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View Full Version : dfg refund on fishing license since theirs no trout

Ryan C
03-06-2013, 12:10 AM
dfg can i get a refund on my license since u arent stocking trout anymore? and if u do stock u stock like 300lbs what a joke why waste the gas.

03-06-2013, 12:26 AM
Perris has never been known for trout... why would you even fish for trout there when you can fish for the bass eating all of them? It appears that you do based on your profile picture so stop being a truck chaser and stop whining.

03-06-2013, 12:31 AM
yeh you can actually.. call up DFG on the 32nd day of the month or the 8th day of the week.. they should give you a full refund and then some.. *JBfish*

03-06-2013, 04:41 PM
i see skinnier bass in my future

Ryan C
03-06-2013, 04:54 PM
Can't chase a parked truck only lake getting stocked is dvl

Troutin Man
03-06-2013, 04:55 PM
yeh you can actually.. call up DFG on the 32nd day of the month or the 8th day of the week.. they should give you a full refund and then some.. *JBfish*

Nice jb. 32 and 8. Lol.

86 the g in dfg. Otherwise u definitely have no shot at refund. Next year hit just the pay lakes...no license needed...dont buy a license....that oughta show 'em!

03-06-2013, 06:36 PM
I didnt think they even stocked that ghetto lake anymore.

03-06-2013, 06:37 PM
Can't chase a parked truck only lake getting stocked is dvl

What's the matter Crandell, you don't like catching emaciated swimbait fish either? DFG is turning Perris into another Casitas...

03-06-2013, 10:57 PM
Can't chase a parked truck only lake getting stocked is dvlyeah it seems like they are stocking less now.i think last year they stocked more often.i havent been doing any good with the trout at perris also.

03-06-2013, 11:29 PM
if people are going to cry about buying a license and not having the lakes stock on a regular bases then save your money dont buy the licenses and go to a pay to fish lake and catch all the steroid pumped fish you want. let the real anglers have at these real lakes.

03-07-2013, 12:30 AM
if people are going to cry about buying a license and not having the lakes stock on a regular bases then save your money dont buy the licenses and go to a pay to fish lake and catch all the steroid pumped fish you want. let the real anglers have at these real lakes.

First of all.. The fish stocked by DFW are raised in farms just like pay lakes lol and 2nd-ly you can't catch all you want at a pay lake.. There is a 5 fish limit.. :)

03-07-2013, 07:03 AM
Oh how I love posts complaining about the skunk and how it stinks so.

1. You buy a license because that is what the government requires. Doesn't matter why. Don't want to buy a license? Don't fish.
2. Skunk is part of the game. There is an old adage...something about "catching." You know it.
3. If you get skunked, report the conditions, time, place, etc. for fellow anglers. They will read the report and decide not to go there. Then, maybe those anglers will report as to where fish are being caught and report back. You read those reports, and go there. Higher probability of non-skunkage. It is called paying it forward. This concept is within the spirit of FNN as I am lead to believe.
4. You pay about $50 a year for a fishing license. That is less than $0.14 a day if you fish EVERY DAY. Less than a dollar a week. About $4 a month. Instead, you could pay $15 for a movie ticket, $5 a game for bowling, $80 to go to Disneyland, $??? to go rent porn and jerk-off all day....point being, if money is so tight and you feel that it is a waste, take a step back and see that it pays for time on the water, with friends, relaxing, etc....
5. Part and parcel with point no. 4...Does your family depend upon you to bring home fish for supper? If so, Starkist tuna and Hamburger Helper (Tuna Helper) will set you back $2. Fish on!
6. Not sure how many lakes that the DFW has to stock in this great state of California, but I bet it is alot more than a few. That means for every lake they have to stock, they have to breed 1000's of fish for each lake. I say back off and understand that with budget cuts, the general state of the economy and limited resources, they are doing what they can.

Look, don't want anyone to get their panties in a bunch over this post, but seriously? Why so many complaints over skunks? Instead of me going out there and looking up to complain to God about why he forgot to stock the ocean with millions of 30 inch halibuts, I just give thanks for being able to go out and have fun.

Lighten up those tight lines a little guys.

