View Full Version : Southern Cal Rockfish Trip 09/04 w/pics

09-06-2007, 06:21 PM
Nice Bunch of Rockfish at PV

Hi there guys,

Tuesday 09/04

Went on a ½-day PM trip out of Pierpoint Landing. Fished the Southern Cal. Collin was the skipper, with Stan on deck, and in the galley. Fished our local waters, i.e. Palo Verde for Rockfish, Sculpin, and Bass. Had only 12 anglers. Love those lite loads ….. sorry Collin.

Note: Countdown: September 22nd will be the second FREE FISHING DAY this year for everyone in California. That’s 17 days away. It would be a great day to get a non-angler out on the water while saving a little cash ………. Especially a group or big family trip!

Target Fish: Rockfish, Sculpin, and Bass

Short Report-Tuesday 09/04

Our 12 anglers (5 newer or less experienced family and 1 tourist) caught 60 Rockfish (including: Sugar Bass, Chuckleheads, Sculpin, ………….and 1 Cabezon). Also …..lots of Starries, couple of perch, and Mackerel didn’t make the count! ha ha Grade of fish was nice on the Sugar Bass with averages pretty much like my fish. (see plastics section)

Bait Today

Hook and Chum Bait!

Finbait consisted of average sized (not the oft received pinheads) Anchovies for now (2-inches) and a few Sardnes in the mix. We also had a little Squid on board.

(Please widen your view to fit monitor if word-wrap looks off)


Last Call ……………..Winner

Big Mouth Fishy

Way to go on catching the jackpot fish! A Cabezon was the winner today. The near 3-lb fish was caught on bait ….. I think a Sardine!!

Long Report

The Days Fishing

Up the Line …………………………………………………………...Currents!


2 Rounds

First Stop

Second Stop

Round 1 Lots of Action. Most of the guys were fishing the ol’ dropper-loop setup. I fished my plastics with decent success. We must have been fishing around 110 feet or so. Lots of action on all the different bait we had on board. Check out the little Bee's. Those guys look small but their full battle ready sting is harsh .... if they are what I am thinking.

Third Stop

Round 2 Out a Little Deeper. Moved out to a little deeper water at 180 feet or so. We caught 50% of our ‘keepers’ at this stop. Yes, there is a difference between caught fish and keepers! Ha ha ha

Conditions: Water visibility was around 10~12 feet. Air temp stayed in the 75Ί~76Ί range during the afternoon cooling, with the breeze until …. hitting the beach. Stayed sunny. Warm all the way back. Please check out the graphics for additional weather and water conditions.


My Beauties of the Trip!

Fish & Anglers

Nice Fish ………… ..…Another Couple …… Biggest One!

Nice Bunch …………………………........... Excellent Anglers


Free Ride …………………………………. Stacked

Let Them Know

The photos above are just a sample of the fish and things of interest, at least to me, on this trip. Note: If you see a friend in the pictures, let them know they can copy the photo off the report. Directions: Click the right button with the ‘cursor’ on the picture, then click on ‘save picture as’, next choose where they wish to copy the picture, and lastly click ‘save’. Later, they can edit and print the picture at their leisure with a simple photo-editing program that comes with Microsoft Windows.

Tweeking Plastics #41

Plastics Removal ……………………Altered Section

Ok ……. So this isn’t exactly relating to altering a plastic or leadhead. It is still something that….. as an angler that fishes plastics ought to have at the ready … at the rail. The truth is …. The time when you would most need this item, this year, is almost past but what the heck …. You’ll soon have time to make one if you have the inclination.

Barracuda and Bonito have teeth … sharp, pointy teeth. When the cuda are on a real tear …. they tend to engulf a plastic so that they are hooked down at the back of their maws. So far in fact that you can’t reach them easily ….. and quickly to remove your swimbait intact.1 Intact is the operative word here as …….. in ones haste to remove the bait with needle-nose pliers (deckhands dikes even worse), we often mess up the plastics ourselves or the deckhand does it for us. Ouch !! *Of course you won’t have this problem if you don’t use line/leader in the 20lb-test and up range or …. a wire leader. (single strand, titanium wire)

Assuming you don’t just cut off the bait and retie. For deeply embedded plastics the usual option is to access the plastic thru the gill-plates. Needle-nose pliers often work but then there is the problem of removing the plastic from fish you do not wish to keep or are short. (usually on the tail end) I have a simple tool that I have made, to remove deeply embedded plastics, from a hacksaw blade. The metal is strong yet very thin, thus eliminating or worst case minimizing any contact with the gills if the fish was to be released. Of course this device is effective for lightly hooked plastics while accessing the bait through the maw. Fits nicely in the hip pocket!

Construction: No brainer

1) Cut down the blade to ?-inches.

2) Use another blade to cut a slot, just large enough for the hook wire to pass, to the hole used to mount the blade.

3) Wrap the area that’s going to serve as the handle. Caution: Just make sure you don’t get arrested for possession of a ‘slimjim’.

How to Use

1) Don’t laugh!!

2) With the cudas’ mouth open, hold the line taught and away from fishys teeth.

3) Unhook the plastic with your thingy.

