View Full Version : Great wild woods adventure - the tug, is my drug! ...)}+{(...

The Fishing Queen
04-14-2013, 08:49 PM
Ok, any of you who have ever fished in the creeks or rivers up in the wild woods before, I assume you all know what I am talking about if you had some experience like me. Wild trout are much smarter and harder to catch than farm raised trout. Because they live in a natural environment, they have to be more wary to survive. Once we cast a fly or lure into the water and get a feisty little trout to bite on it, it immediately gets us hooked on wild trout fishing. Not just because we admire the beautiful surroundings and views of the mountains and forest, but we also get in trouble by becoming addicted to the wild wood fishing. I must say: I love hunting for wild trout - the tug, is my drug!

Some of you like to target the big toads (fish), and you think the bigger the better. But some of us are just as passionate about wild trout fishing. Yes, they're only 5"-13" long (laugh all you want), but, don't ever under estimate the intelligence of these little fish. They might be petite in size, but they are mighty in fight. And most of all, they are super charming in their beautiful colors.

My heart has been aching for wild trout fishing for a while and we have been so busy with some home projects lately. I finally had enough of it, so I told my husband: "let's go fishing in the woods!". This was non-negotiable. More like an order. Of course, he can be a boss at work in his company, but I am the director in our home.... Well, some of you may say that I am the one 'who wears pants' and makes the decisions in this relationship. But, I have to tell you that a smart woman should only wear cute and pretty dresses or skirts...... I know that I have him wrapped around my finger every time I have a request, and 'yes dear' is a good answer that I can only except after some hard working days.

I have to admit that we are a good match - made in heaven. One brings out the idea, the other works on the details. I was tired and nested myself in bed - reading and watching my romantic soup operas. He went shopping - food, snacks and drinks that we needed for the trip. Funny, he tells me sometimes people asked him how many kids he has. He jokes and answers:"3???". Sometimes, I'm the one who refuses to grow up......

The Day Trip

4/12, Scott got up early and cooked us breakfast. After I finished eating he had everything packed in the car. Around 9 am, we were on the road and heading east. I wanted to explore a new area that we have never fished before. Scott bought a GPS with him, we marked our destination and we both were very excited about our trip.


We drove on a windy road into the woods. About 10:15 am, we parked our car, took our two backpacks and hiked 2 miles into the deep woods. We carefully avoided the thorny vines and muddy ground. We went down some steep hills and we discovered some large pools in the area.


We fished at the first pool with our Tenkara rods for an hour. There were a dozen trout that I could see, a few 10" trout were teasing me as they swam by. Some showed interest in my fly. The bite was very skittish, they carefully nibbled on the fly instead of taking it aggressively. I ended up with 2 pretty little trout with a size 16 BH Nymph fly. Scott also had 2 trout bites on his size 16 karbari fly.



We moved to the next location, a wide open area and we fished side by side. I caught another small trout. Scott had no luck with the catch..... But he found something very interesting - a small frog was resting on a rock. Its color perfectly blended with the rock color so it looked just like the rock.


It was 2 pm, we continued to hike along the way. There were lots of small black flies that swarmed around us the further we went. We saw some poison ivy and a lot of dead branches on the ground. We found a place and had our lunch. After that, Scott took a break and he wrote down some spots that we fished and marked it on the GPS. I was on my own and did solo fishing at a small, shallow creek. I saw a lot of small white flies flying around and landing on the water surface. I changed to a size 18 Adam fly to match the hatch. I cast the fly into some deep pockets and caught two trout in 40 mins.



The last stop that I tried was loaded with flies and there were a lot of overhanging branches. I hopped on some rocks and tried to get to the middle of the creek. I slipped on one rock and almost fell into the water. But over all, it was a good move - It was easy for me to cast without getting my fly stuck in a tree. The fish were aggressively jumping for the Adams fly. I had 5 trout after 1 hour and a half of fishing.



It was a wonderful day to be out in the mountains and hiking through the woods. Big thank you to Scott - for taking notes and marking the good fishing spots; for preparing and carrying all the food and drinks; for being a good sport to come along with me and 'protect my safety' in the wild woods. Without his great support for me, there wouldn't be a fishing queen on this forum.


The Buff

I read about all the drama about the buff. Lol, I never know people would care about what other fishermen wear. Funny to see how others can also get so sassy. I thought sassiness was a women's specialty. Anyway, I found it be very entertaining.


Well, I think a lot of us are hardcore fishermen and fisherwomen here. A dark tan might be a badge of honor for some. But skin cancer and other skin problems from sunlight are not a joke.


Just look at what strong UV can do if you leave a piece of fabric out under the sun for 1 or 2 years. It will destroy it completely. Some people, like me, just can't wear sunblock all the time. My eyes will get irritated, watery, burn and turn red all day. We have no choice but to use other UV protection products like Buff. It's not a fashion trend, as I have to endure some people's stares and they probably think I am a strange alien creature that was dropped off on this planet.......Well, I wear it because of its protection, so that many years later, I don't have to look like this.


I only wish that I brought a buff with me on this trip. The flies were very annoying in front of my face and I had to constantly wave my hands to shoo them away. I had some black flies bite me in the past. If any of you have fished in woods or mountain lakes, you will know that those bugs really bite into you flesh. No kidding!! Yes, I did wish that I could have full protection like this on some rough days.


Ok, maybe next time, for my fashion trend, I'll order a buff like this one. It glows in the dark!! COOL, HA???!!!


Have a good laugh? This is for your entrainment. Some of my friends (some are members, and most of them are not) have wondered about my disappearance. I'm posting a video here so that you can see what has been keeping me busy lately. The instrument is the size of a small piano. A few Asian countries have similar instruments to this. It' called Guzheng in China; it's Koto in Japan; Kayageum in Korea and Dan Tranh in Vietnam. Sorry, it's just a iPhone recording, no fancy set up. This song is called 'Evening song of the fisherman'.


CL SmooV
04-14-2013, 09:43 PM
Nice read. Nice pics. Nice report.

old pudd fisher
04-14-2013, 09:49 PM
Thanks for that good stuff.

04-14-2013, 11:17 PM
Excellent writeup. Thank you for sharing, very enjoyable report!

04-15-2013, 09:20 AM
Yes! The satisfaction of a successful hunt for wild trout is second-to-none for me, too. Have you read the Curtis Creek Manifesto?

04-15-2013, 09:26 AM
I enjoyed your report & pictures, nice. Those were some pretty trout you caught. Thank you for this report.

04-15-2013, 02:27 PM
Great post. Thanks for the great pics. I have to pay those wild trout a visit again.

The Fishing Queen
04-15-2013, 08:36 PM
Nice read. Nice pics. Nice report.

CL SmooV, glad to hear you like it. Thanks for the positive feedback!

Thanks for that good stuff.

Old Pudd fisher, thanks for following up with my report! I remember that you always support me since I joined this forum.

Excellent writeup. Thank you for sharing, very enjoyable report!

Carpanglerdud, I appreciate the feedback! The nice comment and kind words always lighten up my day.

The Fishing Queen
04-15-2013, 09:29 PM
Yes! *The satisfaction of a successful hunt for wild trout is second-to-none for me, too. *Have you read the Curtis Creek Manifesto?

Kobinator 18, great comment! And that's what keeping us going back each time. No, I never read this book. After you mentioned here, I check it on Amazon and it got good reviews. I ordered one right away, I can't wait to read it. Thanks!

I enjoyed your report & pictures, nice. Those were some pretty trout you caught. Thank you for this report.

Jig-guy, It's nice to know that you enjoyed your read! Thanks!

Great post. Thanks for the great pics. I have to pay those wild trout a visit again.

GhettoBasster, good to hear from you and thanks for reading! Good luck to you on you next trip.

04-15-2013, 10:14 PM
great report thank you i also just saw a post on u tube of a women doing a jimmy hendrix song on that instrument it was awsome it was voodo child

04-16-2013, 10:07 AM
Great post Fishing Queen!

I do love those wild trouts and that is why I'm dying to head back up to the Sierra.

It's great (and extremely rare) that we have a passionate fisherwoman on board.

Keep up the good work!


The Fishing Queen
04-16-2013, 09:44 PM
great report thank you i also just saw a post on u tube of a women doing a jimmy hendrix song on that instrument it was awsome it was voodo child

Thanks for the reply, Hometown. I watched her on YouTube after you mentioned it here. She is pretty good at using the traditional instrument play a Jimmy Hendrix song. I enjoyed her play, thank you for sharing it!

The instrument that she had is called Kayageum in Korea, very similar to Guzheng. It also has 21strings, and it looks and sounds very much like a Guzheng, except it has a deeper tone than a Guzheng and the players do not wear any picks - they pluck the strings with their finger tips. Japanese Koto and Vietnamese Dan Tranh do require picks to play. Both instruments are also like the Guzheng, except their sounds are brighter than the Guzheng. The only difference is that: Koto uses silk warped steel strings (just like Guzheng) and Dan Tranh uses all steel strings...... All Asian countries have similar instruments because of the crossed cultures. It's very interesting!