03-07-2013, 07:33 AM
very nice post skunked4life I think your screen name inidcates you have a more tolerance to skunks than others lol it's true that in this time of age it's lucky for us to even get out on the water and enjoy this "sport." Skunks are normal for anglers going for all species and they humble even the professionals... there were guys in the Bassmaster Classic recently that came in with skunks, and Cliff Pace who won it this year didn't eve catch his five fish limit on the final day. IMO take those skunks and use them as motivation to get out on the lake the next day and catch something. It's funny, there's a much shorter gap between my times on the lake when I get skunked to when I go out and catch 15 haha just have fun with it and be thankful to have the opportunity to go try in the first place :Soap Box: end rant lol

03-07-2013, 07:43 AM
very nice post skunked4life I think your screen name inidcates you have a more tolerance to skunks than others lol it's true that in this time of age it's lucky for us to even get out on the water and enjoy this "sport." Skunks are normal for anglers going for all species and they humble even the professionals... there were guys in the Bassmaster Classic recently that came in with skunks, and Cliff Pace who won it this year didn't eve catch his five fish limit on the final day. IMO take those skunks and use them as motivation to get out on the lake the next day and catch something. It's funny, there's a much shorter gap between my times on the lake when I get skunked to when I go out and catch 15 haha just have fun with it and be thankful to have the opportunity to go try in the first place :Soap Box: end rant lol


Don't get me wrong, I get frustrated with the skunk. I have been out about 8 times in the last two weeks and have no fish to show for it. Sure I complain, but that is what my wife is for...to complain to. Then, I get n the message boards and see that others are being skunked, or that SWAT is just slaughtering the salt, and then I get hope that my time will come again. Its like a chinese finger trap, if you pull too hard, you will not free yourself. But if you loosen up a bit, you become free.

I don't always catch fish, but when I do, I prefer dos fishies. Stay fishy my friends!

03-07-2013, 08:34 AM
LOL! It sound like you have years of refunds coming.

I know people who can make a fortune this way. For some, this could replace Social Security.

03-07-2013, 08:48 AM
Funny I didn't read anything about skunks from the thread author? Oh well I guess you have to learn to read between the lines on FNN before you can understand peoples concerns.

03-07-2013, 08:57 AM
Funny I didn't read anything about skunks from the thread author? Oh well I guess you have to learn to read between the lines on FNN before you can understand peoples concerns.

Sure, I will bite. Seal - no disrespect here b/c I read alot of your posts and enjoy doing so.

My reply dealt with a more general topic of complaining about no fish. That is what the OP stated. No stocking trout or only stocking 300lbs - to me- means little to no fish - which means - to me - skunk. I do not think that I am stretching the topic nor reading more into the OP than what was there. The complaint is about why pay for a license when DFW isn't stocking trout, or more specifically, if there isn't any trout being stocked, can I get a refund for my license? Catch my drift (no puns intended)?

I fully understand the concerns of this poster. He is not satisfied with where his license money went and the result. So, he wants a refund. Ok, next time I go charter fishing and catch a mere mackeral, I will demand a refund. I seriously don't think that is how things work.

My reply was to bring forth the message that unless fishing is your livelihood, that you should take it for what it is worth...a leisure past-time to enjoy.

03-07-2013, 08:57 AM
LOL! It sound like you have years of refunds coming.

I know people who can make a fortune this way. For some, this could replace Social Security.

Freakin' hilarious!

03-07-2013, 09:09 AM
you could always just not buy a license and run the risk... Tell the dfg they arent stocking trout therefor you arent paying for a license to fund their lack of services :Cool: good luck let me know how much a poaching ticket runs you

Team Dead Money
03-07-2013, 01:13 PM
All you tools have no clue what RC's post is about! Skunk? Chase trout truck? WTF! Hey cluelss want to be fools, Ryan is a big bait bass guy. Dude has caught toads, will catch more this year but in the end he lives for this time of year to "hunt" the big bites. No trout at Perris means the end of the road for that lake. Peace out bitches!!!

03-07-2013, 02:14 PM
All you tools have no clue what RC's post is about! Skunk? Chase trout truck? WTF! Hey cluelss want to be fools, Ryan is a big bait bass guy. Dude has caught toads, will catch more this year but in the end he lives for this time of year to "hunt" the big bites. No trout at Perris means the end of the road for that lake. Peace out bitches!!!

BINGO! Guy, is that you? lol

Team Dead Money
03-07-2013, 03:54 PM
Hahaha, yeah it's me.

