View Full Version : DFG name change.

Hooked Up
02-13-2013, 04:39 PM
Glad I watched the news yesterday. I am behind in the times. I didn't know the California Department of Fish & Game changed their name to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife on the 1st of the year.:Embarrassed: The last time I logged on to their web site I didn't notice any changes? They still used the initials DFG not DFW.:LOL: And watch out! I hear they are packing big time now!:Wink:

Troutin Man
02-13-2013, 06:17 PM
Department of Fish Warriors!

02-13-2013, 09:09 PM
Glad I watched the news yesterday. I am behind in the times. I didn't know the California Department of Fish & Game changed their name to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife on the 1st of the year.:Embarrassed: The last time I logged on to their web site I didn't notice any changes? They still used the initials DFG not DFW.:LOL: And watch out! I hear they are packing big time now!:Wink:
Yup AR-15 with .308 rounds. So poachers watch out.:LOL:

02-13-2013, 09:34 PM
Yup AR-15 with .308 rounds. So poachers watch out.:LOL:
Actually they are AR-10's. Made by "POF" of Arizona. But yes, they fire .308 rounds.

02-13-2013, 09:37 PM
Actually they are AR-10's. Made by "POF" of Arizona. But yes, they fire .308 rounds.

I thought the LT. said it was AR-15 might of miss heard him.

02-13-2013, 09:59 PM
Actually they are AR-10's. Made by "POF" of Arizona. But yes, they fire .308 rounds.

I just listen to the interview again and he said it was a AR-15 platform.

Listen for yourself.

02-14-2013, 05:48 AM
When the DFW Lt is talking “AR15 platform” it is a common reference to the “STYLE” of the rifle. An AR15 is standard in .223/5.56 NATO a .22 Caliber bullet . The magazine well is not large enough to except the .308/7.62 NATO .30 Caliber bullet which is much longer. What the DFW is newly issued for field use is indeed an AR10 and not an AR15. A .223/5.56 bullet is not viable for big game shooting and in fact is not legal in many states for deer hunting as they consider it too small of a caliber. The .308/7.62 bullet will take down any game animal in North America. Visually there is no difference between the AR15 and the AR10 and only upon close examination will you find the difference in the magazine well dimensions and in the stronger buffer tube components. Attached is a photo with the .308/7.62 NATO round on the right and all of the .223/5.56NATO rounds on the left. The question begs which would you want to be carrying when faced with a large Bear? 39108

For info on the AR 10 look here. http://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/armalite-ar-10-gun-review/

Fish Dog
02-14-2013, 09:22 PM
DFW is the tree huggers' first step in banning hunting and eventually fishing in Commiefornia. They felt that "wildlife" was more warm and fuzzy then "game". Now the mission of DFW is to save the wildlife. They've already started and have been able to block a scheduled DFW coyote hunting clinic up north. This while the state is looking high and low for any money they can get and they waste at least $300,000 (likely more) to make the name change.

02-15-2013, 07:08 AM
This all about the new .308 AR platform rifle for the DFW.


02-15-2013, 11:02 PM
DFW is the tree huggers' first step in banning hunting and eventually fishing in Commiefornia. They felt that "wildlife" was more warm and fuzzy then "game". Now the mission of DFW is to save the wildlife. They've already started and have been able to block a scheduled DFW coyote hunting clinic up north. This while the state is looking high and low for any money they can get and they waste at least $300,000 (likely more) to make the name change.
You are a clueless moron. The name change was due to a bill, that was sponsored by some lame assemblyman. The DFW opposed the change saying it was unnecessary and a waste of money, but the governor signed it anyway. Fish and Wildlife had nothing to do with it. The coyote hunting clinic was in conjunction with DFW and hunter ed instructors. DFW never canceled it. As a matter of fact, genius, there is a predator hunting clinic tomorrow (Saturday) at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area. The SJWA is DFW owned. Get your facts straight, you stupid clown.

Fish Dog
02-17-2013, 03:55 AM
You are a clueless moron. The name change was due to a bill, that was sponsored by some lame assemblyman. The DFW opposed the change saying it was unnecessary and a waste of money, but the governor signed it anyway. Fish and Wildlife had nothing to do with it. The coyote hunting clinic was in conjunction with DFW and hunter ed instructors. DFW never canceled it. As a matter of fact, genius, there is a predator hunting clinic tomorrow (Saturday) at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area. The SJWA is DFW owned. Get your facts straight, you stupid clown.