4) Pull the plastic and hook-remover through fishys mouth. Why? Because it is possible that the hook will once again catch on the inside of the fishys’ mouth. And if you’re luck you won’t have to cut and re-tie.


My Fishys!
Outfits ……………………….... Carolina Rig

2 Fish & Setup ………………………………...................3 Fishys

Off the Bottom

We did what is pretty much the standard routine for SWRF. Love it! Knowing that my usual rigs (Texas and Carolina) works pretty well …. I just putted along catching larger fish with the 5~6-inch FT and BH swimbaits. As the current was pretty normal, I used less weight and only a 2oz sliding egg sinker was needed to get in the strike zone. The usual routine … go to the bottom …. Then keep lifting and reeling until you begin to get hits on ‘larger’ fish. Bigger baits eliminated hookups with the dinks most of the time.

Traded off colors from Red to Purple to Dark Metalflake Green.




Good Number

Calico Bass
None legal- shorts!

Sand Bass
None legal- shorts

Tuesday Out There

Lunar ……………………………………………...Wind Direction and Speed!

Tides ……………………………………………………………….............Water Temperature!

UV Alert!

Heading Back!

Tuesday’s Conditions

Fishing Grounds Had only one moo-moo and fishing PBers sighted were two maybe three. Water had a pretty good chop and lots of wind ……… a bit more than expected for an afternoon run this time of year!! Could we be in for an early Fall.

Wild Creatures Saw a few Sealions. Had some Terns, Pelicans, and Seagulls hanging around waiting for dinner.



DFG Topics

Big Dog ……………………………………………………………............ Pup

Some Machine(s)

Dang ….. this is some nice equipment. Looks like she’s 50-cal and 3-inch canon-ready !! Never can tell when one has to lay down suppressing fire before boarding a moo-moo …. and checking for short Sculpin! Saw these vessels while fueling up the Victory.

Another Aside: Moo-moos

Mooooooo ……………………………………………………................…South Coast #2!

[font color=”blue”]Moo-moo Load Averages
Guys are often asking me what days are lighter during the week. I’m in the process of making a chart to reference the weekly load % averages for our sportfishing landings’ ½-day (am/pm), Ύ-day, and twilight boat runs. Charts will not have the name of the landing or boats represented but simply indicate which of the 3 areas main geographical areas locally were chosen for the survey. (SMB/L.B.-S.P./South Coast)

I’ll first choose one landing from each area for the first 3 weeks then rotate the areas ….eventually having done all the landings. I figure these numbers will be a good representation of the Summer Late Summer season.

Last Aside:

Removing Plastics Let’s face it, on a ½ or Ύ-day moo-moo …. removing the hook, jig. or plastic is often the anglers job …. If the deck sees they’re competent and want to do it ….. especially during a hot bite. But ….. sorry deckies …. the fact is you guys sometimes mess up a plastic on removal. I do it myself so it’s not like I don’t understand. Still …………… Matter of fact:

1) Many deckhands don’t fish plastics enough to be practiced at getting them unhooked unscathed from Barracuda and Bonito. Sure … there’s a little damage already sometimes. Look how many otherwise able deckies haven’t ‘got-it’ on how to remove a circle-hook in one clean ‘twist, leverage, and pull’ movement. I can !! Things are changing.

2) On a hot bite, deckhands can’t spend the time often necessary to take a deeply embedded bait out without further damage! No harm, no foul.

3) I’m sure that guys using leaders just exacerbates the problem for the deckhand as the angler doesn’t want the deckie to do the most expedient thing! What’s that ….. put a couple of wraps of line on the hand, hold the fishys head up a little, and give the line, at about where the mouth is, a swift side-kick. OK …. go tie on another #4 baithook.

Solution: Show the deck you know how to remove the hook quicker than him or her with 0 further damage and hand fishy to them if they are bagging fish.

Conclusion: Some …. I said some decks don’t think much of the $1~$4 plastic combos and don’t concern themselves if the plastic gets ruined from inept removal. Besides …. We, the angler, let the bait get swallowed that deep .. right? Riggggghhhhtttt !

The Boat

The SoCal

Stern Numbers


Collin ………………....Deck- Stan …………....Ed

Back Home

Great Day

Had a great day myself. Caught a bunch of fish … the way I wanted and shared with those on the boat. For me, good fishing has been the rule for this boat. Love plastics fishing for the Fishys. Collin and Stan were on deck making it a trouble-free and productive trip for the whole boat. Thanks guys!


09-06-2007, 06:56 PM
good job on the fish. i always like reading your posts.

09-06-2007, 06:58 PM
Thanks, Ron. Damn, that must have been tough fishing for rock fish in 180 feet of water with a plastic. I know i would have gotten skunked. Thanks for all the info.

09-10-2007, 07:43 PM
Sweeeet report and good job on the plastics. That is one area I really wish to improve on! (hint, hint) :D

09-10-2007, 10:58 PM
Daayam~! JapanRon you have thee greatest reports on FNN. :shock: It's like watching a fishing TV show. :shock: Thanks for the report and pics!!!!!! Awesome! :D

09-11-2007, 05:57 PM
Man Ron, ur making me jealous

I can't wait to retire and fish all the time :D

great report