03-07-2013, 04:13 PM
All you tools have no clue what RC's post is about! Skunk? Chase trout truck? WTF! Hey cluelss want to be fools, Ryan is a big bait bass guy. Dude has caught toads, will catch more this year but in the end he lives for this time of year to "hunt" the big bites. No trout at Perris means the end of the road for that lake. Peace out bitches!!!

The dfg trout program has never ans should never be about planting trout for big bass bait guys.

It is and should be about city park lakes and streams and fathers ans sons power baiting it up getting the kids hooked on fishing.

Not selfish "big bait bass" guys sticking toads on after plants.

Im all for sticking toads, but come on? Save the candy bars for the 6 year olds

03-07-2013, 04:18 PM
we cant control if the bass feast on them protien bars... nor can DFG nor can You, bass will eat what they want to eat and there aint a thing we can do about it other then match the hatch tie on a swimmer and hang some hogs.

Im confused how big baiters are making the trout plants worse or affecting them at all ??? please explain

03-07-2013, 04:26 PM
The dfg trout program has never ans should never be about planting trout for big bass bait guys.

It is and should be about city park lakes and streams and fathers ans sons power baiting it up getting the kids hooked on fishing.

Not selfish "big bait bass" guys sticking toads on after plants.

Im all for sticking toads, but come on? Save the candy bars for the 6 year olds

Cutbait - Captain Dickweed or was it Dilwad here. I'm glad to hear your opinion on why the trout are planted? To each is own but thank you for giving your opinion. For me, yes selfish me, the DFW uses portion of our money to plant fish. The fact of the matter is, it's not happening. Budget cut this, problems that. I could give a rats ***. Plant the fish that the program says it's going to plant and quit hiding behind the curtains afraid to give answers (or at least lie about them like they have for years). Kwin, thoughts? Oh wait, he's gone.

BTW, my 6 year old daughter caught her first swimbait fish at 6 years old.

Hate on Sir Cutbait.

03-07-2013, 04:27 PM
we cant control if the bass feast on them protien bars... nor can DFG nor can You, bass will eat what they want to eat and there aint a thing we can do about it other then match the hatch tie on a swimmer and hang some hogs.

Im confused how big baiters are making the trout plants worse or affecting them at all ??? please explain

Hi GoGurt.........

03-07-2013, 04:28 PM
Cutbait - Captain Dickweed or was it Dilwad here. I'm glad to hear your opinion on why the trout are planted? To each is own but thank you for giving your opinion. For me, yes selfish me, the DFW uses portion of our money to plant fish. The fact of the matter is, it's not happening. Budget cut this, problems that. I could give a rats ***. Plant the fish that the program says it's going to plant and quit hiding behind the curtains afraid to give answers (or at least lie about them like they have for years). Kwin, thoughts? Oh wait, he's gone.

BTW, my 6 year old daughter caught her first swimbait fish at 6 years old.

Hate on Sir Cutbait.

HELL YEAHHHHHHHH thats whats good!!! its a typical government run program they lie and hide about everything its comman practice at this point even thought its an absolute shame!!!

03-07-2013, 07:04 PM
Cutbait - Captain Dickweed or was it Dilwad here. I'm glad to hear your opinion on why the trout are planted? To each is own but thank you for giving your opinion. For me, yes selfish me, the DFW uses portion of our money to plant fish. The fact of the matter is, it's not happening. Budget cut this, problems that. I could give a rats ***. Plant the fish that the program says it's going to plant and quit hiding behind the curtains afraid to give answers (or at least lie about them like they have for years). Kwin, thoughts? Oh wait, he's gone.

BTW, my 6 year old daughter caught her first swimbait fish at 6 years old.

Hate on Sir Cutbait.

Your the one that is bitter and oozing contempt.

Dont smear me with your negative juju

03-08-2013, 07:43 AM
Hahaha, yeah it's me.
bbwahahahahahaahhaahaha.........youre killing me smalls!

