View Full Version : Overnighter on the Condor (Fisherman's Landing)

LA Smoker
09-06-2007, 11:45 AM
I went out on the Condor out of Fisherman's Landing (I know I was supposed to go on the New Lo Ann of Point Loma but I'll get to that later) on Saturday, 9/1.

I got to the landing around 7:30 and tried to find a parking spot. (Now I know why people say I should go there with someone... parking sucks!). I waited in the lot for a few mintues, drove around the neighborhood and couldnt find parking so I went back to the parking lot and waited with about 15 other cars waiting for a boat to get in. They started announcing the boat was boarding which was around 8:30 p. (Scheduled to leave @ 10:00 p) I asked the woman at the ticket office what I should do, after I purchased my ticket with cash and she said just wait, there was a boat coming back any minute now. Well 9:00p came around and I started to get a little nervous so I went back and the Capt was in the office and he told me to park on the street because I wasnt going to find parking in the Lot (thx for nothing lady :roll: ) He told me to hurry because they were leaving soon. I jam out of the lot and find parking on my second time around. I grab my gear and buck it back to the dock only to see the New Lo Ann slowly take off. :evil: I go back to the Ticket Office and it's the big girl with the bad parking advice sitting around. I told her my situation and she rolls her eyes at me and says "I made plenty of announcements" I wanted to slap her with a 3 day old sardine. :finger: She asked if I wanted her to call the boat back and I said no (I already put a hex on myself dont want to ruin for everyone else) so I asked her if there were any other boats going out tonight. She called Fishermans Landing next door and got me on the Condor.

I checked the reports for the Condor earlier in the week and knew they were having a slow week, but I just wanted to get out there and catch tuna so I gave in. Condor was sceduled to leave @ 10:00p but ended up leaving around 10:45, how ironic, huh? Anyway, we get on the condor and it's a nice big boat. We had the pow wow in the galley and I just went to bed afterwards. Woke up around 6:00 a to the smell of delicious bacon. Mmmmmmm.... Tried to eat but couldnt eat much (didnt go down too well but atleast it didnt come back up!) Then we got our first bite around 10:00am on the troll.

For those of you that have never been tuna fishing, I highly recommend you try it. The energy the boat gives off is unreal. As soon as someone yells hookup the whole boat goes completely nuts. Everyone running around grabbing their setup and their bait and running to the rail to be the first one in. I fell in love.... Please meet my new girlfriend, tuna fishing. Well we fished and fished all day but it was pretty slow. We had 4 stops one of which was a HUGE boil. It looked like a school of dolphins splashing around. But as we slowed the engine down they were gone before we knew it. Out of 28 anglers, we landed 8 albacore. The Albies were very finicky that day and apparently have been that way all week. I got the big skunk and so did 21 other people but I had a great time. I plan on going back but I dont think I'll have as good of a time if I skunk again. I'll bite off a sardine head if I have to. Fishing was slow but I have to give it to the Capt and the crew of the Condor, they worked hard to put us on fish. The Capt even stopped on the way back because he spotted a boil (we were already late as it was). I played poker and won 3 out of 4 games (which is a rarity for me... I never win @ poker, just poke her :lol: ) and I gave it all to the deckies. Skunked but had a great time nonetheless. BTW, I think I'm going to have my girl wear deck boots to bed instead of heels from now on.

http://bluehuntercatfishing.com/images/tmp2/rsz_IMG00079.jpg By the way thats not my girl. If she was she'd be fishing in a bikini, not a white dress.

09-06-2007, 12:50 PM
Nice report, but wish you had some more pics!!

Parking: parking, will and always will, suck at those landings. (Partly the reason I prefer Seaforth) You just got to plan for it, and have secondary parking spots in mind. Always helps to bring a buddy too. I am a little surprised though that you couldn't find a spot behind the hotel though....I would think tourists going tuna fishing has tapered off a little by now.

As for overnight SD based boats leaving late: it's been my experience that at the height of the summer season, it really doesn't matter much whether your boat left at 8pm or 11pm. Go ask the captains, they will tell you the same thing.

The reasons are simple. First, the boats stack up at the bait receiver anyway. Second, chances are at the height of the season (on an overnighter)you are all starting off at the 425 Tuna Grounds, which usually doesn't take 9+ hours to get there (weather permitting).... The captains usually adjust their fuel consumption accordingly to ensure they get there with sufficient time to start their search patterns, and talk with their code groups.

On the other hand, if you've signed up for the early season "exploratory" trip or a 3/4 day trip.....then I would complain about departure times!!

09-06-2007, 02:44 PM
How much did the trip cost Bob? And how did the New LoAn do on their trip? Are you coming to Davey's this Saturday for our 3/4 trip?

09-06-2007, 02:50 PM
BOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 sorry to hear about the skunk. but glad you got out there for the trip. i have never been on a tuna boat. but i really want to go i guess nesxt year i think i missed the hot week. hope to see you sat. i think ron (black spartan ) is going.

LA Smoker
09-06-2007, 03:41 PM
I dropped $225 on the trip for the overnighter. The new Lo-An had 27 anglers and landed 14 albies. :x Yeah I'll porbably be able to make it this saturday, I'll call you right now since it's really slow in the office today.

Dude Slater, if you really want to go, the Freedom out of 22nd street is running a 1.5 day through Sept & Oct for only $190. They're going to Sea of Cortez. I'm going to go 9/15. Cheaper than SD boats and saves you a drive down there. I've also only heard great things about the Freedom so I'm sure it'll be a good trip. Hell if it's wide open next weekend I'll go again! And then a 2 or 3 day to finish off the season (probably in October). I just wish I had jumped on it a little earlier in the year. But I hear August & September is supposed to be the best time to go. I'll bring my spinning setup this weekend... it's no moses rod by any means though. :roll:

09-06-2007, 03:45 PM
Dude Slater will you stop calling him BLACK SPARTAN?!?! it's just RON. Ron Terentino.

09-06-2007, 04:46 PM
I went on the trip right after you on the condor...went to butterfly banks and caught a few albacore. Boat total was about 30...

one dude with 20lbs test caught about 3 by himself....so if the fish is finicky, go to lighter lines and use flouro...

LA Smoker
09-06-2007, 04:55 PM
I went on the trip right after you on the condor...went to butterfly banks and caught a few albacore. Boat total was about 30...

one dude with 20lbs test caught about 3 by himself....so if the fish is finicky, go to lighter lines and use flouro...

Yeah, I saw the count. :x I was so bummed about skunking that I was thinking about staying and going back out but a bunch of guys told me not to because it would probably be the same conditions and that it'd be a waste of money. Aaargh. :smack: I gotta say though, that deckie Alex is a really nice guy. The whole crew was great. They all thanked me profusely for giving them all my pot money... from POKER. We also had this DFG officer (Brian???) on board with us so I got a lot of really good info/coversation out of him.

09-07-2007, 01:37 PM
Damn Bob, sorry to hear about your fishing trip. I guess the tunas didnt know it was your birthday. If they did, they might have came out to play with you.

Hope you had a good birthday.

Your gonna come hang out with us on saturday, right?

09-07-2007, 07:48 PM
BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh this is ron by the way aka blackspartan69 k!