View Full Version : Irvine Lake 3/29 Shore Report

03-30-2013, 12:10 AM
Well, here I am again writing another report. I'll try to keep this one short :D

Arrived at the lake around 5:30 in the morning to a huge line of cars. Ended up being in the 3rd row of cars. By the time we were able to pay and enter, it was around 6:30 or 6:40. We set up around Boat dock cove, to the left of the dock this time by woody's point. Threw out our rods w/ different baits on each and waited. And waited. And waited. There were some people around us catching, most of the bites coming in the early AM before the fog lifted, and from what I saw, almost every fish that was caught along the cove was between 3 to 5 pounds, so great quality. Seemed like the bite died when the sun came out.

My pops finally ended up hooking up at around noon on green powerbait dipped in B.O. crimson. Once I saw the size of the fish as it surfaced I suddenly remembered to tell my pops he was using 2# line instead of the usual 6# he normally uses. He played the fish for a few minutes and successfully brought him in to be netted. A gorgeous 4.3 (i think) pound Red with a full tail and fins. His new personal best for trout! :D

At about 3, I saw a huge fish jump out of the water about 20 feet out and of course I quickly surveyed all the rods along the shore. Saw the guy to my right grab his pole as it was bendo, and than my pole started bending too! Lol, the next part sucked balls as
I saw the fish just tear thru jumping and running towards the left and straight through all 4 of our lines in the water. The guy tried to go over our rods but the damage was done. All 4 of our lines, and his line was all wrapped up a million times. We yelled at him to bring in his fish and we'll worry about the lines afterwards. Luckily he was able to muscle the trout in and we got 'em netted. 5 pounds on the dot. lol. It was nice that he was able to bring the fish in with all that mess and lines tangled up...lucky!!

Anyways, after he brought the fish in we started trying to figure out the lines, but it was way out of control so we ended up just cutting all 4 lines and recovering the sinkers/carolina keepers. I followed the end of one of the lines, and it ended up being my hook in the trout's mouth as well! Remember when I said I saw my rod bending too? Looks like the trout ate the guy's bait, than charged left and in the process ate my powerbait I had out there too! lol. Fish was hungry I guess as he was charging around while being hooked up on 2 rods!!! Never seen a fish get hooked up on more than 1 rod at a time so it gave me quite a chuckle. I shoulda started reeling in FIRST... :D haha

Met a ton of cool people too while fishing all day. Fished next to this really cool dude from Team 57, I think he said his name was Bobberboy or something like that. Dunno how the hell he managed it but he missed getting caught up in that tangled mess, lucky bastard!!! Let's say the X's were our poles, and O was bobberboy(((( X X X O X )))))lol, trout went thru all 3 of our lines first, missed bobber, than finished off my last rod....lmao

So anyways, we finally retied all 4 lines and got them back in the water. My pops still only had his 1 fish, and I was on my way to a big fat skunk. Earlier in the day one dude who was fishing near us got stuck on a rapala lure right after he netted his fish, so I drove him down to the concession stand to try to get some assistance. Got the hook out (wasn't too bad thank God) pretty quickly. While I was up there I ended up buying a Rapala CD-03 in firetiger.

Couple hours go by with no action, and soon enough it's 4:00 with only an hour left to go.

I walked over to an empty spot to the right of the dock to try to toss some lures for the last hour before I go home. I had stopped throwing lures pretty early on since there was a line in the water like every 2-4 feet down the entire shoreline. I wasn't expecting anything at all and my heart wasn't 100% in it. After only 3-4 casts, I ended up getting slammed about 20 feet out. Got my heart pumping finally!!! Preyed it wasn't a bass. After a nice little fight.....he was a 3.98 lb Rainbow. Wooo HOoo, no skunk for me today!!! (well, at least not this kind of skunk.... ;) lol ).

So it was a slow bite today but all in all a nice day out on the water while meeting a buncha cool dudes. 1 fish each for me and my pops ,but once again, both QUALITY fish. =)

PS. Don't try to rat someone out if you're not 100% sure that you're right. The staff came by to cut off a fin off all the caught fish so they can't be used in the tourney tomorrow, which is all fine, but one of the staff told my dad someone was saying we caught more trout than what we had (at this time we only had 1 trout). Guess they looked inside my trunk/car to make sure we weren't stashing fish. I didn't hear about it or notice until my pops told me while we were on our way home or else I woulda been pretty pissed. We're not even fishing the tourney tomorrow but whatever....lol. The staff was doing their job so no worries, but F whoever was telling them we had another fish in the car.

Oh, I saw a beautiful 8.6 pounder being weighed in that was caught in a boat by the dam.

I guess so much for keeping this report short.....sorry guys! Good luck to all fishing the tourney tomorrow! I'm sure some nice lunkers will be caught. :DD

03-30-2013, 10:25 PM
Hi my name is Joey D. and I'm new. So I'm going fishing next thursday and I was wondering what bait you would most recommend for trout fishing from the shore. I heard you could use the usual powerbait or a dough ball with garlic powder and sugar. Have you ever heard of trout dip, it's like a green slimy dip that makes the trout go crazy, they sell it at big 5 stores.