03-08-2013, 08:20 AM
Go to Corona with all the other cry babies that fish for trout or take the guys to ca on the eighth d of the wee or the 32nd day of or the 32nd day of the month

03-08-2013, 10:30 AM
You should probably read the whole thread stick n em

03-08-2013, 10:40 AM
Go to Corona with all the other cry babies that fish for trout or take the guys to ca on the eighth d of the wee or the 32nd day of or the 32nd day of the month

I think you guys are missing the point. We PAY through fishing licence money for trout to be stocked in ALL lakes and streams that will support them. This is not state money or tax money. This is LICENCE money bought and payed for by all California anglers(including the big bass guys). None of the lakes in Southern California have been stocked anywhere near years past except DVL. So any angler that doesn't fish DVL has seen the fishery they enjoy (with kids or friends) take a major hit this year. The license money is there. Where are the fish we as anglers bought and paid for? I payed $68.20 on a license this year to fish California. Funny in Arkansas the cost of a license is 20.00 a year for residents, and some how they find a way to plant trout in all their lakes and streams that support them. In addition they also stock largemouth, stripers, crappie, bluegill, catfish, etc to keep all their fisheries going strong. Our DFW charges almost four times the amount for a license and can't even keep their stocking trucks in running order or fish big enough to stock in the hatcheries. Instead of calling fellow members dickweeds or useless dribble about truck chasers, we better wake up and realize that we are paying more and more every year and getting less and less in return. I for one am starting to get pissed off.

03-08-2013, 11:36 AM
I think you guys are missing the point. We PAY through fishing licence money for trout to be stocked in ALL lakes and streams that will support them. This is not state money or tax money. This is LICENCE money bought and payed for by all California anglers(including the big bass guys). None of the lakes in Southern California have been stocked anywhere near years past except DVL. So any angler that doesn't fish DVL has seen the fishery they enjoy (with kids or friends) take a major hit this year. The license money is there. Where are the fish we as anglers bought and paid for? I payed $68.20 on a license this year to fish California. Funny in Arkansas the cost of a license is 20.00 a year for residents, and some how they find a way to plant trout in all their lakes and streams that support them. In addition they also stock largemouth, stripers, crappie, bluegill, catfish, etc to keep all their fisheries going strong. Our DFW charges almost four times the amount for a license and can't even keep their stocking trucks in running order or fish big enough to stock in the hatcheries. Instead of calling fellow members dickweeds or useless dribble about truck chasers, we better wake up and realize that we are paying more and more every year and getting less and less in return. I for one am starting to get pissed off.

Then dont buy your license and run the risk..im sure dfg will understand you dont want to pay for your license becuase they stock so little hahaha.I agree a 100 percent their stockings this year have been terriable at best.. But im not a truck chaser so i could care less.. i personal would rather have a bass eat them two pound stockers then me catch them.. complaining gets nothing done DOING does!

Cutbait explain to me how big bait guys are ruining the trout plants???

03-08-2013, 12:09 PM
I never said they ruined the trout plants

Pete Marino
03-08-2013, 12:49 PM
"Peace out bitches" lmao!!!

All you tools have no clue what RC's post is about! Skunk? Chase trout truck? WTF! Hey cluelss want to be fools, Ryan is a big bait bass guy. Dude has caught toads, will catch more this year but in the end he lives for this time of year to "hunt" the big bites. No trout at Perris means the end of the road for that lake. Peace out bitches!!!

03-08-2013, 01:33 PM
The dfg trout program has never ans should never be about planting trout for big bass bait guys.

It is and should be about city park lakes and streams and fathers ans sons power baiting it up getting the kids hooked on fishing.

Not selfish "big bait bass" guys sticking toads on after plants.

Im all for sticking toads, but come on? Save the candy bars for the 6 year olds

what do you mean by this???? Your a goof ball my friend...NOONE i repeat NOONE can control if the bass eat the stockers and us big baiters save the candy bars by not catching them!! your father/son bait and waiters are the ones taking the "candy bars" by catching them. whats it matter if they stick a hog after or during the stocking they arent affecting the stock at all if anything helping it!

Get real dude

03-08-2013, 02:33 PM
what do you mean by this???? Your a goof ball my friend...NOONE i repeat NOONE can control if the bass eat the stockers and us big baiters save the candy bars by not catching them!! your father/son bait and waiters are the ones taking the "candy bars" by catching them. whats it matter if they stick a hog after or during the stocking they arent affecting the stock at all if anything helping it!

Get real dude
Wtf is wrong with you guys?

I never advocated saving the trout?

Never said you guys are ruining the stockings

What I have said is your crybaby attitudes over lack of "sufficient" stockings for your candy bar bait tossing is off base as to the reason the program is in place.

You guys crying is not only directly responsible of the shun of kwin, the silence and shafting the Pyramid staff recieved.

