwwwwwwwwww-weigh to go buddy.even after that you made it to irvine for the team 57 event.how do you get the energy.lolwhish i had a picture of u passed out at seven at night in the sun in the bed of your truck.just a light nap sorry after beING AWKE for 21 hours. Fresh or salt u are the man buddy.

04-29-2013, 04:45 PM
Nice work Terry. I'd count that as TWO in the "w" column, for Team Rocking Chair!! In fact, it was very nice of you to let him swim back home before subjected to the paparazzi. :Big Grin:

Go TRC!!! Congrats.


04-29-2013, 09:02 PM
I'll be back when I make it to my pc....... gotta go get some geritol.

Mike, Geritol and PC's don't mix! It was good to get your text Saturday......:Thumbs Up:

Well done Terry! :Wink:
As you were relaying the info to the commander, he was passing it on...:Smile:
It's good to see a salt report from you, especially with double legals for the session.
I know all about the 2" water, high-tailing halibut, down here in the South...:Envious:
They are relentless and I feel that is one of the reasons that they are much thicker than the bay halibut.:Smile:
It's also always a good thing to fish with a buddy, who can share the experiance with you...:High Five:
Thanks for sharing your day with us and putting a smile on my face...:Big Smile:
Take Care Brotha,

Robert, I'm sure the look on my face was priceless when that fish made its escape. One second it was there and gone the next......:Shocked:
You are right about those southern fish being thick. That was the first thing I noticed with the one I got the tape on. It was definitely a good way to start my surf season.
I'm looking forward to seeing you out in the surf next month.:Thumbs Up:


Verizon doesn't seem to be able to make my home internet work so I will post from elsewhere later...

John, you get that internet going yet? :Neutral: It was definitely cool to fish the surf with you again and there's plenty of time left this season for more. :Thumbs Up:

Congrats on the legal, Terry! Even with the intel from John of unfavorable conditions, you toughed it out and managed to hooked two legals:Big Grin:
Those hali's can have some surprising spurts of power. My recent legal made a last chance run for it too in a couple inches of water lol luckily it didn't get away:Razz:
I'm always impressed at how hard the "older dudes" of SWAT can fish:Cool: Thanks for the report!


Daniel, Thank You and never ever underestimate what the "Old Dudes" of SWAT can do...........Just be patient and we'll get it done. :Cool:

I'm looking forward to the head to head battle with The "Young Guns". :Thumbs Up:

Team Rocking Chair, that's a good one.

This old Lazy Boy got off his duff and tried my best to match you, but only did as well as John. Great to see you have some Mojo going into the upcoming battle next month.


SOFR= Stinky Old Fishermen Rule! :Envious:

Bill, I'm looking forward to the battle next month and I might just bring a rocking chair............Just for breaks of course. :LOL:

I'm also hoping I can get back up your way to try one of those seafood restaraunts we got a look at while we were up your way. :Thumbs Up:

Great write-up Terry! I'm happy to see you could catch some fish when it evaded John and I the day before. Congrats on the two legal butts. :Smile: I was with Robert when his butt high-tailed in the skinny water..:LOL: Pretty amazing how fast they can haul out in barely any water. You caught some fish and got company from John. Always a pleasure fishing with him and he is relentless! Thanks for the report and pictures.:Cool:


Peter, Thank you! :Cool:

John told me that you guys gave it your all the day before but I had my sights set on that area even though the report wasn't that favorable. It just proves how differnt one day can be from the next. I'll see you when we all get together next month. :Thumbs Up:

Glad to see you out in the surf looking for Mr. Halibut some of us old guys need to do the same!
Thanks for your pictures and report.

Ramiro, Thank You! :Cool:

I've been wanting to get back out in the surf for quite a while now and I just decided Saturday was the day to get it done and as luck would have it the decision paid off.

Way to go Terry!!! Now that's how to get it done bud. Arthur was telling me about your outing with John. You guys did the old timers proud out there.:Wink: No worries about the early release...you got 'em beached and that's the main thing.:Wink:

Congrats on the first of many legals for you this year!

Don, Thank You! :Cool:

John and I were on a mission that day and I had luck on my side. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you next month and let's see what the Old Timers can do. That was definitely a good outing you had with Arthur and Dan. The fish count you guys had might just throw a little doubt on the "Young guns".:Thumbs Up:

Good job Team Rocking Chair. Remember old fishermen never die, they just smell like they did!:LOL:

Homefish, I heard that somewhere but all the old fisherman I know seem to be pretty good guys. :Cool:

Congrats! As I got the text, I was regretting not having gone down there but alas, I was up north instead where the teeny perch were biting. Nice to see the old-timers emerging from hibernation. :LOL:

skunked4life, You should always go where you feel like you are going to have the best chance. Sometimes it will pay off in a big way. I'm sure you had a good time up north.:Cool:

The "Old Timers" are out of hibernation right now and we're looking for halibut.:Thumbs Up:

Thank you for the report and read. It's good to know that everyone is catching legals but me :LOL::Embarrassed: :Envious:
Jokes aside, the conditions in the pics look pretty good. It's always great to just be able to get out onto the surf and see what Poseiden grants you.


