View Full Version : Los Angeles Rod & Reel Club 10th Annual Lou Berke Trout Derby

03-23-2013, 10:07 AM
The 10th annual Lou Berke trout derby is in the books!

Every year the Los Angeles Rod and Reel Club, provides approximately 50 special needs children from 12 -17 a day of fishing at Hansen Dam. We arrange everything from transportation; acquire the trout, BBQ, rods, tackle, and bait. All so the kids can enjoy a day at the lake, catching Rainbow trout.

An event like this takes months of planning and preparation, along with the efforts of close to 100 volunteers to make it a success.
And a success it was! I called upon many FNN’rs to participate in this annual event, and the response as always was overwhelming. I want to thank Wingnut, for getting the word out to SWAT, and while Arthur , and Bones were not able to attend this year, they were well represented.
Some the familiar faces were Russ88, FinSmackdown, Sidified, Flyngby, dlmoo312, bloox8, Gletmefelthesteelgary, and a host of others.

The day started on Wednesday when we placed a net along the shore, in an effort to increase the catch rate of the kids. Truthfully, it was like watching the 3 stooges. After multiple tries, we were able to successfully place the net. Thursday the DFG truck arrived mid-day, and put the fish in the netted area.




The Friday, just after 7:00 am the tackle, rods, holders. Food, bait, and everything else that goes into an event like this were quickly dispatched through the efforts of our tireless volunteer’s. Then breakfast for the volunteers, lox, bagels, doughnuts, coffee, juice, and fruit.

Finally the kids arrived, and they were excited to start fishing! We partnered up one volunteer to one child, and proceeded to get them fishing. The squeals of delight, when many of these kids caught their first fish were, to be heard up and down the shore. And while many didn’t catch, there was not a sad face to be seen, except for maybe some of the skunked volunteers

Far too quickly it was time for lunch, and the burgers, chips, dog, and chicken sandwiched were engulfed in mass quantities. Not long after, cake as for many of these students, it was their Senior Activity Day, as they were graduating.
A little more fishing and it was time to let the kids go home. With hugs, thanks, and even some teary eyes from some FNN vets, the kids left, and we began to clean up. A few hours later, the area was clean, rods, holders, and tackle put away, and the net was pulled from the lake.
The real story is in the pictures, I will add them later today.

Thanks to all that helped make this a special day for the kids! They had almost as much fun as I did working on this event. The happiness, camaraderie, and joy in the kids’ faces is priceless, I can’t wait until next year!


03-23-2013, 10:07 AM
Pictures from the Trout Derby !

















03-23-2013, 10:13 AM
This is a great event and I'm bummed that I couldn't make it back into town in time for it. :Neutral:
Thank you L.A.R.R.C. and Scott (CAPT'N) for your tireless dedication in putting together this wonderful event. :Big Grin:
Also, to all the volunteers and my S.W.A.T. Brothers for taking the time to "Pay It Forward." :Cool:

03-24-2013, 08:16 AM
Wow how come I haven't heard about this before. Id live to volunteer next time you do it. Good job guys :Smile:

03-24-2013, 04:18 PM
Thank you Scott for giving us the opportunity to help out these children. I had a great time and so did my kid and his family :Big Grin:
Shoot me a PM when you guys host another event. I'd definitely would be more than happy to lend a helping hand.

I'll be looking forward to doing this again next year. Take care.


03-24-2013, 04:35 PM
I look forward to this event every year. Seeing the kids get excited is priceless! I get to share smiles n high fives with them. They are truly special. Spending a few hours with special needs kids is very rewarding to say the least. They had a great time even if I couldnt put them on fish this year. I am proud to b a part of the Lou burkes trout derby. Special thanks to LARRC and my fellow FNN'ers for making this event possible. Scott thank you for extending the invite once again. Good times!!!

one long cast
03-24-2013, 04:54 PM
Great job Guys and it looks like a nice turn out. WTG

03-25-2013, 06:12 PM
Huge thanks go out to the LA Rod & Reel club for putting this event on for those well deserving kids each year.

ANOTHER huge thanks to each and every one of those individuals who showed up and helped..

From those who put up the net !

Those who made the technical arrangements !

Those who showed up and served food

Those who cooked the food

Those who helped the kids fish

Those who Cleaned the fish

Those who took down the net

And let’s not forget those teachers and bus drivers!

And MUCH MUCH more….a whole lot has to come together to make these events a success !

Man…….those smiles on those kids faces…the fun they were having….I will NEVER forget..

I think this might me my 5th or 6th year and every time it seems like the 1st….

There are really no words to describe the inner joy that is experienced when helping those kids….I for one always leave a richer man than the day before !

With that being said…God Bless those wonderful kids…they are true and pure souls, I feel honored to have the opportunity to have helped..

I was particularly touched when one of the teachers told me as the bus rolled up, one of the children saw me waiting and said……”Him….him” I want to fish with him”

Those sweet kids remembered me from the years before….man I am not afraid to admit that I choked back a tear in my eyes….

That just tells me that from years past, I have left a lasting impression……man…I cannot quantify that but it really does mean something to me…

I’ll never forget those kids…in fact I will be pursuing volunteering to help them out within the year some more…possibly going to read to them etc. I would encourage others to do the same…

I am always touched by those kids and their warm hearts…

Thank you to the LARRC for allowing me the opprtunity to help…

HUGE hats off to the kids and congratulations on their catches : )

Woooooo – Hooooo~!

I salute each of those souls and once again commend the LARRC

Keep up the great work


03-25-2013, 06:29 PM

What you L.A.R.R.C. and ALL of the volunteers is a wonderful thing you do for these children. My hat is off to all of you! :Cool:

You've all created smiles and memories that will last a long long time. :Thumbs Up:

03-28-2013, 06:08 PM
Thank you Scott for giving me the opportunity to volunteer, and to everyone else who made this event possible.
This was a great event and an amazing experience! Everything was very well organized and seeing all the happy faces of the children and their parents definitely made my day. Looking forward to the next one:Big Grin:
