View Full Version : Question: Venice Canals fishing

03-21-2013, 03:16 PM
Ello' there people. I was browsing through Gmaps and I randomly stumbled upon the Venice canals in MDR. Soooo... my question for you all is. Is fishing allowed in those canals? I've also read that there is mullet, turbot, and mudsuckers. Thanks people.


03-21-2013, 05:23 PM
big pond off washington blvd, fenced off no tresspassing. little del rey lagoon behind condos dry last time i rolled there with sketchy residents that live in the parking lots....... theres few other canals along boardwalk with skiffs tie to docks..... lets us know wat ya get..

03-21-2013, 07:54 PM
I was checking out a couple canals a month ago..They look promising, try a higher moving tide.

03-21-2013, 09:19 PM
Thanks guys. I'm definitely going to try to make a trip there before summer. I'll keep you two posted.

03-22-2013, 03:17 PM
I dont know if anyone is allowed to fish them. I'm also not sure how great the fishing would be either. I had a buddy that lived in the canals and he said, as it states below, they regularly drain the water to keep it fresh. So when they let new water in from the Ballona Lagoon I'm not sure all that many fish can enter the canals. It sounds like its a closed system that is filled and drained on a regular basis.

• Since the completion of the Rehabilitation Project in 1993, we continue to work with Council District 11 to ensure the City’s Canals Maintenance Contract remains in effect. Among their many responsibilities, the maintenance staff regularly “flush” the canals to maintain water quality and proper water levels, remove tons of seasonal algae, clean the surface and bottom of the canals to prevent silt build-up, weed, trim, and replant the Atriplex (saltbushes) where needed that act as safety barriers along our walkways, return or remove “runaway” and derelict boats, and bi-weekly empty the 23 public trash receptacles strategically placed around the Canals to reduce litter in the neighborhood so that our Canals waterways, walkways, and unique wetland habitat remain healthy and viable.

03-22-2013, 05:03 PM
Good info, any Carp in there ?