You mental midgets though continue with trying to put words in my mouth or atleast surmise other crap Im not actually saying.

Kill all trout. Let the stripers and green carp eat them all. I dont care..

My arguement you guys cry for more trout to feed the predator fish and that is NOT what the program is for and as listed you guys have already done enough dammage

Double A
03-08-2013, 02:34 PM
what do you mean by this???? Your a goof ball my friend...NOONE i repeat NOONE can control if the bass eat the stockers and us big baiters save the candy bars by not catching them!! your father/son bait and waiters are the ones taking the "candy bars" by catching them. whats it matter if they stick a hog after or during the stocking they arent affecting the stock at all if anything helping it!

Get real dude

Hahahaha,,, what a tool... LMAO

"Big Baiter" ??? you must use an extra big glob of power bait while your stalking hog "candy bars" at the Vine

LMAO,,, if anyone needs to "get real"


03-08-2013, 03:04 PM
dfg can i get a refund on my license since u arent stocking trout anymore? and if u do stock u stock like 300lbs what a joke why waste the gas.

I guess you would only get like 15 bucks back since only 1/3 of the license fee is set aside for stocking



your father/son bait and waiters are the ones taking the "candy bars" by catching them.

Don't you agree that intent of the trout stocking program is for the bait and waiter family to catch the 'candy bars', right???


03-08-2013, 03:05 PM
Hahahaha,,, what a tool... LMAO

"Big Baiter" ??? you must use an extra big glob of power bait while your stalking hog "candy bars" at the Vine

LMAO,,, if anyone needs to "get real"


Who are you and why does what i do matter to you??? the only big glob of powerbait i know of is in between your ears where your brain should be... Get a life and dont worry about mine alright bud!!!

and irvine has some nice sized "candy bars" and if im gonna pay 34 dollars to fish im gonna bring home some dinner as well as catch and release bass!! is that and issue with you since what i do is such a consern? sorry double a i didnt know i offended you by fishing how and what i want!

03-08-2013, 03:12 PM
lets get this striaght cutebait i could care less if they stock and i cant control what happens to the stockers whether they are cuaght or eatn..The reason people are angry they arent stocking is they are paying for it..

Im sure youd be mad if you paid for a 50 dollar cheeseburger and never got it! I dont care if they stock or not but it would be nice for dfg to use the license money to stock and protect the waters from poachers... but your right why should we complain that the dfg is a joke when we pay for them to be

03-08-2013, 03:57 PM
Why don't you email the hatchery coordinator - address is on DFW website.

03-08-2013, 04:00 PM
lets get this striaght cutebait i could care less if they stock and i cant control what happens to the stockers whether they are cuaght or eatn..The reason people are angry they arent stocking is they are paying for it..

Im sure youd be mad if you paid for a 50 dollar cheeseburger and never got it! I dont care if they stock or not but it would be nice for dfg to use the license money to stock and protect the waters from poachers... obut your right why should we complain that the dfg is a joke when we pay for them to be
How can I get that straight?

You say you could care less if they stock and in the same post cry some more about not getting the amount you pay for?

How can I get anything straight?

I must concede though. With all thats wrong with this country and todays times. I feel some security knowing that you guys are holding the dfg feet to the fire on this disparity of funds vs fish count dilemma that plagues us so

03-08-2013, 04:30 PM
I think you guys are missing the point. We PAY through fishing licence money for trout to be stocked in ALL lakes and streams that will support them. This is not state money or tax money. This is LICENCE money bought and payed for by all California anglers(including the big bass guys). None of the lakes in Southern California have been stocked anywhere near years past except DVL. So any angler that doesn't fish DVL has seen the fishery they enjoy (with kids or friends) take a major hit this year. The license money is there. Where are the fish we as anglers bought and paid for? I payed $68.20 on a license this year to fish California. Funny in Arkansas the cost of a license is 20.00 a year for residents, and some how they find a way to plant trout in all their lakes and streams that support them. In addition they also stock largemouth, stripers, crappie, bluegill, catfish, etc to keep all their fisheries going strong. Our DFW charges almost four times the amount for a license and can't even keep their stocking trucks in running order or fish big enough to stock in the hatcheries. Instead of calling fellow members dickweeds or useless dribble about truck chasers, we better wake up and realize that we are paying more and more every year and getting less and less in return. I for one am starting to get pissed off.

Here is a simple question, what is the total budget for the DFW?(Answer) It's several hundred million dollars a year. Does all that come from license fee's only? I don't think so, it comes from alot of different sources including tax payers money.

03-08-2013, 05:14 PM
Im sure youd be mad if you paid for a 50 dollar cheeseburger and never got it!

So what you're sayin is that you should get 300-1000lbs of cheeseburgers brought to you every couple weeks for a whole year??? :Razz:

03-08-2013, 05:31 PM
So what you're sayin is that you should get 300-1000lbs of cheeseburgers brought to you every couple weeks for a whole year??? :Razz:

I wouldnt mind it.

03-08-2013, 07:56 PM
I believe that Perris is only getting about 1/3 of the trout they got last year. DVL is getting truck loads every week. Kwin loves DVL and does not care about Perris. Only stocking 300-600 pounds of trout is a joke for a lake as big as Perris. The average 5-10 acre park lake gets more fish. Bass have always eaten a portion of the trout but I used to actually see people catch trout at Perris. Bass eating trout is much better for fishing than what happens to many of them that are stocked at city park lakes (Cormorants).

03-11-2013, 12:25 PM
I believe that Perris is only getting about 1/3 of the trout they got last year. DVL is getting truck loads every week. Kwin loves DVL and does not care about Perris. Only stocking 300-600 pounds of trout is a joke for a lake as big as Perris. The average 5-10 acre park lake gets more fish. Bass have always eaten a portion of the trout but I used to actually see people catch trout at Perris. Bass eating trout is much better for fishing than what happens to many of them that are stocked at city park lakes (Cormorants).

Well we know that 1/3 of license fees go to the overall trout stocking program. So do we know the numbers as to how many pounds of Trout Perris has gotten this year as compared to years in the past? Next, if their is a huge reduction in the numbers and poundage from years past then the question is "why"?

Any DFG wanna be's, or heck, DFG employees have any of the above answers? I for one wouldnt mind getting some ofthe candy bar eating bass on my swimbait plugs and maybe a few of the Trout on my Captain america powerbait.

03-11-2013, 02:48 PM
They cant stock fish they found Dorner!!!! bahahahaha :LOL:

Stalker Of Fish
03-11-2013, 03:09 PM
yeah it seems like they are stocking less now.i think last year they stocked more often.i havent been doing any good with the trout at perris also.

Actually if you look on other threads or do a little research you would learn Perris Lake received something like 25% more fish (Trout) than last year . I would love to see 25% more Trout in my local lake Skinner . This info came from Kwin on another thread before he was attacked and ran off !
The OP needs to get to lake closer to the stocking days or work on his Trout fishing skill set.
He post a nice bass on his avatar so is he implying he will give up fishing for all species ?
He should go fish DVL it's just a few miles away from Perris since he knows already they are getting more Trout. DVL supports hold over Trout Perris gets too warm and does not.
A lot of WAH - WAH considering more pounds of fish went into Perris then last year. Pay lakes are a better fit for the OP perhaps?

03-11-2013, 04:50 PM
I spoke with DFW at the show, told them about the "200"lbs of trout that get stocked at Hansen dam aka the C ment hole. Told him in years past the truck would back up to the water and they'd open the tube at the bottom of the tank, now the guy backs up to a certain spot and does a limited number of half net fulls and puts down that he stocked 200, 300, or 400lbs, and then the life guard signs off on it.
The game warden tells me that they are suppose to empty the tank not do half net fulls. That if we are able to and we are there when they are stocking to record it with our phones or whatever and bring it up to the hatchery that is responsible for stocking whatever lake you are fishing (public of course), that they are public employees and that we license paying fishermen have every right to ask the guy doing the stocking how can he account for 4-8 half net fulls of 6"-12" trout to equal 200lbs, when most of the half nets I've seen them dump only have 8-10 trout in it! I have personally seen a 6" trout that got sucked into the tank swimming around at Hansen damn after it was stocked.
Does this help anyone?

03-11-2013, 07:32 PM
DVL does get a heck of a a lot of Trout stocked in it, but you got to remember. That $3 a head you pay per fisherman as you go in to DVL, even annual pass holders mind you, goes to DVL's own Trout stocks. Thus, DVL is not only getting DVL stocks, but is also providing their own with funds collected at the gate.

03-11-2013, 09:22 PM
dfg can i get a refund on my license since u arent stocking trout anymore? and if u do stock u stock like 300lbs what a joke why waste the gas.

look what you started. if people only knew hahahaha.

03-11-2013, 10:03 PM
look what you started. if people only knew hahahaha.

Lol, I don't know Ryan, but judging by his pic, he ain't concerned about throw'n wads of power bait. Cracks me up the way these threads just go off. Makes for good entertainment...

03-12-2013, 12:45 PM
Lol, I don't know Ryan, but judging by his pic, he ain't concerned about throw'n wads of power bait. Cracks me up the way these threads just go off. Makes for good entertainment... Yes ,good reading,made it thru a half a bag of popcorn,,,,

03-13-2013, 09:23 AM
Striped bass are the culprit. DVL, Lake Perris, and Silverwood.

03-13-2013, 11:01 AM
Striped bass are the culprit. DVL, Lake Perris, and Silverwood.

But that's a good thing! :Smile:

03-13-2013, 03:17 PM
but that's a good thing! :smile:

all stripers must die!!!

03-13-2013, 07:32 PM
imo grow up dude. if they stop stocking trout, fish for something else.

Double A
03-13-2013, 08:19 PM
all stripers must die!!!

It's almost that time...

Pull all LMB off their beds !!!

Remember to always keep your limit

03-14-2013, 07:20 AM
It's almost that time...

Pull all LMB off their beds !!!

Remember to always keep your limit

Yep! Can't wait! I'm gonna bring the kids so I can keep their limits too! (Sarcasm)

03-15-2013, 08:40 AM
Actually if you look on other threads or do a little research you would learn Perris Lake received something like 25% more fish (Trout) than last year . I would love to see 25% more Trout in my local lake Skinner . This info came from Kwin on another thread before he was attacked and ran off !
The OP needs to get to lake closer to the stocking days or work on his Trout fishing skill set.
He post a nice bass on his avatar so is he implying he will give up fishing for all species ?
He should go fish DVL it's just a few miles away from Perris since he knows already they are getting more Trout. DVL supports hold over Trout Perris gets too warm and does not.
A lot of WAH - WAH considering more pounds of fish went into Perris then last year. Pay lakes are a better fit for the OP perhaps?

Kwin said? Yup that relieves all my concerns cause Kwin said so. Why not release the numbers? Why not post the poundage after the plants, hell I don't care if it comes a month after the plants.

And this continued poor Kwin deal is really the most ridiculous part of this. Kwin is a professional, in any profession you are going to receive customer complaints and a true professional will not run away when confronted with a concern. He might ignore or try to answer but to make the data even more difficult to attain make it appear to many of us that there is a cover up. Oh and there are many ways to interpret the 25% data. It is so easy provide the information and make us look like fools, make it verifiable and we will all go away with our tails between our legs. Many states include that data, laws have tried to be passed in this state to have that database available to the license carrying members of this state.

And I would say that the big stripers guys are doing the trout plants a service by taking a few hogs out of the water thereby saving the "candy bars" for the trout fisherman. I guess it's all in the way you look at it huh?

03-15-2013, 09:16 AM
Customer complaints and flat out questioning govt's quality of employees are two different things.

I specifically remember dark shadow using a mitch hedberg qoute by kwin to attack the "caliber" of state employees specifically Kwin.

So i dont blame him for leaving for being attacked personallh

And that was when he left

03-15-2013, 09:31 AM
Customer complaints and flat out questioning govt's quality of employees are two different things.

I specifically remember dark shadow using a mitch hedberg qoute by kwin to attack the "caliber" of state employees specifically Kwin.

So i dont blame him for leaving for being attacked personallh

And that was when he left

That would be one to ignore then. But still Cutbait why would he then make the whole suffer based on a few? Even if we are all just being idiots does it then make sense to sensor the different lakes posting of the plants and the poundage therefore affecting the whole just because of a few of us idiots?

03-15-2013, 09:44 AM
Customer complaints and flat out questioning govt's quality of employees are two different things.

I specifically remember dark shadow using a mitch hedberg qoute by kwin to attack the "caliber" of state employees specifically Kwin.

So i dont blame him for leaving for being attacked personallh

And that was when he left

Specifically remember, eh?

Well, I specifically remember that it wasn't me, bud.


It's very easy to do a search.

