View Full Version : Fish Care

02-16-2013, 09:24 PM
I have been reading some articles and watching some videos lately. Apparently the rules are different for each type of fish. I had a basic idea of how to catch and release safely but when you catch you fish you are most likely forgetting about "fish care" and just happy you caught a fish.

From what i understand trout are the most delicate freshwater species. You are "suposed" to wet your hands and or net before handling them. If you don't plan on keeping the fish i assume putting your fingers under the gill plate is probably not a good idea. From what i understand the old "muddy fish" picture everyone has where a fish is covered in mud or sand etc. really messes them their slime coat. I am not to sure what the long term effects are....

I have no idea what these things CANT go through. I caught 5 or 10 bluegills and crappie and threw them in the back of my truck with the stringer and just for kicks i threw them in the bath tub, and sure enough almost all of them came alive. I was only about a ten minute car ride though. I usually grab the fish with my thumb on its spine and the rest of my fingers on its stomach. If they are big enought i will lip them, trying to keep them vertical.

Most guys will lip bass and striper and dont think twice about it. The most common mistake only happens with the bigger fish. If you lip them with one hand you should try to keep them as vertical as possible then support the rest of the body with my other hand. I heard if you lip a bigger fish wrong you could break its jaw, possibly not allowing it to eat. With smaller fish i don't really think its bad for the fish to hold the lip horizontal to show the fish better.

These things also live forever.....i dont know what these cant go through. I will either lip it with my left hand and support the tail with me right hand, or i will put my left hand behind the fins and grab the tail with my right hand.

Carp, and every thing else

I have no clue.....

What do you guys think, is it really that important???


02-17-2013, 11:23 AM
What do you guys think, is it really that important???

Not Bluegill in the tub part. lol
For releasing native trout it is good info.
Don't care much for Green Carp.
Video of some kid playing with bass at Eldo.


02-17-2013, 11:34 AM

02-17-2013, 10:46 PM
I've read that coca cola can stop the bleeding on a fish that's been hooked too deep

02-18-2013, 12:45 PM
Not Bluegill in the tub part. lol
For releasing native trout it is good info.
Don't care much for Green Carp.
Video of some kid playing with bass at Eldo.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8U-i_VtywUWow that video Rocks!!!All the mini top water lures that popped into my head LOL I have seen Bass jump strait into the air about 2 foot up trying to grab red dragon flys that were circling before,went on for a few days and it was about 100 deg outside.Its a private lake with abandoned home sites that were never built.They did build about twenty houses and there are huge bass in the two lakes. Security and tress pass signs were heavy last time I looked.You want to own a house on a private lake with huge bass that no one fishes?????PM me..

02-18-2013, 05:08 PM
It's true,once Bass get a taste for human flesh you can catch them with your finger. I don't know why but this lure works great for catching bass at city lakes in the Los Angeles area. We call them Zombie Bass!!!!

02-18-2013, 06:24 PM
It's true,once Bass get a taste for human flesh you can catch them with your finger. I don't know why but this lure works great for catching bass at city lakes in the Los Angeles area. We call them Zombie Bass!!!!

LOL!! That's the McArthur Park Special. Also works well at Secombe Lake.