View Full Version : C.D.F.W. triploid trout?

Hooked Up
03-07-2013, 09:54 PM
I read that the California Department of Fish & Wildlife are raising and planting triploid rainbow trout! :EyePop: Not sure where they are planting them? These fish are sterile and are not suppose to be able to reproduce.:Embarrassed: There are many So. Ca. lakes where this might not matter. But what about the ones that do? And what about the Sierra's where trout do spawn? I wonder if this is a consideration in the C.D.F.W. decision where to plant "sterile" fish and "non sterile" fish? Anyone know?:Secret:

03-08-2013, 06:34 AM
Thank the "Tree Huggers"!!!!! The following is from my Sierra Fishing Guide:

2012 was the last year California will see trout that can reproduce planted in the Eastern Sierra and other waters of the state.

There will be some rainbow brood fish planted in a few limited areas that have not been nuked, but they are not likely to live long enough to spawn again. The DFG has been ordered by the Supreme Court in Sacramento to plant only “triploid” rainbow trout (triploids are fish that have been rendered sterile in the embryonic stage) in waters that do not have a documented native species of rainbow in them. Since there are no rainbows that are “native” to the Eastern Sierra, fertile trout will not be planted in ANY of the local waters from now on unless legislation changes in Sacramento. The Hot Creek Hatchery Facility has already converted to triploids. Brown trout and brook trout are not native to California and may eventually be phased out totally from the hatchery system in California, although I have heard from a reliable source that some brood stock browns and brooks are being kept at this time in the event the laws change, or the interpretation of such warrants alterations to some fisheries. They will most likely be triploids when planted in any event. Here is a link to Senate Bill 1148:


I strongly suggest you read it, the meat is chapter 565, section six. “Discourage artificial planting of hatchery-raised hybrid and nonnative fish species in wild trout waters or in other areas that would adversely affect native aquatic and non aquatic species.” This is a paragraph from Assembly Bill 1148. Do not sound your opinions or voice your “what the hell’s?” to me. Write your representatives and the CDFW Commission if you have an opinion. Don’t shoot me- I am only the messenger people. This bill currently signed into law, will change the landscape of trout fishing in the Sierra in a very, very substantial way. It will help aquatic and non aquatic native species like steelhead, golden trout,(this is a good thing for sure) Tui Chubs, Tahoe Suckers, Hard Headed Minnows, Sacramento Perch, yellow legged frogs & willow fly catchers (you gotta be kidding me) in a very positive manner. The latter of these species we know as valuable resources crucial to business’s, job growth and providing recreational opportunities to sportsman who pay for licenses each year. Those Sacramento Perch pull like a wet gym sock on a five weight baby, and if you have ever gazed at a speeding willow fly catcher hit a caddis fly it takes your breath away! I’m just saying people…This law was passed with far to broad of a brush stroke and is not sensible or logical in many ways.

There are some paragraphs and verbiage in the bill that gives the CDFW in isolated instances some latitude to alter or amend some sections after using the best possible science to determine the alterations. If you have an opinion on this issue I strongly suggest you contact your representatives and the commissioners with such immediately.

To contact your local representative go to http://www.house.gov/htbin/findrep and enter your zip code.
To contact you’re Senator; http://www.senate.gov/states/ enter California as your state.
To contact the DFG Commission; http://www.fgc.ca.gov/

03-08-2013, 09:26 AM
Hate to say it, but fly fishing groups had a lot to do with this as well. As did the tree-huggers, such as the despicable Center for Biological Diversity.