Great post Fishing Queen!

I do love those wild trouts and that is why I'm dying to head back up to the Sierra.

It's great (and extremely rare) that we have a passionate fisherwoman on board.

Keep up the good work!


Jake, I appreciate your kind words and encouragement! I have to say that I got hooked on fishing because of some nice fishermen..... Years ago, I met a elder gentleman who was fishing by the lake. He was catching fish and I was very interested and stood by and watched. He was patient and showed me how to set up a rig. Next day I bought a cheap combo rod, fishing license and met him at the lake, he taught me more tricks and even shared his favorite fishing spot with me. And that's how I started (spinning rod) fishing...... Then, a year ago I met three fly fishermen. I was interested to learn something new and Chuck (Vivid_fly) taught me everything about fly fishing and Tenkara fishing....

What I learned is that by being kind and respectful to others we will only receive more from them. Without those great people who shared their knowledge with me and taught me everything about fishing, I wouldn't be a fisherwoman on board on this forum.... Even now, I still receive PMs from members and they share their favorite fishing spots with me. I'm grateful to these people and because of them, I learn a lot!

Cowboy Hookup
04-18-2013, 11:14 PM
WTG on another great report. Thumbs up on the pics. Making me realize I've got to explore the mountains a little more. Those natives look majestic. Haven't had any experience catching them. Will have to put it on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing.

The Fishing Queen
04-19-2013, 05:34 PM
WTG on another great report. Thumbs up on the pics. Making me realize I've got to explore the mountains a little more. Those natives look majestic. Haven't had any experience catching them. Will have to put it on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing.

Andy (if I remember your name right), how is fishing lately? I stopped by the Pudd this Tuesday, water is super clean. You can see the bottom of the lake from the end of the middle pier. But no one was catching and no sight of any fish. I didn't fish but talked with a few friends. Everyone said that it's a big change at Puddingstone since last Dec.... Beside mountain creeks, my friend called, LG was just stocked last friday and fishing is good. But I haven't had a chance to go up there yet. Home projects, kid’s schedules, I feel the pain of missing out on some good catch..... You should check that out if you can.

Cowboy Hookup
04-19-2013, 06:28 PM
Andy (if I remember your name right), how is fishing lately? I stopped by the Pudd this Tuesday, water is super clean. You can see the bottom of the lake from the end of the middle pier. But no one was catching and no sight of any fish. I didn't fish but talked with a few friends. Everyone said that it's a big change at Puddingstone since last Dec.... Beside mountain creeks, my friend called, LG was just stocked last friday and fishing is good. But I haven't had a chance to go up there yet. Home projects, kid’s schedules, I feel the pain of missing out on some good catch..... You should check that out if you can.

Thanks for the Pudd and LG report. Havent done much fishing since Glen Helen a couple weeks ago. I haven't ever seen the water that clean at the Pudd before and may stop by there soon just for the curiosity. I'll probably be hittin Bolsa Chica or Seal Beach this weekend with the warm up. And LG sounds tempting as well.


Troutcz swimbait
04-19-2013, 06:36 PM
Nice pics and write up once again,I also hit up Pudd for an hour and seen the water is super clean.

The Fishing Queen
04-20-2013, 10:39 PM
Thanks for the Pudd and LG report. Havent done much fishing since Glen Helen a couple weeks ago. I haven't ever seen the water that clean at the Pudd before and may stop by there soon just for the curiosity. I'll probably be hittin Bolsa Chica or Seal Beach this weekend with the warm up. *And LG sounds tempting as well.


Hi Ceazar, sorry that I got your name mixed up with someone else's. It has been a year since I last saw you at the Pudd. I remember that we used to fish at the middle pier, we both had to leave by 2pm, we had to pick up our kids from school.... I hope that you and the kids have fun and catch fish if you go fishing this weekend.

Nice pics and write up once again,I also hit up Pudd for an hour and seen the water is super clean.

John, thank you for the photo that you sent me! That bass was huge, let me copy some other guy's phase here:"it's a piiiiiiig!!!....." ha, ha... Well, I don't talk like that, but I learn everything though.

You and Paul are the best spinning rod fisherman that I know and you two deserve to win first and second place at the fishing derby. I'm proud of you, my friends!

Mike has been fishing last week and he had a few skunks in a row. The water is strangely clear, even Robert said that he has never see any thing like this. I wonder if they put some chemicals in water to kill algae and it disturbed the fishery? I didn't even bother to take my rod out when I don't sight any fish. The panfish must hide in middle of lake, 60-70 feet from the shore.

See you around.