View Full Version : Does your wife get angry cuz you fish too much?

01-30-2013, 04:14 PM
My wife says I'm addicted to fishing and she feels less important than fishing. Anyone else have these women issues.

01-30-2013, 04:44 PM
X2 but she's getting better. All about compromise. Get a little, give a little.

01-30-2013, 04:45 PM
Give her the D

01-30-2013, 05:15 PM
Yes all the damn time.
"If your wife ain't mad at you, then you ain't fishin enough"

01-30-2013, 05:36 PM
I invite her to go she says so then i beg her and she says that she doesnt wanna wake up that early on her day off and then she sends me out there by myself. winning :Envious:

Tube Killer
01-30-2013, 06:18 PM
WOW I was wondering when someone was going to address this issue. Yes they don't like it, They meaning all my past girlfriends and my wife.
Its funny my tubing friend Tim says his girlfriend just doesn't understand the fishing bum lifestyle. After years of you fishing twice a week they kind of breakdown or they come to an understanding of what it means to you, and won't hassle as much. Some bring their Girls with them I have often wondered if it is a good thing..... I don't know. I would be less than honest to say that I was not jealous when I see Wife's and Girlfriend's in Float Tubes hunting for the fish with their men.
Then again its short lived when I think of my wife nagging me to leave the hunt because she is over it for the day. If you are thinking that you might be able to fish more if you bring her...... My guess would be no.... don't forget what it is like fishing with kids.... You spend a great deal of the day tying lines for another..
Yes I sound selfish. I'll own up to that. I'm a Fisherman with a bad habit. Best of luck with it.

Tube Killer

01-30-2013, 06:36 PM
Nope,it's all about balance,in everything I do,if we at least try to keep everything within reason and balance things go pretty well.

Cya TunaVic

01-30-2013, 06:38 PM
Ya'll guys are need to man up.

Ask your girlfriends and wives if they do their own thing without you guys crying over attention?

Any woman that doesn't respect your hobbies and time needs to hit the curb.

Todays men with their pedi's and mani's and sensitivities??? :Rolls Eyes:

Find a good woman that respects you and not wants to control you!

Spoken from a divorced man who remarried and knew from the past experience exactly what a good woman is

Big Willy
01-30-2013, 06:40 PM
I had trouble with my wife in the early running. Maybe three charter boats on out Mexican honeymoon was one too many. It's been about 5 years and a few early morning arguments while fishing with her. Now, she can't wait for me to get out of the house. I was able to get her hooked on flyfishing for a few years. She got pretty good. She really loves traveling and seeing the beautiful rivers and hiking the streams around the country. Now she wants to spend time with our daughter and play in the park, dolls, shopping, ect. Seems I have became a bit less important around here since our daughter was born and I'm not complaining at all. She use to ride me pretty hard about fishing and drinking. Now I don't drink often because of our daughter and I fish all the time. Two winters ago when she was 4 months pregnant, I took her flyfishing in Steamboat during the winter. She loved it and caught some amazing fish. One even tried to give her the D. He spawned on her while I was taking a picture. I loved it, she was completely grossed out. Having a child some how increased my fishing time. Crazy! Here is a pic of wife getting spawned on.

old pudd fisher
01-30-2013, 06:41 PM
No not at all, we are both in our sixties and have been retired for years now. She likes it when I go fishing and likes me not being around for awhile, but she comes with me sometimes. When I was younger I fished a lot more and it did make her a bit angry. But now that we are both older things have changed.....Yeah thats how it is.

Big Willy
01-30-2013, 06:52 PM
sorry cant seem to upload picture for some reason. will work on it.

01-30-2013, 06:55 PM
Fyi its not a 'woman' thing.... It's a relationship issue. My EX-boyfriend gave me grief at first but we compromised ... Hence the ex part LOL. Haha jk... But really guys. Grab your balls and talk to your woman. She is probably upset over somethin besides the fishing .... Anyways, I'm rambling. Instead of talking to the boys on here, talk to your gal. ;)

01-30-2013, 07:05 PM
mine only gets mad when i dont invite her and want to go by myself lol so after i inviter her shes a happy camper and enjoys fishing with me

01-30-2013, 07:20 PM
But its a win for me either way. If she goes then thats two extra rods for me to fish with while she is on her phone, but then it also involves her saying she is cold and wants to go home. When I go byself I literally stay until I cant see anymore and I will bring a jacket and a sweatshirt.

01-30-2013, 07:27 PM
Never. As long as I put a roof over our heads, pay the bills, and fill the frig, she's totally cool. The fact that she grew up in a fishing family in Minnesota definitely helps. And until her back injury stopped her, she could out fish most on this board. So I get to go weekly, at a minimum...

01-30-2013, 07:41 PM
My wife of 47 years has her own hobbies and interests and I support them financially without any regret or complaint and she allows me to do the same with my hobbies and interests. And from time to time she will go fishing or shooting with me if it does not require getting up at O Dark Thirty or is an all day event. I might add that she can fish and rarely has the skunk and is also a fair shot but neither is high on her priority list but we both enjoy the outdoors.

01-30-2013, 08:00 PM
Love seeing positive posts! ;)

01-30-2013, 09:22 PM
In our 27 years my wife has never had a problem with me going fishing and when I wanted a new boat she said "get a nice one" 80% of the time she is right there on the casting deck with me.

Went out to DVL with me one day to forget about a crappy week at work, it was the end of the day and no fish. the ranger is on his boat telling everyone to get off the water and just then the bite turns on, I cast to close to shore get stuck in the rocks, snap off the lure. pick up second rod cast into the wind for a rats nest, but fish on! I reel it in on top of the nest. I am looking at my two rods wondering which one I can rig up the quickest to get in one more cast, the ranger turns into our cove with the siren on headed for our boat, the wife can see the sadness on my face, she hands me her rod and says get'm ;) with no shame I take the rod (a pink Pflueger reel) and cast out her rattle'n spot... Bingo! my biggest LMB to date.
She is the best catch I could ever ask for. (the wife, not the bass :Smile: )

Hunter Of Fish
01-31-2013, 12:52 AM
My wife sends me and the boy off fishing. She likes to have her "me time" and also likes to do the Mother Daughter thing!
She loves BBQ Fish so it all works out well for us.
Like Someone else mentioned , the secret to relationships and everything else is.......BALANCE !

01-31-2013, 01:42 AM
Hell no... When I leave it just means she gets her own alone time . Just remind her you could be out doing worse things

01-31-2013, 01:52 AM
When my wife was 9 months and 3 weeks prego with first kid she let me go fishing. She convinced me to buy my boat. Continues to support me going 2-3 times a month. Helps that my work schedule has me off mon and tues so I go when she's at work and kids are at school. If ya really want to know my secret though.........I buy her a Louis Vuitton every year. Fight a battle or fork over a few grand every year. I also set up spa days for her. Expensive not when you break it down. I sacrifice my alcohol every year ha ha. Balance does help as I work sat and sun is dedicated family day.

01-31-2013, 04:31 AM
Well said cb, mine is ok with what I do. she accepts the fact that I fish, alot.

01-31-2013, 09:47 PM
I have 2 kids under 2 and work two jobs so when I go fishing I understand her gripe. She gets pissed sometimes but I always sweet talk her and go on my way. Can't wait till the kids get older and I can teach them the art of fishing.

01-31-2013, 10:18 PM
What happened to the old fricken times where no one came on google to look at how to handle their relationship all these threads are bullshit go talk with your wife personally theres no one on here that knows your wife better than you so get up and talk with her the only thing youll get here is a pointless conversation that takes half ur day up.

02-01-2013, 12:13 AM
Quite the opposite...my girl is pissed that we can't fish on weekdays :LOL:


02-01-2013, 02:02 AM
My wife told me :{if you go fishin one more time im going to leave you},,,,,,,,,,man i'm sure going to miss her,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,,,,

02-02-2013, 06:45 AM
Ya'll guys are need to man up.

Ask your girlfriends and wives if they do their own thing without you guys crying over attention?

Any woman that doesn't respect your hobbies and time needs to hit the curb.

Todays men with their pedi's and mani's and sensitivities??? :Rolls Eyes:

Find a good woman that respects you and not wants to control you!

Keep them in a box too. :Smile:


02-04-2013, 10:45 AM
What happened to the old fricken times where no one came on google to look at how to handle their relationship all these threads are bullshit go talk with your wife personally theres no one on here that knows your wife better than you so get up and talk with her the only thing youll get here is a pointless conversation that takes half ur day up. angry much? Don't get your panties in a wad. You don't like the post skip over it....

02-04-2013, 10:45 AM
Quite the opposite...my girl is pissed that we can't fish on weekdays :LOL:

I'm with her, I would fish everyday if I could LOL

02-04-2013, 10:48 AM
[QUOTE=DockRat;653097]Keep them in a box too.

Just wrong LOL

02-04-2013, 11:22 AM
Thought I'm pretty passionate about fishing, to the point of designing my own blanks, getting them manufactured, and then crafting very unusual rods for performance, if my wife and fishing conflicts, I'll drop my fishing in a heart beat. Wife vs fishing - no contest in terms of priority. I did not get married or have kids for to fulfill my own needs. Thankfully she is supportive but I self regulate myself so that my hobbies are no threat to the top priorities in my life. I am grateful that in that context, my boys enjoy fishing very much and my wife will occasionally fish too. Just one voice among many in this common issue.


02-04-2013, 05:28 PM
For me the trick is to let her know that fishing isn't a way to "get away from her". I invite her to come with me all the time. She always says "No, you go and have a good time." I get home by 1:30 or so and make myself available for whatever chores or recreation she has in mind. This way it's not fishing vs wife.

02-04-2013, 05:42 PM
Half way dirty joke so don't read if easily offended.. {thats you Irvine guys}

Husband wakes up at 5 am and slaps his wife on the butt..

Says its either fishing or Fu$kin take your pick!!!

She says "bring some home for dinner"

02-05-2013, 05:41 PM
lol @ Irvine guys :ROFL:

if your wife doesn't get mad that just means one thing... when your fishing the milk man comes by :Wink:

Bassnman Mike
02-05-2013, 06:38 PM
I'm with Cut Bait, if your woman complains about you going fishing, she aint the right woman for you. In my wedding vows my wife said "I'll never complain about you going fishing" to which I replied, "I've got witnesses and have it on tape" Of course there is 1 day a year that she would prefer I dont go fishing, Christmas, but she says if I want to go then I can. Yes, I got a keeper.

BTW, her maiden name is Bass and she swears thats the only reason I started dating her.

02-05-2013, 08:13 PM
Half way dirty joke so don't read if easily offended.. {thats you Irvine guys}

Husband wakes up at 5 am and slaps his wife on the butt..

Says its either fishing or Fu$kin take your pick!!!

She says "bring some home for dinner"

Lmao that's a good one ! ;)

02-05-2013, 08:26 PM
I gotta say..... I see a lot of bashing go down in the forums, childish really, and was really expecting this one to go downhill real fast with a lot of woman bashing. Wish the exception of a couple, everyone kept it classy. Impressive ;) good to know there are still some men out there that have respect for women.

As a woman who is addicted to Fishin, I could still understand how there can be conflict if your partner doesn't like you out on the lake.... I put in time every Saturday and Sunday. If I'm dating someone and they want to go with, great, if not, catch em later. It's about comprising.... Maybe why I'm single LOL


02-05-2013, 08:28 PM
Bassman, seriously or just pulling our leg? That's hilarious. In your wedding vow??! :LOL::EyePop:


I'm with Cut Bait, if your woman complains about you going fishing, she aint the right woman for you. In my wedding vows my wife said "I'll never complain about you going fishing" to which I replied, "I've got witnesses and have it on tape" Of course there is 1 day a year that she would prefer I dont go fishing, Christmas, but she says if I want to go then I can. Yes, I got a keeper.

BTW, her maiden name is Bass and she swears thats the only reason I started dating her.

02-05-2013, 09:01 PM

Im not married but I've always liked this song.

02-05-2013, 11:07 PM
I would go fishing more if I wasn't married. No doubt there. But its all about not overdoing a good thing. I am 15 minutes from the lake and would go every day if I could get away with it.

02-07-2013, 09:32 AM
nah. she goes w me to fish. if the fishing is good, she will stay, if slow, she goes to the vehicle to crochet, and listen to books on tape. she does keep an eye on my progress and cheers me on when i catch fish. perhaps that is why we have remained married for 30+ yrs.

02-07-2013, 07:53 PM
In my uncles wedding vows, it is stated that he has to go to the opener and closer in the serrias each year with my other uncle (his brother).