Danny, I agree, it is best to just get out there and fish. The more time you have on the water the better your chances are at that legal halibut......Fish and it will come.:Cool:

Hi ya Brotha PONTOON,

I had that exact event happen with a stripe Bass that I had on the sand! OUCH :Embarrassed:

First of all .... "CONGRATULATIONS" for getting off your duff and beaching a legal Hali Sir! :Big Smile::Applause:
I hope that the young'ns are paying attention to your stealth yet deadly style of trench warfare!
Earned thru only experience and time spent deep in the enemy trenches!

By your text .... I knew that your report was going to be extraordinary! I was not disappointed Sir.... not at the least bit! :Thumbs Up:

Thanx Brotha Ol' Guy Terry for another great read with pictures! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><

Brother Dan, It is always good to hear from you and your text brought a smile tomy face Saturday......Thank You Sir! :Cool:

Slow and steady, that's how we're going to take it next month when the trenches fill up! I'll see you then. :Thumbs Up:

Man brother two legal halibut from the surf-wowwwwwwwwwwww-weigh to go buddy.even after that you made it to irvine for the team 57 event.how do you get the energy.lolwhish i had a picture of u passed out at seven at night in the sun in the bed of your truck.just a light nap sorry after beING AWKE for 21 hours. Fresh or salt u are the man buddy.

Trollmiester My Brother!:Cool:

I really wish you were feeling up to making the journey south. I know I promised you I'd be there sooner than I did but When I called you and you told me you had a big one in the boat I knew Team Trolltoon had both fresh and salt fronts covered and I had to give one area another shot before leaving and it paid off. It was definitely good to hook back up with you later in the day for the Team 57 get together............I'll see you this weekend Buddy. :Thumbs Up:

Nice work Terry. I'd count that as TWO in the "w" column, for Team Rocking Chair!! In fact, it was very nice of you to let him swim back home before subjected to the paparazzi. :Big Grin:

Go TRC!!! Congrats.


Nate, Thank You!:Cool:

I definitely had to get out there after seeing the numbers put up on the SWAT Leaderboard. As far as not subjecting the last fish to the paparazzi.........yes, that was exactly what I was thinking.:Big Grin:

I'll see you soon Nate.:Thumbs Up:

04-29-2013, 10:25 PM
Congrats to your 1st legal butt for the year.

04-30-2013, 12:14 AM
Terry, that was a nice read. Glad you finally got out of your rocking chair to slay a few legal butts. I've been waiting for that place to heat up for sometime, but never had the opportunity to make it down there. Nice job

04-30-2013, 10:06 AM
Great report Terry, Was great seeing you again. What a great day on the sand ! Props to Team Rocking Chair :Envious:

04-30-2013, 10:52 AM
Team Rocking Chair, awesome. :Big Smile:
Nice job on the two legal Halibut sir. :Applause:

04-30-2013, 02:24 PM
Go fishing...end up catching.. now that's the full ticket.. congrats..

04-30-2013, 05:44 PM
I would count that halibut, it was on the beach. :Wink:
The old guys don't mess around, watch out Rookies. :Twisted:

04-30-2013, 06:34 PM
Always a good time my friend..........I had a score to settle at that AO so when you said that was your choice what could have been better, a morning session of immersion therapy with the boss! As it turned out I was takin to school as well, the ol' dog hasn't forgotten a thing, nice job Kemo, thx for the ride.........say when and I'm there......great report, fantastic read...........

John, I pretty much knew you had a score to settle with the southern A.O. when you didn't hesitate to say "I'll be there" when I told you that was where I had my mind made up to hit the surf. And Brother let me tell ya as relentles as you are when you hit the water I know there will big rewards coming for you soon. :Thumbs Up:

Congrats to your 1st legal butt for the year.

jinbow, Thank You! After sitting in front of the computer looking at everyone getting fish I knew it was time to get out and get something done. :Cool:

Terry, that was a nice read. Glad you finally got out of your rocking chair to slay a few legal butts. I've been waiting for that place to heat up for sometime, but never had the opportunity to make it down there. Nice job

Jason, Thank You! I had to force myself out of the rocking chair but once I made the walk down to the water it all came back and felt pretty good throwing the L.C.'s again.:Cool:

By the way, I just want to say that I wish you and Tess all the best and I'm confident that the two of you are going to have many good years together and many good days out on the water..........Congratulations to both of you!:Thumbs Up:

Great report Terry, Was great seeing you again. What a great day on the sand ! Props to Team Rocking Chair :Envious:

Rob, It was definitely good to see you, your Dad and the rest of Team 57 Saturday. I'm sorry I was a little later than I should have been but I was on a mission once I got to the beach. :Cool:

I'm sure I'll be seeing you at Irvine more once the night sessions get under wqay. We will have meet up and chase some cats one night. :Thumbs Up:

Go fishing...end up catching.. now that's the full ticket.. congrats..

