View Full Version : Yes, I still fish. Fishing in my new home state with a new PB LMB!!! 03-09-13

03-09-2013, 06:02 PM
Last weekend my dad, brother-in-law and I went in on a jon boat, and today was it's maiden voyage. My family has property on a 33 acre private lake in Newton County, and that's where we decided to launch her. During the warmer months you can catch 50+ bass easy, but today they weren't that cooperative. The water should warm up nicely pretty soon though since it's not terribly deep...20-25 feet at the most. Anyhow, we started out trolling around without even a nibble. My dad and BIL were using Texas rig with black worms, and I tried various lures of size, color, shape and depth diving with no luck. Finally BIL hooked up with an average-size bass for that lake (one pound) over by the dam. Pretty soon after my dad caught one, and then BIL added another. My lures weren't producing so I threw on a Texas rig with multi-colored worm, and soon after I was able to land my first fish of the year...1 1/2# bass. We went up and down that dam about five times before my dad said his back hurt and wanted to get off the boat for a while. My nephew was waiting on the bank and switched places with my dad, and we headed back over towards the dam. We got a few hits here and there, but nothing really stuck. As my nephew and his dad were talking about there being too many Silver Lake Specials (our nickname for the small bass) in the lake my worm gets slammed. I knew immediately it was a large fish. It fought just like a catfish. I would reel in some, and it would take off straight down. They do have some nice sized cats in that lake so that's what we figured it was (yes, the cats in that lake hit lures). Finally it came to the surface just long enough to wear we saw it's green back before it dove back down pulling line as it went. It was definitely a bass, but it didn't look big enough to be putting up such a hard fight. I was wrong...it was definitely large enough! BIL reached down and pulled the bass into the boat. It's my new personal best bass!!! Of course I had to show my dad so we hurried over to where he was to show him. The scale my dad brought was broken so we had no way of knowing exactly how heavy she was, but she felt very similar to a 6 1/2# trout I caught. Does anyone have an estimate?

Here she is!

Another view of her

We're ready for your closeup

Next to my size 11 shoe

Releasing her to get bigger

Here's a random pictures my sister took of my nephew, BOL and I out on the lake. Something we didn't think to check was the max weight limit for the boat. It's 390#, and together we weighed 670#! Good thing to know for next time...

03-09-2013, 06:25 PM
Nice fish and report!

Well, since I grew up in Tustin, I know Tustin Ranch isn't in Newton County, where is your new home state?

03-09-2013, 06:52 PM
Whatever it weighs its a nice fish,Congrats!

Cya TunaVic

03-10-2013, 05:35 AM
Nice fish and report!

Well, since I grew up in Tustin, I know Tustin Ranch isn't in Newton County, where is your new home state?

I guess I could update my profile on here since I haven't lived in Tustin Ranch for probably 4 or 5 years! I'm in Roswell, GA now.

03-10-2013, 02:51 PM
Nice going on the Bass Ryan. I would guess 7 to 8 lbs.

03-10-2013, 07:46 PM

It's good to see you are back in the water fishing again. It's also cool to see you posting and Congratulations on your Personal Best! :Cool:

I hope all is going well with you and you've been missed back here in So. Cal. :Thumbs Up:

03-11-2013, 06:01 PM
Nice surprise to see you pop up here Ryan. :Big Grin:
Congrats on the PB Bass and drop in once in awhile... :Cool: