View Full Version : my first solo night time attack

02-26-2013, 11:30 PM
ok i have only been fishing the Aqueduct since first week of jan of this year and have not set out on a night mission yet. that changed today. check that of my striper junkie resume.

got to the duct around 5:20 and 15 min in i get this guy

so after it got dark i got another around 17 inches sorry no photo..

i fished on cast after cast nothing but i keep at it finally thump and i swing this one takes a couple drag burning runs, i called it 6 when i got him but now that i look at him ima say solid 7#er

02-27-2013, 08:22 AM
Nice catch Dk. On my first solo trip, I turned my headlamp on and found a 4" cougar track between my feet.

02-27-2013, 08:52 AM
always fun listening to every noise around you,,, what was that,,,,,, what was that...lol....congrats on the solo slay, size is looking better too..

02-27-2013, 09:00 AM
Dk is quite the duct catcha!

Love those long athletic stripers.. great fighters.

That SLAM! Cant be beat

02-27-2013, 09:50 AM
thanks guys, your right cutbait nothing beats the slam of a striper.. being out there alone does put you on edge.. sad to say im not worried about the wildlife it the humans you have to watch for, if you no what i mean

02-27-2013, 10:13 AM
Nice DK!

I had a couple of vehicles roll up on me on Sunday night. I had stopped at a second spot on my way home, a bridge crossing. I heard a car drive up, but couldn't really see the road. I always get a little nervous when I'm out by myself after dark so I decided to walk back up to my truck. They had parked on the other side of the road (there was actually a truck and a car) facing me with their headlights on just sitting there. Didn't kill their headlights or say anything, so I quickly put my stuff away and got in my truck, at which point, they took off. Had my lab with me, but all he would do is probably happily wag his tail and get all excited to see somebody. He's a Momma's boy.

Probably harmless, but not cool.

trail blazer
02-28-2013, 06:14 AM

So,,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,iv been preaching FLUKES for yrs now bro,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Finally got everybody going on ,m and everybody is SLAYING on them,,,,,,,,,,Been a blast hu!,,,,HERE IT COMES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Where,s the night time lure bud,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you know ,,,the ENHANCED one,,,,lol.

There has been a fluke it the mouth of every striper in almost 100 pics now,then BLAM,,,Lure gone in the 1st night pic.

Just kidding bro,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wouldnt want to get you in trouble:Rolls Eyes:lol

D/K,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,You are a true striper killa,,,,,,,,,,,,,I think we 1st met at that striperfest in line,,,,,,,since then you have done everything right to get on,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IM IMPRESSED!!!!!

AND you have open,d up some other lakes for US to try and thats the best part of the whole deal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,To me FNN=Sharing<giving and getting> of info to help othere catch fish ,To help create friendships



02-28-2013, 07:29 AM
Trail Blazer i have no idea what your talking about. LMAO