Sid, Thank you! Fishing with Friends is always the main object and yes, I agree, catching was just the iceing on the cake. :Thumbs Up:

I would count that halibut, it was on the beach. :Wink:
The old guys don't mess around, watch out Rookies. :Twisted:

Team Rocking Chair, awesome. :Big Smile:
Nice job on the two legal Halibut sir. :Applause:

Binh, Thank you! I think I had Arthur laughing the night I texted him my idea of Team Rocking chair and well, I just had to carry it through for him to prove the Old Guys can still make it happen. We just can't cover as much beach as you young guys! :Cool:

I hope to see you at the upcoming challenge. :Thumbs Up:

04-30-2013, 07:04 PM
stashing my vicaden for the upcoming challenge lol

04-30-2013, 07:04 PM
Terry....When Arthur shot me a text about your day I was driving back from the beach with a big old stripe down my back....LOL
The news about your successful mission put a warm feeling in my heart and a smile on my face for sure as I said out loud " Good for HIM !! "
I liked the way how you refered to your lost halibut blunder as a "Old Guy" mistake.....Been there ....Done that!.....LOL

BTW....I've already had at least 30 legals slip away from me this year at my feet also....I gotta stop using barbless hooks :ROFL:

The only thing I didn't like was the "Rookie" comment...... You sir are NOT a rookie in any way my friend. You have been putting fear in all fish species for decades brotha!

Keep up the great work and hope to wet a line with you down south soon.......psssst....shhhhh...I've been doing secret recon in Trolly's back yard......wait....that didn't sound right:ROFL:

Mike, My Friend, It's always good to hear from you and the text I got from you Saturday afternoon put a big smile on my face. I thank you for that! :Cool:

I hope we can get together and fish the Huntington area and even go a little farther south. It's always good to sit and chat with you about the old "Smackdown" days at DVL and some of the other places we used to haunt. It's a rare occasion that I ever hear you speak of a skunk and I say that knowing that with your mad skills with a fishing rod it will be short lived and a real bigun' will be coming your way.:Thumbs Up:

I've always admired your willingness to pay the knowledge forward. You and Arthur have been an inspiration to a lot of people. good things are coming to you in return.:Thumbs Up:

Oh, by the way, be real careful in Trolly's back yard! :ROFL:

04-30-2013, 07:08 PM
stashing my vicaden for the upcoming challenge lol

:ROFL:Mikey, I'll be packing my extra strength ibuprofen! :Wink:

04-30-2013, 07:13 PM
Now Terry, don't go mounting a top-of'the-line rocking chair on that boat of yours yet, okay buddy? :LOL:
I laughed out loud when I read your text, lol
You haven't hit the surf in quite some time, but made up for lost time in grand fashion. :Envious:
TWO legal Halibut... yes, I said TWO! The second counts! If they're on the sand and the next wave takes them away, I consider that a quick release. :Wink:
I'm really looking forward to our one-on-one surf session my friend... we have to honor the "Man" that brought us together. :Big Grin:

04-30-2013, 07:16 PM
stashing my vicaden for the upcoming challenge lol

:ROFL:Mikey, I'll be packing my extra strength ibuprofen! :Wink:

I got my Icy Hot packs and my Silver Centrum all ready to go... :LOL:

04-30-2013, 08:00 PM
Now Terry, don't go mounting a top-of'the-line rocking chair on that boat of yours yet, okay buddy? :LOL:
I laughed out loud when I read your text, lol
You haven't hit the surf in quite some time, but made up for lost time in grand fashion. :Envious:
TWO legal Halibut... yes, I said TWO! The second counts! If they're on the sand and the next wave takes them away, I consider that a quick release. :Wink:
I'm really looking forward to our one-on-one surf session my friend... we have to honor the "Man" that brought us together. :Big Grin:

Arthur, No rocking chair on the boat........it's a serious fishing machine. But, the easy ride captain's chairs with arm rests and recliner don't hurt either! :ROFL:

With all the posts and reports you have been texting me I knew I had better get off my duff and hit the surf. The decision to go south was kind of questionable and with the first few casts coming back with grass and salad I started to have some doubts. Even with the chips against John and I my lucky side was with me.:Cool:

I haven't forgotten about our trip in honor of the man who introduced me to the "Good Guy" and S.W.A.T. Commander. I'm sure Dana will be there with us the entire day. I'm also sure that Dana is very proud of the way you have carried on the Mission Statement "Family, Friends, Fun and Fishing" through your unselfish desire to pay it forward and with what S.W.A.T. has become and the way S.W.A.T. keeps growing every day.:Thumbs Up::Thumbs Up:

05-06-2013, 07:27 PM
Team rocking chair rules! :Applause:
Nice job making up for lost time with two legals, very impressive.
Keep socking it to the Rookies team. :Wink: