View Full Version : Glen Helen Jan 30 It's Official

01-30-2013, 06:43 PM
It is now official. There are no fish in Glen Helen. At least in the small lake. There were two fish in there at one point today. Of that I am sure because I saw the cormorants eat two fish, but of course they are now gone, and that leaves none. There are no fish in that lake. The say they will put more in tomorrow, but that is to be seen. As for me, I give up fishing...period. For all the fish I caught today I might as well have stayed home and fished in my bathtub. The end.

01-30-2013, 08:33 PM
It is now official. There are no fish in Glen Helen. At least in the small lake. There were two fish in there at one point today. Of that I am sure because I saw the cormorants eat two fish, but of course they are now gone, and that leaves none. There are no fish in that lake. The say they will put more in tomorrow, but that is to be seen. As for me, I give up fishing...period. For all the fish I caught today I might as well have stayed home and fished in my bathtub. The end.

i feel your pain!!! i went there last week on the day they stocked and couldnt get a bite!!!! theres something about that place.....

old pudd fisher
01-30-2013, 08:33 PM
NO NO !!! Jon it's ok , hell with the trout for this winter. Spring is near and the hard fightin panfish will be hungry again, they fight harder then trout anyway and more of them to catch. Hope to see ya out there when the water warms up.

02-01-2013, 03:52 PM
NO NO !!! Jon it's ok , hell with the trout for this winter. Spring is near and the hard fightin panfish will be hungry again, they fight harder then trout anyway and more of them to catch. Hope to see ya out there when the water warms up.

Thanks for the encouragement, Ted. I felt like I could have dragged a siene across the bed of that lake with no better results, but in hindsight I am sure it was just not a good day for the bite...or the angler apparently.

The Fishing Queen
02-02-2013, 09:25 PM
Sorry to hear about your bad fishing day! Winter fishing is tough, I went to the ocean, river and lake and skunked for two weeks (well I did catch a small lizard fish). Now fishing is picking up again, keep up your spirits and hope, Spring is on its way! Wish you better luck on your next trip.

Mr Bendo
02-06-2013, 09:32 PM
your fishing the wrong days John! come out with me and i"ll show you some tricks!

02-07-2013, 09:43 AM
your fishing the wrong days John! come out with me and i"ll show you some tricks!

I agree. I have been fishing the day before stocking figuring they put in so many fish it wouldn't matter. A little cocky on my part I admit. I read reports for the day after stocking the same week, and it was entirely different. I guess with your schedule you have to fish weekends, though.

Mr Bendo
02-07-2013, 05:47 PM
fridays works, as i am on 4-10s.

02-07-2013, 08:19 PM
I was there last Friday and killed it.

02-08-2013, 03:05 AM
I only fish that place in the summer and fall anymore. The catfish and gills are alot more cooperative there.Plus look at what you are paying to get in now. Go to Silverwood for trout, its not to far from there, about 15 minutes.

02-09-2013, 11:00 AM
I only fish that place in the summer and fall anymore. The catfish and gills are alot more cooperative there.Plus look at what you are paying to get in now. Go to Silverwood for trout, its not to far from there, about 15 minutes.

You catch trout from the bank at Silverwood?