Before you start calling names how about you get your facts stright?


Now, after you apologize for that one please show me where I said the name change was DFW's idea? I know it was a bill by some lame assemblyman. Why do you think he introduced this bill to waste all that money at a time like this when they're looking for money under every rock? It's because the tree hungers got this assemblyman to do it to make DFW's name more warm and fuzzy. And, I know about SJ's clinic. If I wasn't working right now I'd probably be going. And, BTW here some more info on that one...


I'll be awaiting a public apology if you have any integrity.

Fish Dog
02-17-2013, 10:10 PM
I'll be awaiting a public apology if you have any integrity.

Well...its been about 17 1/2 hours and a PM pointing out that you might want to check the thread and no response.

I guess we know what kind of integrity you have RTG. And I didn't have to resort to calling you any derogatory names either.

Have a nice day. BTW - just wondering if its the policy of the mods here to allow unwarranted personal attacks in threads here?

02-18-2013, 08:00 AM
You are a idiot. You're idiotic post about DFW deserved to responded to in the manner it was. "Commifornia". WTF?
DFW's mission hasn't changed to just "save" wildlife. You got exactly what you deserved.

As far as integrity...look in the mirror. You posted to get a reaction. You got one.

02-18-2013, 08:25 AM
There is a subtle transition and I believe that the political powers that be are trying to alter the direction of the DFG/DFW. But the post was missleading in some ways, I think the message that I took out of it was accurate just not articulated the best.

The mission has not changed completely, YET, but there is an on going attempt to change the mission, I believe.

02-18-2013, 09:43 AM
There is a subtle transition and I believe that the political powers that be are trying to alter the direction of the DFG/DFW. But the post was missleading in some ways, I think the message that I took out of it was accurate just not articulated the best.

The mission has not changed completely, YET, but there is an on going attempt to change the mission, I believe.

Yup, it's called political correctness. And as far as his "commiefornia" tag, sounds like he's an angry taxpayer who sees the one party progressive socialist political system which is currently California as a threat to his financial well being and perhaps his personal liberties as well, and rightfully so. But with that being said, many of our finest in DFW don't agree with those lame policies either. A good example is ICE and it's disagreement with the Feds policies regarding border enforcement, or lack there of. Dittos for our Sheriff concerning our second amendment rights whom I commend for publicly stating his opposition to gun control that would clearly violate said rights. And I don't blame many of them for being a little defensive since many folks don't realize that a lot these LEO's don't agree with current government policies either but cannot publicly state their opinions for fear of reprisal by their employer, or the party that administers them. Lol, I hope I said that without offending anybody...

AB 2402 Assembly Bill-Bill Analysis


Fish Dog
02-18-2013, 09:51 AM
There is a subtle transition and I believe that the political powers that be are trying to alter the direction of the DFG/DFW. But the post was missleading in some ways, I think the message that I took out of it was accurate just not articulated the best.

The mission has not changed completely, YET, but there is an on going attempt to change the mission, I believe.

Yeah, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Its just one of many "baby steps" towards the complete elimination of hunting and fishing in California (since my nick-name Commiefornia seems to have offended some). Think about it. Even if you're not a hunter, do you like all the new MLPA's where you can't fish now? They voted out mountain lion hunting several years ago. They just not too long ago eliminated hunting bears and bobcats with dogs. What's next?

What should be next if anyone had some sense (and some huevos) would be a state constitutional amendment stating that fish and wildlife (since "game" isn't in the name anymore) management should be the exclusive preview of the DFW and done via scientific study and it should be illegal to do any fish or wildlife management via the ballot box or legislature. But will that ever happen...no...the lefties up in Sacramento would loose a bit of control over the people and we can't have that, can we? I guess if they're going to vote in changes in DFW laws they can save a lot of money by getting rid of all the DFW biologists because what's the point of them if they're going to manage fish and wildlife by voting on it?

Main point is I was accused of not knowing what I was talking about regarding the closing down of a DFW sponsored coyote hunting clinic and I provided proof that that did happen.

The antis are chipping away at our rights...one little thing at a time. Stick your head in the sand and deny it and when you finally decide to look around it may be too late. Given the liberal bias in this state it may already be too late.

02-18-2013, 02:49 PM
Yeah, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Its just one of many "baby steps" towards the complete elimination of hunting and fishing in California (since my nick-name Commiefornia seems to have offended some). Think about it. Even if you're not a hunter, do you like all the new MLPA's where you can't fish now? They voted out mountain lion hunting several years ago. They just not too long ago eliminated hunting bears and bobcats with dogs. What's next?

What should be next if anyone had some sense (and some huevos) would be a state constitutional amendment stating that fish and wildlife (since "game" isn't in the name anymore) management should be the exclusive preview of the DFW and done via scientific study and it should be illegal to do any fish or wildlife management via the ballot box or legislature. But will that ever happen...no...the lefties up in Sacramento would loose a bit of control over the people and we can't have that, can we? I guess if they're going to vote in changes in DFW laws they can save a lot of money by getting rid of all the DFW biologists because what's the point of them if they're going to manage fish and wildlife by voting on it?

Main point is I was accused of not knowing what I was talking about regarding the closing down of a DFW sponsored coyote hunting clinic and I provided proof that that did happen.

The antis are chipping away at our rights...one little thing at a time. Stick your head in the sand and deny it and when you finally decide to look around it may be too late. Given the liberal bias in this state it may already be too late.

Well said!!!! Did anyone ever consider fighting fire with fire. Fishing by even the layman standards is judged pretty harmless, why not use that attitude against the tree huggers. Use the ballot measure to repeal the MLPA, they would never see that one comming!!!!

02-18-2013, 09:47 PM
Well...its been about 17 1/2 hours and a PM pointing out that you might want to check the thread and no response.

I guess we know what kind of integrity you have RTG. And I didn't have to resort to calling you any derogatory names either.

Have a nice day. BTW - just wondering if its the policy of the mods here to allow unwarranted personal attacks in threads here?
You will get no apology from me. You cited an article by a known DFW basher, Tom Stienstra. That was his opinion. It's too bad the class was canceled, due to the HSUS reserving the seats, and outnumbering the hunters that wanted to attend. Did you see where DFW Lt. Lehman was asking hunters to show up to the SJWA class, so they would have a strong showing in response to the threat of the HSUS presence? The SJWA class was held with zero problems.
DFW can complain all they want to these stupid assembly bills, but when the governor signs them that's just too bad. There's nothing they can do at that point.
So sorry if I didn't get back to you quick enough. I was a little busy with the Chris Dorner incident at Seven Oaks. Have a nice day.

02-18-2013, 10:04 PM
There is a subtle transition and I believe that the political powers that be are trying to alter the direction of the DFG/DFW. But the post was missleading in some ways, I think the message that I took out of it was accurate just not articulated the best.

The mission has not changed completely, YET, but there is an on going attempt to change the mission, I believe.

Why don't you go to the Fred Hall Show in March and actually talk to people who work for DFW. Ask them if their job duties have changed. Ask them what they think of the recent bills that have been signed by the governor. Maybe then you'll have a better idea of their views. The DFW always managed California's resources, both game and non-game, before and after the name-change. Nothing new. It is an inconvenience and nothing more. There are only 13 states that use the word "game" in their name. All the bill's author and his supporters did was make things inconvenient...and waste money. That's all.

02-19-2013, 07:08 AM
Why don't you go to the Fred Hall Show in March and actually talk to people who work for DFW. Ask them if their job duties have changed. Ask them what they think of the recent bills that have been signed by the governor. Maybe then you'll have a better idea of their views. The DFW always managed California's resources, both game and non-game, before and after the name-change. Nothing new. It is an inconvenience and nothing more. There are only 13 states that use the word "game" in their name. All the bill's author and his supporters did was make things inconvenient...and waste money. That's all.

I in no way stated that the DFW personnel are behind the efforts, the political powers that be are for the most part not DFW employees they are the legislative wing of our state that as you stated are trying to pass "stupid assembly bills", nowhere did I or would I include the game wardens and most employees of the DFW. I do think some of the moneys that should be going to enforcement are being utilized more and more for environmentalist driven purposes but that is not the fault of the DFW, well not the fault of most employees of the DFW, I think maybe the infiltration of the DFW at the upper management level by some that want to alter the direction has possibly already occurred.

I will be at the Hall show, every year, I'll stop by the DFW booth as I normally do.