02-07-2013, 08:36 PM
Give her the D

02-11-2013, 01:04 PM
This thread amuses me. Why? Because on my end it's the other way around - I'm the wife, and I love fishing! My husband isn't into it and has only been fishing with me twice in the last seven years. I was fishing long before I ever met him, too. *He* is the one who gets a little grumbly when I want to hit the water because it means that he has to (usually) pick our son up from school and put up with me sneaking out of bed at 3:30 am. :p On the two occasions I did take him he spent most of the time complaining about the cold. =p

02-12-2013, 11:14 AM
What happened to the old fricken times where no one came on google to look at how to handle their relationship all these threads are bullshit go talk with your wife personally theres no one on here that knows your wife better than you so get up and talk with her the only thing youll get here is a pointless conversation that takes half ur day up. LOL....Maybe that's all your going to get..Some of us actually like to communicate with others that share the same interests and stories.I had a gal(never married)That I taught to throw a baitcaster,she spent weeks just throwing a Rat trap for hours,birds nest the whole nine!!!When the day came to hit the secret stryper spot with small swimbaits ripped hard thru the water ,She caught her very first fish ever..12 lb line side..I was directing her which way to move and keeping two dogs out the way LOL Had to reach up and grab her by the jacket and pull her down about a three foot ledge into the mud when the fish made a good run!!Bout a 4-min fight! You could not wipe the smile off her face for days!!Hooked!!!!LOL She became a very good stick and when chasing LMB would always ask me what I'm throwing so as to throw the complete opposite and would often out fish me.Ha Ha..She would research tying all kind of Knots and stuff and had all her own gear too!!! We just couldn't share the same toilet after a while LOL and had to let some one else take over payments ... She in turn taught her new man how to Fish !!Classic!!!

Bassnman Mike
02-12-2013, 05:05 PM
Bassman, seriously or just pulling our leg? That's hilarious. In your wedding vow??! :LOL::EyePop:


Yep, true story, I've got it on video. The reason she said it was because I was very concerned about it because everyone was telling me that after we got married, my fishing time would decrease. I expressed these concerns with her and she kept reassuring me that it wouldnt happen, then she said it in her vows.

BTW, we have been married 10 years this coming May and she has held true to her statement and never once complained or stopped me when I wanted to go fishing.

Yes, I am a lucky man.

02-13-2013, 12:40 AM
Wifey would love to go fishing with me. Problem is, I always go during the week and she's at work. So I'm always fishing alone (no crowds either). :)

Nessie Hunter
02-13-2013, 10:23 AM
No she doesnt complain or get grumpy at me any more at all...
I think her new Husband secretly is glad I fish!!!!!!

02-13-2013, 12:39 PM
No she doesnt complain or get grumpy at me any more at all...
I think her new Husband secretly is glad I fish!!!!!!....BAHHHAA.....LOL If ever going Home early be sure to call first ..So there's no surprises..

03-01-2013, 09:13 AM
Nope, she comes everytime and catches too

Ray Lopez
03-03-2013, 12:59 PM
I gotta say..... I see a lot of bashing go down in the forums, childish really, and was really expecting this one to go downhill real fast with a lot of woman bashing. Wish the exception of a couple, everyone kept it classy. Impressive ;) good to know there are still some men out there that have respect for women.

As a woman who is addicted to Fishin, I could still understand how there can be conflict if your partner doesn't like you out on the lake.... I put in time every Saturday and Sunday. If I'm dating someone and they want to go with, great, if not, catch em later. It's about comprising.... Maybe why I'm single LOL


I hate country music but that song i play to every g/f i've had so they understand that fishing is my hobby and they know before they date me that it is also my addiction.

Just came upon this post and since my g/f is moving in with me next weekend i had "the talk" with her.

I told her "You know that i love to fish and i also love you. Since you are moving in with me now it will allow me to get out on the weekends again. As long as we have nothing else planned i might go fishing on those days. But if for some reason you want me to stay home and spend time with you than just tell me. Don't say i can go and than sit there and sulk and be pissed that i went. I go fishing at least once or twice a week so as long as you understand that than everything will be fine. Also if you ever want to go with me you're more than welcome to come along."

She sat there and gave me the stink eye for about 30 seconds.....then said "hahaha i already know this, plus the fact that you are so dedicated to fishing is sexy so it's not gonna bother me."

I think i'm gonna have to marry this woman lol