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View Full Version : Guide trip weds kevin and chad striper kill

04-10-2013, 08:43 PM
i got contacted by kevin for a striper trip to pyramid ,him and his friend chad are accomplished fishermen and bako-duct killers from way back. the guys had never fished the mid before so they were looking forward to see how trolling and how some of the bait action works.,
we started right out of the gate dropping the gear ,we metered scattered fish ,but no good bait balls and no bunched up schools out hunting bait. we worked the channel and the west half of the lake we only picked one off , i have the feeling the last several days of big winds stirred everything up and unsettled everything. so we moved into the bait area ,it was very slow lots of bait balls but not many fish coming in and pounding them. finally the last spot started popping only problem was fighting thru the dinks to get to the nicer fish ,for fish taco meat for the guys. and of course right when it was busting wfo it was time to pull anchor and head in. thank you kevin and chad for using my service,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T/O,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

04-10-2013, 10:00 PM
Way to go Bob! Dinks or no dinks, you continue to make it happen!

04-10-2013, 10:18 PM
good job bob!

I agree on the MID. The bite for me has always been late in the day and it seems like that is always when its time to go!

Anyways, keep it up! looking great!

04-11-2013, 05:02 AM
Yup, I remember seeing Kevin at the duct. They both work with my Bro in law. Way to put em on fish!

"bako duct killers from way back" ..... nah, noone fished the duct but till a month ago?

04-11-2013, 05:20 PM
You're like the Energizer bunny of fishing Bob. Nice slay!

Kevin and Chad, congrats!

04-22-2013, 08:13 PM
I miss you Bob ! I need to kill a Striper bad ! Went to DVL and got my as-s kicked bad zero Striper ! I found baby bait balls and no sign of the jail birds. I got one nice Brown Trout and two nice Smallmouths.
On the troll to the ramp I snagged an illegal u-rig I want to show you. It smelled like cutbait !