My contribution to the post was merely this statement: http://fishingnetwork.net/forum4/showthread.php?69326-Bye-Bye-Perris-Trout-Plants&p=651513#post651513

03-15-2013, 09:56 AM
Specifically remember, eh?

Well, I specifically remember that it wasn't me, bud.


It's very easy to do a search.

My contribution to the post was merely this statement: http://fishingnetwork.net/forum4/showthread.php?69326-Bye-Bye-Perris-Trout-Plants&p=651513#post651513
My apologies DS. My memory served me wrong

Wasnt far from the tree however

03-15-2013, 12:42 PM
The poundage numbers they used to release were complete BS. No one was weighing the fish. The unions for DFG fish hatchery were supposed to pump out a certain poundage, and they couldn't do it. So they just made it up.
Now that they are getting questioned on this… No Cutbait… not only by me and my fellow Dickwads or Dilweeds on FNN… but by many other guys wanting information outside of the world of booger-eater.com and other fishing websites.

When I have time I will be filing a freedom of information act request asking for exact poundage of the last 3 years of trout stocks. I’ll ask for the certification papers for the scales used to weigh the trucks coming in and out of the hatcheries (which they won't be able to provide since the weighing isn't and hasn't been done). Don’t really want to start a shitstorm with this but AB7 states that we are to get the information… and I want it.

03-15-2013, 02:02 PM
When I have time I will be filing a freedom of information act request asking for exact poundage of the last 3 years of trout stocks. I’ll ask for the certification papers for the scales used to weigh the trucks coming in and out of the hatcheries (which they won't be able to provide since the weighing isn't and hasn't been done). Don’t really want to start a shitstorm with this but AB7 states that we are to get the information… and I want it.

OMG, don't do that, Kwin might leave.

03-15-2013, 03:37 PM
OMG, don't do that, Kwin might leave.

Too late.....

03-15-2013, 05:06 PM
Too late.....

Darn. He brought so much info to this site.

03-15-2013, 05:35 PM
The poundage numbers they used to release were complete BS. No one was weighing the fish. The unions for DFG fish hatchery were supposed to pump out a certain poundage, and they couldn't do it. So they just made it up.
Now that they are getting questioned on this… No Cutbait… not only by me and my fellow Dickwads or Dilweeds on FNN… but by many other guys wanting information outside of the world of booger-eater.com and other fishing websites.

When I have time I will be filing a freedom of information act request asking for exact poundage of the last 3 years of trout stocks. I’ll ask for the certification papers for the scales used to weigh the trucks coming in and out of the hatcheries (wh ich they won't be able to provide since the weighing isn't and hasn't been done). Don’t really want to start a shitstorm with this but AB7 states that we are to get the information… and I want it.

Saving the world one innocuous govt abuse at a time!

You guys would be well served coming up with one of those catchy watch dog group names

Like Tea party or sea Shepard's

03-15-2013, 05:50 PM
Trout tax auditors?

Dfg heel nippers?

Tonnage verifiers?

03-15-2013, 06:44 PM
Too late.....

And it's all your fault. See what you started...:Angry:

Ryan C
03-16-2013, 11:25 PM
8 pages of drama keep up the good work lol

Stalker Of Fish
03-17-2013, 12:04 AM
Large mouth....Striper Snacks

Hooked Up
03-17-2013, 12:13 AM
I want my DFG stocked triploid trout! Dang it! lol :Popcorn:

03-17-2013, 05:33 AM
To the OP, u mean to tell me u only bought a fishing license to fish for stocked trout? Yes the stocking this year has been pathetic at my city lakes, but wanting ur license fees back is lame. There is still plenty of good fishing to justify ur DFG license expenses.


03-18-2013, 01:21 PM
To the OP, u mean to tell me u only bought a fishing license to fish for stocked trout? Yes the stocking this year has been pathetic at my city lakes, but wanting ur license fees back is lame. There is still plenty of good fishing to justify ur DFG license expenses.


*** Some peoples Children

03-18-2013, 03:20 PM
[QUOTE=cutbait;661841]Saving the world one innocuous govt abuse at a time!

Govt abuse... come on... it's not like I have water district keys and get to fish off limit areas like others do.

You guys would be well served coming up with one of those catchy watch dog group names

You can refer to us as Team Dilwad... I'll crown myself as the omniscient one. (I can use somewhat big words too)